Exam 2 Answers

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A major reason that the tropics have rainforests is that (a) Rising air masses expand and cool. (b) Falling air masses condense and warm. (c) Moist tropical air absorbs more of the Sun'sradiation.


A person who repeatedly states phrases such as "trust me", "believe me" is relying implicitly on which ethical framework? (a) Authoritarianism (b) Utilitarianism (c) Categorical imperative


All of the following are true except, (a) The planet is warmest where its surface is closest to the sun. (b) Greenhouse gases trap more energy where the planet is warmest. (c) As greenhouse gases trap more energy, those air masses rise. (d) As air masses rise, air masses from the north and south rush in. (e) As air masses from the north and south rush in to replacing rising air, this helps set up the trade winds.


Concerning food chain or trophic efficiency: consumers are typcially able to convert approximately what percentage of their food or prey into their own tissues and offspring? (a) 0.1-10% (b) 5-15% (c) 10-20% (d) 15-30% (e) 25-50%


From what biome do we get a major ingredient for pesto? (Pesto is made from basil and a type of seed or nut.) (a) Pinyon-Juniper woodland (b) Chaparral (c) Montane coniferous forest (d) Boreal forest (e) Deciduous forest


In the 200+ year succession sere or sequence Glacier Bay, AK, that we discussed in class, soils followed which trajectory? (a) increasing concentrations of organic content, moisture, and nitrogen. (b) increasing concentrations of organic content and moisture, but decreasing nitrogen. (c) increasing concentrations of organic content, but decreasing moisture and nitrogen. (d) decreasing concentrations of organic content, moisture, and nitrogen.


In the northern hemisphere, there is tendancy for storms to move in a clockwise direction due to differential speed of air masses at lower versus higher latitudes. This is known as the (a) Coriolis effect (b) Hadley cells (c) Westerlies (d) Tradewinds


Lichens are a type of organim that is typically composed of fungi and algae. (a) True (b) False


Oaks have what type of leaf arrangement? (a) alternate (b) pinnate (c) paired (d) palmate (e) simple


Out of the desert associations listed in Vankat (2003), which is considered the most diverse desert? (a) Sonoran (b) Mojave (c) Great Basin (d) Chihuahuan (e) Polar


Select the correct rank order of associations, from hottest to coldest. (a) Sonoran desert, tropical rainforest, California grassland, oak-hickory forest, Pacific northwest coast coniferous forest, boreal forest, alpine tundra. (b) Great Basin desert, tropical cloud forest, California grassland, oak-hickory forest, Pacific northwest coast coniferous forest, boreal forest, alpine tundra. (c) Sonoran desert, tropical rainforest, Pacific northwest coast coniferous forest, oak-hickory forest, California grassland, boreal forest, alpine tundra. (d) Tropical rainforest, Sonoran desert, Pacific northwest coast coniferous forest, oak-hickory forest, California grassland, boreal forest, alpine tundra. (e) none of the above are in the correct rank order.


Tracheids and vessel elements are cells in a tissue that facilitate the transport of water and nutrients from root tips up into the rest of the plant. What is that tissue called? (a) xylem (b) phloem (c) fiber tissue


Westerlies across the United States result in part from the rotation of the planet and (a) heating at the equator, causing air masses to rise and form N-S circulation cells. (b) heating at 30 degrees north latitude, causing air masses to rise and form N-S circulation cells. (c) heating at 30 degrees north latitude, causing air masses to rise and form W-E circulation cells.


Which biome is, on average, fartherest north? (a) Boreal forest (b) Montane coniferous forest (c) Coastal coniferous forest (d) Deciduous forest


Which is the best description of a process concerning the greenhouse effect? (a) The greenhouse effect keeps us from freezing to death. (b) The greenhouse effect works through gases such as water vapor and CO2 trapping incoming solar radiation. (c) The biggest effect of clouds on global temperatures is absorb or trap the sun's energy. (d) The greenhouse effect is the primary cause of global warming.


