EXAM 1 583

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An example of sexting would be most likely to lead to police action

At the request of her 21-year-old friend, Dave, 16-year-old Greta sends him a nude photo of herself.

Which of the following statements about cyberbullying is true?

In most cases, the person being cyberbullied has an idea who is behind the harassment.

Luis and Carla Hernandez are getting a divorce. It is likely that the family will go through a period of _________ before it can adjust to this challenge.


The extent to which students are psychologically committed to learning and mastering the material rather than simply completing the assigned work is called

student engagement.

Comparisons of large and small schools reveal that

students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities.

Elise is dancing to her favorite song on the radio when her smartphone beeps. Elise pulls out a notebook and records her current emotional state. This type of data collection is called

the experience sampling method.

What has been shown to be a key component of what makes a positive youth development program successful?

the extent to which participants are placed in demanding roles

Which of the following adolescents is most likely to be living in a single-parent household?

A Black adolescent

Compared to other times in recent history, how many adolescents have after-school jobs today?

Fewer adolescents have after-school jobs today than in recent history.

Based on what you have read about high-performing charter schools, what qualities from these schools would it make sense to encourage in other schools?

Focus on character development as well as academic performance.

What is the recommended relationship between schools and the larger community?

Schools should be thoroughly integrated into the wider community.

Adolescents tend to report their least positive moods when they are


Many adults incorrectly believe that cyberbullying is usually


The potentially fatal disorder in which young women actually starve themselves is called

anorexia nervosa

The most popular type of extracurricular activity is


Adolescents who have academic difficulties that can be traced to persistent and impairing symptoms of inattention and impulsivity may have

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Decha's teacher is concerned about him because he is passive and indifferent to new experiences and shows little intellectual curiosity. He also shows signs of developing low self-esteem. Based on Baumrind's classification of parenting styles, Decha's parents are most likely


Roberto says, "Graduating from college was one of the happiest days of my life." This is an example of

autobiographical memory.

Individuals who were adolescents in the late 1950s and 1960s are known as members of the

baby-boom generation.

The ______ is the minimal amount of energy one uses when resting.

basal metabolism rate

By the end of high school, crowds

become less important to adolescents.

Research has established that circumcision is associated with

negative outcomes for females but not for males.

What percentage of American adolescents have sent a photo featuring naked breasts, genitals, or buttocks to a peer?


According to research, the ideal size of a school for adolescents is between

600 and 900 students.

Alcohol and drugs are present in about ________% of prime-time network dramatic programs.


During social redefinition, the separation of adolescents from parents can be ______ or ______.

actual; symbolic

Tamari's father has absolute standards and expects Tamari to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tamari. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?


Which of the following research findings best describes the phenomenon known as generational dissonance?

Recent studies have found that stress and conflict are higher in Latino families in which adolescents are relatively more acculturated than their parents.

Specific learning disabilities are ________. Examples are ________ (impaired ability in reading or spelling), ________ (impaired ability in handwriting), and ________ (impaired ability in arithmetic).

common; dyslexia; dysgraphia; dyscalculia

In Marley's society, adolescents are expected to attain adult roles at a certain age; however, they are provided with little training for such responsibilities. Additionally, adolescents tend to be segregated from the workforce and receive little training in school for the types of jobs they will hold as adults. What type of society does Marley most likely belong to?


According to research, many youngsters who were "nerds" in middle school

had opportunities to shift status in high school.

At school, Jamila is perceived as high-status, yet rude and abrupt. A psychologist would say that she

has perceived popularity but not sociometric popularity.

Researchers studied teenagers who live in wealthy neighborhoods and found that they have ______ levels of delinquency than teenagers in ______ neighborhoods.

higher; middle-class

The ability to see beyond what is directly observable and reason in terms of what might be possible is called

hypothetical thinking.

Research suggests that creating "schools within schools" in larger high schools can be associated with which of these outcomes?

inadvertently creating "schools" that differ in their educational quality

Even though Scott has some difficulty in English, his school places him in the highest track for that subject. Scott's school follows which type of tracking system?


