ENTO Test 1

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Prior to 1950, what were E's? After? What did entomologists at UGA and Velsicol make? What was formed before DDT was banned?

-"figures of fun", saw degree of badness -Goodbye, Mrs. Ant -Environmental protection agency

What number of insect have been named? What number of plants and animals have been named?

-1 millon -1.82 million

How many insect species are on earth? Who wrote The Theory of Island Biogeography? At what rate are we losing species? What food plants suffered from a loss of biodiversity in 1970?

-10-30 million -E.O. Wilson -1/day -Corn blight

What percent of species have incomplete metamorphosis? What are their stages of life? What percent of insect species undergo complete metamorphosis?

-13% -Egg, Nymph, Adult -87% -Egg, larva, pupa, adult

What are sperm counts as it relates to the 1950's? How much higher is testicular cancer?

-50% what they were -3 times more likely

What is DES? What were women at risk for if they took it?

-A synthetic estrogen -More likely to develop vaginal cancer

What is an issue with viruses? How did they remedy this issue?

-Acts too slowly, pest lives for several days after ingestion -Inserted gene for mite toxin into insect virus DNA(pest died quickly)

What is BT? In order for it to be effective, it must be? What do the toxins destroy? Is it slow acting? What is anthrax also?

-Bacillus Thuringiensis -Eaten -Insects stomach -No -Bacillus Bacterium

What did Florence Williams write? What was given to women for their morning sickness? What came about this drug?

-Breast- a natural and unnatural history -Thalidomide -It caused birth defects

What is aposematic? What animals have learned to adapt and what have not?

-Bright coloration that warns of chemical defense -Bird learned to avoid, spiders have not

Who created binomial nomenclature? Scientific name for the common house fly?

-Carolus Linnaeus -Musca domestica

What class are centipedes? What do the components of its class mean? How many legs per segment? Are the prey or predators?

-Chilopoda -Chilo=lip, Poda=foot -One pair legs per seg. -Predators

What is a important aminosugar polymer? What is it a main component of?

-Chitin -Insect cuticle

What class are lobsters, crabs, and shrimp? What do the components of its class mean? What class are spiders?

-Crustacea -Crust=hard, Acea=shell like -Arachnida(arachne)

What do prevents dehydration? Why do insect excrete uric acid?

-Cuticular lipids(limits water evaporation) -get ride of waste nitrogen(limits water loss)

Who studied ants and acacia? What kind of relationship did the ants and acacia have?

-Dan Jensen -Mutualistic relationship(ants protect tree, tree provides housing in thorns, sugar to eat, and eat beltian bodies)

What is a period of arrested development? What is it triggered by?

-Diapause -In the fall by short days

What are similar between humans and insects? What is insect blood called?

-Digestive enzymes -Hemolymph

What class are millipedes? What do the components of its class mean? How many legs per segment? What do they feed on?

-Diplopoda -Diplo=two, poda=feet -Two pair of legs per segment -Organic matter

What did David Pimentel study? How much is spent in USA applying pesticides? What percent of pesticides reach targeted pests?

-Economic entomology (cost of pesticides) -4 Million -0.1%

What order means short lived wings? What bug belongs to them?

-Ephemeroptera, mayflies

Do termites have complete or incomplete metamorphosis? What is the termite caste system? Do all termites have wings? What are termites most related to?

-Incomplete -Soldier, worker, king, queen -No, just reproductive ones (king and queen) -Cockroaches

Do mayflies have complete or incomplete metamorphosis? Where do they lay their eggs? How long do nymphs live? How long do adults live?

-Incomplete -in Water -1-3 years -1-2 days after mating

What class are insects? What does their name breakdown into? How many named species of insects are there? What is a special characteristic of them among other invertebrates?

-Insecta -In=into, sect=cut -1,000,000 -They are the only invertebrates that can fly

What does the order Isoptera break down to mean? What is their common name? Who has the largest colonies?

-Iso=equal, Ptera=wings -Termites -Termites

Where was there a major DDT spill in 1980? What did this cause the decline of? What were the effects on turtles?

-Lake Apopka -Number of alligators(75% of eggs are dead & 25% of males had small penises) -Many male turtles were intersex (male and female)

What did Victor Yannacone do? What year was silent spring published, when was EPA established, and when was DDT banned?

-Lawyer that led the charge on banning DDT -1962, 1970, 1972

What was Rachel Carsons training? When did she write Under the Sea and Silent Spring? Who was it dedicated to? When did she die of cancer? What award did she receive from who? Was it rare for women to get books published? What did she write the forward to?

-Marine Biology -1941 and 1962 -Dedicated to Albert Schweitzer -1964 -Medal of Freedom from J Carter -Yes, but she had 3 -Animal Machines

Where and what do mistletoe birds defecate?

-Mistletoe seeds on eucalyptus branches(they germinate)

Are most of our crops native? What are parasitoids? If the female wasp lays a fertilized egg, the larvae that hatches will be? Unfertilized?

-No -Insects whose larvae consume their host(parasitic wasp) -Female, Male (lays eggs on outside of caterp., they hatch and feed)

What order includes insects that have muscles attached to their wings? How many wings do they have and how do they beat? Which are smaller, damsel or dragon? How do damsel flies hold wings are rest? Dragon? What does male do with shovel penis? When was Charles Darwin born?

-Odonata(dragon and damsel) -Two pair that beat independently -Damsel -Straight back, out to the side -Scoop out sperm of previous males -1809

Who discovered DDT in 1938? What was DDT originally tested against?

-Paul Muller -Lice, which spread typhus

What chemical do bombardier Beatles produce? What kind of moths do Bolas spiders eat and how do they catch them?

-Quinones -Male moths, emit female moth pheromone and throw sticky ball at them

What is DDT's affect on bird eggs?

-Reduced calcium in bird eggs

What is mutualism? What is symbiosis?

-Relationships that benefits both species(ants and acai) -Intimate relationship between two species, often involving coevolution

List of insect pheromones? Where is one found?

-Sex -Alarm -Aggregation -Trail -Trail, Pen ink

Who estimated how many insects there were in the world by investigating what? Read the rest:

-Terry Erwin, beetles 3. Find 1200 Beetle species 4. 163 are host-specific 5. There are 50000 tropical trees 6. There are 8,000,000 beetles 7. Beetles are 40% of arthropods

Who wrote Our Stolen Future? What was it about?

-Theo Colborn -Danger of environmental estrogens

What do water measurers have? What has a long tail under its body?

-piercing or sucking mouthparts -Springtail

Most important insect vectored disease in the world? Kingdom, Phylum and Class for insects? What does arthro and poda stand for?

Malaria Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta -jointed, foot

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