yellow body and grey top.
A refrigerant cylinder designed to hold recovered refrigerant has a:
A single chlorine atom can destroy how many ozone molecules?
Three oxygen atoms
An ozone molecule contains;
Department of Transportation
Before shipping any used refrigerant cylinders, check that the cylinder meets what standards:
HFCs ________;
Chlorine, Fluorine, and Carbon
Clean refrigerant for reuse by separating the oil from the refrigerant and removing moisture from the refrigerant by passing it through one or more filter driers, is the definition of;
Depletion of Stratospheric ozone
Crop loss, eye disease, and skin cancer have been attributed to;
How much can a person be fined per day per violation for knowingly releasing a regulated substance that violates the Clean Air Act?
HCFCs contain;
Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, and Carbon
Disposable cylinders
Recover any remaining refrigerant and then render the cylinder useless, then recycle the metal is the proper disposal method for;
5 years
Reusable refrigerant containers under high-pressure must be hydrostatically tested how often?
Silicone elastomers, for use in seals and gaskets, are not compatible with which refrigerants?
leak testing.
The low-side test-pressure data-plate value should be used by a technician to determine a safe pressure for:
The molecule found in CFCs and HCFCs that depletes ozone is:
To process refrigerant to a level equal to new (virgin) product specifications as determined by chemical analysis defines;
EPA's program that identifies refrigerants with lower overall risks to human health and the environment.
What is the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program?
Which ASHRAE classification means slightly flammable?
Montreal Protocol
Which international agreement (Treaty) regulated the production and use of CFCs, HCFCs, halons, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride?
Which of the following has the highest Ozone Depletion Potential?
Which of the following refrigerant has a GWP of "1"?
Which of the following refrigerants is an HFO?
Which type of refrigerant contains no chlorine?
The condenser
changes a high-pressure vapor to a high-pressure liquid.
The compressor
changes a low-pressure vapor to a high-pressure vapor.
The chlorine in CFCs and HCFCs;
will not dissolve in water.