Which of the following is most characteristic of chaparral? (a) fire (b) avalanche (c) high winds (d) freezing temperature (e) wet summers, dry winters


Which of the following is most characteristic of the tropics? (a) Relatively little month-to-month variation in temperature. (b) Precipitation in the wet tropics is less than evaporative losses. (c) Daily variation in temperature is less than annual variation.


Which of these best describes the historical characteristics of fire in grasslands? (a) Frequent and moderately cool. (b) Rare but intense and hot. (c) Rare and moderately cool.


Which of these best describes the precipitation gradient across the central grasslands? (a) Increasing from west to east. (b) Increasing from east to west. (c) Increasing from south to north. (d) increasing from north to south.


Which of these people has a long record of fighting scientific evidence about cigarette smoke, acid rain, ozone depletion and now climate change? (a) Fred Singer (b) Al Gore (c) Katharine Heyhoe


Which shows the typical transition of species in the Rocky Mountains, from low elevation to high elevation? (a) Pinyon pine and Juniper - Ponderosa pine - Douglas fir - lodgepole pine - Englemann spruce. (b) Englemann spruce - Ponderosa pine - Douglas fir - lodgepole pine - Pinyon pine and Juniper. (c) lodgepole pine - Ponderosa pine - Pinyon pine and juniper - Englemann spruce - Douglas fir.


. In which mountain range does the alpine tundra occur at most southernly latitude? (a) Appalachians (b) Rockies (c) Cascades (d) Sierra-Nevadas


All of the following are correct regarding photosynthesis, except (a) Photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide and water, and uses the sun's energy to build sugar. (b) The primary benefit for the plant of photosynthesis is the production of oxygen. (c) Energy gets trapped by chlorophyll.


Find the incorrect statement. (a) The boreal forest is characterized by low diversity. (b) The boreal forest is characterized by sharp transitions between habitat types. (c) Different parts of the boreal forest are characterized by similar physiognamies, including conifers, mosses and lichens. (d) The boreal forest is characterized by having different habitat types. (e) The boreal forest is characterized by cold temperatures.


In reference to climate change, temperature anomalies are (a) Highly unusual and unexplained extreme temperatures. (b) Deviations from a long term average temperature used to graph temperatures in a way to show change relative to the long term historic average.


Oxford, OH, receives approximately how much total annual precipitation? (a) 0.5 m (b) 1.0 m (c) 1.5 m (d) 2.0 m


Plants differ from animals in that plants (a) Do not undergo respiration. (b) Use the sun's energy to make their own food from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. (c) Do not use sexual reproduction.


How many flowers are there in a dandelion inflorescence? (a) none (b) one (c) many (d) None of the above; this is a nonsensical question


Which grassland association is furtherest west? (a) Shortgrass (b) Mixed grass (c) Palouse prairie (d) Tallgrass


Which of the following is characteristic of soils in the tropics? (a) High quantity of organic matter. (b) High sand content. (c) Low fertility. (d) Low iron concentrations.


Which of the following is very likely to be false regarding Walla Walla, Washington (in the eastern part of the state) and Astoria, Oregon (on the coast), both at the same latitude? (a) Their climates are both influenced by the coastal, Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges. (b) Astoria is wetter. (c) Astoria is hotter in the summer. (d) Astoria gets more rain. (e) Cloud masses expand over Astoria.


Which of these refers to the the ethic principle that all rules should apply to everyone equally? (a) Authoritarianism (b) Utilitarianism (c) Categorical imperative (d) Is-ought fallacy


Cap and trade policy for carbon emissions, such as CO2, is characterized by which of the following? (a) It is a strategy to avoid producing too much CO2 and other greenhouse gases. (b) A limit to the total carbon emissions. (c) The ability of emitters, such as coal-fired power plants or wind farms, to buy or sell carbon shares in order to emit more or less carbon. (d) All of the above.


