Exam 2

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intersexual selection

-"Pretty male strategy" -based on cross traits -females choose these males more often as mates based on traits the female prefer (eg: male birds w/ beautiful colors)

Intrasexual selectio

-"macho male strategy" -some males breed more than others because they defeat rival males and exclude them from breading -one make several females

Plutchick's theory of emotions

-8 basic behavior patterns mapped to basic emotions -arranged on Similarities and Differences -the closer, the more similar -across from each other they're opposites -3D model varies with intensity

orthogenetic principle

-development starts globally and undifferentiated and moves toward increasing differentiation, articulation, and hierarchical integration -how Development happens, not why

Wilhelm Wundt 3D model of feelings

-each pole is a dimension -stresses quality of feelings


-here and now, as it's happening -constantly changing

a group of male adults

A psychologist has a limited budget for research, so she needs to focus on a small sample of individuals who are most likely to develop alcohol use disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Given what we know about gender differences, which of these groups would the researcher choose?

15-18 months

A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. A child who recognizes himself in the mirror will touch his own nose when he sees the red spot. This self-recognition begins at approximately:

longitudinal study

A researcher who administers a personality test to the same children every three years is conducting a(n) _____________ study.

postconventional morality

According to Kohlberg, those who develop an abstract level of reasoning, wherein they perceive basic ethical principles and the moral good as more important than their own self, have developed what is known as:

preconventional morality

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the majority of children younger than age 9 have a __________________ of self-interest.

moral instinct

According to evolutionary psychology all humans share a universal _____ that survived from a distant past when we lived in small groups in which direct harm-doing was punished.

the neurological effect of early experiences

According to the biopsychosocial approach, which of the following would be an example of a psychological influence on gender?

increases salivation and decreases blood pressure.

Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system:

decreases; increases

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system _____ salivation and _____ blood pressure.

contraint-induced therapy

After 6-year-old Timmy's right hand was damaged in a bike accident, he could not control the fingers in his right hand. To force him to practice his exercises with his right hand, the physical therapist restrained his left arm. The therapist is using:


After being told that his parents had just been involved in a serious automobile accident, Juan is likely to experience an outpouring of:

preservation of innovation

Among humans, innovations in behavior and ideas are preserved and transmitted from one generation to another primarily through:


At the core of every experience are our ______ (helps define our experiences)

emotion-focused coping

Attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to oneʼs stress reaction is known as:

brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses.

Because of cataracts, your neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during childhood. Last year, now an adult, her vision was restored by surgery, but she is having difficulty dealing with the visual world. This is probably because:

default network

Brain activity via the _____ can explain mind-wandering and daydreaming.

4 main tenants on Ganzheitspsychologie

Holism, Feelings, Development, Structure


Humans learn to fear situations and objects through the process of association. The ____________ plays an important role in associating various emotions with certain situations.

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

If a researcher is interested in measuring both the structure and function of the brain, which of the following techniques would you recommend he use?

behavior feedback phenomenon

If you mimic another person's facial expressions of emotion, you probably will feel increasing empathy for that person. This is best explained in terms of the:

reticular formation

In 1949, Moruzzi and Magoun severed a cat's _____________ from higher brain regions; the cat lapsed into a permanent coma.

left frontal lobe

In a positive mood, a person will experience increased activity in his or her:


In his research on the limbic system, Dr. Harrington electrically stimulates the ____________ of cats and then measures their rage and fear reactions.

evolutionary perspective

It has been suggested that raised eyebrows are universally associated with a surprised expression because they effectively widen the eyes to enhance the perception of unexpected circumstances. This suggestion best illustrates the:

Fraternal twins recall greater variations in their early family life.

