exam 1

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who is represented in the messages (DE&I wheel)

How does your campaign represent people of various genders, ages, physical abilities, different ethnicities, adn origins

two-step flow (steps)

Step 1: media -Media wants to instill their product in opinion leaders Step 2: opinion leaders ex) influencers- this is why they always get brand deals to promote their products

An indicator used to determine success of earned media efforts during a campaign would be which one of the following?

coverage in national news outlets

In the PESO model, shared media occurs when ______.

customers or fans create content about a brand

A brand places its messages using Google Ads. In the PESO model, which medium type is this?

paid media

The acronym "PESO" denotes which of the following?

paid, earned, shared, owned

Public relations practitioners should apply diffusion theory when attempting to do which of the following?

segment messages among audiences

Users of a brand post images of the brand's product on Instagram. In the PESO model, which medium type is this?

shared media

message exposure

-audience exposed to message from one or more media channels

when was first PR agency boom

1990 in Boston MA-whose job it was to distribute information before this people were just making htis up in house

we plan on behalf of someone else

"Stragetic communicationmeans communicating hte best message, through the right channels, measured against well-consdiered organizational and ocmmunicaiotn-specific goals"-shayna englin

AP style-money

$5 not 5 dollars

DE&I inclusion wheel

-A guide or check list of things to think about -Diversity, equity, and inclusion must be integrated throughout each step of the campaign-not cosmthieng tacked on -Diverse teams bring multiple perspectives to ensure that diverse outcomes more fully reflect client demogrpahics -Campaigns should consider inner spokes and an array fo external layers

what is the point of theory

-A theory is an idea or set of ideas explaining related facts, events,and actions -A theory tells us how something works -PR theories exist to provide a framework for public relations practitioners to develop their decisions-making process -It is essential to identify appropriate theories and models

why we plan

-A well developed plan acts a blueprint for the campaign -Supports the mission of an organizaiton by helping achieve its goals -Successful campaigns dependon accurate information (research) about **The challenges at ahand **Key publics **Effectiveness of each initiative **Impacts on critical stakeholders

excellence theory (when to apply)

-Advising senior management -Directing corporate communications -Enhancing organizational diversity

diversity in advertising and pr

-Audiences; the segment of the general public with whom we are communciaitng on behalf of our employers or clients -Reperesentations; the images, words, adn ideas we distribute through various forms of media -Labor; the demographic composition of the workforce in teh industry

diffusion theory (steps)

-Awareness; an individual is exposed to an idea or product -Interest: the idea or product is attractive to an individual (did they click that link or like the post) -Evaluation: the individual considers the idea useful -Trial: the individual tests the idea or product -Adoption: the individual accepts the idea or purchases the product

ritual model-reproducing meaning over time

-Communication is the process of becoming community -All thoughts require shared symbols (ideas) -This diagram is a circle so continuous with people, symbols, and community with time in the center

objectives (ROSTIR)

-Concerte things we want to achieve-drive teh campaign from the get go -Steps to achieving the goal with clearly defined who, what how much , and when ex) increase in sales, raise brand awarness


-Craft effective messaging; create memorable campaign-wide adn audience -specific messages supported by research **Many different approaches ex) fear -Define a campaign's PESO approaches; The tactical mix shoudl reflect audiences/ publics, timeline, budget, messageing, and team expertise **Paid media **Earned media **Shared media **Owned media **Converged media

nikes dream crazy campaign

-Created to celebrate the 30th anniversary of just do it and just do ti is targeted as teh most important tagline -They chose colin kaepernick to be the face of the campaign because he ahd been at the center of national controversy. He supports blakc lives matter on the field which becasue of this casued igniting an intense soical debate about protests, patriotism, police, and racial violence -Nike wabnted to go into this and take a stnad with black lives matter and they did this by doing research and saw thier buyers and supporters -They stepped into this because of their media adn cultural literacy they udnetstood how this message would flow online and the controversy they were stepping into


