Español 25 Present & Past Perfect Tenses (to have/has done something)

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Present perfect tense **Forming the past participle AR verbs drop "ar" & add ado ER & IR verbs drop er/ir & add ido estacionar = _______ entender = ________ ir = ________ llegar = _______ dormir = _____ beber = ________ usar = _______ perder = _______ recibir = ________ tomar = _________ ser = ______ hervir = _______ viajar = _______ comer = _________ estar = _______ ER &IR verbs whose stem ends in a vowel have an accent over the "i", this does not include verbs ending in "uir" atraer = ______ caer = _______ creer = ______ leer = _______ oír = ________ traer = _______ construir = _______ destruir = ______ huir = _________ there are 12 irregular past participles** next card

estacionar = estacionado entender = entendido ir = ido llegar = llegado dormir = dormido beber = bebido usar = usado perder = perdido recibir = recibido tomar = tomado ser = sido hervir = hervido viajar = viajado comer = comido estar = estado atraer = atraído caer = caído creer = creído leer = leído oír = oído traer = traído construir = construido destruir = destruido huir = huido

I knew that he had lied, but I didn't tell anyone. I waited all day for the news. I've waited all day. When I found out that he had found his puppy I was very happy ( I became very happy ). I believed he had done his homework and so I let him go out to play. She realized that he hadn't done his homework and so she took the video game away from him. They knew that the neighbor's house had been robbed but they didn't lock their doors. We realized that he hadn't returned the libros but the library had already closed. He had locked the thief inside the closet before calling the police. to know = saber (yo sé) to lie = mentir (e-ie) to tell/say = decir (yo digo) ( e-i) to wait/hope = esperar the news = la noticia to notify/inform = enterar to find out = enterarse to find = encontrar (o-ue) the puppy = el cachorro to feel = sentirse (e-ie) to believe/think = creer to do = hacer (yo hago) to allow/to leave = dejar to play = jugar to realize = darse cuenta de que to take away/to take off = quitar the videogame = el video juego the neighbor = el/la vecino/a robbed = robado/a to close/lock = cerrar the door = la puerta to return = devolver (o-ue) the library = la biblioteca closed = cerrado to close/lock someone in = encerrar the theif = el ladrón inside = dentro the closet = el armario the police = la policía

Sabía que había mentido, pero no se lo dije a nadie. Esperé todo el día por las noticias. He esperado todo el día. Cuando me enteré de que había encontrado a su cachorro, me puse muy feliz. Creí que había hecho su tarea y lo dejé salir a jugar. Se dio cuenta de que él no había hecho su tarea y le quitó el videojuego. Sabían que la casa del vecino había sido robada pero no cerraron sus puertas. Nos dimos cuenta de que no había devuelto los libros pero la biblioteca ya había cerrado. Había encerrado al ladrón dentro del armario antes de llamar a la policía.

Placement of object pronouns with the present perfect tense R.I.D. all placed before the helping verb ex. Ellos no me han llamado. (they haven't called me.) han = helping verb llamado = past participle I have returned the money to you. = Yo te he devuelto el dinero.


in all regular past participles, the Spanish d is pronounced like "th" as in other


The Present Perfect Tense (Uses) EXPRESSES: *An action that you are waiting for, but hasn't yet happened ex. Present Perfect = They haven't called. Preterit = They didn't call. Present Perfect = They haven't arrived. Preterit = They didn't arrive. EXPRESSES: *Action that Began in past and Continues to present* ex. Present Perfect = I've (I have) slept here for five hours. Preterit = I slept here the last night. Present Perfect = We've (we have) lived in Allentown for two months (and still are) Preterit = We lived there a long time ago. EXPRESSES: *Action that happened in the past and may happen again. (often the actions can be counted) ex. Present Perfect = She has been to Florida 3 times. (like already and probably will go again) Preterit = She went to/was in Florida 3 times Present Perfect = How many times have you seen this movie? (seems like you like it and watch it often) Preterit = He watched this movie twice