Jane and Sarah are fraternal twins reared in the same family. Jane has warm feelings toward her parents while Sarah has less than a positive view of her father. Why?

emerging adulthood

Javier is 20 years old and still very much dependent on his parents. They are paying for his college tuition as well as his living expenses, and he spends school holidays at home with them. He is in the phase of life known as:


Juan is considering sex reassignment surgery. This procedure is most likely to be recommended for individuals who are:


Klüver Bucky Syndrome (monkeys with no fear, eating glass) is a result of removing the:

culture shock

Many Americans, because of their limited exposure to other cultures, experience _____ when they visit a non-English-speaking country.

facial recognition

Marge suffered a stroke in the underside of the right temporal lobe. Which brain function is likely to be affected?

with women

Men report that their most intimate and nurturing friendships tend to be

gender roles

Sarah has always taken responsibility for preparing family meals because she had learned that this was expected of women. Her behavior best illustrates the importance of:


Structure represents the conditions in which experience emerges

Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The Markowitz's son Noah has exceptionally high intelligence and excels in math; however, he lacks social and communicative skills, which limit his ability to sustain normal peer relationships. Noah has been diagnosed with:


The ______________ is to sensory input as an old-fashioned switchboard was to telephone calls.


The brain's ability to change function and structure is referred to as:


The brain's oldest and innermost region, the one responsible for autonomic survival functions, is the:

basal ganglia

The cerebellum and this brain structure enable nonverbal learning and skill memory.

the social clock

The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement is known as:

cancer and pneumonia

The elderly are more susceptible to _____________ than when they were younger.

Cognitive Appraisals

The fact that emotions are influenced by _____ is demonstrated when we feel angry or depressed in response to a low exam grade based on whether we attribute the low grade to an unfair test or to our own lack of academic ability.

happiness on helpfulness

The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the impact of:


The idea that anger is reduced through aggressive action or fantasy is known as:


The idea that specific psychological or cognitive functions are processed primarily on one side of the brain is called:


The instantaneous and automatic fear response we experience when unexpectedly stumbling upon a snake illustrates the importance of the:

external locus of control

The perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate

internal locus of control

The perception that we control our own fate. These people achieve more become more independent and enjoy better health and feel less depressed


The right hemisphere of the brain helps orchestrate our


The thread-like structures that contain genes are called:


The two cerebral hemispheres that contribute to 85 percent of the brain's weight is also called the:

Holism (Ganzheit)

The whole dominates over its part. Each whole is nested in a greater whole


Thirteen-year-old David is telling his mother that she should not drive too fast and should make a complete stop at the light in order to avoid getting a ticket. Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates _____________ morality.

Henry Harlow

This famous experiment by ____________ involved rearing monkeys with two artificial mothers.

basal ganglia

This is a deep brain structure that is involved in motor movement.


This technique allows neuroscientists to control the activity of individual neurons.

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

This technique produces computer-generated images that distinguish among different types of soft tissues.

position emission tomography (PET) scan

To obtain a scan using this technique, a patient is injected with (or ingests) a low and harmless dose of a short-lived radioactive glucose.

touch and massage

Trevor is a premature infant. He is especially likely to gain weight if stimulated by:

biopsychosocial approach

Understanding that individual development results from genetics, environment, as well as beliefs, feelings, and expectations would be provided by:


We are in a constant development (life means continuous development)


What Brain area is responsible for SHAM RAGE?

Daily hassles, life changes , and catastrophic events

What are the 3 categories or stressors?

recognizing faces

What is a function controlled mostly by the right side of the brain?


What is demonstrated by students who expect that they will be able to rebound from a low test score through their own effort and self-discipline?

the application of evolutionary principles to psychology

What is the "second Darwinian revolution"?

the spillover effect

When people are stimulated by an exciting soccer match, their excitement can fuel and intensify anger. This effect is known as:

the behavior feedback effect

When research participants were asked to raise their middle finger through a motion sensor while reading a story, the actions they read about were perceived as more hostile. This best illustrated:

default network

When the brain is unoccupied, blood continues to flow via a web of brain regions called the:


When two people grow up in very similar environments, _____________ becomes more important when looking for the source of their differences.


Which area of the limbic system has considerable influence on the secretion of hormones throughout the body?

occipital lobe

Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in vision?

temporal lobe

Which lobe processes auditory information?

Cannon-Bard Theory

Which theory of emotion emphasizes the simultaneous experience of body response and emotional feeling?

James-Lange Theory

Which theory suggests that you would NOT experience intense anger unless you first noticed your racing heart (or other symptoms of physiological arousal)?