-Determining the right timing for each tactic -Designating responsibility for execution **Assign roles make sure everyone has ajob -Creating a calendar/spreadsheet mapping when and where each tactic will be delivered/executed -Include associated costs-budget ex)get local news stations to do a story on early abuse prevention strageties agaisnt domestic violence. Run radeio and local TV ads for a month after during the same local news program wiht the key message about preventing a crisis before it happens

diagnosis and goal setting

-Diagnosis:ascertian the cause or nature of something, usually an issue or problem that must be solved **Are we raising awareness, getting people in teh door, promoting a new product, associating ideas with a product, etc **Gives us the why for the campaign -Common problems or issues to be solved by a campaign goal -Launching new product ex) spunge was meant to create bubbles in the sink but thats not how people use it so proctor adn gamble created dissoap created to work with a sponge -Re3inforce or preserve existing brand or reputation -Expand outreach to a new audience -Manage a crisis,confluct, or negative publicity

reporting and evaluation(ROSTIR)

-Did we achieve our objectives -How did it go wrong -Analyzing effectiveness of campaign activities -Summarizing campaign results

diversity is the norm

-Diversit is the norm, not deviation form the norm. It is not an aberration form something. It is the already existing structure of cultural life -Diversity initiates cna sometimes come acrossas a change in the status quo -Aunt jemima has graces the packaging of pancake mix over 130 years removing the image seems like a change of the status quo. But it is actually bringing the brand into alignment with the racial, ethinci, and culturally diverse condtions of american public -Advertiseres had little interest in such issues when the brand was created in the 1890s adn the adopted the mammy figure to play on white consumers nostalgia for slaverly -To say diversity is the norm, is to say that the United States is composed of diverse -populations but the cultural politics question is who has been afforded the rights to -participate socially, politically, and economically and in what capacity?

strategies DE&I

-Diversity adn inclusion; develop messages adn select channels with publics, not just for publics


-Evaluative research; review objective-centered metrics adn examine unexpected results- both qualitatively adn quanittavely-to create a holistic perspective on your campaigns -Turning evaluation into improvement; to inform future campaigns, define lessons learned for the PR team as well as for the organization itself -Reporting results; generate easy-to-understand, scannable, and customizzed reporting documents for key stakeholders and organizational leaders

visual thinking strageteis

-Facilitating discussion among small group by asking general, non-threatening question about the content of what they see -Ultimately asking- how do we amke sense out of these images today? What lessons are to be drawn form them? What can be applied ot improve todays industry?

Pepsi -live for now

-Feat. kendall genner, april 2017 **Created by in-house tema of six white people **Used lots of freelance producers **"Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace, and understanding. Clearly we missed the mark, and we apologize. We did not intend to make light of any serious issue"

Coca-cola "hilltop/its the real thing"

-Feat. youn gpeople form around the world 1917 **Created by bill baker, mccann erickson ~~~Go the idea after being stranded


-High level ways i -Give media channel we need to target the public -Determines channels, audiences, and approaches to achieve the objective

dissuasion theory (what)

-How people adopt new ideas and new technology -explains spread of new ideas or products through a population Categories: -Innovators=want the new product -Early adopters -Early majority -Late majority -laggards=someone dragged along behind if thinking about technology may not want to sell this category on new

management by objectives (MBO)

-If we dont have an objective why are we doing anything -Provide focus direction when formulaitng a strategy or supporting organizational objectives -Increases transparency adn accountability since everyone knows what we're doing

two-way asymmetrical

-Info flows in both directions **Goes both to organizations and audiences -Goal is to persuade- get the public ot adapt to organizational goals **Focus groups, surveys, opinion polls -It is about power difference -Political campaigns find out how audiences react to different messages and then create one that will be the most persuasive

press agency (publicists)

-Information flows in one direction -Publicists getting information out to the media; whatever it takes for you client **From org to audiences -Goal is to persuade **Like the celebrity **Spectacles, leaks, news coverage ~~~Want scandals when there's truly no drama ex) celebrity publicist altering paparazzi about an event

public info

-Information flows one direction **From organization to audience -Goal is to inform **Press releases, press conferences ex) NASA sending press releases about the Mars Rover mission ( giving updates)