In adolescents, genetic factors have a strong influence on ______ but have less influence on ______.

intelligence; school performance

The ability to remember something from several years ago is called

long-term memory

Tommy values education and works hard in school, but he also enjoys hanging out with his friends on the weekends. Which peer crowd is Tommy most likely to belong to?


Being placed in a more advanced track generally has a

positive influence on subsequent course selection.

In Western societies, adolescence has been redefined as a time of ______ rather than ______.

preparation; participation

What female sex characteristics is usually the last to develop?

regular ovulation

Annie is an adolescent enrolled in Mr. Love's science class. Annie will most likely do best in class when Mr. Love

spends a high proportion of classroom time teaching lessons.

According to a national survey, how many students in American public schools have been victims of violence?

1 out of 4

About what percentage of student achievement is the result of self-fulfilling prophecies that teachers have about students?


Seventeen-year-old Chloe has an Internet addition. What is an example of "salience" as it pertains to Internet addiction?

Chloe values her time on social media more highly than her other activities. She checks her smartphone throughout the school-day and is constantly online at home. She spends more time on social media than on homework or with friends.

Why is it so difficult to draw a legal boundary between when someone should be treated like a child and when someone is ready to be treated like an adult?

Development can be rapid and varies widely between individuals.

Justin's parents try extremely hard (almost excessively) to control his choice of friends. What effect is this style of parenting likely to have on Justin?

Justin may become closer to the "forbidden" peers.

You describe what you have learned in psychology class to a relative who is in her 50s. She says, "There is no way that a 22-year-old should feel like an adolescent. That is nonsense." Based on what you have read in this chapter, which of these points would it make sense for you to bring up to refute her statement?

Many people in their early 20s have had to delay their transition into adult work and family roles because they need more schooling to succeed.

What writer suggested that the speed at which society changes affects the socialization of adolescents?

Margaret Mead

Renee, a 6-year-old, is unable to answer the question, "How are a motorcycle and a bicycle alike?" Mohammed, a 17-year-old, answers the same question by saying, "They are both types of transportation." Which statement about Renee and Mohammed is most accurate?

Mohammed has demonstrated the ability to think abstractly.

Some experts who believe in the idea of a separate youth culture find the idea alarming. What reason do they give?

Some writers believe that members of youth culture have beliefs that are the opposite of adults' beliefs.

Describe the psychosocial impact of a peer group on adolescents

Teenagers' psychological problems can come from problems with peers and can cause problems with peers.

Which of the following accurately describes most other industrialized nations?

The government separates most students into college-bound and non-college-bound groups based on national exams.

When large numbers of students in a particular school work, how does this affect the schoolwork of their fellow students who do not have jobs?

The quality of their education suffers because many teachers lower classroom expectations.

According to the textbook, in general, how does employment affect adolescent development?

The question of how adolescents are affected by working depends on the nature of the job.

What is the best way to conceptualize adolescents' free time?

There appear to be adolescents who have substantial time commitments across many activities, adolescents who focus on one type of activity, and adolescents who do not participate in any activities.

At the time of peak height velocity, adolescents grow at about the same rate as


Differences in the timing and rate of puberty among individuals growing up in the same general environment are largely caused by which factor?

a. hormones b. genetics c. exercise d. psychology Answer: b

Veronica had to wait until she was 13 years old before her parents would allow her to get her ears pierced. A psychologist would call this an example of

a body ritual.

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys would be called

a clique.

A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (for instance, the baby boomers) is known as what?

a cohort

Mitch organizes a party for about 20 of his classmates who are all interested in theater, and they all watch a recording of the musical The Phantom of the Opera. This group of teenagers, who don't always hang out together but share common interests, would most appropriately be labeled

a crowd.

The combination of high levels of both concentration and interest at the same time is called

a flow experience

In contemporary America, the process of adolescent social redefinition, which typically begins at age 15 or 16, is something that occurs over

a relatively long period of time.

