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vigor [N]

active strength or force, health, hardiness,energy or power; vitality, spirit; zeal, passion,

whimsical [N]

capricious, fickle, changeable, fanciful, playful, mischievous,

thrifty [adj]

careful about managing money, economical

vicissitude [N]

change of fortune, change, alteration, shift, reversal, twist, turn,fickleness, variability,

unrequited [ADJ]

not returned or reciprocated: not avenged or retaliated: not repaid or satisfied.

usurp [V]

seize another's power or rank,to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: commandeer, wrest, assume, expropriate, overthrow, remove,supplant, replace

vertigo [N]

severe dizziness. sensation of whirling and loss of balance.

theocracy [n]

A government administered by ecclesiastics. A government by a person(s) claiming to rule with Devine authority

torrent [n]

A heavy stream, a sudden flood or uncontrolled outpouring, gush

torpor [n]

Apathy., Lethargy or sluggishness, dormancy, drowsiness or disinterest,

titanic [adj]

Of vast size or strength., Exceptional strength size and power, gigantic

wanderlust [N]

a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about ;

terse [adj]

Pithy. Concise; to the point A terse statement or comment is brief and unfriendly.

transcendent [adj]

Surpassing., exceeding ordinary limits, superior

timidity [n]

The characteristic of being afraid, lack of self confidence

vanguard [N]

advance guard of a military force; forefront of a movement; forefront, advance guard, spearhead, front, front line, fore, van, lead,

tempestuous [adj]

characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion. very stormy. characterized by or subject to tempests : of the nature of or resembling a tempest : tumultuous; turbulent: antonyms; apathetic calm cool indifferent unexcited gentle mild moderate

vindicate [V]

clear from blame or suspicion,acquit, clear, absolve, exonerate; discharge,exonerate. support.

wheedle [V]

coax, cajole, inveigle, induce, entice, charm, tempt, beguile, blandish, flatter, persuade, influence,

vacuous [ADJ]

empty:lacking in ideas or intelligence:inane; stupid:purposeless; idle: antonyms: intelligent.

zeal [N]

enthusiasm, eagerness, passion, ardor, love, fervor,eager desire or endeavor;intensity, passion. antonyms: apathy, indifference,

volatile [ADJ]

explosive, inflammable; unstable, evaporating, rapidly. antonyms: stable, calm,constant.

tiller [n]

handle to move boat's rudder

utopia [N]

paradise, ideal place, idyll, nirvana, God's country;

voluminous [ADJ]

large, bulky, extensive, sizable, generous;copious, ample.

toxic [adj]

poisonous,. To have the effect of poisoning,

transgression [N]

violation of a law, command, offense, crime, sin, error, lapse, peccadillo

vacillate [V]

waver; totter; stagger,to oscillate or fluctuate , hesitate,

verbose [ADJ]

wordy,talkative, flatulent, wandering, discursive, digressive, rambling; Antonyms : laconic.

whiff [N]

puff, gust, flurry, breath, draft, waft, trace , hint, sniff, scent, odor,suggestion, impression, suspicion,

therapeutic [adj]

relating to therapy; something that heals or soothes, curative,

unsullied [ADJ]

spotlessly clean, stainless, immaculate, flawless,

urbane [ADJ]

suave, sophisticated, reflecting, elegance, cosmopolitan, polished, refined, antonyms: uncouth, unsophisticated.

tantalize [V]

tease, torment, torture, bait; tempt, excite, fascinate,provoke, taunt, frustrate.

withhold [V]

to hold back; restrain or check,desist from giving, keep possession of . retain, suppress, repress, Antonyms : advance.

wither [V]

to shrivel; fade; decay: fade, perish; shrink, antonyms: thrive, flourish.

vise [N]

tool for holding work in place; a metal tool with movable jaws that are used to hold an object firmly in place while work is done on it, typically attached to a workbench.

tirade [n]

A long and bitter speech, A long, angry speech, usually very critical, extended scolding

tenet [n]

Any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true.A principle or belief held as part of a religion or philosophy an idea held as true

theoretical [adj]

Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications.hypothetical; based on theory; unproved or uncertain

tractable [adj]

Easily led or controlled., docile; easily managed or governed

toady [n]

Follower; one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors, someone who engages in excessive flattery; a suck-up

tentative [adj]

In the nature of an experiment or trial ; uncertain, hesitant, Not done with confidence, not definite or final

terrestrial [adj]

Of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants Earthly, down to earth

termination [n]

The act of ending or concluding. Noise added to the response due to a lack of, or improper termination.

thwart [v]

To oppose successfully; to prevent, frustrate, foil, to stop or block, to prevent from happening, To hinder or stand in the way of

tenuous [adj]

Weak thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; lacking a sound basis, poorly supported

zenith [N]

a highest point or state; culmination. top, acme, peak, pinnacle, apex, summit. antonyms: nadir

vagabond [N]

a person with no fixed home, hobo, loafer, knave, idler, wanderer,tramp

tiff [adj]

a petty quarrel, especially one between friends or lovers.

vantage [N]

a position, condition, or place affording some advantage or a commanding view;an advantage or superiority:

voracious [ADJ]

avid, desirous, hungry, ravenous; enthusiastic, rapacious, insatiable.

thrive [v]

become very strong and increase in number, to grow, going forward, prosper

venturesome [ADJ]

bold, undertake risky or dangerous activities; daring:hazardous:enterprising; rash. risky, perilous, unsafe. Antonyms : cautious.

tedious [ADJ]

boring, dull, monotonous, repetitive, wearing, tiring, monotonous, antonyms: exciting

wary [ADJ]

cautious, careful, circumspect, watchful, vigilant, observant, antonyms: inattentive, trustful.