AP style-time

7 a.m. not 7 A.M.)

two-way symmetrical

-Information that flows both directions **To the organization and audiences -Goal is to inform and build toward mutual understanding **Social media, focus groups, surveys, interviews -Companies work with their consumers to create the kind of sustainable or ethical products that they want

what to do with history

-It is difficult to teach the history of advertising and public relations without encountering what today appear as abhorrent racist, sexist, and otherwise demeanign imagery used to sell products in routine ways. -Have to find somwway to deal with this stuff we need ot talk about this

Ivy Lee adn Edward Bernays eatbalished the PR model of public information

-Ivy lee created the public information model- he thought best way to resolve the crisisw as to informt eh public with best information availblabe -Edward bernays-develops scientific persuasion; very close to two-way asymmetrical communication where you study the audience and get information and data on them


-Leverage organizational strategies; strategies should reflect the unique internal and external organizational environment to place the campaign in teh best possible light -Complementary channel selection; support objective through complementary channel approaches reflecting different audiences, implementation stages, or message components

2 media ecosystems

-New or emerging media (digital+ social) **features= decentralized, cheap, minimal gatekeepers, two-way -Traditional or mass media(print+radio+tv) **features=centralized, expensive, professional gatekeepers, one-way

aunt jemima-pearl milling company

-On feb 9 2021 pepsi announced that aunt jemima would become pearl milling company effective in june 2021 -Critics denounced it as an overreach of political correctness disrupting a beloved brand icon -Adocates saw it an improatn step to equality emphazing the harmful effects that commericalized racist imagery ahve on black communites -Brands and advertismetns that surroud us on a day-to-day basis have rela eggects on cultural life

summary of PESO

-Paid; money is paid to place th3e message and control its distribution -Earned; getting the organization's sotyr told by credible third-party sources -Shared; allowing audiences to create content independently opr with the brand -Owned; messages written, published, and controlled by organization


-Perform developmental research **Conduct secondary adnprimary research ot better understand the orgixationsand its environment **Research on company, competitors, history of company, and they key public -Diagnose challenges and opportunities **Define the problems or possibilities for the organization -Set communication goals **Connect organizations-wide goal to communication or public relations goals to define the impact role for communication and set the scope of the campaign **ex) nike wanted to sell confidence to their customers kind of abstract -Target key audience adn stakeholders **research , select, adn prioritize audiences, publics, and stakeholders

research DE&I

-Performresearch with publics not just on publics; consider extraorganization impact of goals ex) kroger; have a huge impact with the cinci community who works there, who shops there, they are worried on how they impact their community -Work to become more awre of your own biases, considering hwo they might come into play in teh specific campaign at hand -When soliciting participants for original research, ensure members are form heterogeneou groups ex) if sampling kroger in oxford only probably getting a hughe sample of college kids who are shopping there at many other locations there are various other groups shopping


-Project management: define the budget, timelines, and workflow processes needed to execute the campaign -Implementing the plan; demonstrate persistence, perseverance, and flexibility incommunicaitn gwith stakeholders -Continuous improvement self-awareness adn self-evaluaiton; create space for reflection and to regularly adjust personal processes in outreach efforts -Refinement research; track metrics and responses to outreac and messages to see which strategies adn teactics adre most effective **See if teh campaign will do more good than harm etc; pepsi and kendall jenner ad there was more harm than good to this multi-million dollar ad -Embrace change; rather than executing an plan exactly as written practitioner should regularly examine the lessons learned throughout a campaign and adjust accordingly

traditional or mass media

-Push or pull method **traditional= Push :transmititng one-way message to audiences from a centralized palce **New or emerging media=pull:attarcting audiences to your content -But the media ecosystem contains push+pull with new and traditional media **Red dots are pushing media out but they are doing it ina way where we can produce, consumer, and share our own content

the afterlife of ads

-Reactions to the Pearl Milling rebrand highlights that brands exist within our cultural life in ways that far exceed their communicative function of selling products. -It is no accident that Pepsi announced an overhaul of the Aunt Jemima brand in June of 2020 in the wake of national outcry over the killing of George Floyd. -In 2017, Quaker (and their parent company Pepsi) had declined a Change.org petition to remove Aunt Jemima from the product saying "Aunt Jemima was a wholesome character and they didn't feel the need to change the brand."


