Exam 1

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Deming's plan for quality management consisted of __________ points?


What year was did Deming and Juran introduce quality management to Japan?


For a theory to be complete, it must have ___________ elements.


What are the three standards of ISO 9000:2015?

9000 - Quality Management systems: fundamentals and vocabulary 9001 - specific requirements of the standard 9100 - International Standard for environmental compliances 9004 - Managing for the sustained success of an organization

GenichI Taguchi is responsible for the Taguchi method that entails:

A basis for determining the relationship between controllable product or service design factors and outcomes of a process

If Quality Control means not allowing bad products get to the customers, and Quality Assurance is performing quality work correctly the first time, what is Quality management?

A combination of both quality assurance and quality work

What is a CAD system?

Computer-aided design systems with tools that can greatly improve the ability of designers to generate new and varied designs by simplifying the design process

The ________ of an organization refer to guiding principles that simplify decision making in that organization.

Core Values

The seven principles of ISO 9000:2015

Customer focus Leadership Engagement of people Process approach Improvement Evidence-based decision making Relationship management

Genichi Taguchi

Definition of quality - Reference Point quality loss function concept of robust design

What are some Design methodologies

Design for Manufacturing Design for Maintainability Design for Reliability

What is the Human Resources Perspective?

Employee Empowerment Organizational Design Job Analysis

All of the following are Baldrige Award criteria EXCEPT:


What does FMEA stand for?

Failure modes and effects analysis

T/F Theories can be established in at least three ways.


Which of the following involves the nature, direction, and extent of the relationship among the variables in a theory?


Which ISO focuses on environmental impact?

ISO 14000

_______________ sets international standard for environmental compliance.

ISO 14000

What two ways are theories are established?

Induction - observation & description Deduction - experiment & test

Who was more towards a Statistic base approach?

Juran & Deming

_______ focuses on planning, control, and improvement.

Juran's Trilogy

Juran teaches that improvement in organizations is accomplished on a ________ basis.

Kaoru Ishikawa

Which is a criterion for the Baldrige Award?


Managing Quality for the Multinational Firm refer____


The ______________ award is one of the most powerful self-assessment mechanisms for measuring a firms quality improvement performance.

Malcom Baldridge

Joseph Juran

More strategic and planning based Believed quality issues come from insufficient and ineffective planning Must revise strategic planning process

Which of the following are components of the Japanese TQC

N = 2 technique total involvement of workforce in-process inspection none of the above

How many steps are in the Design Process?


What is the efficiency with which a product achieves its intended purpose?


Quality management is known as three spheres of quality, what are the three?

Quality control, Quality assurance, Quality Management

Which is not one of the three spheres of quality?

Quality design

Which of the following refers to the ease of repair for a product?


Which sourcing approach does Deming's 14 points promote?

Single source purchasing

What was Deming's thinking based on for continual improvement?


All dimensions are product quality, EXCEPT:


What is the physical appearance of the service facility, the equipment, the personnel, and the communication materials?


Which of the following is NOT a product quality dimension?


Which of the following is not a category/component in David Garvin's list of product quality dimensions?


_______ is open to small and large firms in the manufacturing, healthcare, education, not-for-profit, and service sectors.

The Baldrige Award

What is not one of Shingo's seven wastes?


Computer-aided design system (CAD) is that helped the corporate world get into the digital world.


T/F Control, in Juran's trilogy, involves gathering data about a process to ensure the process is consistent.


Between Crosby, Juran and Deming what was one thing they did not all agree on in their points of quality management?

Zero defects

Which of the following Baldrige criteria focuses on how a firm assesses the relative importance of product or service features to the customer?

customer focus

Which of the following is the equation for absolute weight generally used by the QFD team?

customer importance X target value X sales point

This are parts of the information collected for job analysis EXCEPT


Which of the following is not one of Garvin's eight quality dimensions?


A service provider that consistently provides caring, individualized attention to its customers would score high on the ________ dimension of service quality.


Which of these is not a part of the product life cycle?


