Exam 2 (chapters 7-12)

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Insider Trading

Practice of buying or selling of securities using important information about the company before it's made public


Practice of eliminating jobs to cut costs

Odd-Even Pricing

Practice of pricing products a few cents (or dollars) under an even number


Practice of setting a price artificially high to foster the impression that it is a product of high quality


Practice of treating a person unfairly on the basis of a characteristic unrelated to ability

Convertible Preferred Stock

Preferred stock that gives its owner the option of exchanging it for common stock

Cumilitive Preffered Stock

Preferred stock that requires a corporation to pay all current and missed preferred dividends before it can pay common dividends


Process of resolving a labor-contract dispute by having a third party study the situation and arrive at a binding agreement

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Process of taking a privately held company public by selling stock to the public for the first time


Information on the package of a product that identifies the product and provides details of the package contents

Secondary Data

Information used in marketing decisions that has already been collected for other purposes

Private Branding

Product made by a manufacturer and sold to a retailer who in turn resells it under its own name

Generic Branding

Product with no branding information attached to it except a description of its contents

Incentive Programs

Program designed to financially reward employees for good performance

Debt Financing

Process of raising capital for a company through the sale of bonds

Equity Financing

Process of raising capital for a company through the sale of stock


A document that itemizes the sources of income and expenditures for a future period (often a year)

Open Market Operations

The sale and purchase of U.S. government bonds by the Fed in the open market

"Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

A federal law enacted to encourage ethical corporate behavior and discourage fraud and other wrongdoing

Statement of Owner's Equity

A financial statement that details changes in owner's equity for a *specified period of time*

Money Market Mutual Funds

Accounts that pay interest to investors who pool funds to make short-term loans to businesses and the government

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

A set of worldwide accounting rules and guidelines used by companies to prepare financial statements that can be compared with those of other countries


Ability and willingness to distinguish right from wrong and when you're practicing one or the other

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)

Accountant who has met state-certified requirements for serving the general public rather than a single firm

Private Accountants

Accountant who works for a private organization or government agency


Accountant's examination of and report on a company's financial statements

Accrual Accounting

Accounting system that records transactions when they occur, regardless of when cash is paid or received

Accounting Equation

Accounting tool showing the resources of a business (assets) and the claims on those resources (liabilities and owner's equity)


Activities involved in introducing new employees to the organization and their jobs

Physical Distribution

Activities needed to get a product from where it was manufactured to the customer

Operating Activities

Activity that creates cash inflows or outflows through day-to-day operations

Financing Activities

Activity that creates cash inflows or outflows through the obtaining or repaying of borrowed or invested funds

Investing Activities

Activity that creates cash inflows or outflows through the selling or buying of long-term assets

Human Resource Management (HRM)

All actions that an organization takes to attract, develop, and retain quality employees


All activities involved in getting the right quantity of a product to the right customer at the right time and at a reasonable cost


Alternative work arrangement that allows employees to designate starting and quitting times

Stockholders' Equity

Amount invested in a corporation by its shareholders


Amount of money earned by selling products to customers

Profit Margin

Amount that a company earns on each unit sold

Owner's Equity

Amount which is invested in a business by its owners and which owners can claim from its assets

Vertical Percentage Analysis

Analysis of an income statement treating the relationship of each item as a percentage of a base (usually sales)


Annual income given to employees (in addition to salary) based on company-wide performance


Anything commonly accepted as a medium of exchange, measure of value, and store of value

Business Ethics

Application of ethical behavior in a business context

Corporate Social Responsibility

Approach that an organization takes in balancing its responsibilities toward different stakeholders when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions


Approach used to resolve a labor-contract dispute by following the recommendation of an impartial third party

Current Assets

Asset that a business intends to convert into cash within a year

Long-Term Assets

Asset that a business intends to hold for more than a year before converting it to cash

Classified Balance Sheet

Balance sheet that totals assets and liabilities in separate categories

Marketing Concept

Basic philosophy of satisfying customer needs while meeting organizational goals


Best-known over-the-counter, electronic exchange system

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Best-known stock market where stocks of the largest, most prestigious corporations are traded