**** haven't yet hasn't yet have been (before/ 4 times...) has been

The Past Participle with SER (This is called "the passive voice") * The passive voice is not commonly used in Spanish * Ser + past participle * the past particliple is often followed by "por" which in this context translates to "by" ex: El libro fue escrito por Max. (the book was written by Max.) 1) The door was opened by the doorman. 2) The houses were robbed by the thieves. 3) The churches in Guatemala were constructed by the Spaniards. 4) The meal was served by the waiter. ------------------------------------------ 5) The letter has been delivered by the mailman. 6) The taxes have been prepared by the accountants. 7) The witnesses had been warned by the judge. 8) The apartment had been rented by two friends.

1) La puerta fue abierta por el portero. 2) Las casas fueron robadas por los ladrones. 3) Las iglesias en Guatemala fueron construidas por los españoles. 4) La comida fue servida por el camarero. --------------------------------------------- 5) La carta ha sido entregada por el cartero. 6) Los impuestos han sido preparados por los contadores. 7) Los testigos habían sido advertidos por el juez. 8) El apartamento había sido alquilado por dos amigos.

Sometimes we watch movies before going to bed. We watched this one last night. Let's watch your favorite. O you can pick one you haven't seen. You've never seen this one. Get some snacks. I'll be right back. sometimes = a veces to see = ver to go to bed = acostarse favorite = favorito/a the movie = la película to get = conseguir (e-i) (yo consigo) to choose = escoger (yo escojo) I'll be right back = regreso enseguida

A veces vemos películas antes de acostarnos. Ésta vimos anoche. Veamos tu favorita. O puedes escoger una que no hayas visto. Nunca has visto ésta. Consigue algunos bocadillos. Regreso enseguida.

The owner is going to close the store. He is closing the store. The store is closed. In the morning, this man is going to open the store. He is opening it. The store is open. Luna is going to write a song. She is writing it. The song is written. We are going to build a house. We are building it. The house is built. The students are going to do their homework. They are doing it. The homework is done. The bees are going to die. They are dying. The bees are dead. The parents are going to fry some eggs. They are frying them. The eggs are fried. We are going to solve our problems. We are solving them. The problems are solved.

El dueño va a cerrar la tienda. Está cerrando la tienda. La tienda está cerrada. En la mañana, este hombre va a abrir la tienda. Está abriéndola. La tienda está abierta. Luna va a escribir una canción. Está escribiéndola. La canción está escrita. Vamos a construir una casa. Estamos construyéndola. La casa está construida. Los estudiantes van a hacer su tarea. Están haciéndola. La tarea está hecha. Las abejas van a morir. Están muriendo. Las abejas están muertas. Los padres van a freír unos huevos. Están friéndolos. Los huevos están fritos. Vamos a resolver nuestros problemas. Estamos resolviéndolos. Los problemas están resueltos.

I've been in bed all day. We've been living here for a half of a year. We've lived here for a half year. They've been to Florida a few times. You've always liked pancakes. Has he eaten yet today? Why haven't you brushed your teeth? I haven't vacuumed all week and the carpet is dirty. Has Max folded the clothes? They haven't asked me about trip. We've seen deer in the yard many times. I've been searching for more then an hour. Have you looked for it in the car? She hasn't found it yet but I can let you know if she does. I haven't heard this song in a long time. They've been planning this for years. We haven't been there since the summer. You can go out and play, unless you haven't done your homework. I haven't noticed anything missing. He hasn't realized that Max is sleeping. the bed = la cama to live = vivir to eat = comer to brush = cepillar/cepillarse the teeth = los dientes to vacuum = aspirar the carpet = la alfombra diry = sucio/a to fold = doblar the clothes = la ropa to question = preguntar the trip = el viaje to see = ver the deer = el venado the yard = el patio to search = buscar to find = encontrar (o-ue) to let know/inform = avisar to listen = escuchar the song = la canción to plan = planear the summer = el verano to go out/leave = salir (yo salgo) unless = a menos que to notice = notar to be missing = faltar to realize = darse cuenta de que to sleep = dormir (o-ue)