Which of the following is probably true for Ashley, an early-maturing girl who was short and stocky as a child?

a. After puberty, she will be shorter and heavier than her late-maturing peers. b.After puberty, she will be shorter and thinner than her late-maturing peers. c.After puberty, she will be taller and heavier than her late-maturing peers. d.After puberty, she will be taller and thinner than her late-maturing peers. Answer: a

Which group has seen the greatest rise in obesity?

a. Black girls b. Black boys c. White boys d. White girls Answer: a

When Diego turned 18, he started to think more about his education and potential future careers. He felt more independent and capable. What has changed for Diego?

a. His cognitive functions have improved. b. His self-concept is different. c. He has achieved menarche. d. He has achieved menarche. Answer: b

Which of the following statements about hormonal changes of puberty is true?

a. Hormonal changes affect the brain in ways that increase adolescents' desire for sensation-seeking activities. b. Hormonal changes of puberty make adolescents more risk averse. c. Hormonal changes of puberty make adolescents more introverted. d. Hormonal changes affect the brain in ways that decrease adolescents' desire for rewarding activities. Answer: a

Dr. Devlin is leading a research study on synaptic pruning. Based on what you have read in the chapter, which of these questions do you think she will strive to answer?

a. How can we reduce the amount of synaptic pruning in adolescents' brains? b. Why is synaptic pruning so common in children but relatively rare in adolescents? c. In what ways does synaptic pruning make the brain more efficient? d. Why do males undergo more synaptic pruning than females do? Answer: c

The improvements in organizational strategies seen in adolescence include

a. increasing use of mnemonic devices. b. thinking concretely instead of abstractly. c. focusing on the here and now instead of on many possibilities. d. considering issues from one side instead of many sides. Answer: a

Who of the following is probably an adolescent (and not a child)?

a. Maryann, who accepts her parents' rules about room cleaning and bedtimes as matters of right and wrong b. Matthew, who believes that it is possible to go for a long period of time without thinking about anything c. Tamara, whose thinking is bound to observable events d. Frank, who appraises his reading comprehension before starting the next chapter Answer: d

Which of the following is true about obesity?

a. Obesity is a body mass index at or above the 95th percentile. b. Thirty percent of American adolescents are obese. c. The rate of obesity has quadrupled since 2005. d. Obesity is caused by a low basal metabolic rate. Answer: a

Which of the following statements about obesity is true?

a. Obesity is especially prevalent among middle class adolescents. b. Adolescent obesity has been especially dramatic among White males. c. Adolescent obesity is limited to the United States. d. Obesity is the most serious health problem of American adolescents. Answer: d

Which of the following statements about puberty's impact on family relationships is true?

a. Puberty appears to increase distance between parents and children. b. Other species do not experience distance during the pubertal transition. c. The distancing effect of puberty on families occurs regardless of ethnicity. d. Puberty is more likely to disrupt family relationships if it happens early. Answer: a

The researcher Daniel Kahneman would agree with which statement?

a. Teenagers and adults often behave illogically. b. Teenagers often act illogically, but adults' executive function prevents illogical behavior. c. In many situations, adults are more illogical than teenagers. d. Although children often act illogically, teenagers rarely do. Answer: a

Which of the following statements about the production of hormones at puberty is true?

a. The body begins to produce several hormones that have not been present until this time. b. There is an increase in the production of certain hormones. c. Boys' bodies produce more estrogens, and girls' bodies produce more androgens. d.The feedback loop regulating the endocrine system becomes increasingly less important. Answer: b

Which of the following conditions is most likely to produce the most favorable and easiest adjustment to menarche?

a. The girl's mother prepares her by describing the unpleasant aspects of menarche. b. The girl reaches menarche earlier than her peers. c. Menarche occurs before the girl has learned about the physical changes that will happen. d. The girl knows the facts about the physical changes her body will undergo. Answer: d

Which of the following statements concerning sibling relationships is true?

a. The quality of sibling relationships affects adolescents' peer relationships. b. Sibling relationships do not ameliorate the negative effects of family stress. c. Siblings are generally not good role models or sources of advice. d. Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families. Answer: a

Which of the following statements about intelligence in adolescence is true?

a. There is very little debate regarding what exactly intelligence is. b. The higher an individual's IQ, the smaller the number of same-aged peers who perform equally or better. c. Scientists have not reported any significant correlations between aspects of IQ performance and synaptic pruning in the brain. d. An IQ test is the only way to assess intelligence in adolescents. Answer: b

