Enviro science final:

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Which circumstances would a smarter power grid help resolve (Energy consumption)?

All of the above: low demand - high production, high demand - low production, & extreme heat - low wind.

Also called hard coal, ______ is the most desirable type of coal because it has a very high heat content and low sulfur content. Supplies of this type of coal are somewhat limited (Energy consumption).


What type of nuclear reactors are found in the United States (Energy consumption)?

boiling & pressurized water reactor

What type of relationship is commensalism (ecological interactions)?

both species involved benefit from the relationship

Have larger percentage of people in younger age groups


If a country has a large amount of children born, but most do not live past 5, the pyramids would be described as:


Organisms that make their own food are referred to as what?

consumer, photoautotroph, chemoautotroph, & producer.

Organisms that make their own food are referred to as what?Which of the following is a flammable gas, consisting largely of methane & other hydrocarbons, occuring naturally underground used as a fuel?

consumer, photoautotroph, chemoautotroph, & producer.

Heterotrophs are also called ____.


In developed countries, enviromental problems often stem from ____ (What is enviro science).

consumption crisis

Which of the following occurs when people use up, waste, or pollute natural resources faster than those resources can be renewed, replaced, or cleaned up (What is enviro science)?

consumption crisis

What is unrefined petroleum referred to (energy consumption)?

crude oil

Which of the following are producers?

daisy, oak tree, bacteria in a thermal vent, & lion

A fungi is classified as a

decomposer, autotroph, heterotroph, & producer.

Which of the following is not a goal of high yield crops?

decrease the number of crops made

the action of clearing a wide area of trees is known as:


Which of the following refers to a country going from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system?

demographic transition

___________ is is the rapidly increasing amount of formerly fertile land turning into desert


A ______ county is one that is less industrialized and whose citizens have lower average incomes (What is enviro science).


Population _____ is how individuals are spaced within a population.


Water used for cooling in the condenser must first go through this series of stainless steel mesh called _____ screens to filter out any debris that could impact the condenser's performance (Energy consumption).


Population ______ is the study of population sizes & the causes of these changes.


Which of the following are examples of potential energy?

eating, biomass, propane fuel, & food.

What are changes through time in the numbers and types of species that make up the community of an ecosystem (ecological interactions)?

ecological succession

Life on earth depends on the sun as the ultimate source of ____.


What is the ability to do work or bring about a change and exists in many forms, such as heat, light, chemical energy, and electrical energy (energy consumption)?


The study of how humans interact with the environment is called: (What is enviro science).

environmental science

An influx of some pollutants, such as fertilizer and pesticides, into bodies of water can lead to artificial ____.


Which of the following is a cause of algal blooms:


Which of the following is a cause of algal blooms?


Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion (ecological interactions)?

even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of two competing species.

Shows declining birth rates, since each succeeding age group is getting smaller & smaller


In the image above, the green line represents what kind of growth?

exponential growth

The irreversible disapperance of a population or a species is called which of the following (What is enviro science)?


Considering population pyramid, right hand side of pyramids is used to show

female population

What is an example of a nonpoint source pollution?

fertilizer runoff

Autotrophs make up the ____ level in all ecosystem.


Which of the following are nuclear reactions that produce energy (nuclear power webquest)?

fission & fusion.

Which of the following shows all of the feeding relationships with an ecosystem?

food web

Wotf shows all of the feeding relationshis w an ecosystem?

food web

Which of the following is a nonrenewable source of energy (Energy consumption)?

fossil fuels & nuclear

Organisms (typically amphibians or aquatic invertebrates) that are sensitive to pollution and can be used to assess the health of an ecosystem are called ___.

indicator species

Which of the following are the main sources of water pollution in developed countries?

industrial, municipal, & agricultural pollution

A significant amount of the limited freshwater resources in the world are contaminated by pollutants from which of the following?

industry, fossil fuels, natural disasters, & farming.

