Ex Phys: Resistance Training

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2 strength test approaches to determine if gender musclular differences exist

1. Assess absolute strength (total force exerted). 2. Assess relative strength (force exerted related to body mass, fat-free body mass [FFM], or muscle cross-sectional area

Three approaches to apply muscle overload in resistance training:

1. Increase load or resistance 2. Increase number of repetitions 3. Increase speed of muscle action

4 muscle fiber changes during muscle hypertrophy

1. Increased amounts of contractile proteins (actin and myosin) 2. Increased number and size of myofibrils per muscl fibe 3. Increased amounts of connective, tendinous, and ligamentous tissues 4. Increased quantity of enzymes and stored nutrients

6 popular methods of resistance training systems

1. Isometric training 2. DCER training 3. Variable resistance training 4. Isokinetic training 5. Plyometric training 6. Body weight-loaded training

delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) occurs from these factors

1. Minute tears in muscle tissue or damage to its contractile components with accompanying release of creatine kinase, myoglobin, and troponin I (the muscle-specific marker of muscle fiber damag 2. Osmotic pressure changes that cause fluid retentio in the surrounding tissues 3. Muscle spasms 4. Overstretching and perhaps tearing of portions of the muscle's connective tissue harness 5. Acute inflammatio 6. Alteration in the cells' mechanism for calcium regulation 7. Combination of the above factors

6 general objectives for resistance training

1. Weight lifting and power lifting competition (who is strongest?) 2. Body building (maximize muscular development for aesthetic goals) 3. General strength training (fitness and healt enhancement) 4. Physical therapy (rehabilitation from injury or disease) 5. Sport-specific resistance training (maximize spor performance) 6. Muscle physiology (understanding structure and function)

General recommendations for beginning a resistance training program

1. avoid max lifts 2. do lighter reps, more reps at the start 3. decrease to 6-8 reps after several weeks and marked improvement 4. add load as target reps are reached 5. always go from larger to smaller muscles (from start to finish)

7 muscle strength test considerations:

1. standardized instruction 2. uniform warm-up intensity/duration 3. provide adequate practice 4. ensure consistency of the exercise 5. predetermine the amount of repetitions 6. select tests with high reproducability 7. recognize body type differences when assessing scores

NSCA recommends having the ability to lift ___ times body weight prior to performing lower body plyometric exercise


Human skeletal muscle fibers in vitro (outside of the body) generate __ to __ Newtons (N) maximal force per square centimeter of muscle cross-sectional area (MCSA) regardless of gender

16 to 30

The load should increase __% to __% when the individual performs 1 to 2 repetitions above the current workload


How many muscles encompass the core or "powerhouse"?


__ minutes of rest is recommended between moderate movement; 1-2sec for con/ecc movement


PRE works in this way:

3 sets, 10 reps, increase the load as training continues and improves

If an athlete can't do a 1RM, a 5RM and 10RM may be performed instead. What % of the 1RM are the resistances at each?

5RM = 90% of 1RM 10RM = 78% of 1RM

Minimal intensity for muscular overload occurs between __% and __% of 1-RM.

60% and 70%

Moving a constant weight concentrically and eccentrically is termed this:

Dynamic constant external resistance (DCER)

Fast twitch are type I or type II fibers?

II !!!

Which should be engaged first? Large or small muscles? Single or multi-joint exercise? Higher or lower intensity exercise?

Large, multi, higher

Formula for power

Power = Force x (Distance/Time), or Force x Velocity

Goal of the competition phase of periodization

Selective strength development is emphasized with low-volume, high-intensity workouts (3-5 sets; 2-4 reps at 90%-95% 1-RM) plus short periods of interval training that emphasize sport-specific exercises

Recommendations for %1RM based on training goal:

TRAINING LOAD GOAL GOAL: (% 1-RM): REPETITIONS Strength: 85: 6 High power: 80-90: 1-2 Low power: 75-85: 3-5 Hypertrophy: 67-85: 6-12 Endurance < 67 12