Why are neurotransmitters' receptors essential for a healthy, high-functioning brain?

a. They allow each neuron to activate all or almost all of the other neurons in the vicinity. b. They keep the 100 billion neurons of the brain running smoothly and efficiently. c. They prevent the transmission of electrical signals in the adolescent brain. d. They prevent the transmission of chemical signals in the adolescent brain. Answer: b

What factor offers the most likely explanation the fact that Dorothy and Rose, sisters who are only 1 year apart in age, have different memories of their family life as they were growing up?

a. a shared environment b. a nonshared environment c. genetic differences d. genetic similarities Answer: b

Which of the following is part of the feedback loop in the endocrine system?

a. adrenal gland b.melatonin c. pituitary gland d.thyroid hormones Answer: c

Which of the following policies is most likely to reduce adolescent smoking?

a. an anti-smoking ad campaign featuring celebrities b. an anti-smoking education campaign in school c. a sharp rise in the price of tobacco products d. additional information about the health risks of smoking Answer: c

Early-maturing boys

a. are more likely to have low self-esteem. b. may have higher rates of depression. c. are better prepared to deal with changes of adolescence. d. act more childish than their later-maturing peers. Answer: b

Overall, teenagers are least likely to comment that their jobs

a. are tedious. b. offer good learning experiences. c. provide opportunities to exercise responsibility. d. pay well Answer: a

Which of the following is an example of a universalistic norm in contemporary American society?

a. being taught the concept of majority rule b. learning about customs linked to one's ethnic heritage c. being taught a hobby by a relative d. learning treasured family recipes Answer: a

Boys who are victims of cyberbullying often report which of the following adjustment problems?

a. conflicts with teachers and other authority figures b. conflicts with parents c. behavioral problems, such as fighting d. emotional problems, such as depression Answer: c

Maia has an erratic sleep schedule. On weekdays she stays up past midnight and gets up early for school. On weekends she stays up even later and sleeps in until noon. The best way for Maia to improve her sleep is to

a. go to bed early on weekdays and stay up late only on weekends. b. go to bed early on weekends to make up for lost sleep during the week. c. get up at the same time on both weekdays and weekends. d. get up whenever she feels most awake on weekends. Answer: c

Although both sexes experience changes in muscle tissue and body fat, the ratio of muscle to body fat is

a. greater in boys than girls. b. greater in girls than boys. c. about the same in both genders. d. greater in early-maturing girls than in late-maturing boys. Answer: a

The term "puberty" refers to the period during which an individual

a. is between the ages 12 and 15 b. creates new hormones via the endocrine system c. Becomes capable of sexual reproduction d. stops growing in height Answer: c

The children who are most likely to think of themselves as being "off schedule" with respect to their physical development are girls who mature ______ and boys who mature ______.

a. late; early b. early; late c. late; late d.early; early Answer: b

Changes in the "social brain" may help explain why adolescents tend to become

a. less prone to embarrassment. b. less capable of abstract thought. c. more susceptible to peer pressure. d. more likely to ignore others' facial expressions. Answer: c

Studies have shown that prepubertal girls who expect menstruation to be uncomfortable report

a. milder menstrual symptoms than their peers. b. more severe menstrual symptoms than their peers. c. about the same level of menstrual symptoms as their peers. d. experiencing menarche sooner than their peers. Answer: b

Adolescents who work more than 20 hours weekly are less likely than their peers to

a. participate in extracurricular activities. b. drop out of high school. c. be absent from school. d. be disengaged from school. Answer: a

Research testing the theory of adolescent egocentrism has found that certain aspects

a. peak at age 12 and then drastically decline. b. may remain present throughout the adolescent and adult years. c. are virtually a nonexistent phenomenon in adolescence or adulthood. d. are less prevalent among college students. Answer: b

Multidimensional thinking helps adolescents understand

a. sarcasm b. imaginary audiences c. formal operations d. concrete examples Answer: a

Sex differences in brain organization predetermine

a. sexual behavior during puberty. b. emotional and behavioral problems. c. certain patterns of behavior d. desire for highly rewarding activities. Answer: c