He estado en la cama todo el día. Llevamos medio año viviendo aquí. Hemos vivido aquí durante medio año. Han estado en Florida varias veces. Siempre te han gustado los panqueques. ¿Ha comido todavía hoy? ¿Por qué no te has cepillado los dientes? No he aspirado en toda la semana y la alfombra está sucia. ¿Max ha doblado la ropa? No me han preguntado sobre el viaje. Hemos visto venados en el patio muchas veces. Llevo más de una hora buscando. ¿Lo has buscado en el carro? Aún no lo ha encontrado, pero te puedo avisar si lo hace. Hace mucho que no he escuchado esta canción. Han estado planeando esto durante años. Llevan años planeando esto. No hemos estado allí desde el verano. Puedes salir a jugar, a menos que no hayas hecho tu tarea. No he notado que falta nada. No se ha dado cuenta de que Max está dormido.

I want to ask Max about the party but he hasn't called me yet. Maybe he is till working. to ask = preguntar to call = llamar to work = trabajar

Le quiero preguntar a Max sobre la fiesta, pero aún no me ha llamado. Tal vez todavía esté trabajando.

The musicians are giong to record the song. They are recording the song. The song is recorded. The girl is going to hide her doll. She is hiding her doll. The doll is hidden. The man is going to die. He is dying. The man is dead.

Los músicos van a grabar la canión. Están grabando la canción. La canción está grabada. La niña va a esconder su muñeca. Está escondiendo su muñeca. La muñeca está escondida. El hombre va a morir. Él está muriendo. El hombre está muerto.

The Past Participle as an Adjective with ESTAR Max is going to set the table. Max is setting the table. The table is set. I am tired. Are you dressed? The bathroom is occupied. The table is set. The tv is on. We are angry. We are seated. You are mistaken. The workers are worried.

Max va a poner la mesa. Max está poniendo la mesa. La mesa está puesta. Estoy cansada. ¿Estás vestido? El baño está ocupado. La mesa está puesta. La tele está prendida. Estamos enojados. Estamos sentados. Estás equivocado. Los trabajadores están preocupados.

Max, stay. I want you to see something. Do you want to not feel guilty for being with me? Do you really want to know who your family is?

Max, quédate. Quiero que veas algo. ¿Quieres no sentirte culpable por estar conmigo? ¿Quieres realmente saber quién es tu familia?

using the infinitive HABER *object pronouns are attached to the infinitive haber I am glad to arrived on time. I'm glad to have met you. She is glad to have done her homework. She is glad to have done it. After having found his keys, the cabdriver began his work. He is glad to have found them. After having gone to the dentist Max felt better. to arrive = llegar to know person/place = conocer content = contento/a to do/make = hacer to find = encontrar (o-ue) the key = la llave the taxi driver = el/la taxista to start = empezar (e-ie) the dentist = el/la dentista to feel = sentir (i-ie)

Me alegro de haber llegado a tiempo. Me alegro de haberte conocido. Está contenta de haber hecho su tarea. Ella se alegra de haberla hecho. Después de haber encontrado sus llaves, el taxista empezó su trabajo. Se alegra de haberlas encontrado. Después de haber ido al dentista, Max se sintió mejor.

I don't think she wants to skate anymore. She has fallen three times now. to think = creer to skate = patinar to fall = caerse

No creo que ella quiera patinar más. Ella se ha caído tres veces ahora.

He hasn't been here today. I have learned a lot in one year. After having found that out the ingredients in the food they didn't eat there again. They haven't eaten there again. They have suspected him for years, but never had any evidence against him until last week when they caught him selling stolen things. Have you recieved a letter notifying you about the changes? We haven't seen any proof of that. After having heard the news, she decided to send a letter. I've been coming here for years, but I haven't see this before. to learn = aprender to find out/discover = descubrir (participle= decubierto) the ingredients = los ingredientes to do something again = volver a _______ to eat = comer to suspect = sospechar de the proof = la prueba against = contra to catch = atrapar to sell = vender stolen = robado/a to recieve = recibir the letter = la carta to notify = notificar the change = el cambio to listen = escuchar the news = la noticía to send = mandar to come = venir (e-ie) (yo vengo)