The ________ component of a CAD system allows for the cataloging and standardization of parts and components for complex products.

group technology

According to the ________, there is a point at which investment in quality improvement will become uneconomical.

law of diminishing marginal returns

A productive system whose focus is on optimizing processes through the philosophy of continual improvement is called ________.

lean manufacturing

Baldrige Performance Excellence Award

most powerful self assessment mechanisms Process: Eligibility determination from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Baldrige scoring Baldrige examiners

A term used to depict state quality award programs that include two levels: a top level based on the full-Baldrige approach and a second level based on the Baldrige-lite approach.

multilevel approach

What are the three aspects of Juran's trilogy?

planning, control, and improvement

A major goal of product traceability and recall procedures is to be able to ________.

trace products with a minimum cost

Baldrige Performance Excellence Award 7 categories:

1 Leadership 2 Strategic Direction and Tactical Action Plans 3 Customer Focus 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 5 Workforce 6 Operations 7 Operational and Business Results

What are W Edwards Deming's 14 points?

1) Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service with the aim to become competitive, stay in business, and provide jobs. 2) Adopt a new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. 3) Cease dependence on mass inspection to improve quality. 4) End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone. 5) Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease cost. 6) Institute training on the job 7) Improve leadership 8) Drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively for the company. 9) Break down barriers between departments. 10) Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce that ask for zero defects and new levels of productivity. 11) Eliminate work standards on the factory floor. 12) Remove barriers that rob workers of their right to pride in the quality of their work. 13) Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. 14) Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.

Kaoru Ishikawa believes that ____ of problems can be solved with the 7 tools of quality.


Which of the following is considered an engineering perspective?

Applying mathematical problem-solving skills and models to the problems of business and industry

Who established the three-step process of quality leadership, quality technology, and organizational commitment?

Armand Feigenbaum

Which of the following is not part of product quality dimensions?


___________ refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence.


Philip Crosby

Author "Quality is free" Emphasized zero defects approach human resource similar to Deming

Kaoru Ishikawa

Believer in tranning for quality improvement developed the seven tools of quality (B7) democratizing statistics coined "company wide quality control"

Baldrige Performance Excellence Award 4 criteria focuses on:

Business results non prescriptive and adaptable company wide alignment goal based diagnosis

The Contingency theory assumes there is no theory or method for operating business that can be applied in all instances because:

Businesses differ in key areas such as mission, core competence, culture, etc

The process underlying Statistical Process Control (SPC) is:

C. Shewart's Control Process

What are a system ties up with CAD/CAM system?


What are the five areas of FMEA?

Concept Process Design Service Equipment

In 1972, Congress created the ________ to protect citizens from unreasonable risks of injury and death due to defective products or components.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Categories for the Baldrige Award

Customer Focus Leadership Strategic Direction and Tactical Action Plans

________ describes a method for translating customer requirements into functional design.

Customer future projection

The ________ for quality was established in 1951 by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers.

Deming Prize

________ means to design products so that they are cost-effective and simple to build.

Design for manufacture

Which of these Product Quality Dimensions deals with testing the stress of trauma?


Of these listed which is not include in Deming's 14 point?

Eliminate low productive workers

What is the final step in failure modes and effects analysis?

Eliminate or reduce highest risks

Which of these is not a quality of Chinese quality management?

Emphasis on waste reduction

When moving decision making to the lowest level possible in the organization what approach do you use?

Employee Empowerment

Which of the following is a process that CAD systems are used in?

Engineering Analysis

Which one of these are part of technology design?

Engineering analysis

What is the focus of ISO 14000

Environmental compliance

T/F Constancy of purpose means that management commits resources in order to achieve quick returns and bottom-line results.


T/F Marketing, management, research and development (R&D), Employee suggestion is a External Sources.


Which is not traditionally considered an element of the paradigm of Quality Control?

Focus on education and training

For which of the following processes are CAD systems used?

Geometric modeling Engineering analysis Design review and interference checking Automated drafting

Why has the applications decreased for Baldric award?

Hard to win & increase in state awards

Which of these is not a step in Six Sigma?


Edwards Deming is known for introducing quality management in __________ in the 1950's.


Who came up with the 80/20 rule?


____________ identified three basic processes that are essential to improve quality.


________ allows foreign firms to sell in restricted markets while using the design of the original designer.


According to Ishikawa's 11 Points, ideal quality is when_____.

No inspection is necessary

The dimensions of quality?

Performance Features Reliability Conformance Durability Serviceability Aesthetics Perceived Quality Tangibles Service Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy

Which of the following are the different State Baldrige Award approaches:


Which of these is not included in Product Quality Dimensions?


Which of the following applies mathematical problem solving skill and model to the problem of business and industry?

Probability Theory

Which of the following is not one of the Lean Wastes'?


What is the first step of Design Process?

