ENY 6706 quizzes 9-15

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When was myiasis first described?


How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga bullata to get to the very end of the third instar?


The "gold standard" for toxicological analysis is:

Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometery

How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga cooley to get to through the egg stage? (Note: Make sure to answer a numerical answer--if unable to calculate simply put 0)


What is the rule of thumb for decomposition rate of buried bodies vs. exposed bodies?

1 week in air = 8 weeks underground

How many degree days does it take for Cochliomyia macellaria to get to the very end of the first instar?


Using a threshold temperature of 400 F, if the low was 350 F and the high was 680 F how many degree days accumulated over 2 days?


How many degree days does it take for Phormia regina to get to the very end of the pupal stage?


How many degree days does it take for Phormia regina to get to the very end of the first instar?


A flyʼs lower threshold is 6 degrees. The low for the day was 25 degrees, and the high was 45. How many degree days accumulated?


Approximately how long should you leave a temperature unit at the scene after a body has been found?

3-7 days

You find 2nd instar Lucilia sericata maggots. How many degree days does it take for this species to get to the very beginning of the second instar (i.e. the very end of the first instar)?


How many degree hours does it take for Phormia regina to get to the very end of the prepupal stage?


What causes adipocere?

Bacterial enzymes convert unsaturated fats into saturated fats

How many seres did Megnin identify on an buried body?


Very young larvae first feed:

Between muscles and muscle fibers

Where do fly larvae feed during the fresh stage of decay?

Between the muscle fibers until the acid is broken down

What is the current species name for Paralucilia wheeleri according to Whitworth (2006)?

Compsomyips callipes

Benign dermal myiasis involves:

Confinement of larval activities to diseased and dead tissue

Which myiasis causing fly may die after its host dies?

Dermatobia hominis

How does a lethal dose of cocaine affect maggot development?

Development is accelerated

The seres identified by Megnin in buried bodies consist of which insects?

Diptera, Staphylinidae, root eating beetles

Where is the basal section of the stem vein?

Dorsal surface of the wing, near the base, close to the thorax

What is a simple way to tell Sarcophagidae from Calliphoridae?

Dorsum of abdomen is checkered dark and light in Sarcophagidae, while Calliphoridae have a metallic abdomen

When do ectoparasites leave a decaying body (when that body is on the ground)?

During algor mortis

When does putrefaction proper set in on a dead animal?

It begins with the onset of bloating

A furuncle is formed when:

Larvae penetrate the skin

Wrapping a body tends to favor:

Later insect seres

The genus Phaenicia is now known as what, according to Whitworth (2006)?


Which genus of fly would you choose to use for medical maggots?


How does morphine affect larval development?

Maggots are larger and the pupal period is longer

Larval ingestion of heroine shows symptoms most similar to ingestion of:


When you take soil samples, what are you looking for?

Pupae and maggots mainly, and any other insects you may find

What type of insect evidence is most prevalent at skeletonized bodies?

Pupal casings

What does TSP do for a preserved larvae?

Re-hydrates the tissues

When does the postmortem clock begin?

Right after death

What is the standard for the determination of human nuclear DNA profiles?

STR analysis

Which category of organism is most important for time of colonization estimation?

Sarcosaprophagous species

A cow belongs to which trophic level?

Secondary trophic level

Why do insects need to be quickly killed and preserved if gut content studies are necessary?

So the insect won't digest the evidence

I'd like to know if a blue-green fly is a muscid or a calliphorid. What character do I look at?

The meron

The largest maggots in a mass usually represent:

The oldest maggots

What happens when maggots are preserved in isopropyl alcohol?

The tissues turn black

When looking at immersed bodies, which purely saprophagous aquatic insect is most useful for our time of colonization estimations?

There are no purely saprophagous aquatic insects

You see a fresh body with small, first instar maggot masses in the mouth, eyes, and in the chest muscles. What do you know?

There was a wound in the chest

Why do we think that there is limited information on gut content in Sarcophagidae and Muscidae?

They are less important at the moment to forensics

What type of insects are attracted to dry decay?

