exam 2 c/d

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the vast cultural differences b/w NA and Western society drove attempts or coercive acculartion by colonizers. this observstion would most likely be made by which social theorist?


Which group established an ethnic enclave similar to that of Cubans?


Which of the following statements about Hispanics is true?

Cuban Americans are highly acculturated.

s best known tactic was the organization of a grape pickers' strike and a national grape boycott that began in 1965.

César Chávez

NA subsistence technology was based on hunting and gathering, which shaped their group-orientated dynamics. this oberservation would most likely be made by which social theorist?


The racial background of Mexican Americans is mainly

Native American and European

By the dawn of the 20th century, the situation of Mexican Americans resembled that of ______ in some ways.

Native Americans

a period of prosperity in the 1960s reduced the intesity of intergroup competition and muted the sense of threat sparked by the civil rights movement. this observation would most likely be made by which social theorist


Which of the following statements regarding Latino acculturation to the United States is true?

Rates of acculturation decrease with length of residence and are lower for native-born Latinos.

which of the following people are most closely associated with the chincano movement

Reies lopez, jose angel gutierrez, and cesar chavez

Which of the following is the most prominent difference between Mexican Americans and Anglo-Americans?

The dominant society (i.e., Anglo-American society) is largely Protestant, while most Mexican Americans are Catholic.

in renditions of ____, NA are often protrayed as bucks and squaws, complete with headdress, bow, tepes, etc.

The noble red man

Which of the following most closely resembles the goals of Operation Wetback?

a 1950s government program to deport illegal immigrants from Mexico

as opposed to the culture of poverty theory, the analysis presented in the ch. text sees the high % of female-headed households in african americans community as

a cause of anit-black prejudice

based on the info presented in the CH text, which of the following individuals would probably have the highest income?

a cuban american man who is self-emploted within the enclave

a decrease in explicit anti-native prejudice in society indicates

a decrease in barriers to competition

the federal policy of termination was intended to encourage

a return to the system of private land ownership imposed on the tribes

which of the following occured as a result of the government's policy of termination?

about 100 tribes were terminated

the increased interest in african culture following the black power movement supports which of the following conclusions about assimilation

acculturation is not a linear process

in order to be goverened by the provisions of the indian reorganization act, tribes were required to

adopt a consitution and hold elections

At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexican Americans were a low-paid workforce in the rural sector of their regional economy. In this regard, they resembled ______

african americans

Unlike ______, Chicanos were not cut off from their homeland and native culture.

african americans

In the late 1940s, ______ was a major center of settlement for Puerto Ricans.

new york

which of the following statements regarding the education achievements of asian americans is true

asian americans compare favorably with the society-wide standard for educational achievement and are above those standards on many measures.

when comparing asian and european immigrants, which of the following statements are true?

asian immigrants are described as model minorities

the chicanismo movement question the value of


the goals of the civil rights movements are akin to the concepts of


the red power movement was required to strike a balance between __ best advocate for tribal rights and sovereignty

assimilation and pluralism

the necessity of members of the red power movement to become fluent in english, law, and policy in order to advocate for tribal autonomy supports which of the following coclusions about assimilations?

assimilation and pluralism can occur simultaneously

the exclusion of chicanos and puerto rincons from institutions and expereinced that could lef to greater equality and higher rates of acculturation supports which conclusion about assimilation

assimilation can be segmented for different groups

efforts to develop native american reservations have focused on creating jobs by

attracting industry with an incentive of a low-1age labor pool

the 1st cuban immigrants were affluent powerful, and white, and they left cuba

because they lost political and econmic power during the revolution

asian americans, unlike other racial miniority groups, have a ___ distribution within income categories


sending native american children to boarding schools in one way coercive acculturation was "achieved." within theses schools,tribal languages, dress, and religion were forbidden, and native american culture was generally discouraged. which theory/hypothesis would most likey have predicted this

blauner hypothesis

although there has been some progress for AA, an urban underclass, barred from the mainstream economy, has becoming a prominent and perhaps permanent feature of the american landscape. this statement supports which theoretical practices?

blauner's hypo

some mexican americans and peurto ricans have been successful, yet both groups continue to be barred from accessing siginificant upward mobility. this statement aupports which theoretical. perspective?