No ha estado aquí hoy. He aprendido mucho en un año. Después de haber descubierto los ingredientes de la comida, no volvieron a comer allí. No han vuelto a comer allí. Han sospechado de él durante años, pero nunca han tenido pruebas en su contra. hasta la semana pasada cuando lo atraparon vendiendo cosas robadas. ¿Has recibido una carta notificándote sobre los cambios? No hemos visto ninguna prueba de eso. Después de haber escuchado la noticia, decidió mandar una carta. Llevo años viniendo aquí, pero no he visto esto antes.

I forgot to put the garbage in the street last week and so it has been in the driveway for days. It has started to attract flies. to forget = olvidar/olvidarse the garbage = la basura to put = poner the street = la calle to be = estar the driveway = el camino de entrada during = durante to start/begin = empezar (e-ie) to attract = atraer the flie = la mosca

Se me olvidó de poner la basura en la calle la semana pasada, así que ha estado en el camino de entrada durante días. Ha empezado a atraer moscas.

It hasn't rained all week. The garden is becoming dry. I need to water it. I was going to water it yesterday but when I turned on the water I realized there was a rip in the hose. It was late and I decided to wait till today to buy a new one. Do you want to come with me to the store? I want one that is very long and durable. The black one is cheaper. to rain = llover (o-ue) the gardin = el jardín to dry = secar/secarse to water = regar to turn on the water = open the water to open = abrir to realize = darse cuenta de que the rip/tear = el desgarrón the hose = la manguera to decide = decidir to wait/hope = esperar until = hasta to buy = comprar to come = venir (e-ie) (yo vengo) long = largo/a durable = duradero/a

No ha llovido en toda la semana. El jardín se está secando. Necesito regarlo. Iba a regarlo ayer, pero cuando abrí el agua me di cuenta de que había un desgarrón en la manguera. Era tarde y decidí esperar hasta hoy para comprar una nueva. ¿Quieres venir conmigo a la tienda? Quiero una que sea muy larga y duradera. La negra es más barata.

I haven't eaten all day. I'm super hungry. I'm making myself a spinach sandwich. Do you want me to make one for you? to eat = comer to prepare = preparar the sandwich = el sándwich the spinach = la espinaca to make/do = hacer

No he comido en todo el día. Tengo mucha hambre. Me estoy haciendo un sándwich de espinacas. ¿Quieres que te haga uno?

I can't believe it took you two hours to get here. Fall is the best season to visit captiva since there are less storms. What seasons can you grow spinach here? Being in nature is the best way to feel better. Don't be selfish. I'm not sure what it means if the light is red. It's good to continue to educate yourself after school. Nothing got accomplished today. We accomplished a lot today. I spoke with him recently and he mentioned that day, but he didn't say a lot about it. We can't finish the puzzle since we are missing a few pieces. The answer is wrong. The correct answer is seventeen. He was mistaken there were only three vans in the parking lot that night. I have this same book. I feel the same way. I want to find the same puzzle. He wants to hang it on the wall but he's missing a few pieces. He is from Florida, same as the rest of us. I didn't agree with him. That's why I stopped working with him. At first I thought he was right but after doing some research I changed my mind. I think he's wrong about the location. What is the purpose of meeting with him if he didn't find out anything new. Maybe he has new information for us but he didn't want to say it over the phone. I wonder what took him so long to respond. He forced Max to drive him to the train station and then stole his wallet. Now I know why he advised us to wear gloves. Even if you are careful you can still get cut. Don't take too long it's going to get dark in a half hour. to take time/take a long time = tardar the season = la temporada to visit = visitar less = menos the storm = la tormenta to grow = cultivar the nature = la naturaleza to feel = sentir (e-ie) to be = ser selfish = egoísta to mean = significar the light = la luz to continue/follow = seguir (e-i) (yo sigo) to educate = educar to accomplish/achieve = lograr recent = reciente to mention = mencionar about it/on the matter = al respecto the puzzle = el rompecabezas to be missing = faltar the piece = la pieza the answer = la respuesta incorrect = incorrecto mistaken/wrong = equivocado the van = la camioneta the parking lot = el estacionamiento to agree with = estar de acuerdo to stop = dejar de at first = al principio the location = la ubicación to research = investigar the purpose = el propósito to find out = descubrir to respond = responder to steal = robar to force = obligar the train station = la estación de tren the wallet = la billetera to advise = aconsejar the glove = el guante to cut = cortar to darken = oscurecer/oscurecerse

