Exam 1

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Off-site Optimization

- Search engine's ranking algorithm is also based on: a. the number of links to a website from other sites b. The credibility of those sites c. The type of site promoting the link -> Getting more links from other sites will improve search ranking. - Off-site SEO deals with the creation and dissemination of website contents to build quality links to the site. -> Company's SNSs can also help the off-site optimization

Title Tag

- An HTML tag that defines the page's title. - The title is displayed in the browser's title bar. - No more than 67 characters. - Typically, the keyword phrase should be the first thing in the title tag, followed by the brand name

Most Positive Ad Types

- Banners - Skyscrapers - Pop-Ins (Interstitials)

Meta Tag

- Code embedded in a webpage. - It is only shown in the source code for the page. - Should include two or three keywords that summarizes the page content


- Headline in the webpage

Most & least positive display ad types

- Most positive ad types were: least intrusive, well-defined place on screen, provide transitions

Image File Name

- Optimized image file name can help your SEO at Google Image

Least Positive Ad Types

- Out-of-frame - Pop-Under - Pop-Ups

Characteristics of SEO

- Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving how well a site or page gets listed in search engines and placed in the results. - It is for NATURAL and ORGANIC listings Search marketers don't pay to be included in the search. - They put their efforts to optimize their site so it appears higher on the ranking. - No pay-per-click fee.

Calculation of CTR

CTR= (Clicks/Impressions)*100

Paid Search Ads

Text ads targeted to keyword search results on search engines (same as "pay-per-click", "cost-per-click", paid placement ads)

How Context Affects the Effect of Advertising (including Shamdasani et al.'s (2001) study)

a. Credibility: the more high-quality the source, the greater the impact of contextual ad b. Fit between site & AD: greater similarity, greater recall and purchase intention c. Trust: shoppers are more likely to trust ads in reputable media that are relevant to their interests and tastes d. High Involvement Product= relevance is most important e. "Low Involvement" Product= site reputation is most important

Common points for the search trends

a. Have seasonality b. Have fun or interesting story c. Attention getting and sometimes shocking d. Some of them (celebrities) have already been famous. e. Induce Internet users to find more information.


a. Meta Tag b. Title Tag c. Heading Tag d. Title e. URL f. Main Content g. Image File Name

Internet user's general daypart behavior

a. Morning: at work place, Internet users start their day catching up on news & events b. Throughout the day: Internet use tapers off as work requires c. Dinner/prime time hours: The use of Internet is activated again d. Internet use declines until people go to sleep

Definition of Native Advertising

a. Paid advertising that mimics the visual format and content of websites (SNSs) i. Examples: sponsored posts on Facebook and promoted tweets on Twitter b. Related to the social community channel of SNSs

Heat Map of Reading Attention

a. Readers rather than read b. Readers usually concentrate on top & left of pages

Definition of Data Mining

a. Secondary analysis of large databases aimed at finding unsuspected relationships that are of interest or of value to database owners i. Provides personalized advertising experiences and cross-selling related products.

Media Channels in Social Media

a. Social Community (sharing, socializing, conversing) b. Social Publishing (editorial, commercial, user-generated) c. Social Commerce (CRM/Service, retailing/sales, human resources) d. Social Entertainment (games, music, art)

Strategies for Managing Online Reach and Frequency (in how to build reach section)

a. Using Heavy vs. Light Users b. Integration c. Website Traffic Patterns d. Awareness Conversions e. Selecting Websites f. Balancing Frequency g. Page Depth

The result of Web 2.0 and digital marketing communication

a. We become actively involved in meaning construction for brands b. We "trust" our friends/peers' opinions more than advertisers c. May lead to unintended outcomes for brands (e.g. BP) d. Customer becomes "co-creater" of medium/message

On-Site Optimization

- Search engines crawl websites and categorize them into the index. - Primary on-site variables for the website crawling are keywords embedded in the webpages, or highly relevant to the keywords. - On-site SEO deals with the formatting of website contents, so maximize the chance of ranking for all desired searches -> Choose right keywords and phrases that are well-targeted and offer significant traffic potential -> Need to optimize tags (meta, title, heading), title, URL, and content for the selected keywords.

Main Content

- Target keywords should be used several times in the main contents of website. - Inserting the keywords too often will be blocked by SEO ranking program. -> 3 to 5% of the word count on the page are recommended, and the page should have at least 100 words of text

Characteristics of SEM Ad Rank

- The ranking of search engine ads (triggered by one same keyword) is determined by the following factors 1. Bid Amount per click is the most important 2. Quality score: A measurement of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to a person seeing your ad


- The website address - Needs to be relevant to product/brand - Example: Website names: i. www.nintendo.com/wii; ii. www.coca-cola.com Social media names: i. www.facebook.com/Wii; ii. www.youtube.com/cocacola

Phrase Match

-Ad is shown only when the searcher's query includes the defined keyword phrase Ex) "wakeboard sale" -> wakeboard sale near me, best wakeboard sale

Geographic Targeting

-Based on zip codes, Designated Market Areas (DMAs)

Types of Targeting

-Contextual -Behavioral -Geographic

Broad Match

-Keyword can broadly match with the marketer's chosen keywords

Exact Match

-Keywords have to be a letter-for-letter match

Digital PR

-PR is not about your buyers seeing your company on TV - Blogs, online video and social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn let orgs communicate directly with buyers in a form they appreciate -On the web, the lines between marketing and PR have blurred, so companies must drive consumers into the purchasing process with great online content

Contextual Targeting

-Placing advertisement based on content of page (e.g.) Placing a movie advertisement on Flixster.com

Behavioral Targeting

-Placing advertisement based on user history (visited sites)

Traditional Advertising

-Seeks to hold attention within bounded space -Audiences passively receive advertising information by interrupted and repeated information -Higher production and media buying cost