Equations for predicting 1RM using 7-10RM

Untrained: 1-RM (kg) = 1.554 x 7-10RM weight (kg) - 5.181 Trained: 1-RM (kg) = 1.172 x 7-10RM weight (kg) + 7.704

Main causes of LBP syndrome:

ab weakness, lumbar weakness, L-spine instability, poor back/leg joint flexibility

ballistic resistance training is defined as this:

aims for maximum velocity and force prior to initiating move or throwing object

Relative strength is computed by dividing strength score by one of these three variables:

body mass, fat-free body mass (FFM) or MCSA

Limited data from short-term studies indicate that women (cannot, can) use conventional resistance training methods to gain muscle strength and size on a similar percentage basis as men


Benefits of isometrics

can isolate a joint angle which needs more work than others in the ROM

synonym for Body weight-loaded training

closed-kinetic chain exercise

3 types of muscle action:

concentric, eccentric, isometric

Periodization training model progressively (increases, decreases) training volume and (increases, decreases) intensity as the program duration progresses to maximize newly acquired improvements in muscular strength and power

decreases, increases

Resistance exercise (does, does not) produce any long-term increase in resting blood pressure.

does not

Resistance exercise (does, does not) produce much if any aerobic benefit

does not

(con, ecc, iso) resistance training produces the most muscle soreness and hypertrophy post-exercise


rapid (concentric, eccentric) actions generate the greatest force


Goal of the 2nd transition phase of periodization

emphasizes recreational activities and low-intensity workouts that incorporate different exercise modes

stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) performed in plyometrics aims to do what?

enhance the final push-off phase and produce a more powerful subsequent movement,utilizing a muscles' natural recoil and stretch reflex

There is an inherent (equality, inequality) in the trainability of men and women


t/f: 80% maximum effort is required to get most benefit out of isometric training

f, 100%

t/f: 3RM / body weight = relative muscular strength for a given activity

f, 1RM

t/f: Muscles and tendons, which are highly adaptable tissues, respond favorably to chronic changes in loading depending on the age or gender of individual

f, independant of age/gender

t/f: Concurrent resistance and aerobic training programs produce greater muscular strength and power improvement than training for strength only

f, less

t/f: improvements in muscular strength and power will always coincide with muscle hypertrophy

f, not always

With LBP, bed rest and restriction from daily activity is preferred

f, recommend staying off bed rest and continuing normal functions if tolerable

A (slow, fast) rate of moving a given resistance generates more strength improvement than moving at a (faster, slower) rate

fast, slower

Isometric exercise effectively improves the strength of a particular muscle or group of muscles when the applied isometric force covers __-__ joint angles through the ROM

four or five

Greater daily repetitions of isometric activity relates to (greater, lesser) strength gains


Greater duration of isometric activity relates to (greater, lesser) strength gains


Type II motor units have a (low, high) twitch force; they become activated in activities requiring significant force


Limited evidence indicates that closely supervised resistance training programs using concentric-only muscle actions with (high, low) repetitions and (high, low) resistance improve children's muscular strength without adverse effect on bone or muscle

high, low

While some evidence may exist, (hypertrophy, hyperplasia) represents the most important contribution to increased muscle size from overload training in humans


With Periodization, there is a (direct, inverse) relationship b/t training volume and intensity


improvement in bone strength generally (lags behind, parallel) the rate of muscle fiber adaptation

lags behind

Larger MCSA = (larger, smaller) muscular force


plyometrics or "explosive jump training" aims to do what?

mobilize the inherent stretch-recoil characteristics of skeletal muscle

Goal of the preparation phase of periodization

modest strength development with high-volume (3-5 sets; 8-12 reps), low-intensity workouts (50%-80% 1-RM plus flexibility and aerobic and anaerobic training)

Variable resistance equipment has been shown to be (more, less) beneficial to strength gain than other resistance equipment


three factors of muscle strength capacity

muscle cross-section, fiber type, and mechanical arrangement of bone and muscle

Muscle growth depends on these two factors

muscle fiber type activation and their recruitment pattern

Muscles do this during eccentric action

muscle fibers lengthen as a result of an external force on muscle exceeding force of the muscle (aka plyometrics)

Muscles do this during concentric action

muscle fibers shorten

muscles do this during isometric action

muscles generates a considerable force against a resistance, but despite maximum effort are unable to overcome the external resistence

These cell types proliferate and differentiate in muscle fiber under long-term training stress to form new fiber types

myogenic stem cells (satellite cells)

(neural, muscular) changes predominate in the early training stages


(Strong, No) correlation exists between plasma testosterone levels and body composition and muscular strength in men and women.


