exam 2
According to the OCEAN model, individuals who appear as insensitive, socially clueless, pessimistic, cold, and grumpy are most likely to score low in
According to the Leadership Grid, 9,9 leaders
are the most effective leaders.
Ends-based thinking is often characterized as
d) do what's best for the greatest number of people
Which of the following statements is most likely true of servant leaders?
d) they need to integrate present realities and future possibilities
Which of the following is the most important step in conducting a meeting?
determining if the meeting is necessary
Baby Boomers came of age during the Great Depression and World War II.
Behavioral manifestations of personality traits are often exhibited with conscious thought rather than automatically.
Gen Xers have been a stabilizing force in organizations for decades, even if they are prone to digressions about "the good old days."
In-group favoritism occurs when people overrate the quality of their work and their contributions to the groups and teams to which they belong.
A way to maximize the benefits of a meeting is to
pick a time and place as convenient as possible for all participants.
Which of the following is an approach, developed and popularized by Covey, which postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial, and the organizational levels of leadership?
principle centered leadership
Which of the following generation of workers tends to be technologically savvy, independent, and skeptical of institutions and hierarchy?
the gen xers
Building social capital
the leadership competency of developing and maintaining relationships that allow people to work together
Leader support is a job-centered dimension of behavior and is similar to the initiating structure dimension of the various Ohio State questionnaires.
Leaders who score low in conscientiousness tend to be more spontaneous, creative, and impulsive.
The A-B-C model is one of the simplest approaches with the goal of changing a person's thoughts, or self-talk, about stressful events.
Tests of divergent thinking usually have a single best answer, whereas tests of convergent thinking have many possible answers.
The Abilene paradox occurs when leaders are assertive with friends and peers.
The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was developed by researchers at the University of Michigan to study the four dimensions of leadership behaviors identified by them.
The leadership behavior dimensions studied by the researchers at the University of Michigan were initiating structure and consideration.
The leadership competency of helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action is known as
Community leaders are most likely to
have fewer resources than most other leaders.
Leaders who score low in neuroticism tend to
hide their emotions
Unlike leaders who score low in conscientiousness, those who score high in conscientiousness
rarely get in trouble
An advantage of the OCEAN model is that it is a useful method for profiling leaders.
Employees working for leaders they think are credible are highly likely to work long hours.
Intrapersonal skills are leadership competencies and behaviors having to do with adapting to stress, goal orientation, and adhering to rules.
Leaders are likely to encourage creativity in their organizations by delegating authority and empowering followers to take risks.
Leaders who can empathize and get along with others are often more successful than those who cannot.
Through a distortion of consequences, people minimize the harm caused by their behavior.
With respect to creative intelligence, perhaps the most important point leaders should remember is that their primary role is not so much to be creative themselves as to build an environment where others can be creative.
Leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher-ups is referred to as
upward ethical leadership
Which of the following would be best for managing stress?
using progressive muscle relaxation techniques
Leaders who pull people together on the basis of shared beliefs and a common sense of organizational purpose and belonging are most likely the ones
who create a compelling vision