ETS MFT Bio Exam

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A scientist is working with a breed of dog and has noticed that two traits, ear length and color, behave in normal dominant-recessive hierarchies. Long ears (A) are dominant to short ears (a) and black coloration (B) is dominant to yellow coloration (b). If he breeds a long eared, black dog (AaBb) with a short eared yellow dog (aabb), what would be the resulting phenotypic ratios of the offspring? -9 long ears, black: 3 long ears, yellow: 3 short ears, black: 1 short ears, yellow -15 long ears, black: 1 short ears, yellow -9 long ears, black: 3 long ears, yellow: 4 short ears, black -1 long ears, black: 1 long ears, yellow: 1 short ears, black: 1 short ears, yellow

1 long ears, black: 1 long ears, yellow: 1 short ears, black: 1 short ears, yellow

What proportion of the next generation will have smooth, green peas? -0 -9/16 -1/4 -3/16


A population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The gene of interest has two alleles, with 16% of the population portraying the features of the recessive phenotype. What percentage of the population is heterozygous? -48% -24% -36% -16%


Which of the following accurately describes the promoter? -A sequence of DNA used to signal the beginning point of transcription -The binding site for DNA polymerase on DNA -The attachment point for a ribosome before translation -The protein that attaches to DNA in order to create mRNA

A sequence of DNA used to signal the beginning point of transcription

What is the purpose of the prostate gland in males? -Store sperm -Produce sperm -Release hormones to create sperm -Add to the fluidity of semen

Add to the fluidity of semen

Adrenocorticotropic hormone will enter the blood stream, and act on which structure in the body? -Kidney -Pituitary gland -Liver -Adrenal gland

Adrenal gland

In the Hardy-Weinberg equations, what quantities are represented by the variables p and q? -Genotype frequencies -Observed phenotype frequencies -Expected phenotype frequencies Allele frequencies

Allele frequencies

What is a possible route that may have caused these bacteria to become antibiotic resistant? -The bacteria learned to metabolize the antibiotic -An antibiotic resistant gene was passed on through the plasmids in a group of antibiotic resistant bacteria -The antibiotic resistant bacteria had the ability to degrade the antibiotic in their lysosomes -The antibiotic lost its potency -The bacteria developed a way to prevent the antibiotic from entering into their cells

An antibiotic resistant gene was passed on through the plasmids in a group of antibiotic resistant bacteria

Which phase of mitosis involves the separation of chromatids? -Telophase -Prophase -Metaphase -Anaphase


Which of the following statements is true concerning antibodies? -Antibodies destroy pathogens once attached -An antibody can attach to multiple pathogens -Antibodies are created by helper T-cells -Antibodies mark pathogens to be destroyed by phagocytic cells

Antibodies mark pathogens to be destroyed by phagocytic cells

Which of the following choices could activate a proto-oncogene? -Any of these could activate a proto-oncogene -Exposure to mutagens -Chromosomal translocations -Gene duplication

Any of these could activate a proto-oncogene

________ is a protein/complex that helps nucleate G-actin. -Cofilin -Arp2/3 -F-actin -Myosin


The shape of which blood vessel type can be altered in order to redirect blood flow? -Capillary -Arteriole -Venule -Artery


Which bacterial reproductive process does not involve any genetic recombination? -Transformation -Transduction -Conjugation -Binary fission

Binary fission

What is the name of the structure that forms during development when the embryo becomes a fluid-filled ball? -Morula -Gastrula -Blastocyst -Neurula


Which portion of the brain is responsible for controlling breathing and heart rate? -Cerebrum -Cerebellum -Brain stem -Hypothalamus

Brain stem

What polymer is commonly found in the cell walls of fungi? -Peptidoglycan -Chitin -Cellulose -Clycogen


Which of the following compounds is incorporated into the fungal cell wall? -Peptidoglycan -Cellulose -Phospholipids -Chitin


What is the purpose of antidiuretic hormone in the body? -Lowers the blood pressure -Raises the basal metabolic rate -Concentrates the urine -Increases blood calcium levels

Concentrates the urine

Which of the following is not a common destination for proteins translated by membrane-bound ribosomes? -Plasma membrane -Lysosomes -Cytosol -Secretory vesicles


Which portion of the neuron receives electrical signals from other neurons? -Axon hillock -Cell body -Axons -Dendrites