Find the incorrect statement regarding ecosystems. (a) Most plants have mutualistic associations with mycorrhizal fungi. (b) Plants provide fungi with sugar. (c) Fungi provide plants with phosphorus and, to a lesser extent, other nutrients. (d) Phosphorus is scarce in soils, but easy for plants to extract. (e) Fungi excrete enzymes and acids to help it take up phosphorus.


Find the incorrect statement regarding the coastal mountain forests of the Pacific Northwest. (a) Lower elevation than the inland forests. (b) Fog provides an important resource and moderating influence. (c) The forests are only in a very narrow range adjacent to the ocean. (d) The climate is warmer in the summer and colder in the winter than further inland. (e) Most of the precipitation is in the winter (less in the summer).


Hadley cells are responsible for which of the following? (a) Desert in southern Arizona. (b) Air masses moving from Mexico City southward. (c) Tropical rainforests near the equator. (d) All of the above.


How is global warming analagous to "going up the down escalator"? (a) Long term increasing global temperatures, and short term declines. (b) Repeated ten year declines in global temperature, separated by large increases in temperature, so that the long term trend is an overall increase. (c) The long term increase in global temperature is punctuated by a lot of short term fluctuation. (d) All of the above


Pines are an example of which green land plant group? (a) flowering plants (angiosperms) (b) bryophytes (c) fern and fern allies (d) gymnosperms


Primary succession, as opposed to secondary succession, is distinguished by which feature? (a) It begins with pioneer species. (b) It ends with a climax community. (c) It achieves the climax stage relatively quickly. (d) It begins without any seeds, rhizomes, or roots. (e) It is the main type or most common type of succession.


Tropical forests are how much more diverse than temperate forests? (a) 1-2× (b) 3-5× (c) 5-10× (d) 10-100×


Which of these has the longest needles? (a) Hemlock (b) Concolor fir (c) Spruce (d) White pine (e) Bald cypress


Which of these is ordered from least annual precipitation to most? (a) desert, coastal coniferous, boreal forest, tall grass prairie (b) desert, boreal forest, coastal coniferous, tall grass prairie (c) desert, coastal coniferous, tall grass prairie, boreal forest (d) desert, boreal forest, tall grass prairie, coastal coniferous


Which of these refers to being unable to determine the virtuous choices from choices we make naturally? (a) Authoritarianism (b) Utilitarianism (c) Categorical imperative (d) Is-ought fallacy


Which plant species is most characteristic of the short grasslands? (a) Big bluestem (b) Little bluestem (c) Switchgrass (d) Buffalo grass (e) Cheat grass


The amount of organic matter in soils is a function of which factor(s) or process(es)? (a) Plant growth. (b) Decomposition. (c) Temperature. (d) Precipitation. (e) All of the above


The small desert located in southern Nevada and southeastern California is the (a) Great Basin desert (b) Mexican desert (c) Sonoran desert (d) Chihuahuan desert (e) Mojave desert


What helps to prevent water loss in desert plants? (a) sunken stomates (b) spines (c) deciduous leaves (d) a and b (e) a, b, and c


Which of the following are characteristics of the arctic tundra biome? (a) little topographic relief (b) low average temperature (c) low biodiversity (d) a and b (e) a, b, and c


Which of the following is incorrect? (a) Soil layers are often structured by the downward movement of water. (b) Soil layers result from mixing of organic material on the surface and pure mineral substrate from the earth's crust at great depth. (c) Soil layers develop over time. (d) Soil layers differ from place to place, varying in thickness and composition. (e) Soils consist of layers of either sand, silt, or clay.


Which of the following is true for natural selection to lead to evolutionary change? (a) Phenotypic variation among individuals (e.g., they look different). (b) There is a heritable (genetic) basis for the variation. (c) Some variants leave behind more offspring than others. (d) a and b. (e) a, b, and c.


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