Tony belongs to a group called "the partyers." We would expect that Tony is very involved with

a. sports b. adult institutions c. school clubs d. the peer culture Answer: d

Parker, a senior in high school, is looking for a job. What type of job is he most likely to end up with?

a. store clerk in a retail store b. fast-food worker c. pizza delivery driver d. babysitter Answer: a

Melatonin levels change naturally in response to

a. stress hormones. b. androgens and estrogens. c. sleep-wake cycles. d. the amount of light. Answer: d

Amalia is most likely to be adversely affected by her parents' divorce if

a. the conflict between her parents is covert. b. she blames herself for her parents' problems. c.her parents attempt to keep their relationship with her positive. d.her parents keep her out of their arguments. Answer: b

Which of the following factors is most important in determining the onset of puberty?

a. the presence of sexually mature partners in the environment b. whether the individual is healthy enough to begin reproduction c. information coded in an individual's genes d. whether there are nutritional resources available to support a pregnancy Answer: c

According to the textbook, a good deal of adolescents' risk taking takes place in contexts in which

a. they are unsupervised by adults and exposed to peers who encourage risky behaviors. b. older, opposite-sex peers are present and monitoring their behavior. c. they are in a new, exciting environment where formerly daunting challenges seem easy. d. they are on their own, with no input from peers or adults. Answer: a

Why is it difficult to determine the exact nature (and direction of the effect) of family characteristics and adolescent development?

a.Adolescent behavior may be a stronger determinant of family relationships than parents' behavior. b.Parents and adolescents reciprocally influence each other. c.How parenting patterns impact adolescent behavior is unknown until adulthood. d.Genetic inheritance has a stronger impact on adolescent behavior than parenting practices. Answer: b

Which of the following is one of the results of improvements in social cognition?

a.Adolescents become better able to interpret the feelings of others. b.Adolescents become less able to recognize that others may view situations differently. c.Adolescents are less capable of formulating arguments. d.Adolescents are less likely to challenge their parents' and teachers' authority. Answer: a

Which of the following statements about social cognition is true?

a.Adolescents have a more differentiated and more nuanced understanding of social norms than adults do. b.Adolescents are more able than children to step outside themselves and see things from other vantage points. c.Adolescents are less likely than children to understand that social rules are subjective. d.Adolescents are less likely than children to believe that in some situations, it may be appropriate to limit the rights of certain people. Answer: b

Which of the following statements about the way in which teenagers relate to mothers and fathers is true?

a.Adolescents tend to be closer to their mothers. b.Adolescents tend to be closer to their mothers. c.Adolescents fight more often with their fathers than their mothers. d.Adolescents perceive fathers as more controlling than their mothers. Answer: a

Why is it hard to know whether exposure to messages about drinking and smoking actually change adolescents' behaviors?

a.Adolescents underestimate their behavior when it comes to alcohol and tobacco use. b.Research has found little correlation between smoking in media and adolescent smoking behavior. c.Preexisting values, beliefs, and expectations influence what adolescents perceive, what they pay attention to, and what they remember. d.Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are present in almost all media that adolescents consume; therefore, it is difficult to pinpoint their effects. Answer: c

Which of the following teenagers is most likely to be homeless?

a.Alexa, a 15-year-old Latina girl whose parents are divorced b.Desiree, a 14-year-old Black, transgender girl c.Zarif, an 16-year-old boy from a poor neighborhood d.Bryn, an 18-year-old White boy who is gay Answer: b

Changes in the limbic system during adolescence may cause

a.decreased emotionality. b.decreased responsiveness to stress. c.increased risk-taking. d.decreased responsiveness to rewards. Answer: c

Chuck is a member of a higher-status crowd at his school. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

a.Chuck has high self-esteem. b.Chuck feels a lot of pressure to be "cool." c.Chuck feels a lot of pressure to be "cool." d.Chuck has a diffused identity status. Answer: a

Which of the following resulted from standards-based reform?

a.Educators could not agree on the body of knowledge and skills that comprised what high school graduates should know and be able to do. b.Far larger numbers of students did, in fact, acquire the knowledge and capabilities assessed on standardized graduation examinations. c.Minority adolescents were nine times more likely than majority students to fail standardized examinations. d.Female adolescents were four times more likely than male students to fail standardized examinations. Answer: a