An example of ______ is the speciation of Darwin's finches through the accumulation of many small, distinct traits. -Convergent evolution -Parsimony -Artificial selection -Divergent evolution

Divergent evolution

Which germ layer gives rise to the digestive tract? -Epiderm -Ectoderm -Mesoderm -Endoderm


What is the name of the structure that covers the airway while swallowing food? -Trachea -Epiglottis -Larynx -Bronchus


Once a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) has bound to its ligand, which of the following steps allows the a subunit to dissociate from the receptor and trigger downstream cascades? -Exchanging the G-protein's association with a magnesium ion for a calcium ion -Degradation of the GPCR's C-terminal tail that is bound to the a unit -Exchanging the G-protein's bound ADP for an ATP -None of these -Exchanging the G-protein's bound GDP for a GTP

Exchanging the G-protein's bound GDP for a GTP

Which of the following products is not created during glycolysis? -ATP -FADH2 -NADH -Pyruvate


Hemoglobin is a protein that consists of four subunits: two copies of the a and two copies of the B subunit. How many individual polypeptide chains are present in a fully folded molecule of hemoglobin? -One -Three -Two -Four


_________ are specialized cell junctions that connect the cytoplasm of two cells and allow for the exchange of various ions and molecules. -Tight junctions -Gap junctions -Adherens junctions -Desmosomes

Gap junctions

Which of the following reactions allows glucose to be stored in the liver when blood sugar levels are high? -Glycolysis -Glycogenolysis -Glycogenesis -Gluconeogenesis


Human beings have diploid cells. What is indicated by this statement? -Humans have two chromosomes in each cell nucleus -Humans have both sex chromosomes and somatic chromosomes -Humans have two stages of cell division -Humans have homologous chromosome pairs

Humans have homologous chromosome pairs

Which of the following is a potential function of cell junctions? I. Anchor adjacent cells II. Anchor the extracellular matrix III. Communicate with neighboring cells -I and II -III only -I and III -I, II, and III

I, II, and III

A researcher finds a large amount of an unusual sugar in the cells of a recently discovered species. Which of the following are potential mechanisms the cell is using to import the sugar? I. Passive diffusion II. Receptor-mediated endocytosis III. Symport -II and III -I, II, and III -III only -I and II

II and III

Which of the following statements best describes the function of RNAi? -Globally interfere with translation by blocking all mRNA -Interfere with translation by targeting specific tRNA molecules -Interfere with translation by blocking a target mRNA -Interfere with translation by targeting ribosomes

Interfere with translation by blocking a target mRNA

A researcher is trying to identify if caffeine is present in an unknown sample. He chooses to use thin layer chromatography and compare it to a known sample of caffeine. After running the test, he discovers that his unknown sample has the exact same Rf value as the standard caffeine. Which of the following is true about his result? -It is likely that the unknown substance is caffeine -The unknown substance is definitely caffeine -It is unlikely that the unknown substance is caffeine -The unknown substance is definitely not caffeine

It is likely that the unknown substance is caffeine

Which organ is responsible for creating bile? -Pancreas -Stomach -Liver -Gall bladder


Which of the following factors would you expect to see in a cell membrane for an animal living in a very hot environment? -Reduced integral proteins -Longer fatty acid tails -Reduced presence of cholesterol -More unsaturated fatty acid tails

Longer fatty acid tails

Which of the following will not result from enzymatic activity in a cell? -Decreasing the activation energy for a reaction -Increasing the forward rate of a reaction -Making a reaction more exothermic -Increasing the reverse rate of a reaction

Making a reaction more exothermic

Leucine is a hydrophobic amino acid. In which of the following portions of a transmembrane protein would a leucine residue most likely be located? -Cytosolic face -Exoplasmic face -Membrane-spanning region -Leucine would not be found in a transmembrane protein

Membrane-spanning region

A scientist has discovered a mutation that prevents cells from passing anaphase of mitosis. Of the following options, which is the most likely target of the mutation? -Actin synthesis -Microtubule formation -Proteins involved in chromosome condensation -Myosin

Microtubule formation

Which valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle? -Aortic valve -Mitral valve -Pulmonary valve -Tricuspid valve

Mitral valve

Which of the following products is produced in the highest quantity during the Krebs cycle? -FADH2 -CO2 -NADH -ATP