Financial accounting

Branch of accounting that furnishes information to individuals and groups both inside and outside the organization to help them assess the firm's financial performance

Management accounting

Branch of accounting that provides information and analysis to decision makers inside the organization to help them operate the business

Manufacturer Branding

Branding strategy in which a manufacturer sells one or more products under its own brand names

Capital Budget

Budget that shows anticipated expenditures for major equipment

Storage Warehouse

Building used for the temporary storage of goods

Consumer Market

Buyers who want a product for personal use

Industrial Market

Buyers who want a product for use in making other products

Demand Deposits

Checking accounts that pay given sums to "payees" when they demand them


Collateral pledged to secure repayment of a loan

Marketing Mix

Combination of product, price, place, and promotion (often called the four Ps) used to market products

Lines of Credit

Commitment by a bank that allows a company to borrow up to a specified amount of money as the need arises

Public Relations

Communication activities undertaken by companies to garner favorable publicity for themselves and their products

Fiscal year

Company's *designated business year*


Compensation other than salaries, hourly wages, or financial incentives


Compensation paid for fulfilling the responsibilities of a position regardless of the number of hours required to do it


Compensation paid to employees based on the dollar amount of sales that they make


Compensation paid to employees based on the number of hours worked


Compensation paid to workers according to the quantity of a product that they produce or sell

Trade Deficit

Condition whereby a country buys more products than it sells, resulting in an unfavorable trade balance

Absolute Advantage

Condition whereby a country is the only source of a product or is able to make more of a product using the same or fewer resources than other countries

Trade Surplus

Condition whereby a country sells more products than it buys, resulting in a favorable trade balance

Comparative Advantage

Condition whereby one nation is able to produce a product at a lower opportunity cost compared to another nation

Brand Loyalty

Consumer preference for a particular brand that develops over time based on satisfaction with a company's products


Container that holds a product and can influence a consumer's decision to buy or pass it up


Cost charged to use someone else's money

Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of the products that a business sells to customers


Costs incurred by selling products to customers

Depreciation Expense

Costs of a long-term or fixed asset spread over its useful life

Operating Expenses

Costs of selling products to customers, not including cost of goods sold

Fixed Costs

Costs that don't change when the amount of goods sold changes

Variable Costs

Costs that vary, in total, as the quantity of goods sold changes but stay constant on a per-unit basis

Trade Credit

Credit given to a company by its suppliers

Supply Chain

Flow that begins with the purchase of raw materials and ends in the sale of a finished product to an end user


Debt owed by a business to an outside individual or organization


Debt securities that require annual interest payments to bondholders

Ethical Decision

Decision in which there is a right (ethical) choice and a wrong (unethical or illegal) choice

Consumer Behavior

Decision process that individuals go through when purchasing or using products

Job Specification

Detailed list of the qualifications needed to perform a job, including required skills, knowledge, and abilities

Balance of Payments

Difference between the total flow of money coming into a country and the total flow of money going out

Balance of Trade

Difference between the value of a nation's imports and its exports during a specified period


Document completed by a job applicant that provides factual information on the person's education and work background

Fiduciary Relationship

Duty of managment to safeguard a company's assets and handle its funds in a trustworthy manner


Earnings distributed to stockholders

On-the-Job Training

Employee training (often informal) that occurs while the employee is on the job

Value Chain

Entire range of activities involved in delivering value to customers

Contribution Margin per Unit

Excess of revenue per unit over variable cost per unit

External Marketing Environment

Factors external to the firm that present threats and opportunities and that require shifts in marketing plans

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Federal agency in charge of enforcing federal laws on employment discrimination

Savings Banks

Financial institution originally set up to provide mortgages and encourage saving, which now offers services similar to those of commercial banks

Brokerage Firms

Financial institution that buys and sells stocks, bonds, and other investments for clients

Commercial Banks

Financial institution that generates profits by lending funds and providing customers with services, such as check processing

Mutual Fund

Financial institution that invests in securities, using money pooled from investors (who become part owners of the fund)

Credit Union

Financial institution that provides services to only its members (who are associated with a particular organization)

Investment Banking Firm

Financial institution that specializes in issuing securities

Interest Coverage Ratio

Financial ratio showing a company's ability to pay interest on its debts from its operating income