No puedo creer que tardaste dos horas en llegar. El otoño es la mejor temporada para visitar captiva ya que hay menos tormentas. ¿En qué temporadas se puede cultivar espinacas aquí? Estar en la naturaleza es la mejor manera de sentirse mejor. No seas egoísta. No estoy segura de lo que significa si la luz está en rojo. Es bueno seguir educándose después de la escuela. Hoy no se logró nada. Logramos mucho hoy. Hablé con él recientemente y me mencionó ese día, pero no dijo mucho al respecto. No podemos terminar el rompecabezas porque nos faltan algunas piezas. La respuesta es incorrecta. La respuesta correcta es diecisiete. Estaba equivocado, solo había tres camionetas en el estacionamiento esa noche. Tengo este mismo libro. Me siento igual. Quiero encontrar el mismo rompecabezas. Quiere colgarlo en la pared, pero le faltan algunas piezas. Es de Florida, al igual que el resto de nosotros. No estaba de acuerdo con él. Por eso dejé de trabajar con él. Al principio pensé que tenía razón, pero después de investigar un poco cambié de opinión. Creo que está equivocado sobre la ubicación. ¿Cuál es el propósito de encontrarnos con él si no descubrió nada nuevo? Tal vez tenga nueva información para nosotros, pero no quiso decírnosla por teléfono. Me pregunto por qué tardó tanto en responder. Obligó a Max a llevarlo a la estación de tren y luego le robó la billetera. Ahora sí entiendo por qué nos aconsejó usar guantes. Incluso si se tiene cuidado, aún puede cortarse. No tardes demasiado, va a oscurecer en media hora.

Let's watch a movie. I want to pick one that you'll like. Have you seen this one? No but I don't like that actor. I haven't seen any of these. Pick whichever seems interesting to you. to see (watch a movie) = ver to choose = escoger (yo escojo) the actor = el actor to seem = parecer (yo parezco) interesting = interesante

Veamos una película. Quiero escoger una que te guste.. ¿Has visto ésta? No, pero no me gusta ese actor. No he visto ninguna de éstas. escoge la que te parezca interesante.

PAST PERFECT TENSE We saw the bag that he had left by the door but we didn't open it. He found the note that she had written to him when they first met. I realized that he hadn't eaten in two days. I didn't bring that movie because I thought that you had already seen it. to see = ver to leave behind/allow = dejar the door = la puerta to open = abrir to find = encontrar (o-ue) the note = la nota to write = escribir to know/meet = conocer (yo conozco) to realize = darse cuenta de que to eat = comer the movie = la película to think = pensar (e-ie)

Vimos la bolsa que había dejado junto a la puerta pero no la abrimos. Encontró la nota que ella le había escrito cuando se conocieron. Me di cuenta de que no había comido en dos días. No traje esa película porque pensé que ya la habías visto.

present perfect tense = haber + past participle = to have done something ex. I have eaten = Yo he comido conjugation of the helping verb "haber"/to have *haber = to have done something *tener = to have something/possession I have = ________ you have = _______ he/she has = ________ they have = ________ we have = _________

Yo he tú has él ha ellos han nosotros hemos

I don't think you have killed anyone .

Yo no creo que hayas matado a nadie.