Those that can feed on hair and dried skin

Which situation seems to most dramatically affect insect succession on bodies?

Tight, extensive wrapping

Why do you boil a maggot before you place it in ethanol?

To break down the waxy cuticle

Why do you need to note where maggot masses are found on the body?

To identify possible injury sites

What is a degree hour?

Total degrees of heat above lower threshold accumulated in 60 minutes

What is a degree day?

Total degrees of heat above lower threshold accumulated in one 24 hour period

What trophic level do Calliphoridae maggots fall into?


According to lecture, where are drugs NOT commonly found in Diptera?


You find a fly in the genus Cyanus. What is its species?


What is the best way to kill a mosquito you wish to use for gut content analysis?

in the freezer

STR stands for:

short tandem repeats

A body in water initially:


How do you preserve maggots at the scene?

Place them in hot water then in 80% ethyl alcohol

What genus of Calliphoridae is characterized by silky, crinkly, yellowish setae on the thorax?


Which substance may be used to "clear" a maggot?

Potassium hydroxide

What dietary necessity are myiasis producing flies attempting to obtain?


Dermal/subdermal myiasis involves:

Tissue destroying

A flyʼs lower threshold is 11 degrees. The high for the day was 15 degrees and the low was 5 degrees. How many degree days accumulated?


By convention, what is the lower threshold for warm weather fly species (green bottle flies, etc.)?

10 C

You find a body on very smooth terrain. Approximately how far do you expect the maggots to wander from the body?

100 ft

How many degree days does it take for Calliphora vomitoria to get to the very end of the third instar?


How many degree days does it take for Lucilia cuprina to get to the very end of the prepupal stage?


How many degree days does it take for Lucilia cuprina to get to the very end of the pupal stage?


How many degree days does it take for Lucilia sericata to get to the very end of the prepupal stage?


How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga cooley to get to the very end of the prepupal stage?(Note: Make sure to answer a numerical answer--if unable to calculate simply put 0)


A flyʼs lower threshold is 10 degrees. The average temperature for the day was 25 degrees. How many degree days accumulated?


You find a body in very rough terrain. Approximately how far away do you expect maggots to wander from that body?

15 ft

Calliphorid colonization of bodies buried a few feed under ground is delayed by approximately how long?

2 weeks or more

How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga cooley to get to the very end of the pupal stage? (Note: Make sure to answer a numerical answer--if unable to calculate simply put 0)


How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga bullata to go from just laid on a body to full adult?


In general, how long is insect colonization delayed in reptiles and amphibians?

4 days

Fannia will limit their burrowing to find a body to:

40 cm

Muscina stabulans finds bodies buried how deep?

40 cm

How many degree days does it take for Cochliomyia macellaria to get to the very end of the second instar?


How many degree hours does it take for Chrysomya megacephala to develop from egg to adult?


How many dead, preserved maggots should be collected from a body?


How many degree hours does it take for Phormia regina to get to the very end of the pupal stage?


By convention, the lower developmental threshold for cold weather or winter flies is:

6 C

You find prepupal Phormia regina maggots. How many degree days are necessary to get to the end of this stage?


How many degree days does it take for Sarcophaga cooley to get to the very end of the third instar?


How many degree days does it take for Calliphora vomitoria to get to the very end of the second instar?


How many seres did Megnin identify on an exposed body?


What is molecular biology?

A branch of biology that deals with the molecular basis of biological activities

Who is in charge of the crime scene (generally)?

A detective

An insect that has a life cycle that involves being a parasite during the larval stage but is free living during the adult stage is called:

A parasitoid

You find an insect with an upper thermal limit of 60 C and a lower thermal limit of 24 C. Where did it most likely evolve?

A very warm or tropical area with high temperatures

That dragonfly that I found in the car at a crime scene...which ecological category does it fall into?

Accidental species

Predatory maggots are more abundant at which stage of decay?

Active decay

Medical and veterinary practitioners tend to classify myiasis by:

Anatomical location of infestation

Where is the proepisternal depression?

