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as a teacher of children with behavioral disorders, you find class meetings to be highly effective. Which answer has the correct structure for running a class meeting?

5 minutes of compliments and appreciations, follow up on prior problems/solutions, new problems/solutions, and future plans

Which reinforcer in the hierarchy is an intrinsic reward?


One consideration for the school as a social system is ________.

the attitudes, perceptions, and actions of the school staff

even though there are multiple frameworks for the implementation of RTI, what is one of the critical components that all experts agree are essential to RTI?

Evidence-based instructional practices are provided to all students.

If you have a child who is under the age of three and needs special education and related services, which type of plan or program would be developed for him or her?

Individualized Family Service Plan

Victor, a seventh-grade English language learner, has experienced a dramatic increase in vocabulary recognition, but idioms and more advanced vocabulary remain difficult. He often knows what he wants to say, but struggles for the acceptable words. He frequently makes mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In which stage of second-language development is Victor functioning?


Which method builds vocabulary with the first language as a foundation?

Promote academic vocabulary

What model is used for screening purposes and the data facilitates identification of students who need special education services?


Which answer is a caution that teachers should consider when managing a culturally diverse classroom environment?

Behaviors that are indicative of problems in one group of students might not be so for another group.

Which landmark racial discrimination case paved the way for students who experienced other inequalities in their education?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which answer is a role of the special education teacher in a multitiered RTI process?

Collaborating and consulting with general education teachers

Which approach to multicultural education includes integrating ethnic heroes and cultural artifacts into the curriculum?

Contributions approach

What should schools do to inform parents of their child's participation in the RTI process?

Describe the RTI process to them

Which answer is a desired student outcome related to multicultural education?

Discuss gender-, ethnic-, age-, and disability-related concerns

Which provision of IDEA ensures that everyone with a stake in the student's educational success has a voice and guarantees the right to an impartial hearing if appropriate procedures outlined by IDEA are not being followed?

Due process

Which answer is a reason why standardized tests may pose a challenge for English language learners (ELLs)?

Historically low ELL performance and slow improvements

All of these items are included in a transition plan EXCEPT for which one?

Home visits during the summer

Collaboration between professionals and families has been increasingly emphasized since ________.


All answers identify strategies that are included in Sheltered English EXCEPT which one?

Indirect experiences

Edward provides very clear and easily understood guidelines for behavior in his classroom and teaches appropriate behaviors to his students. Which research-based category associated with improved student behavior is he using?

Instruct, review, monitor, and reinforce expectations

Three answers include a dimension of multicultural education. Which answer does NOT include a dimension of multicultural education?

Integrating home culture

Which team of people makes decisions about eligibility for special education services?

Multidisciplinary team

Which answer includes two practices that are necessary for effective team collaboration?

ONE OF THESE ANSWERS. I AM NOT SURE WHICH ONE: -Method of documenting meetings and mutual understanding of accountability issues -Focused leadership and mechanism for problem-solving

Three statistics about bullying are accurate. Which statistic is NOT?

Over 75% of bullying incidents occur during class time.

A student in Maggie's kindergarten class burst angrily into the classroom and makes rude comments. Maggie asks him to go out in the hall and


In many cases, students who were assessed as being low in both ability and achievement did not qualify for special education services unless they had a cognitive delay. What are two of the difficulties involved in this process?

Overreliance on IQ measures and discrepancy between IQ and achievement

Which of the following answers is a reason that teachers assign homework?

Parent-teacher communications

Brenda learned that George, a second grader with behavior problems who often acted out, had earned a black belt in karate. She often asked George about his karate classes and asked him to demonstrate some of his moves to the class. Which strategy did Brenda use to ensure that all students in her class are accepted?

Point out students' abilities.

Carol refuses to comply with her teachers' requests to put her phone away. Which type of mistaken goal does Carol have?


Which approach to multicultural education conducts a value inquiry and analysis and also incorporates a cultural critique?


