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volcanic activity

Divergent plate boundaries are where the lithosphere is being rifted apart. What fills in the area of the rift? A ) sediment from erosion of the mountains B ) subducted oceanic crust C ) volcanic activity D ) transformation plates


True or False. Because of plate tectonics, the Earth and Venus look very similar. A ) True B ) False


True or False. Earthquake tomography shows that subducting plates and associated earthquakes rarely reach depths beyond 600 meters in the mantle. A ) True B ) False


True or False. Earthquakes always occur at plate boundaries. A ) True B ) False


True or False. Geologic sciences community is in agreement about convection and its role in plate tectonics . A ) True B ) False


True or False. Most of the surface features of the Earth are there because of a plate tectonics reason. A ) True B ) False


True or False. The cause of tectonic activity is finally well understood. A) True B ) False


True or False. The same material is denser when it's hot than when it's cold. A ) True B ) False


True or False. Transform plate boundaries are where plates slide against one another. A ) True B ) False


True or False. We currently have computer models that can predict what the surface of the Earth will look like 50 to 100 million years in the future. A ) True B ) False


True or False. We know where plate boundaries are, so we know where to expect plate movements. A ) True B ) False


Volcanic island arcs are almost always associated with _____. A ) transform boundaries B ) trenches C ) divergent boundaries D ) hot spots


The San Andres Fault is located on a _____ boundary between the Pacific and North America plates. A ) transform B ) convergent C ) subduction D ) divergent

have a cold, solid core

Some planets have lost plate tectonics because they _____. A ) have a dense iron core B ) have no rotation C ) are too far from the Sun D ) have a cold, solid core


True or False. Divergent plate boundaries are where plates collide. A ) True B ) False


The thinnest part of the Earth is the _____. A ) crust B ) mantle C ) core D ) asthenosphere

10,000 foot high volcanic mountain range

The topographic expression of a mid-ocean ridge system is a _____. A ) 10,000 foot high volcanic mountain range B ) 10,000 foot deep trench C ) 10,000 foot deep fault line D ) subduction of lithosphere

at plate boundaries

The vast majority of earthquakes occur _____. A ) at mid-plate B ) at the end of island chains C ) in deep sediments on the seafloor D ) at plate boundaries


There are basically _____ types of earthquakes. A ) two B ) three C ) five D ) an unlimited number of


There's an extremely active boundary in East Africa, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, where the continent is literally being torn apart. It is a _____ boundary. A ) transform B ) convergent C ) subduction D ) divergent

only earthquakes

Transform boundaries usually have _____. A ) earthquakes and volcanism B ) only earthquakes -- C ) only volcanism D ) only generate new seafloor

6 kilometers

Trenches formed subducted plates at convergent boundaries can reach depths of up to _____. A ) 100 meters B ) 1000 kilometers C ) 6 kilometers D ) 60 miles


The Andes Mountains are the result of a _____ boundary. A ) transform B ) convergent C ) subduction D ) divergent

inactive, and remains under the surface

A seamount is different from a volcano. It is ______. A ) made of granite, not basalt B ) inactive, and remains under the surface C ) active, but above the surface D ) a heavily eroded, old volcano

plate boundaries

Active deformation of the Earth's crust takes place at _____. A ) mid-plate B ) plate boundaries C ) deep sea hot springs D ) the continental shelf

a really big ocean

After seafloor spreading goes on for a hundred million years or so you can end up with _____. A ) a really big ocean B ) a deep trench C ) a high mountain range D ) a broad delta

in an ocean basin

Albuquerque, New Mexico sits on a boundary that could eventually place it _____. A ) on a new mountain range B ) in a deep trench C ) in an ocean basin D ) in a subduction zone

hot materials rising and cold materials sinking

Convection describes the basic physics of ______. A ) hot materials sinking and cold materials rising B ) hot materials rising and cold materials sinking C ) hot materials diffusing into cold materials D ) cold materials diffusing into hot materials

the Earth's core

Old pieces of ocean crust can sometimes sink to the deepest levels of _____ A ) the continental shelf B ) the continental rise C ) the asthenosphere D ) the Earth's core

shed extra heat

Plate tectonics is a way for the Earth to _____. A ) release radioactive elements B ) maintain its magnetic field C ) conserve the heat of its core D ) shed extra heat


Plates are pulling apart at _____ boundaries. A ) divergent B ) convergent C ) transform D ) deep sedimentary


Plates come together at _____ boundaries. A ) divergent B ) convergent C ) transform D ) deep sedimentary


Plates slip past each other at _____ boundaries. A ) divergent B ) convergent C ) transform D ) deep sedimentary

quartz & feldspar, olivine, iron

The Earth's crust is mostly _____, its mantle _____ and its core, _____. A ) quartz & feldspar, olivine, iron B ) quartz & feldspar, iron, olivine C ) olivine, quartz & feldspar, iron D ) granite, andesite, basalt

moves over a hot spot

The Hawaiian Islands are being formed as a plate _____. A ) moves over a hot spot B ) collides with another plate C ) subducts into a trench D ) makes a spreading center

mid-ocean ridges

The _____ are where 60-80% of the Earth's surface is being formed. A ) island arcs B ) guyots C ) subduction trenches D ) mid-ocean ridges


The _____ are where plates are being destroyed in the Earth's mantle. A ) island arcs B ) guyots C ) trenches Divergent plate boundaries are where the lithosphere is being rifted apart.

radioactive decay

The heat in the Earth's core comes from _____. A ) volcanoes B ) gravity C ) pressure D ) radioactive decay

at subduction zones

The most violent earthquakes occur _____. A ) at spreading ridges B ) at mid-ocean ridges C ) at subduction zones D ) during strong cycles of solar activity

at spreading ridges

The shallowest earthquakes occur _____. A ) at spreading ridges B ) at mid-ocean ridges C ) at subduction zones D ) during strong cycles of solar activity

seismic waves from earthquakes

We've learned a lot about the Earth's crust and interior from studying _____. A ) seawater composition in trenches B ) volcanic gases C ) seismic waves from earthquakes D ) GPS signals

only earthquakes, volcanism, a trench and high mountains

When there is subduction, one plate sinks under another, creating _____. A ) only earthquakes and volcanism B ) only earthquakes, volcanism and a trench C ) only earthquakes, volcanism, a trench and high mountains D ) earthquakes, volcanism, a trench, high mountains and new seafloor

an earthquake

When two pieces of lithosphere collide and grind against each other at a subduction zone, pent up strain energy can be suddenly released as ____. A ) an earthquake B ) a pyroclastic flow C ) an increase in seafloor D ) a folded mountain range

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