Who is more likely to hold a part-time job during high school?

a.Gino, an Italian adolescent b.Ha-joon, a Korean adolescent c.Hope, a Japanese adolescent d.Selena, an American adolescent Answer: d

Which of the following statements about secondary schools is true?

a.In the developing world, rates of enrollment in secondary schools have not changed much in a century. b.Almost all American 17- and 18-year-olds are enrolled in school. c.Many poorer families in developing countries no longer need their adolescents to work. d.In most developed countries, more boys than girls are enrolled in secondary school. Answer: b

Amy, a social reformer in the early twentieth century, would have likely considered which of the following to be a good reason to push for secondary education?

a.It is a way to improve life circumstances for the upper classes. b.It is effective in reducing crime by keeping youngsters off the streets. c.It is a way to help immigrants maintain their separate and diverse cultures. d.It is effective in preventing the United States from industrializing too quickly. Answer: b

Which of the following people is most likely to be experiencing emerging adulthood?

a.Javier, a 21-year-old living in a wealthy nation. b.Dion, a 28-year-old living in a poor nation. c.Rebecca, a 21-year-old living in a wealthy nation. d.Gia, a 28-year-old living in a poor nation. Answer: c

Which of the following adolescents is most at risk of mental health problems?

a.Mason, a 13-year-old homeless boy b.Angelica, a 15-year-old girl living with a single mother c.Uri, a 12-year-old boy living with his mother and stepfather d.Ji-woo, a 14-year-old girl whose parents are having financial difficulties Answer: a

Which of the following exemplifies the type of adolescent social media usage that studies have found to have a positive effect?

a.Maximo and his best friend message each other online while watching videos. b.Shaheena uses Facebook to follow the activities of her local city council. c.Chenoa frequently solicits advice from her online friends about her style, activities, and problems. d.Elias exchanges messages frequently with a number of casual acquaintances. Answer: b

Which of the following individuals is likely to have the most difficulty negotiating the transition into adolescence in the United States?

a.Naomi, an Asian American b.Ken, a White American c.Charlie, a Native American d.Sara, a White American Answer: c

Which of the following adolescents is at risk of developing compulsive Internet use?

a.Paola, who does well socially and academically, but plays violent video games on her Xbox for fun b.Jonas, who is aggressive with his peers and plays online video games as an escape c.Charlotte, who plays sports video games on her PlayStation for two hours every day d.Nayath, who plays problem-solving games online for an hour every day Answer: b

Dr. Mondragon, a psychologist, is a member of a blue-ribbon government panel that is seeking to speed up the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Which of these measures should she advocate?

a.Suggest that people in their early 20s delay marriage. b.Encourage people in their early 20s to move back in with their parents. c.Advise a decrease in the costs of housing and transportation for people under 35. d.Encourage people in their late teens and early 20s to finish their formal education. Answer: c

Which of the following statements best characterizes the U.S. Supreme Court's position on the status of adolescents?

a.The Court has not been able to give consistent guidance about the status of adolescents. b.In recent decades the Court has consistently treated adolescents as miniature adults. c.Again and again, the Court has regarded adolescents as having only a little more maturity than children do. d.The Court has said that adolescents do not have the maturity to exercise religious freedoms. Answer: a

Which of the following was an outcome of the Industrial Revolution?

a.a greatly increased number of job opportunities b.the shortening of schooling for adolescents c.a decrease in crime as machines replaced people in the workforce d.a social movement to keep adolescents out of the workplace Answer: d

According to the routine activity theory, which of the following is a major contributing factor to adolescent delinquency?

a.a lack of structured leisure activities b.lower-than-average intelligence c.lower-than-average intelligence d.media usage Answer: a

Which of the following was a result of industrialization?

a.a return to old patterns of work b.more time spent in school c.the shortening of adolescence d.more time working with family members Answer: b

Among adolescents, placement into a foster care group home is associated with

a.an easier transition to independence. b.greater delinquency. c.more stable living arrangements. d.a lengthier stay in the foster care system. Answer: b