The letter P in the STOP IT acronym stands for ________.

Practice Provide Polite

Which statement about the prereferral process is accurate?

Response-to-intervention provides interventions with increasing intensity.

Which statement about the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 is correct?

Schools experienced greater accountability.

Which approach to multicultural education conducts a value inquiry and analysis and also incorporates a cultural critique?

Social action approach

All answers include people who are required to attend an IEP meeting EXCEPT for which person who is NOT required to attend?

Speech pathologist

Which statement about RTI and MTSS is correct?

They both provide multiple levels of support to students.

Which process involves administering the same test to all students in order to determine who is likely to be at risk for academic difficulties?

Universal screening

Which cultural group seems to have the least difficulty crossing cultural barriers?

Voluntary minorities

When are parents first involved in the special education referral process?

When parental permission is obtained

What is the best way to describe co-teaching?

When two teachers coordinate curriculum and instruction to teach heterogeneous groups of students in the general education classroom.

Which question is an example of an open-ended question?

Why do you think your son has improved this quarter?

Providing a student with an alternate form of a test is a/an ________ accommodation.


Two steps that competent schools take to prevent ________ include implementing a schoolwide social skills curriculum and hiring adults who model the positive social behaviors expected of the students.

bullying and violence

A/An ________ is a statement that indicates what students should know and be able to do as a result of teaching and learning.

educational standard

Which concept promotes the placement of students with disabilities in the general education classroom for the entire school day?

full Inclusion

When implementing culturally responsive assessments, educators should ________.

implement appropriate accommodations

Which is the largest disability category in U.S. schools?

learning disabilities

After IDEIA recommended the use of RTI to determine students' eligibility for specific learning disabilities, the LEA (Local Education Agency) ________ as part of the evaluation process.

may determine if a student responds to research-based interventions

All answers are part of the framework for second-language acquisition EXCEPT for which one?

- Linguistic input - Learner characteristics - Cognitive academic language proficiency

What is secondary language output?

- Students are proficient in speaking and writing, but not in listening or reading. -Students' CALP and BICS have achieved native-speaker proficiency levels. -Students understand written and spoken language, but cannot express it by speaking or writing.

Cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) ________.

- develops at the same pace as BICS - usually develops after BICS - generally takes 1 to 2 years to develop in a second language

When teachers reinforce and encourage positive behaviors in the classroom, establish rules and consequences, and help students to change their inappropriate behavior, they are utilizing ________ for managing student behavior.

- token economies - universal strategies - class meetings

Which answer contains two methods to encourage strategic use of students' first language?

-Discourage the use of English at home; Encourage use of the first language at school - Encourage acquisition of reading and writing skills in the first language and in English; Provide books in a variety of languages -Use multiple languages in all school communications; Recruit tutors who are fluent English speakers

Three statements about dialects are accurate. Which statement is NOT accurate?

-The use of dialects is a consequence of voluntary and involuntary immigrants in the early 1900s. -Dialects refer to a language variation associated with a regional or social group of people. -Dialects tend to be distinguished by pronunciation, vocabulary features, and conversation patterns.

A biology teacher highlights vocabulary in the textbook. This practice is an example of which strategy to make linguistic input more comprehensible?

-Use simpler sentence construction -Emphasize key words -repeat important phrases

It is important for teachers to create opportunities for success and acknowledge their students' ________ improvements.

-academic and social - PBIS and RTI -public and private

Which answer is one of the three initiatives that led to the eventual use of RTI?

President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education held public hearings.

Which prereferral model involves collaboration by classroom teachers to identify student concerns and plan interventions to address them?

Problem-solving mode

The self-concepts of some students with disabilities may be fragile, depending on their life situations. Which of the following actions can you take to enhance your students' self-concepts?

Provide opportunities for students who struggle academically to succeed in other ways

You are designing your classroom to ensure that you can monitor students and address behaviors quickly, while at the same time creating a learning community. Which answer is a guiding principle to create a respectful learning community?