-Reporting relates the results of the cmapgain directly back to the stated objectives -Evaluation is the analysis of completed or ongoing campaign activities -Reporting should include a concise description of results ex) the campaign was successful because calls increased 23% during the month long advertising flight

professional ethics

-Representation matters in our media (diversity) -Wasnt there 20 years ago

PESO-converged - paid+shared

-boosted social media posts -A place where you are paying to boost the content.Boosted social media post. But you pay to boos that content to those who dont follow you but they may have shared interest so you are trying to reach them as apart of your audience. This is boht paid and shared.

research (ROSTIR)

-diagnosis and goal setting -Need to do research on company, audience, what messages they are used to and then can make goals -Situation:the "why" for the campaign by identifying the context of a problem -Goals-soultuion to the problem -Key publics-an audience that cna help you solve the problem


-SMART communication objectives **Specific; focus ont eh situational communication problem or opportunity at hand for a particular public **Measurable; define success through output, outtake, adn preferably outcome metrics ~~Output;measure of a things were doing how many social media post did i sent out or press releases ~~Outtake; did they talk about the ad ~~Outcome; did people go buy the product -Attainable;make objectives realistically achievable within budgetary, time, and competitive constraints ex) making kroger the greatest grocery store in the antion unattainable but getting people in at thanksgiving to buy turkeys is attainable -Relevant; support adn prioritize an organizations mission and goals ex) not relevant that kroger is going ot inspire but nike can inspire people since they built up a whole company on targeting and inspiring peopl through their clothing -Time-bound;create a clear timetable for execution and measurement When will this happen


-SMART objectives=specific, measurable,achieveable, relevant, time-bound Include 4 elements **Who-target audience or public **What-specific outcome **How much-magnitude of change **When-target date ex) achieve 20% increase in texas-based calls to the national family violence hotline during paid media flights -Percentages always need baseline data(increase 20% from what?) be sure to include baseline data in the description and details of an objective

media and cultural literacies

-Social media -Diversity, equity, and inclusion

strategic communication and cultural politics

-Strategic communication practices such as branding, advertising, and pubic relations are a site of intervention for cultureal politics becasued they are central to cultura life -When advertisers make decisions about how, wehre, and when to represent communities of people, teh images, words,a dn ideas they choose to reproduce or transform the world views of their audiences **Draws upon commonly circulating ideas and phrases adn repackage them i the name of products **Amplify, legitmize, and reinforce these ideas as a mode of communicating to audiences -The question we should ask is are they reinforcing or challengin preconceived notions that audiences hold and what ahppens to them over time


-Tangible execution of the strategies in pursuit of objectives -The tangible methods used to deliver key messages to the target audience


-The choices amde select specific channels to key publics to achieve one or more objectives -Facilities tangible execution ex) connect with families directly by distributing informational brochures in texas

media ecosystem

-The complex interactions between traditional and emerging media platforms that enable individuals nad organziations to create, distribute, and consume informations **Commercial media system **Largely for profit through advertising **If you arent praying for hte product you re the product

key publics:core audience that can help you achieve your goals

-The peopl who can help solve your product -consumers(corporations) -Donors and constituents(non-profits) -citizens(politics)-ex) if you wnat to be reelected these are the people who do this

disrupting the status quo

-The rebranding of aunt jemina int o pearl milin gcompany is not doubt a disruption in teh continuity of how consumers experiences that product but as weve already seen there have been several changes to teh aunt gemina figure ove the year -While critics of the rebrand see it as an encroachment by the cancel culture left onto a beloved brand icon disrupting their status quo, a bit more historical perspective reveals that the status quo is built on imagery, which perpetuated ideas that it was normal for black women to be enslaved or in servitude through stereotypes of the Mammy figure... TO SELL PANCAKES! -While the rebrand disrupts the status quo it uses the kind of history I've discussed with the trade cards to realign which ideas are used to promote products today in more diverse and inclusive ways.


