Essentials of public speaking Chapter 6
How to have an effective introduction?
1. Catch the audience's attention 2. Motivate the audience to listen 3. Establish credibility and rapport 4. Present your thesis statement
How do I catch the audience's attention?
1. Definitions and explanations 2. Demonstrations 3. Fables, sayings, poems, and rhymes 4. Brief examples 5. Detailed Narratives 6. Humor 7. Questions 8. Quotations 9. Reference to the occasion 10. Startling facts
How to avoid research mistakes?
1. Don't do too little research 2. Don't soley do research on the internet 3. Don't waste time because you don't know what to search for
What are the guidelines for a rough-draft outline?
1. Keep it simple 2. Include main points, possible subpoints, and supporting material you will need 3. Omit introduction and conclusion 4. Update your outline as you research 5. As each support is located, put a check mark by it, and write in the missing information and noting the sources
What should I research to avoid research mistakes?
1. New ideas, new author, and newly published or posted information 2. Novel ways to present important but older information 3. Charts, graphs, pictures, and photos you can use or adapt 4. Material that add interest, clarify, and prove
Why is organization important?
1. Organized information is easier for listeners to comprehend, easier to take notes from, and more likely to keep audience attention 2. Organized information is easier for speakers to remember 3. Organized information gives the speaker confidence 4. Organized information improves the speaker's credibility in the eyes of the audience
Where should I research?
1. Printed Material (books, magazines, newspaper, dictionaries) 2. Licensed Electronic Database (GALE, SIRS, Opposing Viewpoints) 3. The internet (Blogs, tweets) 4. Personal Interviews
How do I organize the conclusion?
1. Provide a final summary of your central idea and main points 2. End with a memorable thought to refocus audience attention
What are the keys to having an effective Q&A?
1. Repeat each question before answering it 2. Rephase any confusing or negative question 3. Think a moment before answering each question 4. Watch for irrelevant or complex questions 5. Don't argue or get angry or defensive 6. Mention in your introduction that there will be a short Q&A period at the end of your speech 7. Stay on time
Why are outlines important?
1. Serves as a map of the presentation 2. Makes getting suggestions from others much easier 3. Makes it easy to tell where extra research and supporting material are needed
How do i establish credibility and rapport?
1. Share your expertise with the audience 2. Mention why the topic is important to you 3. Cite expert sources you consulted 4. Show gender and cultural sensitivity
How to present your thesis?
1. State purpose (informative) or position (persuasive) 2. Preview main points
What are the best patterns for organizing informative speeches?
1. Topical pattern 2. Spatial/ geographical pattern 3. Chronological/ time pattern 4. Causal pattern
How to prepare a final preparation outline?
1. add subpoints and supporting material to the main points of your rough-draft outline 2. Write out sentence transitions to use between main points 3. Include a list of references 4. Indicate sources used within outline 5. Identify the locations of visual aids in speech
Metasearch Engine
A search engine that searches other search engine
A specific type of transition that clearly indicates where the speaker is going next
Hierarchical Index
A subject directory organized into categories
Search Engine
A tool that searches the Internet and retrieves requested information
A word, phrase, or brief sentence used to link ideas, main points, or major parts of a speech
Alternative Search Engine
Different ways of sorting or ranking the pages located in the search
Standard Search Engine
More of the Web is search
How to avoid plagiarism?
Record a complete source citation ( complete name of author, source, date, publisher, page number, and library call number)
Vertical Search Engine
Search less of the Web, but a more specific part of the Web
Internal Summary
To polish your speech so listeners will follow and remember your ideas
Preparation Outline
Used to aid final planning and organization
Rough-Draft Outline
Working outline of main points and needed information to refer to while researching