vie [V]

compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle,

validate [V]

confirm, justify,ratify, endorse, approve, authorize, legalize, antonyms: disprove,reject, revoke.

transcribe [V]

copy; transliterate, interpret, translate;

wily [ADJ]

cunning, artful, sly, designing, intriguing, tricky, foxy, deceitful, treacherous. Antonyms : straightforward, open, naive

wane [V]

decline, diminish, decrease,shrink, crumble, evaporate, disintegrate,failure, decay. antonyms: wax, grow.

willful [ADJ]

deliberate, intentional, headstrong, strong-willed, obstinate, antonyms: accidental,biddable, amenable, obedient,tractable.

unravel [V]

disentangle, solve, resolve, collapse, explain, clarify, antonyms: entangle; succeed; complicate.

temperament [N]

disposition, nature, character, personality, makeup, constitution,

unsightly [ADJ]

distasteful or unpleasant to look at: ugly, hideous, horrible, repulsive, revolting, offensive, antonyms: attractive

voluble [ADJ]

fluent; glib; talkative: articulate, garrulous, loquacious; verbose, wordy, chatty, antonyms: taciturn

zephyr [N]

gentle breeze.any of various things of fine, light quality, as fabric, yarn, etc.

waive [V]

give up; forgo:refrain from enforcing; relinquish, renounce, abandon, surrender, ignore, overlook Antonyms : demand.

verdant [ADJ]

green , lush in vegetation; covered with growing plants or grass:inexperienced; unsophisticated:

versatile [ADJ]

having many talents; capable of working in many fields, adaptable, all-around. handy.

virtuoso [N]

highly skilled artist, skillful, antonyms: beginner, incompetent

unseemly [ADJ]

improper, unbecoming, unfitting,indiscreet, indelicate, indecorous,inappropriate. antonyms: decorous

withdrawn [ADJ]

introverted, unsociable, inhibited,remote, quiet, taciturn, reticent, reserved,aloof, detached. antonyms: outgoing

tarry [V]

linger, loiter, procrastinate, delay, wait, dawdle;rest, lodge, stop, abide.antonyms: hurry; leave.

vivacious [ADJ

lively; animated; spirited:sparkling, lighthearted, spirited, brisk. Antonyms : languid, dull.

uproarious [ADJ]

marked by commotion; extremely funny; very noisy, rowdy, hilarious, hysterical, antonyms: quiet, solemn.

temper [V]

moderate, modify, modulate, mitigate, alleviate, reduce, weaken, lighten, soften; nature, condition; irritation. harden, strengthen, toughen, fortify.

totter [v]

move unsteadily, sway, as if about to fall

vindictive [ADJ]

out for revenge; malicious, vengeful, revengeful, unforgiving, Antonyms : forgiving.

whittle [V]

pare, shave, trim, carve, cut off bits, reduce, diminish, undermine, weaken, subvert, compromise,

vehement [ADJ]

passionate, forceful, ardent,intensely emotional; passionate, forceful, characterized by rancor or anger; violent:strongly emotional; intense or passionate:enthusiastic, antonyms: mild, apathetic;dispassionate.

virulent [ADJ]

poisonous, toxic, venomous, deadly, lethal, fatal, dangerous, harmful, malevolent, hostile, spiteful,intensely bitter, spiteful, or malicious:highly infective; malignant or deadly. antonyms: harmless, nontoxic, benevolent, amicable.

temperate [ADJ]

relating to or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures. showing moderation or self-restraint. moderate or self-restrained; not extreme in opinion, statement, etc. :moderate as regards indulgence of appetite or passion, especially in the use of alcoholic liquors. not excessive in degree, as things, qualities, etc. antonyms; disagreeable harsh hateful nasty nervous unpleasant drunk excessive immoderate inebriated stormy uncontrolled violent

venerate [V]

revere, reverence, worship, hallow,adore, honor, respect,

title [n]

right or claim to possession, mark of rank, name of book or movie

wallow [V]

roll in; indulge in ; luxuriate; revel: to flounder about; move along or proceed clumsily or with difficulty:

upbraid [V]

severely scold, reprove, blame, reprimand, rebuke, admonish,

whet [V]

sharpen, hone, strop, grind, stimulate, excite, arouse,

winnow [V]

sift, separate to good parts from bad, distinguishing; analyze critically;

warble [V]

sing, chirp, chirrup, cheep, twitter, tweet, chatter,

traduce [v]

speak maliciously or falsely about, To slander, defame, malign, libel, speak falsely about,

uphold [V]

support; champion, defend, confirm, endorse, approve,maintain, sustain, continue, antonyms: overturn, oppose, abandon.

vulnerable [ADJ]

susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm, helpless, defenseless, powerless, impotent, weak, criticism, temptation,open to assault; difficult to defend:

veracity [N]

truthfulness, truth, accuracy, correctness, faithfulness, honesty, integrity, credibility.

wry [ADJ]

twisted; crooked:devious in course or purpose; misdirected,contrary; perverse. annoyed, irritated, Antonyms : straight.

wayward [ADJ]

ungovernable, unpredictable, contrary,stubborn, obstinate, unruly, refractory, intractable,willful; disobedient: irregular: antonyms: docile

vapid [ADJ]

unimaginative,dull, boring, tedious, tired, antonyms: lively, colorful,

unprecedented [ADJ]

unique, extraordinary, exceptional, novel; unparalleled,

unwarranted [ADJ]

unjustified, groundless, excessive, gratuitous, immoderate, disproportionate, antonyms: justified, legal

wanton [ADJ]

unrestrained; loose; lascivious; malicious. calculated. heedless, inconsiderate. licentious, dissolute, immoral, libidinous, concupiscent, lustful. lavish. waste. Antonyms :careful, considerate. restrained.

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