-The tangible methods used to reach target audience through face-to-face adn media outreach -Deliver KEY MESSAGES -PESO: paid,earned, shared,owned ex)distribute 1 mil educational campaoiign brochures over the duration of the campaign -Key message:call the outline before it becomes a crisis

results of dream crazy

-This was a massively successful campaign 1. $163 mil in earned media **They didnt pay for any of this publicity (from memes) 2. $bil brand value increase 3. 31% boost in sales -This was successful because nike learned how media culture world they made money through controversy

models of communication

-Transmission model-sending messages in space **sender->message ->receiver **Goes through the process of encoding and decoding ~~~Like a language in a lecture the professor is sending and encoding message and we as students are supposed to decode the message to understand **The receiver also sends feedback to the sender ~~~This is like asking question to the professor so that we can get answers of feedback


-What: converged media is a term to describe when two ro more aspects of the PESO model overlap -Why: leverage strengths of multiple approaches

who is persuading whom with what ideas

-Who is persuading (white advertisers)- labor -Who is being persuaded (white audiences)-audiences -Using what ideas (derogatory representation of black communitesi)-representations -The santiized aunt jemina form 1990s may seem benigntoday but its history is never lost only more obscured

PESO-converged - paid+earned

-advertised content, paid search -Be skeptical because it si where content is created to look like it third party content as if it was earned medai. IF youre writing a story there may be a spot in magazines and places where in tiny text at the bottom it says sponsored content because its a story that youve written about yourself that you are trying to pass off as orginiality

situational crisis communication theory (what and example)

-attempts to predict the level of threat to an organization's reputation during a crisis situation ex) target had a crisis where a bunch of peoples credit card info was taken right before the holidays so people didn't trust target to shop at so now target needed to solve this

situational crisis communication theory (what)

-attempts to predict the level of threat to an organization's reputation during a crisis situation situat ex) target had a crisis where a bunch of peoples credit card info was taken right before the holidays so people didn't trust target to shop at so now target needed to solve this

situational crisis communication theory(why)

-ecommends first-response strategies when facing a reputational threat by assessing responsibility, history, and relationships -Need to figure out why the crisis happened

framing theory (what)

-explains how and who creates messages shapes the information presented to audiences **Trying to tell people what to think about it- if prices are raised on a product we say why it was a good thing that it was raised

agenda setting theory (what)

-explains how media tells the public what is important to think about -In journalism and media; when they write or cover a story they show the public what is important and what to think about

system theory (why and ex)

-help PR practitioners recognize boundaries within organizations so they can adjust and adapt to changes in its operating environment Example: intel they made microchips and they spent billion of dollars getting the public to know what they made the had 4 conflict mineral that they needed to use int order to make this chip but they came from a terrible condition so they made a chip that was "conflict free" because they don't come from this terrible location

PESO converged paid+earned+shared

-influencer relationships -TikTok if you paying them to promote your brand that a form of paud but theyre also earning followers at the same time and worked hard to gain that credibility which is earned. Also shared cause always on social platforms that they are sharing.