Major limitation of isometrics

no movement, thus difficult to assess effort and progress

Periodization fights this:

overtraining (staleness)

ligament and tendon strength generally (lag behind, parallel) the rate of muscle fiber adaptation


Terms which describes varying training intensity and volume to ensure that peak performance coincides with major competition


Each muscle group has an optimum movement speed to produce maximum _______


4 phases of periodization:

preparation phase, 1st transition phase, competition phase, 2nd transition phase (active recovery)

This practical application of the overload principle forms the basis for most popular resistance training programs

progressive resistance exercise (PRE)

define functional strength training or functional resistance movement training

resistance training in the specific movement that wishes to be improved. e.g. having a baseball player swing a heavier bat to illicit strength gains in the bat-swinging motion

resistance recommendations for aging and elderly

single sets, 8-15 reps, moderate intensity, 2x a week

Absolute or peak force generated in a movement depends on the ___________ of muscle lengthening and shortening


Goal of the 1st transition phase of periodization

strength development with workouts of moderate volume (3-5 sets; 5-6 reps) and moderate intensity (80%-90% 1-RM plus flexibility and interval aerobic training)

t/f: A muscle strengthens when trained near its current maximal force-generating capacity


t/f: CRT provides both aerobic and anaerobic benefit


t/f: Endurance training induces some intraconversion of contractile and neural characteristics of type II fiber


t/f: Gains in isometric strength training occur predominantly at the joint angle used in training.


t/f: Performing one exercise set induces only slightly less strength improvement in recreational weight lifters than performing two or three sets


t/f: Power training should apply the strategy to improve muscular strength plus include lighter loads (30%-60% of 1 RM) performed at fast contraction velocity


t/f: The fast-twitch fibers of weight lifter average about 45% larger than fibers of healthy sedentary persons an endurance athletes


t/f: Training should develop maximum force-generating capacity for those muscle groups throughout the ROM at a movement pattern and speed that closely mimics actual sports performance


t/f: Training twice every second day produces overall superior results compared with daily training


t/f: With isometric testing, muscle force is measured at a specific joint angle


t/f: anatomic and intrinsic physiologic factors within the muscle determine the ultimate limit of strength development.


t/f: both dynamic and static strength training is required to develop total strength gains is musculature


t/f: fast twitch muscle fibers produce greater muscle force at fast movement speeds than slow-twitch fiber


t/f: greater peak power occurs in fast-twitch fibers than in slow-twitch fibers at any movement velocity


t/f: increase to muscle tension causes hypertrophy


t/f: intensity of training (overload) is the most important factor in strength gains


t/f: strength gains typacally parallel with improved function


t/f: traditional Resistance exercise is relatively low energy


t/f: inhaling reduces spinal load during near-maximal load lifting


t/f: Comparisons of muscular strength on an absolute score basis (i.e., total force in lb or kg) indicate that men possess considerably greater strength than women for all muscle groups tested.

t, Women score about 50% lower than men for upper-body strength and about 30% lower for leg

t/f: high training may yeild inflammation response and blunt the training response

t, it is possible

If one always wears a belt during near maximal lifting, what would be a recommendation to that person?

throw in beltless, submaximal resistance lifting to focus more of ab and pelvic-stabilizing muscles

Training _______ and _______ influence the impact on resistance training on cardiovascular system adaptations

volume and intensity

Define the strength training zone

when repetitions in a resistance exercise range from 60-100% 1RM

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