Evolve Ch 1: Mental Health and Mental Illness

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8. A nurse's identification badge includes the term, "Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse." A client with a history of paranoia asks, "What does that title mean?" Keeping in mind the diagnosis of the client, how should the nurse respond to this question? a. "We have the specialized skills needed to care for those with mental illnesses." b. "Don't be afraid; it means I'm here to help, not hurt, you." c. "Psychiatric mental health nurses care for people with mental illnesses." d. "The nurses who work in mental health facilities have that title."

a. "We have the specialized skills needed to care for those with mental illnesses."

18. Which statement best describes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fifth edition (DSM-5) DSM-5? a. It suggests common interventions for mental disorders. b. It is a compendium of treatment modalities. c. It is a medical psychiatric assessment system. d. It offers a complete list of nursing diagnoses.

c. It is a medical psychiatric assessment system.

13. A client tells the mental health nurse "I am terribly frightened! I hear whispering in my head that someone is going to kill me." Which criteria of mental health can the nurse assess as lacking? a. Positive self-concept b. Rational thinking c. Learning and productivity d. Self-control

b. Rational thinking

3. A registered nurse has accepted a position as staff nurse on a psychiatric unit. Which statement made by the nurse requires additional instructions regarding the therapies provided on the unit? a. "You will attend a psychotherapy group that I lead that will help you care for yourself." b. "You will be given a schedule daily of the groups we would like you to attend." c. "You will see your provider daily in a one-to-one session." d. "You will participate in unit activities and groups daily."

a. "You will attend a psychotherapy group that I lead that will help you care for yourself."

7. According to current information what factor is associated with the most disabling mental disorders? a. Biological influences b. Learned ways of behaving c. Faulty patterns of early nurturance d. Psychological trauma

a. Biological influences

4. A nurse, active in local consumer mental health groups and in local and state mental health associations, keeps aware of state and national legislation affecting mental illness treatment. How can this nurse positively affect the climate for effective, mental health treatment? a. By educating the public on the effects that stigmatizing has on mental health clients. b. By becoming active in politics leading to a potential political career. c. Advocating for reduced mental health insurance benefits to discourage abuse of the system by inappropriate psychiatric admissions. d. Advocating for laws that would make the involuntary long-term commitment process easier and faster for caregivers of mentally ill persons.

a. By educating the public on the effects that stigmatizing has on mental health clients.

Which severe mental illness has a prevalence of over 6% among the populace of the United States? (Select all that apply.) Select all that apply. a. Major depressive disorder b. A personality disorder c. Generalized anxiety disorder d. Bipolar disorder e. Social phobia f. Alzheimer's Disease

a. Major depressive disorder d. Bipolar disorder

15. An individual is found to consistently wear only a bathrobe and neglect the cleanliness of his apartment. When neighbors ask him to stop his frequent outbursts of operatic arias, he acts outraged and tells them he must sing daily and will not promise to be quieter. This behavior supports what conclusion about this client? a. The client is not conforming with social norms. b. The client is engaging in egocentric behaviors. c. The client is demonstrating symptoms of bipolar disorder. d. The client is demonstrating socially deviant behavior.

a. The client is not conforming with social norms.

2. Which nursing statement illustrates the concept of client advocacy? a. "I'd like you tell me more about your depression and your suicide attempt?" b. "Dr. Raye, during the admissions interview the client stated that there is a family history of three other suicide attempts in the past." c. "Dr. Raye, during the admission interview, the client stated they will refuse fluoxetine because of adverse effects they experienced previously." d. "I will take you on a tour of the unit and orient you to the rules so you can get adjusted here."

c. "Dr. Raye, during the admission interview, the client stated they will refuse fluoxetine because of adverse effects they experienced previously."

Ch 1 1. Which client statement demonstrates the mental health concept of resilience? a. "My kids, happiness is worth any sacrifice I have to make." b. "My mother made decisions about my husband's funeral when I just couldn't do that." c. "Losing my job was hard but my skills will help me get another one." d. "In spite of all the treatment, I know I'll never be really healthy."

c. "Losing my job was hard but my skills will help me get another one."

9. Which branch of epidemiology is the nurse involved in when seeking outcomes for clients whose depression was treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? a. Descriptive b. Analytic c. Clinical d. Experimental

c. Clinical

10. A nursing diagnosis for a client with a psychiatric disorder serves what purpose with considering the plan of care? a. Justifying the use of certain psychotropic medication. b. Providing data essential for insurance reimbursement. c. Establishing a framework for selecting appropriate interventions. d. Completing the medical diagnostic statement.

c. Establishing a framework for selecting appropriate interventions.

14. How can a nurse best differentiate whether an Asian client is demonstrating a mental illness after having attempted suicide? a. Explain that suicide is often regarded as a desperate act. b. Assess the client for other examples of depressive behaviors. c. Identify the client's culture's view regarding suicide. d. Ask the client whether he views himself as being depressed.

c. Identify the client's culture's view regarding suicide.

17. The mental health status of a particular client can best be assessed by considering which factor? a. The degree to which an individual is logical and rational b. Rate of demonstrated intellectual and emotional growth c. Position placement on a continuum from health to illness d. The degree of conformity of the individual to society's norms

c. Position placement on a continuum from health to illness

5. The nurse being aware that certain mental illnesses have a prevalence among a specific gender, will suspect which statement was made by a female client? (Select all that apply.) Select all that apply. a. "I'm so anxious, about everything." b. "There is no way I could make a presentation to a group of people." c. "I freeze in panic when I see a spider." d. "I've been depressed most of my adult life." e. "I've been arrested 6 times in the last 15 years."

d. "I've been depressed most of my adult life." e. "I've been arrested 6 times in the last 15 years."

16. What client assessment data demonstrates parity related to mental health care? a. Advance practice nurse can be certified as psychiatric nurse specialist. b. The client is admitted for a 72-hour mental hygiene evaluation. c. A client who has attempted suicide is hospitalized for a mental health evaluation. d. A client's mental health coverage is equal to his/her medical/surgical coverage.

d. A client's mental health coverage is equal to his/her medical/surgical coverage.

11. The nurse planning care for a mentally ill client bases interventions on which concept? a. There are universal fears that are shared by all mentally healthy individuals. b. Every client comes with experiences that contribute to their problem. c. It is a client right to be treated respectfully. d. Every client has a certain degree of resilience.

d. Every client has a certain degree of resilience.

6. What term is used to identify the quantitative study of the distribution of mental disorders in human populations? a. prevalence b. clinical epidemiology c. mortality d. epidemiology

d. epidemiology

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