At a waterhole in the african savanna, herbivores and other vulnerable species need to wait until carnivores have drunk their fill and moved away; eventually they will be able to drink at the same waterhole. What kind of ecological behavior does this describe? (ecological interactions)

interspecific competition

The way an animal obtains food, survives, and avoids dangeor is known as what (ecological interactions)?

interspecific competition

Why do coal-burning power plants, nuclear power plants, and renewable resource use a turbine to produce energy (Energy consumption)?

it can convert many types of fuel into kinetic energy that can be used by generators

In a tide pool, 15 species of invertebrates were reduced to eight after one species was removed. The species removed was likely a(n): (ecological interactions)

keystone species

Which term is used to represent the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a liter of water one degree centigrade at sea level. In nutrition term, the world calorie is commonly used to refer to a unit of food energy (energy consumption)?


Which term is used to represent the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a liter of water one degree centigrade at seal level. In nutrition terms, the world calorie is commonly used to refer to a unit of foot energy (Energy consumption)?


Water that has percolated through a solid and leached out some of the constituents is called


K-strategist species exhibit all of the following characteristics except

little time spent by parents raising offspring

The _____ growth pattern that occurs when a population reaches carrying capacity.


Which would be true of a population that is decreasing in size?

low birth rate & high death rate

Which of the following are examples of organelles (ecological interactions)?

lysosome, chloroplast, mitochondria, & nucleus

In soil, the organic layer is made up of which of the following?

mainly plant litter

According to the figure above, which group of individuals is represented the most in the world?

males 0-4

Something that is antropogenic is said to be:

man made

__________________________ is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy in an object that is used to do work (Energy consumption).

mechanical energy

One element found to have a profound affect on the food chain through bioaccumulation is ___.


A logical approach to solving problems by observing and collecting data, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, and formulating theories that are supported by data is called the scientific ____ (What is enviro science).


Which of the following would not be considered an indicator species?

mountain lion

Which of the following is a flammable gas, consisting largely of methane & other hydrocarbons, occuring naturally underground used as a fuel (energy consumption)?

natural gas

Which of the following is not produced from petroleum (Energy consumption)?

natural gas

According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the same (ecological interactions):


The process by which species are driven into different niches by availability of resources is called _____ (ecological interactions).

niche partioning.

The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is which of the following?


Which cycles requires fixation by bacteria to convert gas from the atmosphere?


Occurs in hot exhaust gas from vehicles, power plants, or factories, are greenhouse gases, can contribute to acid rain

nitrogen oxides - #2

A _____ resource cannot be replaced once used up (What is enviro science).


Electricity generated through the use nuclear energy inside a nuclear reaction is called what (energy consumption)?

nuclear power

Which of the following are consumers?

oak tree, tiger, eagle, & fungus

Which of the following are examples of nonrenewable resources (What is enviro science)?

oil, diamonds, & natural gas.

Which of the following is an example of nonpoint source pollutant:

oil, grease, and toxic chemicals from urban runoff

When a population goes beyond its carrying capacity, which of the following occurs?


Air pollution is the introduction of everything except what?


Which of the following is an example of a secondary pollutant?


Which of the following is not a concern with indoor pollution?


How do scientists measure how acidic a body of water is?

pH scale

A tape worm in a humans intestinal tract is an example of what (ecological interactions)?


A dog and a tick are examples of which symbiotic relationship (ecological interactions)?


Which ecological interactions in which one organism lives in or off another (ecological interactions)?


Are solid particles, such as ash, dust, and fecal matter which are commonly formed from combustion of fossil fuels

particulate - #4

Most of the energy used in the United States comes from which energy source (Energy consumption)?


Plants use CO2 in the process of _____ to make sugars and ____.

photosynthesies, O2

One of the most efficient means by which energy from the sun can be used to generate electricity is by using _____ cells that convert sunlight directly to electricity (Energy consumption).