Strat com goals

-message exposure -accurate dissemination -message acceptance -attitude change -behavior change audience changes behavior:purchases different products


-paid; -Earned; -Shared; **Cant control what people say about yoru company or products on social media -Owned; -Converged-when two or meor of these overlap


-planning, budgeting, scheduling -When and where we see ads -Determining the right timing and designating responsibility for tactical execution

history od media ecosystems

-print=1550s **Press agents starts in oprin era- gets people to tell sotries and get people excited to read -Radio 1920s -tv=1950 -Digital 1990 -Social 2000s **Today we have to deal with how all of these aspects interact **Looking for where we can make money ads on tv, newspapers ~~~Facetime couldve been out since 1940 but the industry decided to go for more advertising since it was more profitable **90s no one knew how to make money off of internet but now the internet is full of ads

a changing Strat com industry; essential skills today

-professional communciation -research -campaign design -professional ethics -media and cultural literacies

Excellence Theory (what)

-providing and receiving info is the most effective and ethical approach to achieving long-term organizational goals, improved relationships with publics, and mutual understanding **It's not about getting the public ot do what you want but finding common ground with an audience

agenda building theory (why)

-public relations practitioners work with grassroots movements to raise awareness on key issues **You want to media to care **We are telling the media what we need to cover

elements of a strategic plan

-research **diagnosis **goals **key points -objectives **SMART -strageties **key messages -tactics **PESO -implementation **timeline **budget -reporting **evaluation

ROSTIR planning model

-research -objectives -strategies -tactics -implementation -reporting and evaluation

framing theory (when to apply)

-research and message creation -Framing tells audiences "how to think about information" through the use of Metaphor, stories, tradition, contracts,and spin

shared media

-social media nad two-way communication platforms -What: "also known as social media and is the result of a brand and followers, customers, or fans interacting and mutually creting content" -Why: empower customers, fans, and other influencers to create content, generate buzz, and participate with and organization Want people to spead work, participate and support our content Features -Uncontrolled:team lacks editorial approval -Co-created: content is the result of interactions between audiences and brands -Audience-centric: aim is the empower audiences to participate and promote

framing (why)

-the communication source defines and constructs all information -The way things are framed is how they want us to think about a product

think of ROSTIR model as a cycle

-three types of research on the outside **evaluative research->developmental research-> refinement research inside research->objectives->strategies->tactics->implementation->reporting and evaluation

AP style-numbers

-under 10 spell out-three | over 10 list numeral-33) -Never start a sentence with 33 **33 students came to class instead spell it out **Thirty-three student came to class

the big three

1)ROSTIR planning model 2)PESO tactics 3)Diversity and inclusion wheel

Media ecosystem-nike dream crazy example

1. tweet-shared 2.boycott posts on social media-shared -Because of the tweet people started defacing nike products like bruins shoes and stopped buying products 3. video-shared, paid, owned -With this video nike kenw that they were getting into controversy becasue it showed colin and what he was doing with black lives amtter. 4. news coverage of controversy-earned -They ahd a stragetic plan they knew they would get back lash from teh video so what they wanted to do was create4 earned medai. 5. veteran support article-earned -Colin met with military to finda way to bring attneiton to this movement and protest during the national anthem while still being respectful. The military told him he should kneel to still show respect tot he flag but it would make a statemtn. At this same time nike was working witht eh LA tiems and telling them how they want this backstory of why colin kneeled during the national anthem. This article came out shortly during the campaign 6. memeficiation of campaign-shared 7. news coverage of mems-earned

media ecosystem steps

1. tweet-shared 2.boycott posts on social media-shared 3. video-shared, paid, owned 4. news coverage of controversy-earned 5. veteran support article-earned 6. memeficiation of campaign-shared 7. news coverage of mems-earned

who are the messages intended for (DE&I wheel)

Does the research an audiences include people with differen backgrounds adn identities

Where does research occur in the ROSTIR model?

Every stage of campaign development and execution

who is creating the messages for DE&I

Is your planning tema made up of people with diverse thinking styles, life experiences, adn management skills?