Anterior of the anterior spiracle

Sanguinivorous myiasis involves:

Blood sucking

What is the "rule of thumb" for identifying Phormia regina? (Note: in the lecture I didn't call this a "rule of thumb." Instead I gave you the major characteristics for this fly, and said it's really easy to identify using the major characteristics. That's what I'm looking for, here).

Blue green fly, hair on the stem vein, and orange prothoracic spiracle

Where should temperature be taken at the scene?

Body temp, maggot mass temp, under body temp, ambient temp, and ambient temp several days after

What decompositional stage is characterized by a "cheesy" smell?

Butyric fermentation

Which family of insect is most studied when it comes to gut contents?


Which of these has a strong row of setae on the meron?


Cochliomyia hominivorax was known as what species by Hall (1948)?

Callitroga americana

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes what color livor mortis?

Cherry red

Erect setae on the greater ampulla is characteristic of what genus?


Cochliomyia macellaria falls into what subfamily?


An example of a species that exhibits primary facultative myiasis is:

Cochliomyia hominivorax

What flies do you expect to find a body buried 6 feet under ground?

Coffin flies

Calliphora coloradensis is locally abundant around what two cities?

Flagstaff, AZ and Uvalde, TX

Molecular methods are used in forensic entomology primarily:

For species identification

Which preservative should NOT be used on insects going for DNA analysis?

Formaldehyde or formalin

Of these, which is most lateral?

Humeral setae

How does wrapping a body affect decomposition rate?

If it's warm, it may speed up the decomposition, if it's cold and keeps the elements and insects away it may retard decomposition

Insects to be analyzed by molecular methods are best preserved:

In 95% ethanol at -80 C

Where do Gasterophilinae larvae develop (generally)?

In the digestive tract

A body has been removed from the scene after it reached active decay. Where can you still find maggots at the scene?

In the soil where the body drippings were found

What is myiasis?

Infestation of live vertebrate animals with fly larvae

Intestinal myiasis involves:

Infestation of the intestinal tract

What is a definition of death?

Irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions

Which family is NOT a major producer of myiasis?


Where do you go to get officially certified weather data?


Which insect guts are currently most useful for forensic entomology?

Necrophagous and ectoparasite guts

You find a bright green fly with hair on the basal section of the stem vein, no hair on the meron, three dark vittae on the thorax, and dark setae on the greater ampulla. What species of Calliphoridae is this?

None. It's a muscid.

What is a degree day?

Number of degrees above a lower threshold temperature in a given day

Where are the majority of maggots found on a hanged body?

On the ground underneath the body

Where is the genal dilation?

On the head

Where is the metaepisternum?

On the lateral surface of the thorax

When trying to reach a buried body, where does Muscina stabulans lay its eggs?

On the soil surface

What is the rule of thumb for a degree day?

One degree day happens when the average temperature for the day is 1 degree over the lower threshold

The furuncle provides _________ for feeding insects.

Opening for posterior spiracles

The "gold standard" for DNA analysis is currently:


A strongly developed subscutellum points to what family of fly?


One of the most important density independent factors for insects is:


What is the major concern with collecting maggots from an autopsy?

The body was probably in cold storage

An example of a specific or obligatory myiasis producing fly is:

The bot fly

Butyric fermentation is most suitable to the mouth parts of which insects?

The chewing mouth parts of beetles

What is algor mortis?

The cooling of the body after death

The two most important bits of information for forensic entomology are:

The insects and the weather data

Which maggots are most important during your search at the scene?

The largest--you want to find the oldest maggots

A genus in the family Sarcophagidae is:

Wohlfhartia sp.

Why do you need to check the area around the body?

Youʼre looking for wandering maggots

How should you kill insects that you want to use for gut content analysis?

freeze kill

What dominates decomposition in amphibians and reptiles?


Which region of DNA is currently used to identify insect species?


You find a fly in southern Canada that has hair on the meron, a weak subscutellum, blue abdomen, hair on the stem vein, and a greater ampulla with stiff erect setae. For some reason you cannot key out the species. Based on the distribution alone, what is the probable species of this fly?


Blending waves of arthropods, each comprised of different organisms are called:


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