I have never told you lies. Now we have arrived. Do you know how Nicandro died? Maybe. Talk. They killed him? Do you know who it was? It's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in all my life. I need you to hide this. If something happens to me, turn it over to the police. What is this? Nothing, it's not important. What is it? You don't want to see it. Just keep it safe. I hope that Max hides that video where no one finds it. (subjunctive for hope & for the unknown place) to tell/say = decir (e-i) (yo digo) the lie = la mentira to know = saber (yo sé) to talk = hablar to kill = matar horrible = horrible to see = ver to hide = esconder to happen/pass/spend time = pasar to turn over/turn in to someone/hand over = entregar the police = la policía

Yo nunca te he dicho mentiras. Ahora sí hemos llegado. ¿Sabes cómo murió Nicandro? Tal vez. Habla. ¿Lo mataron? ¿Sabes quién fue? Es lo más horrible que he visto en toda mí vida. Necesito que escondas esto. Si algo me pasa, entrégalo a la policía. ¿Qué es esto? Nada, no importa. ¿Qué es? No lo quieres ver. Solo guárdalo. Esperso que Max esconda ese video donde nadie lo encuentre.

The past participle is also used as an ___________ the prefered restaurant. the lost puppy. the open window. the known problem. the rotten eggs. the sleeping girl. the past year. the rented appartment. the closed door. The burned wood. Cleaning all day tires me. I'm tired of the confusion. Get dressed now. I'm not dressed for this. Give me a minute, I'm getting dressed. The kids toys take up a lot of space. The bathroom is occupied. Did you turn on the fan? Is the fan on? Don't sit there. He's seated near the door. to prefer = preferir (e-ie) to loose = perder (e-ie) to open = abrir to know (person place) = conocer (yo conozco) the egg = el huevo to rot = pudrirse to sleep = dormir (o-ue) to pass = pasar to rent = alquilar to close = cerrar (e-ie) to burn = quemar the wood = la madera to tire/to exhaust/to annoy = cansar to confusion = la confusión to dress = vestirse (e-i) to ocupy = ocupar to turn on = prender the fan = el ventilador to sit = sentarse (e-ie)

adjective el restaurante preferido. el cachorro perdido. la ventana abierta. el problema conocido. los huevos podridos. la niña dormida. el año pasado. el apartamento alquilado. la puerta cerrada. La madera quemada. Limpiar todo el día me cansa. Estoy cansada de la confusión. Vístete ahora. No estoy vestida para esto. Dame un minuto, me estoy vistiendo. Los juguetes de los niños ocupan mucho espacio. El baño está ocupado. ¿prendiste el ventilador? ¿Está prendido el ventilador? No te sientes ahí. Está sentado cerca de la puerta.

Irregular Past Participles hacer ver poner decir volver abrir escribir morir romper cubrir freír pudrir same for these when a prefix is added describir descubrir devolver envolver oponer resolver

hecho visto puesto dicho vuelto abierto escrito muerto roto cubierto frito podrido descrito descubierto devuelto envuelto opuesto resuelto

The PAST PERFECT TENSE is used to refer to an action that occurred in the past _______ to another action. ex. "You knew that we had left = Sabías que nos habíamos ido. To form the pasat perfet tense, conjugate ______ into the ______ (________) and follow it with the same past participle as with the present perfect tense.

prior haber -> imperfect (había)

How long have you been waiting? (present perfect) About an hour. I thought Max had told you that we were going to be early. (preterit & past perfect & imperfect past) He told me but he didn't say what time. (preterit) to be = estar to wait/hope = esperar to think = pensar (e-ie) to arrive = llegar to tell/say = decir

¿Cuánto has estado esperando? Aproximadamente una hora. Pensé que Max te había dicho que íbamos a llegar temprano. Me lo dijo pero no dijo a qué hora.

Where is everyone? They haven't arrived. Why are you still awake? It's four in the morning. I can't sleep. I haven't slept all all night. Have they finished their homework? I think so. I was thinking about taking them to the park when they have finished. The plane hasn't landed. I hope he gets here soon. I've been here before. Me and Max came here last year. We have been calling you all day. I'm sorry. I was at Max's house and I didn't have my phone. What has making you late We have arrived on time most of the days.