What are the organisms that first colonize a disturbed area called (ecological interactions)?

pioneer species

Which of the following was not a practice of the green revolution?

planting less crops

Which of the following is NOT a reason for soil erosion?

plating new trees

Some sources of ____ pollution are landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and septic systems.


Air,water, and land ____ occurs when harmful levels of chemicals or waste materials are introduced into the environment (What is enviro science).


What occurs when harmful levels of chemicals or waste materials are introduced into the environment (What is enviro science)?


A(n) ____ crisis occurs when human popualtions grow too quickly for the region to support (What is enviro science).


The number of individuals of the same species in a particular area is called what?

population density

Which of the following is not one of the three main categories of enviromental problems (What is enviro science)?

population density

In this stage, the living conditions are harsh, birth and death rates are high, and there is little increase in population size:


Which of the following is an ecological relationship in which one animal preys on another for food (ecological interactions)?


A major predator in a community is called a keystone predator and can maintain species diversity in a community if they: (ecological interactions)

prey on the community's dominant species

Wotf is a change in the numbers and types of species that live in a community that occurs in an area that has never been colonized (ecological interactions)?

primary sucession

Which of the following is a function of both the number of different species in the community and their relative abdudnaces (ecological interactions)?

species diversity

Wotf is the number of different species in a particular community (ecological interactions)?

species richness

Which of the following pieces of equipment is NOT found in the power plant section (nuclear power webquest)?

spent fuel pond

Which of the following are characteristics of a developed country?

stable economy, small ederly population, & small growth rate.

Country Z has a birth rate of 30 and a death rate of 7. In what stage of demographic transition is country in?

stage 2 - high growth.

What demographic transition state can developed countries be in?

stage 3 & 4

This country most likely is in which stage of the demographic transition model?

stage 4

Shows a somewhat equal proportion of the population in each age group.


Which of the following is not an example of a developed country (What is enviro science)?


Which cycles ore interconnected through the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

sulfer, carbon, & nitrogen.

Which cycles are interconnected through the process of photosynthesis & cellular respiration?

sulfer, oxygen, carbon, & nitrogen.

From when the substances are burning coal reaches the air, components of acid rain

sulfur oxides - #3

Photochemical smog is often referred to as what?

summer smog

Which of the following countries are considered 'developed?'

sweden, italy, & france

Smokers are at a particularly high risk at developing lung problems when exposed to this substance. This is an example of what type of relationship?

synergistic relationship

What is it called when an interaction between two or more agents, produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects:

synergistic relationship

Which of the following symbiotic relationships is considered parasitic (ecological interactions)?

tapeworm in an intestinal tract

Strip mining can lead to directly lead to changes in the all of the following except


What trends are predicted by the demographic transition theory?

trends in birth and death rates in relation to industrial development

Wotf is the term used to describe the hierarhcial levels in an eocystem?

trophic level

What is the term for each step in the transfer of energy and matter within a food web?

tropic level

Which of the following is used for nuclear power (nuclear power webquest)?


Which of the following are reasons for deforestation?

urbanization, conservation, farming, & ranching.

Mainly hydrocarbons, includes methane, dioxin, and chloroflurocarbons

votaile organic compounds - #5

Which of the following is a renewable resource (Energy consumption)?


Which of the following is a renewable resource (energy consumption)?


Place the following steps in order of how a nuclear power plant works.

1) uranium atoms split releasing energy so fuel becomes hot. This heats the water turning it into steam. 2) the steam turns the turbine. 3) the turbine turns a generator & electricity is produced. 4) the electricity goes to the transformers to produce the correct voltage.

Currently it is estimated that a farmer can produce enough food to feed ______ people.


The clean act now regulates how many pollutants


When was the accident at three mile island (nuclear power webquest)?


When was the chernobyl accident (nuclear power webquest)?


The law of conservation of energy is also known as

1st law of thermodynamics

A Ph of less than ______ is too acidic for a lake to support life.


Pure water has a pH of ____.


If there is 880 unit of energy in the first trophic level of a four level food chain, how much energy will be available in the third trophic level?