Product idea generation

Which is similarity between Product Quality and Service Quality Dimensions?


________ refers to the propensity for a product to perform consistently over its useful design life.


In addition to Deming, Juran and Crosby, who else contributed to quality methods?

Robert C. Camp

Robert Camp Stephen R Covey Michael Hammer & James Champy

Robert Camp - Benchmarking Stephen R Covey - author "7 habits of highly effective people" Michael Hammer & James Champy - Deductive reasoning & reengineering

What are the steps in the design process?

Step 1: Product idea generation Step 2: Customer future needs projection Step 3: Technology selection for product development Step 4: Technology development for process selection Step 5: Final product definition Step 6: Product marketing and supply chain preparation Step 7: Product design and evaluation Step 8: Manufacturing system design Step 9: Product manufacture, delivery, and use

What is the planning process used by an organization to achieve a set of long-term goals.


________ refers to the planning processes used by an organization to achieve a set of long-term goals.


Strategic Management Perspective

Strategy - planning process for longterm goals Mission - Why it exists Core Values - guiding principles

What is the definition of "who" of the four elements of theory?

The aspects that place contextual boundaries on the theory

A coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena is referred to as a(n) ________.


A coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena is what?


Which of the following is NOT a similarity between Deming, Juran, and Crosby's approach to quality?

They all focus on a statistical approach

Armend Feigenbaum

Three-steps to improve quality leadership technology organizational commitment

T/F Quality Function Deployment is a method for translating customer requirements into functional design


Global supply chain models:

Upsteam processes - Suppliers Core processes - Traditionals process Downstream Processes - Customers

_____ refers to all activities involving interaction with suppliers.

Upstream Processes

Aspects of Japanese Total Quality Control

Visibility In-process inspection N = 2 technique - rather then sampling Total involvement of the workforce The Five Ss Preventive maintenance

What are some of Shingo's Seven Wastes?

Waste of Stocks Waste of Motion Waste of Waiting

Which of the following is not one of Shingo's seven wastes?

Waste of memory

Shingo's seven wastes?

Waste of overproduction Waste of waiting Waste of transportation Waste of processing itself Waste of stocks Waste of motion Waste of making defective products

Which is not one of Shingo's 7 wastes?

Waste of space

What is the four elements of theory?

What How Why Who-Where-When

Which are the 4 elements of Quality Theory?

What? Why? How? Who? Where? When?

In Taguchi's terms, ideal quality refers to

a reference point for determining the quality level of a product or service

The N=2 technique is an alternative to ________.

acceptance sampling

Robert C. Camp is the principle pioneer of ___________, the sharing of information between companies so that both can improve.


What are the five basic areas of a failure modes and effects analysis (FEMA)?

concept, process, design, service, equipment

Teams comprised of people from various disciplines are a primary component of ________, which involves product and process design steps occurring simultaneously.

concurrent engineering

Which of the following is not one of Parasuraman, Zeithamel, and Berry's dimensions of service quality?


The role of marketing in design has been to bring the voice of the ________ into the design process.


Which of the following is not a quality management principle underlying ISO 9000:2015?


The operations management view of quality is rooted in the ________ approach.


A method of manufacturing that minimizes waste and pollution is referred to as ________.

green manufacturing

The basis of the Baldrige model is ________.

information and analysis

What is Marketing Perspective?

marketing - activities involved with directing the flows of products and services from producer to customer Customer relationship management - satisfying the customer and delivering value to the customer Perceived quality - the customers view of quality

Which of the following is a category of the European Quality Award?

partnerships and resources

The ________ stage of the product development process requires definition of the product architecture, the design, production, testing of subassemblies, and testing of the system for production.

product design and evaluation

During the ________ stage of the project development process, external and internal sources brainstorm new concepts.

product idea generation

The focus of ISO 9000:2015 is to ________.

provide a standardized format for firms to document their quality systems in order to facilitate trade

What are the three steps proposed by Feigenbaum to improve quality?

quality leadership, quality technology, and organizational commitment

From an engineering perspective, engineers are primarily interested in ________.

taking a strategic management approach to solving problems

Which of the following approaches to quality is influenced by a culture of waste reduction due to limited natural resources and high importing costs?

the Japanese approach

What is the primary contribution of Genichi Taguchi?

the quality loss function and the concept of robust design

What is the primary contribution of Philip Crosby?

the zero-defects approach to quality improvement

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