According to research, which of these are characteristics of effective classrooms?

a.an orderly atmosphere, yet one that allows critical thinking b.a disciplined atmosphere, one that limits debate c.one that welcomes students yet discourages autonomy d.one in which students set up high-tech equipment whenever possible Answer: a

One reason that the adolescent years may constitute a difficult period of adjustment is that parents

a.are frequently becoming more involved in building their own careers. b.seem to be pushing children toward financial independence at earlier ages. c.are at home more often and do not give their children adequate freedom. d.may also be experiencing identity crises of their own. Answer: d

Changes in the structure of secondary schools have been linked to broader societal revolutions. Which of the following factors has contributed to these changes?

a.deindustrialization b.ruralization c.immigration d.intellectualization Answer: c

Helena is a fourteen-year-old who uses social media very frequently. She is very concerned about her popularity and spends a lot of time thinking about her online relationships. Helena is relatively likely to

a.exhibit a high level of fear of missing out. b.have her online friendships displace her in-person friendships. c.engage in sexting. d.develop social anxiety. Answer: a

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that most adolescents

a.experience considerable storm and stress in relationships with their parents. b.resent their parents and rebel against their restrictions. c.appear to maintain close, respectful, and loving relationships with parents. d.become even closer to parents, and report almost no disruptions in their relationships with them. Answer: c

Compared to a child, an older adolescent is likely to

a.experience more stress and less happiness until the transition to full-fledged adulthood. b.face a range of decisions that may have serious long-term consequences. c.have fewer long-term possibilities. d.have an identity crisis. Answer: b

Which of the following environmental factors affects the onset of puberty?

a.exposure to cold temperatures b.changing seasons c.poor air quality d.amount of light exposure Answer: d

Which of the following is an effective way to enhance the development of an adolescent's reasoning abilities, moral judgment, and empathy?

a.family discussions in which rules and expectations are explained b.giving them as much freedom as is practical c.helping adolescents better enforce rules for their younger siblings d.restricting their activities so they are less likely to make mistakes Answer: a

One aspect of brain maturation that is associated with increases in the speed of neural impulses and improvements in information transmission is

a.formal operational thought b. myelination c.metacognition d. information-processing gains. Answer: b

You are a psychologist treating Martina, a middle school student who is popular among classmates despite being a bully. What types of behavior would you expect to see in her?

a.frequent outbursts of temper b.interest in romantic relationships c.calculated, pre-planned aggression d.involvement with many school-sponsored clubs and activities Answer: c

Marcus is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Marcus most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

a.how to wear his hair b.the issue of capital punishment c.his religious beliefs d.the value of a college education Answer: a

A neighborhood where the inhabitants trust each other and can count on each other to monitor the activities of youth in the community is a neighborhood with

a.low levels of violence. b.strong access to resources. c.high collective efficacy. d.high levels of wealth. Answer: c

Which type of involvement has been found to enhance the adjustment of low-income students in their transition to middle school?

a.parental b.community c. sibling d.governmental Answer: a

Research suggests that exposure to sexual media most clearly affects adolescents'

a.sexual behavior. b.relationships with friends. c.attitudes and beliefs. d.school performance. Answer: c

Which of the following can protect adolescents against the negative effects of exposure to violence?

a.structured extracurricular activities b.regular exercise and a nutritious diet c.intellectually stimulating high school classes d.the ability to declare independence from peers Answer: a

Which parenting characteristic is more prevalent among ethnic minorities?

a.supportiveness b.demandingness c.warmness d.intrusiveness Answer: b

The status of adolescents as full-time students arose as a result of

a.the Industrial Revolution. b.increases in scientific knowledge. c. political changes resulting from the Civil War. d. the advent of technical careers. Answer: a

What did President Obama's education secretary suggest as a way to address the problem of the state-dependent standards in the No Child Left Behind act?

a.the need to have higher standards for higher-achieving students b.the need to have a set of common standards across all 50 states c.the need for some students to be granted extended periods of time to complete standardized assessments d.the need for two sets of standards for each state (one for higher achievers and one for lower achievers) Answer: b

Which of the following is an aspect of social redefinition?

a.the passing on of information from the younger generation b.the accentuation of similarities between males and females c.the real or symbolic separation from parents d.the completion of informal schooling Answer: c

The average American adolescent sends ________ text messages a day.

about 70

Javier spends a great deal of time talking about relationships, politics, philosophy, religion, and morality with his friends, demonstrating his ability to think


You want to design a study that examines friendships between 10-year-olds and 15-year-olds in contemporary American society. Your advisor tells you that these friendships will be difficult to find and track. Why is that?

age grading

The current transition into adult occupations in America is considered a

discontinuous transition.