Currently developed nations use approximately _____ of the resources used every year even though they comprise only about ______ of the world's population (What is enviro science).

80%, 20%

The pH scale used to measure how acidic or basic something is ranges from 0- ____.


About what percent does nuclear energy contribute to the total net electricity generated in the US (nuclear power webquest)?


Put the following steps of nuclear power generation in the correct order (nuclear power webquest).

1) nuclear fission occurs releasing heat energy 2) highly pressurized water surronding reactor is superheated but does not boil 3) superheated water is piped through thousands of looped pipes heating and boiling water that surrounds these pipes. 4) steam turns turbines that rotate electromagnets inside of a coiled wire generated electricity.

Which of the populations below has the largest population density?

1 mile 20 rabbits

About how many commercial nuclear reactors are in the US (nuclear power webquest)?


There are 1053 people in a town. There is no net immigration or emigration. If 6 people die and 12 people are born in one month, what is the population size at the end of the month?


What agency helps to regulate the common areas in the US (What is enviro science)?


Identify the flow of energy after a photon hits a photovoltaic cell (PV cell) (Energy consumption).

Electron → metal conduction strip → power grid.

Which statement best describes the flow of energy as it passes through the organisms in the pyramid?

Energy flows through the organisms from bottom to top and decreases at each level.

Who made the phrase "tragedy of commons" become widely known in 1968 (What is enviro science)?


Where does the US government plan to store the radioactive waste from nuclear power plants (nuclear power webquest)?

Yucca mountain

What is a(n) cause of acid rain?

a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air.

What is the study of demographics?

a statistical analysis of human populations

Which of the following is not a type of land pollution?

acid rain

Which of the following is not an example of land pollution:

acid rain

Which of the following is not an example of land pollution?

acid rain

_____ results when large amounts of acidic water flows into rivers, lakes, or ponds as a result of snow or ice melting in warmer weather and can kill entire populations of fish.

acid shock

The diagram above is an example of which of the following?

age-structure diagram

the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.


Which of the following are examples of renewable resources (What is enviro science)?

air & water

The _____ (AQI) is used to calculate air quality daily using the five major air pollutants regulated by the clean air act (AA).

air quality index

Which of the following is an example of ecological succession? (ecological interactions)

all of them are correct: gradual change from a piooner species to climax community, secondary, & primary succession.

Species richness increases: (ecological interactions)

as community size decreases

Which of the following is the main nitrogen reservoir in the biosphere?


Which of the following is not a limiting factor for human populations?

availability of cars

A country in the third stage of the demographic transition will have what type of population growth:

begins to slow

Which of the following is a fuel derived directly from living matter (energy consumption)?


Which of the following describes the movement of nutrients in, out, & around an ecosystem?

biogeochemical cycle

Wotf describes the mvm of nutrients in, out, & around an ecosystem?

biogeochemical cycle

Which of the following are components of the formula for growth rate?

birth rate, death rate, immigration, & emigration

Which cycle passes through the food chain & returns to the atmsopehre by the respiration & decay of animals, plants, & other organisms?


Ocean occurs when excess ____ in the atmosphere causes the oceans to become acidic.

carbon dioxide

Which of the following are primary source pollutants:

carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, & nitrogen dioxide

Colorless, odorless gases, cab be toxic to both plants and animals, are greenhouse gases

carbon oxides - #1

Enviromental science can include which of the following disciplines (What is enviro science)?

chemistry, ethics, botany, & political science.

Where do most of the chemicals that cause acid rain come from?

cleaning products, cars, and factories

Where do most of the toxic air pollutants come from?

cleaning products, factories, & cars

The final stage of ecological succession is a... (ecological interactions)

climax communtiy

______ is a solid fuel that forms when plant materials are transformed over millions of years by heat and pressure (Energy consumption).


A clownfish lives in a sea anemone. The anemone is not hurt, but the clownfish can live in its safety. This is an example of what symbiotic relationship (ecological interactions)?