Traditional PR

-The only way buyers would learn about the press releases' content was if the media wrote a story about it -Companies had to have significant news before they were allowed to write a press release -PR and marketing were separate disciplines run by different people

Digital Advertising

-Uses hyperlinks to take user elsewhere -Audiences interactively receive and give feedback about advertising information -Lower production and media buying cost

8 Types of Web Behavioral Data in Behavioral Targeting

1. Date/Time of log-in 2. Pages Visited 3. Length of time interacted with ad 4. Cookie data 5. Clicks 6. Entry/Exit pages 7. Page placement of served ads 8. Site visitor status (Shopper, buyer, prospect)

5 Key Elements of Search Engine Ads

1. Final URL 2. Headlines 1 & 2 3. Path (simplified URL shown to searchers) 4.Description 5. Ad Extensions

Techniques for Buying Key Words

1. Match key words to the product you are selling (e.g. John deere + lawn mower). 2. Buy misspelled keywords! People type badly!!! (e.g. Netflix => Net flex, Net Flicks, etc.) 3. Find most frequently typed words (You can use keyword generators such as Google AdWords Keyword tool or The Free Keyword Tool) 4. Use NEGATIVE keywords to prevent your products from showing on irrelevant queries. (e.g. Unilever Dove's negative key words: Lonesome Dove, Dove Chocolates) 5. More descriptive and specific keywords will be helpful for small and mid-size business, because these keywords will be niche keywords to avoid heavy competition. (e.g. "Hamster car" for Kia Soul ) 6. Buy related / unrelated keywords that are timely popular (e.g. Olympics, celebrity endorser names, movies, etc.)

2 Types of CEO

1. On-Site Optimization 2. Off-Site Optimization

Types of SEM

1. Paid search ads 2. Contextually targeted search ads 3. Local search 4. Paid inclusion

Two types of embedded video advertising Definition of Native Advertising

1. Preroll ad: before the video content 2. Postroll ad: after the video content

Paid Search Ad Campaign Steps

1. Select key words to target customers 2. Create ad 3. Set bid price & budget (according to marketing objectives) 4. evaluate 5.optimize (in search advertising, ads primarily use KEYWORD targeting, then geography, daypart, demographic, contextual, behavior etc.)

Local Search (Location-Based)

1. our business appears on a map that shows the closest local results for a particular product or service 2. "Claim" a business in order to measure effectiveness

Contextually targeted search ads

1. targeted to subject of writings on web pages 2. Keyword bidding influences appearance & position (NOTE: Similar to Paid Search, BUT the ad may be served based on SIMILARITY e.g. SPONSORED Ads)

Paid Inclusion

1.paying fee to search engines so a site may be included in the service's directory / index. 2. May appear in favorable positions in natural results 3.Assign keywords so appearance is triggered by search terms (NOT AS COMMON ANYMORE)

Heading Tag

:giving a title/label to sections of the webpage. - An HTML tag that is use to section content - Designated as H1, H2, ... in the source code

Characteristics of SEM Metrics

As the result of SEM, Google AdWords provide the metrics above. 1. Impressions = ad exposures 2. # of Clicks 3. CTR = Click through rate. 4. CPC = Average cost per click 5. Cost (budget spent) = # of clicks x CPC -> it helps to set up daily budget 6. Conversions = number of cases the goal achieved (e.g. purchase, likes, share) 7. Conversion ratio = % of visitors who covert. 8. Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) = Total Profit/Total Adspend x 100 9. Cost per Acquisition (CPA) = Total amount of money spent on advertising/total number of sales completed

Difference between SEO and SEM

SEO- The process which aims to get websites listed prominently within search engines' organic (algorithmic, spidered) search results. involves making a site 'search engine friendly' SEM- The process which aims to get websites listed prominently in search engine results through search engine optimization, sponsored search & paid inclusion

SEO Information

Search engines favor the natural links, the citations the authors use for reference (outlined in green) -> Like an endorsement -> The goal in off-site SEO is to have as many reputable websites as possible link to our website in this manner - Natural Internal Links (outlined in orange): they take the visitor elsewhere in the site -> SEO bots will follow these links to find new content -> Help search engines and visitors discover new content in the website.

Characteristics of E-Mail Advertising

a. A form of direct marketing, much of it is considered SPAM b. Level of "intimacy" with consumer i. Once permission acquired, companies can build container interaction with consumers ii. Relevance is key c. Most popular form of direct response marketing i. Low price, can be sent to multiple people at once, can include rich media

Characteristics of Digital Video Advertising and its Pricing Models

a. Ad videos (commercials) distributed exclusively online b. Driven by vast growth in video portals and streaming video services c. Allows for greater inactivity than text-based banner ads d. Users more receptive to "professional" videos e. Shorter videos more successful than long ones

Key considerations for targeting

a. Combine 2 or more targeting approaches b. Match targeting approach to marketing objective c. Selecting a "good fit" & "good reputation" site will provide a halo effect on your product d. Place ad on a site that is highly-visited by target customer e. Each targeting type gives advertisers different consumer "lens" f. Match approach to overall marketing goal

Definition of Viral Marketing and its Characteristics

a. Commercial publicity passed on by users through pre-existing social networks i. A marketing communication format that is passed from user to user in a word-of-mouth fashion b. Characteristics i. Put into circulation (seeded) by advertisers with the implicit/explicit request to forward the message ii. Relies on customers to transmit digitally iii. Passed on from user to user in "word-of-mouth" fashion iv. Often creates or reflects "zeitgeists" and "cultural memes"

Characteristics of Social Networks

a. Create a public/semi-public profile within a bounded system b. Articulate a list of users that share a connection so users can view and traverse a list of connections c. Easy to feel and identify a sense of belonging

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