Recognize that students are children or adolescents first.

Which of the four basic principles for communicating with parents, teachers, and other professionals includes planning an agenda?

Staying focused

Which answer is an indication that a punishment is ineffective and should be changed?

The frequency or intensity of the inappropriate behavior does not decrease.

Which term represents the level of intensity of instruction that is provided to students?


In which tier do students who receive special education services receive interventions that occur individually or in small groups?

Tier 3

Which Tier of RTI and PBIS is appropriate for a student who requires frequent and intense individual assistance that is provided by a trained professional outside of the general education classroom?

Tier 3

Which of the RTI tiers is utilized for those students who continue to show minimum progress during secondary interventions?

Tier 3

Which task is appropriate for a paraeducator?

Assist with behavioral issues

Which statement about collaboration among professionals is accurate?

Collaboration occurs when two or more people work together as equal partners.

Jeff's fourth-grade class has students from Mexico, Japan, and other Asian countries. Because several of his students came from fishing communities, Jeff incorporated an extended segment on fishing communities into the unit he was teaching. He borrowed books and magazines about fishing and rural life in Mexico and Asian countries. The students visited the local fish market, as well as Asian and Mexican food markets, and compared how fish was prepared in these markets. Jeff's teaching is an example of ________.

Context embedded instruction

Which term can also be referred to as data-based decision making and has multiple purposes?


When Mark yells and throws temper tantrums, his classmates and teacher proceed with the lesson as if nothing were happening. Which strategy are they using to help Mark improve his behavior?


A third-grade teacher visits his students' homes and talks with parents to learn more about his students and their culture. He is learning about his students' ________.

Funds of knowledge

All answers include items that are included in an IEP EXCEPT for which one?

General education teachers' lesson plans

Which answer reflects the current research findings about bilingualism?

It indicates that bilingualism is correlated with increased creativity and concept formation.

All answers include one of the six factors of successful family-school partnerships EXCEPT for which answer?


In which co-teaching model are students taught in two groups that are based on their instructional needs?

Two Teachers; Different Content

IDEIA 2004 differs from IDEA 1990 in that it ________.

allows special education staff to assist general education students when needed

The ________ model is an interactive process that enables people with diverse expertise to generate creative solutions to mutually defined problems.


Since the learning disability category was established, it has increased by more than ________, although the increase has been more stable in the last decade.


Which answer describes a nonresponder?

Makes minimal gains after receiving interventions

Which answer includes two ways that collaboration among professionals and with families is required or implied by legislation?

Mediation and parent conferences

Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) ________.

- usually develop after CALP - generally take 5 to 7 years to develop in a second language - focus on conversational competencies

Which statement about the characteristics of effective teachers of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse is accurate?

-They rarely see themselves as members of the community. -They use instructional practices that teach higher-order thinking. -They provide frequent and indirect instruction and feedback.

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) is a ________ model, because it coordinates interventions across a schoolwide system and is oriented on problem solving based on data and evidence-based practices.

-consequence -token -prevention

What are two responsibilities of a schoolwide positive behavior intervention supports (SWPBIS) team?

-to establish rules and expectations and communicate them to stakeholders -To evaluate the school plan regularly and evaluate teachers' effectiveness in implementing the SWPBIS -To select a social skills curriculum and monitor student progress

Approximately what percentage of students will require Tier 2 intervention?

11% to 18%

Approximately what percent of students in the United States receive special education services?


In which year was P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, enacted?


Class meetings are an example of which one of Dreikur's approaches to classroom management?

Establish parameters for promoting cooperation within the class and in ways that include every child

Which cultural group seems to have the least difficulty crossing cultural barriers?

Establish parameters for promoting cooperation within the class and in ways that include every child

In which placement will a student with disabilities receive services in the general education setting with his or her nondisabled peers instead of in a separate setting for students with disabilities?