Organisms who are better-adapted to a habitat are more likely to survive and reproduce; thus increasing the proportion of those individuals in a population. This process is called natural selection. Over time natural selection can result into a population specializing to form a (ecological interactions):


Which of the following relationships identifies a situation in which two species share a requirement for a limited resource thus reducing the fitness of one or both species (ecological interactions)?


A principle of ecology stating that two different species cannot occupy the same niche in the same place for very long is as (ecological interactions).

competitive exclusion principle

Which species that modifies the environment so that it can support the other organisms that form the community (ecological interactions)?

foundation species

A device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen or another oxidizing agent is called what (Energy consumption)?

fuel cell

Which of the following can be harvested into a fuel (Energy consumption)?

gas & coal

Which of the following can be harvested into a fuel (energy consumption)?

gas & coal

Put the following steps of enviromental decision making in the correct order. (What is enviro science)

gather info, determine the relevant values, consider the consequences, & make a decision

The ____ converts the steam turbine's rotation into electricity by rotating a set of electromagnets connected to the turbines by a shaft w/in a series of wire coils (nuclear power webquest).


Which of the following is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmopshere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries (What is enviro science)?


An enviromental problem in which an action is one part of the world has an effect on the environment is another part of the world is called ___ (What is enviro science).

global enviro problem

A population with a high infant mortality rate usually indicates the following EXCEPT:

good quality of life

If reproduction pattern remain similar over the next 50 years, this population will likely do what?

gradually shrink

Which of the following organisms are autotrophs?

grass, bacteria in thermal vents, & mammals.

Water that is held in soil or the pores of rocks is called what?

ground water

Primary succession is ecological succession that begins in a place that ____. (ecological interactions)

has rock

________ fracturing is a method of natural gas extraction also known as "fracking". It is a technique that uses horizontal drilling techniques along with hydraulic fracturing technologies to gain access to natural gas trapped in shale formations (Energy consumption).


Fossil fuels are _____ that have been formed from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals and can be used as a source of energy (Energy consumption).


Evaporation is part of which cycle?


Nitrogen is used by organisms to build ____.


Which of the following disciplines is not part of enviromental science (What is enviro science)?


Sciences that are _____ seek to answer questions about how the natural work works (What is enviro science).


What are the two most common pollutants in our homes?

radon & asbestos

Which of the following is not a cause of land pollution?


What are things that can be done to prevent further land pollution?

recycle, reuse, & reduce.

How might an ecologist test whether a species is occupying its realized or its fundamental niche (ecological interactions)?

remove a competitor species to see if the species expands its range

Resources that are constantly being replaced are called (What is enviro science):


Population dispersion can follow which patterns?

scattered or clumped

The study of _____ looks at natural and physical processes using structured methods of observation and experimentation (What is enviro science).


____ ecological succession describes the gradual establishment of biotic communities on a ground surface that does not contain soil. (ecological interactions)


A pollutant that is the result of a chemical reaction is called what?

secondary pollutant

Which of the following is a change in the numbers and types of species that live in a community that occurs in an area that was previously colonized but has been disturbed (ecological interactions)?

secondary succession

Which of the following are examples of mechanical energy?

sitting, eating, running, & swimming.

The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles is called


Most energy enters an ecosystem from where


Which of the following is NOT a non renewable resource (energy consumption)?


Fertility is:

the number of live births in a given year.

Which of the following would most likely occur to the population within the community or organism immediately after a disease takes out the fish?

the zooplankton population would increase

_____ refers to the energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature (Energy consumption).

thermal energy

The study of energy & the work being done in systems such as an ecosystem is called ____.


Wotf refers to the study of energy transfers that occur in molecules or a collection of molecules?


Which of the following are examples of biomass that can be used for energy (Energy consumption)?

wood, yard waste, & human sewage.

Which of the following are heterotrophs?

worms, eagle, frog, & roses.

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