Nevaeh and Abigail are seventh graders. Neither is in a popular group, and neither is an outcast. The two girls get along well and voluntarily spend time together in and out of school. Neither has frequent interactions with other students. What would a psychologist call this relationship?


Behavioral decision theory draws heavily on ______ and is a rational process in which individuals ______.

economics; calculate the costs and benefits

According to Piaget, the period of cognitive development that spans the period from early adolescence through adulthood is called

formal operations.

The tensions that result from teenagers and adults having differences of personal taste and preferences are referred to as the

generation gap

Your local school system is trying to decide at what age to allow students to begin studying a foreign language. Based on what you have read about brain research, which age would you recommend?

grade school

Although Chris is significantly delayed developmentally, he goes to a regular school. He takes classes in social studies, music, and physical education with the non-handicapped students, and he goes to special classes to learn about reading and arithmetic. This situation is an example of


A recent study found that instruction in which of these lessened some of the stresses felt by adolescents in poor urban neighborhoods?


Jim and Savannah are the parents of two preteen girls. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious relationships. The likelihood that they will experience serious problems as the girls go through adolescence is

not likely.

The first ejaculation of seminal fluid that occurs is

often determined culturally

Adults tend to be ______ when their children are adolescents than the past generation.


According to Brown's (2004) study of crowds in high school, what fraction of adolescents do not fit clearly into any crowd?


Neville comes from a working-class family that lives in a run-down neighborhood in a major city. Lately, his parents have been urging him to join his school's soccer team. They are most likely motivated to do this

out of a desire to keep Neville out of trouble after school.

Keiko, a ninth-grader, was mad at Cherise for spilling juice on Keiko's shirt. Keiko spread a rumor that Cherise had gossiped about her friends. Keiko is using ______ to express her anger toward Cherise.

relational aggression

The gap in achievement between Black and Hispanic students, on the one hand, and White and Asian students, on the other hand,

remains very wide.

Spending time with family helps adolescents develop a sense of ______, while spending time with peers helps them develop ______.

responsibility; intimacy

Mary is having trouble understanding how to do a math problem. Her teacher asks her just the right question, and Mary understands the problem. Vygotsky would refer to the structuring process used by the teacher to guide Mary's thinking as


During which period are friendships most likely to end?

seventh and eighth grades

During childhood, boys typically associate with boys, while girls primarily associate with other girls. This separation of boys and girls has been referred to as

sex segregation.

Although Suyin's parents divorced seven years ago, the counselor at school attributes Suyin's poor school performance and delinquent behavior to the divorce. This counselor is probably referring to the

sleeper effect of divorce.

Although young children may seem unaffected by a divorce at the time, problems may emerge when they are adolescents. This delayed effect is called a

sleeper effect.

The fact that most books for parents of teenagers tend to focus on the problems instead of normative development is concerning because

the more parents believe in the stereotypes, the worse their relationships with their teenagers become.

What factor has had the strongest influence on American secondary schools since the beginning of the twentieth century?

the needs and demands of American communities and societies

The Bar Mitzvah and Bas Mitzvah are contemporary examples of traditional society's practice of ______ in adolescence.

the separation of males and females

Chris and his parents had an argument because they did not want him to go to a New Year's Eve party across town. A few days after the argument, Chris's anger subsided because he realized his parents were worried about his safety. Which cognitive process did Chris most likely use to reach this conclusion?

theory of mind

As a follow-up to the Supreme Court rulings in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954, 1955), the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that school districts may no longer

use race as a factor in deciding how to assign students to schools.

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