¿Dónde están todos? No han llegado. ¿Por qué sigues despierto? Son las cuatro de la mañana. No me puedo dormir. No me he dormido en toda la noche. ¿Han terminado su tarea? Creo que sí. Estaba pensando en llevarlos al parque cuando hayan terminado. El avión no ha aterrizado. Espero que llegue pronto. He estado aquí antes. Max y yo vinimos aquí el año pasado. Te hemos estado llamando todo el día. Lo siento. Estaba en la casa de Max y no tenía mi teléfono. ¿Qué te ha hecho llegar tarde? Hemos llegado a tiempo la mayoría de los días.

Comparing THE PRESENT PERFECT & THE PAST PERFECT Have you studied today? I have studied and I've also excersized. Ahora I can relax. I got good grades in school but it was because I had studied a lot. I brought food but they had already eaten when we arrived. She hasn't brought Max to visit us in a while. I didn't know you moved. How long have you been in the new house? I've lived here for almost a year I had lived in Florida for a few months before I moved to costa rica. I moved from Costa Rica to here about a year ago. Had you spoken to her before the appointment? No I haven't spoken to her since last week. I hadn't compared them before I bought this one. That one is cheaper but I'm glad to have bought this one. It seems of better quality. I have put in a lot of effort to learn spanish. I've improved a lot in the last few weeks. I plan to keep practicing every day. She told me that she was going to burn the wood. She's burning it right now I think. I see smoke. She hasn't burned it. Look, it's still by the steps. I wonder who is burning something. I didn't buy eggs. I didn't know she needed them. She called me while I was at the store but I didn't hear it. I didn't realized that she had called me until after I left the store. When I saw the message the store had already closed. I always forget something. I haven't made the pancakes yet. Jase has been asking me to make pancakes for days. He has asked me at least ten times. I didn't make them yesterday because I didn't have eggs because I hadn't gone to the store yet. Now I do have everything that I need. I'm going to make them as soon as I get out of the shower.

¿Has estudiado hoy? He estudiado y también me he ejercitado. Ahora puedo relajarme. Saqué buenas notas en la escuela pero fue porque había estudiado mucho. Traje comida pero ya habían comido cuando llegamos. Hace tiempo que no ha traído a Max a visitarnos. No sabía que te mudaste. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en la nueva casa? He vivido aquí casi un año. Había vivido en Florida durante unos meses antes de mudarme a Costa Rica. Me mudé de Costa Rica a aquí hace aproximadamente un año. ¿Habías hablado con ella antes de la cita? No, no he hablado con ella desde la semana pasada. No los había comparado antes de comprar éste. Ése es más barato, pero estoy contenta de haber comprado éste. Me parece de mejor calidad. Me he esforzado mucho para aprender español. He mejorado mucho en las últimas semanas. Planeo seguir practicando todos los días. Ella me dijo que iba a quemar la madera. La está quemando ahora mismo, creo. Veo humo. Ella no la ha quemado. Mira, todavía está por los escalones. Me pregunto quién está quemando algo. No compré huevos. No sabía que los necesitaba. Me llamó mientras estaba en la tienda, pero no la oí. No me di cuenta de que me había llamado hasta después de que salí de la tienda. Cuando vi el mensaje, la tienda ya había cerrado. Siempre olvido algo. Aún no he hecho las panqueques. Jase me ha estado pidiendo que haga panqueques durante días. Me lo ha pedido al menos diez veces. No las hice ayer porque me faltaban huevos y aún no había ido a la tienda. Ahora tengo todo lo que necesito. Las voy a hacer tan pronto como salga de la ducha.

Did you kill her? I don't know. I could have killed her but I'm not sure. I swear (to you) I don't rmemeber.

¿La mataste? No sé. Pude haberla matado pero no estoy seguro. Te lo juro que no recuerdo.

