Ethics A Global Perspective Quiz 3

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Which is not among the criteria for just war?

A just war must be pre-emptive.

A "positive" right is a right to not have a entitlement taken away by another person or the state. A "positive" right is a right to be left alone.


Carol Gilligan agreed with Lawrence Kohlberg that men generally were at a higher stage of moral development because men tended to think rationally and women tended to think emotionally.


Immanuel Kant believed that the means justify the ends. Anything is right if it leads to the greatest good for the greatest number of people.


In the assigned reading "Moral Philosophy According to Immanuel Kant," the author notes Immanual Kant stated that "the only thing that is unconditionally good is a good will." A person acts out of good will when they act out of duty to principle. An example of acting out of good will is when we act instinctively out of self-interest.


Kant argues that it is ethical to lie to a murderer at your door to protect the life of a friend.


The Categorical Imperative "Universal Law Formulation" asserts that one should "act so that you treat humanity always as an end, and never as a mere means."


Two principal architects of natural law theory are Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. Aristotle made a case for a religious understanding of the natural rights of citizens. Aquinas made a case for a secular (non-religious) understanding of the natural rights of citizens.


Match the philosopher with his or her work of philosophy.

Immanuel Kant D. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Jeremy Bentham B. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation John Stuart Mill C. Utilitarianism Ayn Rand A. The Virtue of Selfishness

What is not true about the Ethics of Care/

It asserts that Morality is based in Reason.

Match the philosopher with his or her work of philosophy. again

John Locke A. Second Treatise on Government Carol Gilligan D. In a Different Voice Shannon Vallor C. Technology & The Virtues Immanuel Kant B. What is the Enlightenment?

Immanuel Kant argued that lying is always wrong. What is a reason that does not support this view?

Lying can be in our self-interest.

According to Carol Gilligan, men and women have different conceptions of the self. Men are much more likely to see the self in terms of autonomy, freedom, independence, separateness, and hierarchy. In contrast, women tend to see the self in terms of relatedness, interdependence, emotional connectedness, and responsiveness. One criticism of Gilligan's work is that it perpetuates traditional sex-based stereotypes


According to Kant, goodwill is the determination to do what is right simply because it is the right thing to do. A person who acts out of goodwill is not motivated by self-interest.


According to Kantian Ethics, the Supreme Principle of Morality can be discovered using Reason helping people know what to do in any given situation.


In Chapter 10 of 21st Century Ethics, Glenn Rogers argues that being a caring person is not enough of a basis for moral thinking and acting.


In the assigned reading "Moral Philosophy According to Immanuel Kant," the author notes Immanuel Kant strongly opposed utilitarianism. He believed placing the emphasis on consequences completely misunderstood the nature of morality. In Kant's view, the basis for what is good or bad, right or wrong, is that human beings are free and rational agents, and morality should be based on reason (which sometimes might leave us unhappy). Our morality should be based on rational rules we impose on our ourselves and on respect for each other as free and rational persons.


John Locke, in his work the "Second Treatise of Government," argued that people are willing to join together to protect their natural rights to "life, liberty, and property." Governments are legitimate to the extent that they secure these rights. Locke's conception of rights inspired American revolutionaries who declared that England was violating the colonists' natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Jus in bello means justice during war. There are three principles of jus in bello: discrimination, proportionality, and military necessity.


Kantian ethics allows one person to use another person as a means to an end if that other person freely and rationally consents to be used. This form of mutual consent is the basis of contract.


Kantian ethics and Rights theory each arise out of the Enlightenment. The theories are similar in that they are both based on respecting that people are capable of making free rational choices for themselves. These theories gave rise to movements in which people sought to govern themselves (and free themselves from traditional sources of authority like the church and crown).


Rights are claims that are socially guaranteed.


Rights are guaranteed to the extent that governments uphold and enforce those rights. For example, the rights declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) are universal only in theory because not all nations recognize the UDHR.


The ethics of care is similar to virtue ethics in that it concerns having traits such as care and compassion. This kind of caring requires emotional intelligence as much as it does reason.


The modern concept of human rights emerged from concepts of natural law. The basic idea of natural law is that humans have certain traits that are part of our nature. These traits include our desire for life, liberty, property, and happiness. Human dignity is based in our human nature as rational beings and/or in our existence as children of God. This dignity endows humans with "natural or human rights" that governments should morally and legally protect.


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