A _________ mutation always results in the ribosome encountering a premature stop codon. -frameshift -deletion -nonsense -missense


Which type of mutation creates a premature stop codon in the mRNA? -Missense mutation -Silent mutation -Nonsense mutation -Frameshift mutation

Nonsense mutation

Which of the following blots is used to identify known RNA fragments? -Southern blotting -Western blotting -Eastern blotting -Northern blotting

Northern blotting

Which of the following is not true of nucleic acids? -Both DNA and RNA have nucleotides held together by phosphodiester bonds -ATP and GTP are nucleic acid derivatives -Only DNA is read in the 5'-to-3' direction -Only RNA has a hydroxide group attached to the 2' carbon

Only DNA is read in the 5'-to-3' direction

Which bone cell is responsible for resorbing bone matrix? -Osteoclast -Osteoblast -Osteocyte -Osteogenic cell


What molecule joins with acetyl CoA in order to produce citrate? -Ketoglutarate -Oxaloacetate -Succinate -Pyruvate


What organ releases digestive enzymes into the duodenum? -Liver -Spleen -Gall bladder -Pancreas


Which of the following is true of chromatin? -Patterns of methylation or acetylation of histones can regulate gene expression -Nucleosomes consist of DNA wrapped in proteins known as transcriptions factors -Chromatin never gets further compacted than the 10nm fiber -Chromatin is present in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA

Patterns of methylation or acetylation of histones can regulate gene expression

If a cell is incapable of catabolizing very long fatty acid chains, it most likely has a problem with which of the following organelles? -Peroxisomes -Smooth endopolasmic reticulum -Mitochondria -Golgi apparatus


Which of the following molecules is amphipathic? -Triglyceride -Maltose -Glutamate -Phospholipid


Which immune cell is part of acquired immunity? -Eosinophil -Macrophage -Plasma cell -Neutrophil

Plasma cell

Which gland releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone? -Posterior pituitary gland -Anterior pituitary gland -Adrenal cortex -Thyroid gland

Posterior pituitary gland

Which of the following is most closely linked to neuron hyperpolarization? -Absolute refractory period -Potassium efflux -A membrane potential of -65mV -Sodium influx

Potassium efflux

__________ is a protein that synthesizes RNA primers on ________ during DNA replication. -Primase...the lagging strand -RNA polymerase...both the leading and lagging strands -Primase...both the leading and lagging strands -RNA polymerase...the lagging strand

Primase...both the leading and lagging strands

Which of the following macromolecules is broken down by pepsin in the stomach? -Carbohydrates -Lipids -Nucleic acids -Proteins


Which of the following products is not formed during fermentation in humans? -All of these are products of fermentation -Lactic acid -Pyruvate -NAD+


What is the main difference between DNA nucleotides and RNA nucleotides? -DNA has uracil, while RNA has thymine -RNA nucleotide bases pair via hydrogen bonds, but DNA nucleotide bases do not -RNA nucleotides have two hydroxide groups on the sugar, but DNA nucleotides have only one -DNA nucleotides are bound by phosphodiester bonds, but TNA nucleotides are bound by glycosidic bonds -RNA nucleotides have five-carbon sugars, while DNA nucleotides have six-carbon sugars

RNA nucleotides have two hydroxide groups on the sugar, but DNA nucleotides have only one

What is the purpose of the corpus luteum in females? -Release human chorionic gonadotropin in order to preserve the egg -Release progesterone and estradiol following ovulation -Contain the egg prior to ovulation -Release hormones to stimulate menstruation

Release progesterone and estradiol following ovulation

Which of the following structures will never be found in a virus? -RNA -Ribosome -DNA -Lipids


A protein that will be embedded in the plasma membrane is likely to be translated by _________. -Nuclear ribosomes -Cytosolic ribosomes -Ribosomes bound to the Golgi apparatus -Ribosome bound to the endoplasmic reticulum

Ribosomes bound to the endoplasmic reticulum

Which structure releases calcium ions prior to muscle contraction? -Sarcolemma -Myosin -T-tubule -Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

What level of protein structure is determined only by hydrogen bonds? -Tertiary structure -Secondary structure -Quaternary structure -Primary structure

