Exam 1 Plagiarism & Citation

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What are the 10 types of unoriginal work according to Turnitin?

- Clone - CRTL-C - Find - Replace - Remix - Recycle - Hybrid - Mashup - 404 error - Aggregator - Re-tweet

What are the potential consequences of plagiarism in practice?

- Dismissal from job - Refusal of publications to accept your written work

What are some tips to avoid plagiarism?

- Evaluate drug literature to support your own original ideas - Assign credit to original sources when backing up your ideas with facts/examples - Whenever you take information from a scientific article or other resource, it must be paraphrased AND cited

How can one avoid plagiarism?

- Give each source a notecard - Write summary AND reflection summary: ensures your phrasing ideas in your OWN words Reflection: Ensure OWN thoughts are incorporated into work - Give credit to authors by properly citing, also ensures validity

What are also considered plagiarism?

- Ideas - Art/graphics - Programs - Music - Websites - Religious texts

What are the potential consequences of plagiarism at MCPHS?

- Official offense on record with the Dean of Students - Zero on the plagiarized assignment

What should always follow the first sentence of a cited source?

A citation should always follow the first sentence of a cited source; however, additional citations may be needed

Which of the following is properly cited? A. ... this one.¹ B. ... this one¹. C. ... this¹ one. D. ... ¹this one.

A. ... this one.¹

For (most) pharmacy school courses I will cite using the following style: A. AMA 10th edition B. APA 10th edition C. MLA 10th edition

A. AMA 10th edition

What does not need to be cited?

General knowledge usually does not need to be cited, but the definition of general knowledge may differ with respect to your place in your training/career

What is 404 Error (turnitin)?

Includes citations to non-existent or inaccurate information about sources

What is Aggregator (turnitin)?

Includes proper citation to sources but the paper contains almost no original work

What is Re-tweet (turnitin)?

Includes proper citation, but relies too closely on the text's original wording and/or structure

How should one cite according to AMA 10th Addition?

Insert a superscript numeral just after the period, leaving NO space between the period and the citation numeral - The superscript numeral corresponds to the listed reference

How can plagiarism be divided?

Into three main categories: Plagiarism of ideas Plagiarism of text Self-plagiarism

How does one cite in AMA 10th edition if there is more than 6 authors?

List 3 authors followed by et al.

What is Mashup (turnitin)?

Mixes copied material from multiple sources

How should one quote?

Need to summarize and properly paraphrase to create your own original work and thoughts

How does one quote if they are using the authors original wording?

Needs to be placed in quotations and usually offset

Is quoting appropriate in medical literature or assignments?


Is "I didn't know I was plagiarizing" an acceptable defense for plagiarism?


What must one do to ensure that they are not plagiarizing?

Paraphrase! Put it into your OWN words

What is Remix (turnitin)?

Paraphrases from multiple sources, made to fit together

How is plagiarism defined?

As deliberate use of language, ideas or other original material (not common-knowledge) without acknowledging its source and/or claiming them directly or indirectly as your unique creation - Copying complete sentences or phrases from one or more sources and providing the appropriate citation but leaving out quotation marks is considered plagarism

What is the typical format of AMA 10th edition?

Author 1, Author 2, Author 3, et al. Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Volume (issue): Pages * Utilize journal abbreviation

Which of the following is properly cited: A. Repetition helps students learn.² Clickers help too.¹ B. Repetition helps students learn.¹ Clickers help too.² C. Repetition helps students learn¹. Clickers help too².

B. Repetition helps students learn.¹ Clickers help too.²

What is Recycle (turnitin)?

Borrows generously from the writer's previous work without citation

Which of the following is the BEST answer: A. Cite the first sentence of a paragraph. No other citations are needed. B. Cite every sentence. C. Cite the first sentence of a cited source. Cite every sentence unless it is clear it is from the same source. D. Cite the first sentence of a cited source. Then, cite the last sentence of a cited source.

C. Cite the first sentence of a cited source. Cite every sentence unless it is clear it is from the same source.

What is Find-Replace (turnitin)?

Changing key words and phrases but retaining the essential content of the source

What is Hybrid (turnitin)?

Combines perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation

What is CTRL-C (turnitin)?

Contains significant portions of text from a single source without alterations

What is www..turnitin.com?

Electronic plagiarism detection software - Produces an "originality report" web-based text and submissions from other institutions A percentage demonstrates how much of that submission originates from other sources - No "quantifiable" number to indicate plagarism - Likely will not have 0%

What does the Fair Copyright Use Act state?

Fair copyright use includes using copyrighted materials for teaching purposes (i.e. in a classroom)

What is self-plagiarism?

Refers to duplication or repetitive use of one's own previously written work (published or unpublished) - Includes using one's own text and turning it in for several different assignments

What is plagiarism of ideas?

Refers to using another person's ideas, processes or results without giving appropriate credit, including order of thoughts and word patterns or someone else's arguments - If you are using another's ideas you must cite the source even if you have put the ideas into your own words - You MUST paraphrase while maintaining the central theme or concept

What is plagiarism of text?

Refers to using another person's words without giving appropriate credit

What is "paraphrasing?"

Relying too heavily on structure of original document - Ensure your paraphrased sentence is not "parrot-phrased"

What is a clone (turnitin)?

Submitting another's work, word-for-word, as one's own

What does referencing in this course (and most pharmacy courses) follow?

The AMA Manual of Style, 10th ed, 2007

If citing in AMA 10th edition and an article in a journal does not have a volume or issue number, what should be used?

The issue date

What is plagiarism?

The use of close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work

On the Bibliography/Reference section, how should references be numbered?

Unique references should be numbered by the order in which they APPEAR IN THE TEXT - Not alphabetically - Not by the order you found them - Not by the order your first draft was in

What does plagiarism of text refer to?

Using another person's words without giving appropriate credit (e.g., quotation marks along with citation) or if making changes to the original text.

What are some tips for proper citation?

When in doubt, cite - It is better to over-cite than under-cite - Yes, this may mean that the majority of your sentences have citations following them

What type of plagiarism is common?

Written word/text (such as copying)

Is plagiarism a form of academic dishonesty?


Is self-plagiarism still plagiarism?


Does unpublished work also have to be cited?

Yes, unpublished work MUST also be cited

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