blauner's hypo

the secondary structural assimilation of NA is low, many measures of quality of life, theya re the most impoverished American minority group. which theoretical perspectives best explainds this phenomenon

blauner's hypo

stereotypes of NA being "savages" motivated efforts towards their extermination and are maintained by observations od their subordinate status on the reservations. this statement supports which theoretical perspective

blauner's hypothesis

the __ thesis argues that white will gradually lose thier domanant status as latino and asian american groups grow in numbers


according to the chapter text, in 1910, between 30 and 40% of all japanese immigrants living in ___ were engaged in agriculture


the 1960s was a time of intense activism and militancy for mexican americans. a protest movement guided by an ideology called ___ began


which group established an ethinic enclave similar to that of cubans


black white relation since the 1960s can be characterized as an era of

continuing seperation

like ... americans, chinese and japanses americans have used thier traditional cultures and patterns of social life to create and build thier own subcommunites, from which they have launched the next generation


Which Hispanic group has the highest level of income and the lowest level of poverty and unemployment?

cuban americans

saenz studied the effect of concentrated urban poverty in

cutting residents off from key elemets oppurtunites and services

NA cultures tend to understand humans as

no more important other than animals, plants, or the earch itself

The sending nations of contemporary Asian immigrants are considerably less ______ than the United States.


concept of private property among native americans

did not exist

Model minority myths can ______ for Asian Americans who do not perform as well.

discourage help-seeking

in recent years, anti-latino prejudice has increased

due to increased competition with undocumentated immigrants

the function of boarding school for NA was to

enforce americanization of native youth

most u.s. history textbooks credit _____ for the discovery of the land known as America


Asian cultures, unlike Western cultures, tend not to stress

excessive individualism

An important component of the Japanese ethnic enclave in the 1920s and 1930s was ______.


due to differences b/w conceptions of race in puerto rico and the US, may peurto ricans ...

feel they have no clear place in the US

during the 20th century, immigration from mexico to the US..

fluctuated according to the demand for unskilled labor in the US

vietnam is a former colony of which european nation


the varying framework of gender b/w tribes supports which conclusion about gender

gender is informed by religious beliefs

______ has disrupted the social and economic life of many Mexicans by creating an influx of foreign goods and capital.


Hispanic Americans' primary structural assimilation with the dominant group has been ______ the assimilation of African Americans and ______ the assimilation of Native Americans.

greater than; greater than

federal policy toward immigration from mexico

has fluctuated between being pro and against immigration

the notion that asian americans are a model minority

has negative consequences

on native americans reservations, unemployment

has risen to a range of 70-80% on the smaller, more isolated reservations

explanations that attribute asain american's sucess to their having better values and working harder than colonized groups are informed by

human capitol theory

which of the following is true of the red power movement

in 1973, AIM successfully occupied the village of wounded knee to protest the violation of treaty rights.

Among Hispanics Americans, English fluency

increases by generation and is greatest for people who have been in the United States the longest

the creation of the western gender binary can be attributed to

interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve

the provern "the nail that sticks up must be hammered down" comes from


the most acculturalted asian americans group is

japanese americans

which groups were sent to relocation camps during WWII

japanese americans living in the western US

which of the following statements about native americans is the US is true

less than 1% of all native americans hold a seat in an elected office

as a result of the dawes act of 1887, native americans

lost most of their land

contray to what is traditionally considered successful assimilation, success for cuban americans is associated with

lower levels of acculturation and integration

the (CERT) was founded by 25 Native American tribes in order to

manage and develop the natural resources controlled by tribes

AA and other minority groups of color have been adversively affected by the national loss of jobs in the

manufactoring sector

which of the following statements is true about chinese and japanese immigrants is true?

many of the occupational advances made by the chinese and japanses americans have been due to the high levels of education achieved by seccond-generation asian americans

the national congress of american indians (NACI) was managed by

members from many different tribes

the civil rights movement principles of nonviolence were adopted from the tenents of christianity and from the teachings of ___

mohandas gandhi

which of the following is a factor that has increased black political power?