Secondary structure

Which organelle is used to create triglycerides and other lipids? -Rough endoplasmic reticulum -Ribosome -Smooth endoplasmic reticulum -Golgi apparatus

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following substances would be most capable of passing through a plasma membrane? -Sodium ion -Glucose -Steroid hormone -Amino acid

Steroid hormone

The Calvin cycle takes place in the _________ and occurs ____________. -Stroma...only during the absence of light -Cytoplasm...whenever the appropriate nutrients are present -Stroma...whenever the appropriate nutrients are present -Cytoplasm...only during the absence of light

Stroma...whenever the appropriate nutrients are present

Which of the following events is correlated with the repolarization of the neuron? -The increased rate of the sodium-potassium pump -The opening of voltage-gated sodium channels -The closing of voltage-gated potassium channels -The opening of voltage-gated potassium channels

The opening of voltage-gated potassium channels

What is the difference between the alpha and beta forms of a monosaccharide? -The orientation of the hydroxyl group on the anomeric carbon -The number of carbons in the ring -Whether the monosaccharide is an aldose or a ketose -The direction all hydroxyl groups point in the ring

The orientation of the hydroxyl group on the anomeric carbon

Which statement correctly describes the process of DNA replication? -The old DNA strands stay together and are replicated to form an entirely new DNA molecule -The original molecule is separated and each daughter molecule will have one old DNA strand and a new DNA strand -New DNA is replicated from parental template strands and an enzyme cuts the new strands away from the old strands -Parent DNA strands are cut into pieces and the segments are replicated and combined to form two new DNA molecules

The original molecule is separated and each daughter molecule will have one old DNA strand and a new DNA strand

If a person has an A blood type, which of the following statements is true? -The person cannot be given type O blood -The person makes A antibodies -The person can be given type B blood -The person makes B antibodies

The person makes B antibodies

A researcher is performing PCR to amplify a sample of DNA. Unfortunately, he forgot to add the DNA primer prior to starting the experiment. Which of the following results is he most likely to observe? -The reaction will be completely unsuccessful -The reaction will work, but amplify a region that was not his target -The reaction will work, but the product will contain many undesired mutations -The reaction will work, but at a significantly slower rate

The reaction will be completely unsuccessful

Which of the following statements describes a lysogenic infection? -The virus enters the cell, hijacks host reproductive machinery, and creates new viruses that will destroy the cell -The virus will inject its genome into the host cell through its tail -The virus incorporates its nucleic acid into the host's genome -A lysogenic infection can only be done by DNA viruses

The virus incorporates its nucleic acid into the host's genome

The triceps brachii extends the arm, while the biceps brachii flexes the arm. How is the biceps brachii related to the triceps brachii? -It is a fixator of the triceps brachii -They are antagonists -They are agonists -They are synergists

They are antagonists

How do the mitochondria maintain the chemiosmotic gradient used for the electron transport chain? -Scaffold proteins carry protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space -They export protons into the cytoplasm -They continuously pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space -They import protons from the cytoplasm

They continuously pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space

Which cellular junction acts as a barrier to prevent fluids from passing between cells? -Villi -Gap junctions -Tight junctions -Desmosomes

Tight junctions

What is the function of arteries in the body? -To return blood to the heart -To carry both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood away from the heart -To exchange nutrients with the body's tissues -To carry only oxygenated blood away from the heart

To carry both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood away from the heart

When would it be appropriate to use extraction in order to separate compounds in a solution? -When the compounds have similar polarities, but differing solubilities. -When the compounds have differing conjugated double bond lengths, but similar molecular weights. -When the compounds have similar molecular weights, but differing polarities. -When the compounds have differing molecular weights, but similar solubilities.

When the compounds have similar polarities, but differing solubilities.

Which of these statements INCORRECTLY describes a difference between white and red fibers? -Red fibers have more mitochondria than white fibers -White fibers have less myoglobin than red fibers -White fibers fatigue more quickly than red fibers -White fibers utilize aerobic respiration more than red fibers

White fibers utilize aerobic respiration more than red fibers

How are proteins imported into the nucleus? -Passive diffusion through nuclear pore complexes -With the assistance of special proteins known as importins -Proteins are only exported from the nucleus -Translocation through nuclear pore complexes while they are being translated by membrane-bound ribosomes

With the assistance of special proteins known as importins

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