AP style-abbreviations

Minn. not MN) typically some states you spell out like Ohio and Iowa -If its a big city you dont need to list the state like Cincinnati but like springfield theres one in like every state so keep the state with it

two-step flow

Most people get their information from somewhere you trust and look for or ask for their opinion ex) asking parents for their opinion

AP style-oxford comma

Oxford, Hamilton and Dayton

similarities pepsi and coke

Pepsi -Balkc lives matters, police violence, gunvoilence,political antagonsim -Heavily branded messages making pepsi the solution to the tension -Features music and multicultural group of young people -Focused onteh struggles of young and disenfranchised people Coke -Civil rights movements, women's liberations, vietnam war -Lightly branded messages making cokel the solution to the tension -Features music and multicultural gorup fo oyoung people

differences Pepsi and coke

Pepsi -Trivialized hte problem and solution -Steals pepsi gives it to cop to solve problem-direct and insulting solution -Thousands of tweets and social media complaints form civil right activiits -Campaign pulled within about a day Coke -Never mentions the problem nor says coke will sovle it -Offer to buy someon else a coke-suggest s feeling of unity -Over 100,000 letter, radio requests-re -recorded a pop radio version -Ranked 53rd on AdAge's list of 100 greatest ads of the 20th century

AP style -date

Sept. 1 not Sept. 1st

media ecosystem is...

a commercial system so it is a way to make money off advertising

media relations

The industry increases greatly along side with the various media formats in early 20th century

Brands have changed the way they manage their information in what way?

They commonly employ editorial staff to produce content.

excellence theory (which)

Which strategies provided the best outcome is how this theory developed

Successful public relations strategies are dependent upon ______.

accurate information about the challenge at hand

what theories manipulate people

agenda and framing

Agenda setting differs from agenda building in what way?

agenda setting originates form the news media, while agenda building originates form the public

In the context of Research, in the ROSTIR model, the term "diagnose" refers to

ascertaining the cause or nature of an issue or problem

four models of Strat com (two-way communication persuade)


What does situational crisis communication theory do?

attempts to predict the level of threat to an organization's reputation

The press agentry model of publicity is primarily concerned with ______.

attracting media coverage

attitude change

audience makes mental or verbal commitment to change behavior

accurate dissemination

audience receives the correct message after being filtered through media outlets; editors, journalists, bloggers, etc

message acceptance

audience remembers message and accepted as valid

diffusion theory (when to apply)

audience segmentation, strategic planning, tactical implementation, evaluation

To make percentage metrics, like "increase awareness by 25%," viable for assessing an objective, there would have to be ______

baseline data

implementation of a campaign is guided by a

calendar or timeline

A strategy is a(n) ________. A tactic is a(an) ____________

channel/ medium

objectives DE&I

consider why some audiences are targeted adn ont others, as well as how achieving objectives might impact diverse publics and stakeholders

When a public relations practitioner chooses to communicate a message through paid social media posts in addition to owned content, this is an example of ______.

content amplification

The key feature of owned media in the PESO model is that it is ______.

controlled by the brand

Which of the following must be present to ensure a diversity-first approach to planning?

diversity of individuals and experiences on the team

AP style title

do not use courtesy titles like Mr. and Mrs.)

A brand is reviewed on a blog that is not related to the company. In the PESO model, which medium type is this?

earned media

In the PESO model, which one of these allows the company story to be told by a third party?

earned media

reporting DE&I

evaluate for social and community impacts. Segment reporting (how did the campaign impact a variety of audiences differently).

situational crisis communication theory (when to apply)

evaluation, research, adn strategic planning

agenda building theory (when to apply)

evaluation, research,and strategic planning

agenda building theory (what)

explains how active publics and organizations indicate to media what is important to cover

Three examples of communication goals are:

exposure, attention, and conversion

earned media

free publicity adn media coverage -What: "commonly referred ot as either publicity or media relations" -Why: to generate public interest and deliver information through news and media coverage Features -Uncontrolled: team lacks editorial approval -Credible: info is delivered to audeicnes through trusted media sources -Outlet-driven: focused on gaining coverage by targeted outlets

diffusion theory (why)

help understand how messages will be received differently by audiences

Which of the following represents three factors of how real-world campaigns are judged?