movement to concentrated urban areas

because modern racists believe discrimination is no longer a factor, they use cultural explanations for the still-suborinate status of AA, which maintains inequality. this observation would most likely be made by which social theorist?


up to one third of all black men are under the supervision of the legal system in jail, in prison, on probration, or on parole. according to the chapter text, what accounds for this incredibly high level of supervision

national "get tough" policies on drug use

at the beginning of the 20th century, mexican americans were a small group and both culturally and lingulistcally sepereate from the dominate group. in this way, they resembled

native americans

In what way did the Red Power movement lead to more assimilation?

native americans from different tribes had to find common bonds in order to work together.

support for mexican immigration decreases when competition for jobs increases. this obervation would most likely be made by which social theorist?


Puerto Ricans' movement to the mainland is voluntary in some ways, but in others, it is strongly motivated by the transformations in the island economy that resulted from modernization and U.S. domination. Which theory can be used to best explain their process of entering the United States?

noel hypo/marxism?

women in native americans tribes

often held important economic and political roles

in a recent study on modern racism, respondents who attributed continuing racial inequality to either the lack of ability or the lack of motivation of AA also

opposed government intervention

the operation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on Native reservations represnts a ____ system of group relations


in 2004, the NA church's right to use ___ was upheld by the supreme court of utah


as opposed to african americans and many other minority groups, native americans have been more interested in


the goals of the black power movement are akin to the concept of


arizona's support our law enforcement and safe neighborhoods act (arizona SB 1070), in part allowed

police to check anyone for proof of citizenship

the concept of an urban underclass tends to treat the problems of AA as _____

problem that grow out of an economy that is shared by other poor urbanities

Cultural differences between Mexican Americans and the dominant society have

provided a basis for group solidarity among Mexican Americans

the rate of intermarriage for NA is

quite high compared to other groups

Rosa Parks, a seamstress and NAACP member, is famous for:

refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man

Chinese immigrants' ability to find economic opportunity in areas with low competition with the dominant group allowed them to

remain an "invisible" minority

de jure segregation was a ___ form of group relations

rigid competitive

The socioeconomic profile of immigrants from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos is

similar to the profile of an immigrant minority group?

Which of the following permitted immigration from Mexico?

the Bracero Program

native reservations were managed by

the Bureau of indian affairs

The 1980s legislation that allowed illegal immigrants to legalize their status as immigrants was

the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory as a result of _

the Spanish-American War

in the early reservations period, tribal membership was determined by

the burea of indian affairs

___ b/w mexico and the US has made immigration to the US attractive

the continuing wage gap

in which era might the situation of the AA community be characterized as structural pluralism combined with inequality?

the early 21st century

Which of the following might explain why the U.S. policy on immigration from Mexico has fluctuated so often

the emphasis of the Noel hypothesis on competition and power

the 1980 legislation that allowed illegal immigrants to legalize their status as immigrants was..

the immigration reform and control act (IRCA)

which theory can be used to best explain poverty rates for househols led by single black women

the noel hypothesis

which of the following statements about native americans is true

the rate of out-marriage for native americans is quiet high compared with other groups

rates of out-marriage for Native Americans are quite high compared with other groups due to

the small size of Native populations in urban areas

latinos are concentrated in which geographic region

the southwest

NA have been able to perserve their traditions in ways african americans have not due to

the survivial of the tribal unit

which statement about japanses americans after WWII is true?

they did not rebiuld their ethnic enclaves

the great sioux was tribes that protested the construction of the dakota access pipline because the pipline

threatened sacred land and burial sites

which of the following was an outcome of indian reorganization act

tribes gained political power if they adopted anglo aamerican political forms

which of the following resulted from the Indian self-determination and education assistance act

tribes were granted increased control over the adminstration of reservation

according to the ch. text, the study by Rockquemore and Brunsama the respondents who categorized themselves as having a transcendent idenity insist that they should be seen as

unique individuals and not placed in any racial category

the trail of broken treaties was a protest march to

washington, d.c.

the ____ thesis hypothesizes that latinos and asian americans are not black and hypothesizez that they eventually will be accpected as whites


the chineses who immigrated to the US in the 19th century were mostly

younger men

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