Inclusive classroom

What two forces contributed to the increased engagement of parents and other family members of children with disabilities?

Increased parent advocacy and research indicating family involvement has a positive impact on students' academic and social outcomes

All answers include a potential result of teachers misinterpreting the behavior of minority students, EXCEPT for which one?

Increased student expectations

A student will be turning 16 years old and his IEP needs to be updated. What will need to be included as part of his IEP?

Individualized Transition Plan

if a student is not making progress toward his/her IEP goals, what should a general education teacher do?

Inform other members of the MDT team

The needs of families fall into four broad categories. What are they?

Information exchange; consumer and advocacy information; counseling, therapy, and consultation; parent-coordinated service programs

Which statement about RTI for students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) is accurate?

It is important to understand external factors for students who are CLD.

Which statement about positive feedback is true?

It needs to be specific and presented immediately after the target behavior.

Which statement is true about the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (P.L. 93-122)?

It prevents any private organization that uses federal funds from discriminating against people with disabilities solely based on a person's disability.

Which factor is the biggest barrier to successful co-planning efforts?

Lack of time to meet and plan

What does it mean to listen effectively?

Listening for the real content and feelings in a person's message and restating the message to assure you understand

Which statement is one of the rights parents have in the educational decision-making process?

Parents may request a due-process hearing to resolve differences with the school.

IDEIA requires the use of evidence-based practices. What are evidence-based practices?

Practices that are based on research

Tony, an easily distracted second-grader, is continually getting out of his seat. He only remains seated while drawing. Which of the following techniques should Tony's teacher use to increase his in-seat behavior?

Premack principle

Which process is essential to effectively implement RTI because it measures students' response to interventions and determines if additional intervention is needed?

Progress monitoring

Which answer is a role of the general education teacher in an RTI model?

Providing evidence-based intervention

Which statement about punishment is true?

Punishment tends to be effective over time.

Which statement reveals a relationship between PBIS and RTI?

They both use universal strategies.

Which of the RTI tiers is being utilized if the general education teacher is providing evidence-based instruction to all students in the class?

Tier 1

Which of the RTI tiers is being utilized if the general education teacher provides evidence-based instruction to students who are not making adequate progress in Tier 1?

Tier 2

Why would a school develop a system to collect discipline referrals and other behavior-related data?

To track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of their SWPBIS efforts

Which program initially provides content-area instruction in students' native language along with ESL instruction?

Transitional bilingual education

Which categories were added to IDEA that were NOT part of P.L. 94-142?

Traumatic brain injury and autism

Minority students have a disproportionately ________ percentage of special education identification and a disproportionately ________ percentage of placement in advanced academic programs.

high; low

Brittany has a student in her classroom who frequently has trouble completing his assignments on time. She says, "If the assignment is not completed by the end of class, then you will lose recess until it is complete." The student completes the assignment. Brittany used ________ to change the student's behavior.

negative reinforcement

It is important for teachers to create a/an ________ that ensures a smooth traffic flow, easy access to instructional materials, and limits distractions.

organizational plan

Since students are screened early and their progress is assessed frequently to see if they are making adequate progress, RTI is often referred to as a/an ________ model.

prevention and intervention

IDEA 1990 differs from P.L. 94-142 in that it ________.

provides for states, as well as school districts, to be sued if they violate IDEA

Kelsey uses ________ to provide structure for acceptable and unacceptable classroom behaviors and ________ that occur at specified times to allow her class to run effectively.

rules; procedures

Darby uses a/an ________, where her students earn objects for following classroom rules and meeting target behavioral objectives. Students exchange them for rewards on Friday afternoons.

token system

In the past, when students were struggling and there was not enough of a discrepancy between their achievement and ability, the prevailing model was ________.

wait to fail

The concept that no child with disabilities can be excluded from receiving a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is referred to as ________.

zero reject

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