impact, actions consumers take, and awareness of brands

The Management by Objectives (MBO) process states that organizational missions and goals can be broken into measurable objectives that are completed by specific divisions in order to __________.

increase transparency and accountability

what is the key characteristic of a tactic

it is tangible


media/ events that organizaiton create -What: "content and assets that the brand controls, like websites, blogs, newsletters, brochures, and social media accounts" -Why: content will engage customers and foster relationships Features -Controlled: team has final decision over content -Diverse: content occurs across different media and events -Brand-focused: inform audiences about the organization and its brand

paid media

meida/ events where organizations pay for messaging tiem/space -What: "paid media is often though of as traditional advertising through online channels, display ads, pay per click search ads, commercials, print ads, and sp[onsorships" -Why: "to gain a presence ofn channels where consumers and buyers are spending their time" Features -Controlled: tema has final decision over content -Timely: team determines exactly when content is released -Multi-channel: team determines where exactly content is realeased

implementation DE&I

monitor for unintended consequences; willingness to revise, update, and adjust tactics and messages as conversations and publics emerge and change

AP style-capitalization

only capitlaize the first word of a signature, "Good luck

system theory (what)

organizations are interdependent and interact with various stakeholders to survive and thrive

A brand sets up a Facebook page to promote itself. In the PESO model, which medium type is this?

owned media

Which of the following is an example of the two-way asymmetrical model of communications?

political campaigns

four models of Strat com (one-way communication persuade)

press agency

tactics DE&I

preview the diversity wheel and look for opportunities to include ore representative examples, stories, images, and experiences in cmapaigns

The function of theory in PR is to _____.

provide a framework for decision making in PR

four models of Strat com (one-way communication inform)

public info

The National Transportation Safety Board produces a website that discusses its efforts in safety advocacy that is available to both government officials and consumers. Which model of publicity does this represent?

public information model

agenda setting theory(why)

public relations influences news coverage, reporting, and advertising ( want people to cover your idea)

agenda setting theory (when to apply)

publicity, strategic planning, adn message creation

In the Reporting/Evaluation stage practitioners must _________.

relate the results of the campaign directly back to the stated objectives

The "R's" in the ROSTIR model stand for which of the following?

research and reporting

excellence theory

responsibility of public practitioners to identify key publics and cultitative long-term relationships with them suing open two-way symmetrical communication Must take your audience seriously

C-suite executives are typically most concerned with which aspect of a strategic campaign?


The acronym SMART in "SMART communications objectives" stands for which of the following?

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound

four models of Strat com (two-way communication inform)


In the ROSTIR model, the letter "T" represents what?


Objectives should spell out which four elements?

target audience, specific outcome, magnitude of change, and target date

Excellence theory in public relations recognizes the primary importance of ______.

the relationship between an organization and its publics

AP style-possessive

the student's grade/students' grades) -If there is an s at the end of the word dont do 's use s'

4 conflict free minerals

titanium, tin, tungsten and gold

Why is it important that PR practitioners incorporate the Diversity & Inclusion Wheel in the campaign planning process

to ensure a variety of perspectives are taken into consideration when developing integrated campaigns

Why is it important to build diverse teams that offer multiple perspectives?

to ensure that diverse outcomes more fully reflect client demographics

In the PESO model, paid media is commonly thought of as ______.

traditional advertising

Angela publishes on online blog providing independent reviews of smart home products. After seeing a news stories about the new Samsung SmartFridge, she posts her own review and commentary. A few thousand people read her comments in the first day. This is an example of:

two-step flow model of communication


used to be very expensive so many companies didnt want to do that but now social media gives us the opportunity to find thing quickly

peso function thought about as a media environment

we need ot think about it in terms of how its paried, earned, shared and or function with environment that different kinds of mechanisms of one-way or two-way communication with different kinds of gatekeepers adn no gatekeepers because theyre is potential for all kinds of mischief and misinformation as much as there is success and good ocmmunciaiton

professional communication

writing, speaking, presenting

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