Why hasn't he responded? (present perfect) He told me he's been waiting for the e mail. (preterit & imperfect) I have sent it to him for the third time this morning. (present perfect) I wonder why he hasn't received it. (present perfect) Maybe the internet isn't working. (subjunctive) Tell him to call me when he has time. (command & subjunctive after cuando) I can go see him tonight and we can talk in person. I baked cupcakes last night. (preterit) We can discuss the plans with cupcakes and wine. to respond = responder to tell/say = decir (e-i) (yo digo) the e mail = el correo electrónico to send = mandar thrid = tercero to wonder = me pregunto to receive = recibir maybe = quizás to work/function = funcionar to tell (command) = di to call = llamar to see = ver to talk = hablar in person = en persona to bake = hornear the cupcake = la magdalena to discuss = discutir the plan = el plan the wine = el vino

¿Por qué no ha respondido? Me dijo que ha estado esperando el correo electrónico. Se lo he mandado por tercera vez esta mañana. Me pregunto por qué no lo ha recibido. Quizás Internet no esté funcionando. Dile que me llame cuando tenga tiempo. Puedo ir a verlo esta noche y podemos hablar en persona. Horneé magdalenas anoche. Podemos discutir los planes con cupcakes y vino.

Why haven't you told him the truth? I wasn't sure how to tell him. They haven't gotten dressed yet. They are still wearing pajamas. What have you been doing since you got home? I've been reading my new book. I like this movie. I've seen it a few times. I hope you read the book soon. I have read most of it. I was reading on the plane. I haven't yet met her. She just moved here from Pennsylvania. You still haven't found your keys? Let's search now. I don't think we'll find them. I already looked everywhere. They have played together a few times already. They met at the park.

¿Por qué no le has dicho la verdad? No estaba segura de cómo decírselo. Aún no se han vestido. Todavía están en pijama. ¿Qué has estado haciendo desde que llegaste a casa? He estado leyendo mi nuevo libro. Me gusta esta película. La he visto varias veces. Espero que leas el libro pronto. He leído la mayor parte. Estaba leyendo en el avión. Aún no la he conocido. Ella acaba de mudarse aquí desde Pensilvania. ¿Aún no has encontrado tus llaves? Busquemos ahora. No creo que las encontremos. Ya busqué por todas partes. Ya han jugado juntos algunas veces. Se conocieron en el parque.

Who cleaned up the garage? I know it wasn't Gram. She hasn't been here since monday. Do you think Max did it? I doubt that Max cares if the garage is messy. to clean = limpiar the garage = el garaje to know = saber (yo sé) to be = estar since (time or place) = desde to think/believe = creer to do/make = hacer (yo hago) to doubt = dudar messy = desordenado

¿Quién limpió el garaje? Sé que no fue Gram. No ha estado aquí desde el lunes. ¿Crees que Max lo hizo? Dudo que a Max le importe si el garaje está desordenado.

Do you remember my dad saying that the best thing that had happened to us was being a Lazcano. And I thought it was true. I believed it until the day Sara died. Rodolfo, speak, damn it. Tell me something. Nothing I tell you is going to help you. Did you know that Alex had gotten out of the the container (slang for prison)? Aren't you afraid of what he will do to get revenge on us? It was two months that ended up being eighteen years. His sister had just died. Then his mother dies, and he doesn't go to the wake because he's in prison? We did what we had to do. That is the only truth. Maybe it's not the one you want to hear, but it's the only beeping truth. What do you want me to say? That we are good people and that we just made a mistake? No.

¿Te acuerdas de que mi papá decía que lo mejor que nos había pasado era ser un Lazcano. Y yo pensaba que era cierto. Me la creí hasta el día en que Sara murió. Rodolfo, habla, carajo. Dime algo. Nada de lo que te diga te va a servir. ¿Tú sabías que Alex había salido del bote? ¿No tienes miedo de lo que haga para vengarse nosotros? Eran dos meses que terminaron siendo dieziocho años. Acababa de morir su hermana. Después se muere su mamá, ¿y no va al velorio por estar preso? Hicimos lo que teníamos que hacer. Esa els la única verdad. Tal vez no es la que quieras escuchar, pero es la única puta verdad. ¿Qué quieres que te diga? ¿Que somos buenas personas y que simplemente cometimos un error? No.

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