Cannon-Bard Theory

You look down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. You immediately feel your heart start to pound and you simultaneously experience fear. Which of the following theories best explains this emotional response?

neurocognitive disorders (NCDs)

Your aging aunt Luella has had a series of small strokes. These strokes can progressively damage her brain and are most likely to produce:

physiological arousal, cognitive labeling, cultural explanations

Your instructor asks you to explain emotion from biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels. Which of the following explanations represents all three levels?

Identical twins reared apart; fraternal twins reared apart

_____ have less similar personalities than identical twins reared together and more similar personalities than _____ .

social identity

_____ is the "we" aspect of our self-concept that comes from our group memberships.


_____ is(are) a person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity.

Zajonc and LeDoux

_________________ have demonstrated that some emotional responses involve no conscious thinking.


a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife at a time


a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband


a time when one is maturing sexually


having more than one spouse at a time

Wernicke's area

language comprehension


language is processed in the _______ cerebral hemisphere

Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion

see an oncoming car, heart pounds and at the same time the arousal is cognitively labeled, experience fear

Broca's area

speech formation


the persistent belief that one is sick when real illness is unlikely

Physiognomic principle

Characterizing an empathetic reaction to which emotional qualities are interjected into perceptual/ cognitive judgements

anxious attachment

Constantly crave acceptance but remain vigilant to signs of possible rejection. Usually skilled lie detectors and cling to partner because fear of rejection


Dr. Render, a neuropsychologist, works postsurgically with patients who have had their corpus callosum surgically severed (to reduce severe seizures). When she presents the word "SAL-TED" to one patient, "SAL" transmits to his left visual field and "TED" to his right visual field. She then asks him to tell her what he saw. What does this patient say?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Dr. Snell studies the part of the brain that is active when people are lying. She asks half of her participants to tell the truth about an event from their childhood and half to tell a lie about a childhood event. Which of the following brain imaging techniques should she use to detect brain areas that are active when participants are lying?


Due to health complications from diabetes, Molly's pregnancy had to be terminated during the third month in order to save her life. In what stage of prenatal development did she have the termination?

concrete operational stage

During this stage of Piaget's cognitive development, children are able to think logically about events, grasp analogies, and perform arithmetical operations.

pounding heart, increased pace, sense of fear

Emotion is a response that includes physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience. Which of the following describes these three components?

Transformational structures of emotion

Every emotion may be conceptualized as a dynamic structure which transforms the person's situation by affecting how the 1) objective situation is perceived, 2) how this perceived situation is altered, 3) how the body behaves, and 4) how the person relates to his or her values and to significant others.

avoidant attachment

Experience discomfort getting close to others and use avoidance strategies to maintain distance from others. Decreases the commitment and increases conflict

3; 6; frontal

From age ______to age______, the brain's neural network is sprouting most rapidly in the _______ lobes.

Ontogenesis Development

From birth to death, months to year

These tests err about one-third of the time.

Nikolas is suspected of a crime and is asked to take a polygraph test. Although he is innocent, what are the chances that he will be falsely accused?

the feel-good, do-good phenomenon

One's tendency to be helpful when already in a positive mood is called:

late adulthood

People differ the most in their learning and memory abilities during:

raised; lowered

Perceived loss of control is associated with __________ epinephrine levels and _______

tension headache

Psychologists would most likely use biofeedback to help clients reduce:

hypothalamus; reward center

Rat experiment:When they realized that they had actually placed the electrode device in a region of the _____, Olds and Milner realized they had stumbled upon a _____.

more; healthier

Religiously active people have _______ socially supportive relationships and ________ lifestyles than those who are not religiously active.

there are higher divorce rates

Research has shown that, among U.S. couples who live together before marriage:

left cerebral hemisphere

Research with split-brain patients led Dr. Michael Gazzaniga to conclude that the _____________ typically constructs the theories people offer to explain their own behaviors.

subjective well-being

Researchers use a measure of ____________ to determine a person's self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life.

Phase 2, in a state of resistance

Roger has a good amount on his plate. He works full-time, has a part-time job, and has a new consulting company in response to his son's special needs. He seems to be coping with everything quite well, for the moment anyway. According to Hans Selye, he is in which stage of the general adaptation syndrome?


environmental event that threatens or challenges us

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