Management effectiveness ratios

Financial ratio showing how effectively a firm is being run and measuring its overall performance

Profit Margin Ratios

Financial ratio showing how much of each sales dollar is left after certain costs are covered

Current Ratio

Financial ratio showing the relationship between a company's current assets and current liabilities

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Financial ratio showing the relationship between debt (funds acquired from creditors) and equity (funds invested by owners)

Financial Condition Ratios

Financial ratio that helps to assess a firm's financial strength

Inventory Turnover Ratio

Financial ratio that shows how efficiently a company turns over its inventory

Financial Statements

Financial reports—including the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows—that summarize a company's past performance and evaluate its financial health

Statement of Cash Flows

Financial statement reporting on cash inflows and outflows resulting from operating, investing, and financing activities

Comparative income statement

Financial statement showing income for more than one year

Income Statement

Financial statement summarizing a business's revenues, expenses, and net income

Permission Marketing

Form of marketing in which companies ask customers or potential customers for permission to contact them or send them marketing materials


Form of promotion that focuses on getting a company or product mentioned in a newspaper, on TV, or in some other news media

Off-the-Job Training

Formal employee training that occurs in a location away from the office


Formal meeting during which the employer learns more about an applicant and the applicant learns more about the prospective employer

Performance Appraisals

Formal process in which a manager evaluates an employee's work performance

Product Life Cycle

Four stages that a product goes through over its life: *introduction, growth, maturity, and decline*

Money Market Funds

Fund invested in safe, highly liquid securities

Pension Funds

Fund set up to collect contributions from participating companies for the purpose of providing its members with retirement income


Goods that a business has made or bought and expects to sell in the process of normal operations

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Government agency that enforces securities laws

Federal Depository Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Government agency that regulates banks and insures deposits in its member banks up to $250,000

Focus Group

Group of individuals brought together for the purpose of asking them questions about a product or marketing strategy

Market Segments

Group of potential customers with common characteristics that influence their buying decisions

Job Analysis

Identification of the tasks, responsibilities, and skills of a job, as well as the knowledge and abilities needed to perform it

Stock-Option Plans

Incentive program that allows eligible employees to buy a specific number of shares of company stock at a set price on a specified date

Profit-Sharing Plan

Incentive program that uses a predetermined formula to *distribute a share of company profits to eligible employees*


Individual who exposes illegal or unethical behavior in an organization

Venture Capitalists

Individual who pools funds from private and institutional sources and invests them in businesses with strong growth potential


Intermediaries who buy goods from producers and sell them to consumers


Intermediaries who buy goods from suppliers and sell them to businesses that will either resell or use them


Internally generated drive to achieve a goal or follow a particular course of action

Job Enlargement

Job redesign strategy in which management enhances a job by adding tasks at similar skill levels

Job Enrichment

Job redesign strategy in which management enriches a job by adding tasks that *increase both responsibility and opportunity for growth*

Job Rotation

Job redesign strategy that allows employees to rotate from one job to another on a systematic basis


Legal doctrine that allows an employer to fire an employee at will

Current Liabilities

Liability that a business intends to pay off within a year

Long-Term Liabilities

Liability that a business need not pay off within the following year

Unsecured Loan

Loan given by a bank that doesn't require the borrower to put up collateral

Long-Term Loan

Loan issued with a maturity date of five years or more

Short-Term Loan

Loan issued with a maturity date of less than one year

Intermediate Loan

Loan issued with a maturity date of one to five years

Distribution Center

Location where products are received from multiple suppliers, stored temporarily, and then shipped to their final destinations

Job Redesign

Management strategy used to increase job satisfaction by *making jobs more interesting and challenging*


Management tactic of closing the workplace to union workers

Secondary Market

Market in which investors buy previously issued securities from other investors

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market

Market in which securities are traded over computer networks and phones rather than on the trading floor of an exchange

NASDAQ Composite Index

Market index of all stocks listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange

Standard & Poor's Composite Index (S&P 500)

Market index of the stocks of five hundred large U.S. companies

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

Market index that reflects the total value of a "market basket" of thirty large U.S. companies

Primary Market

Market that deals in the sale of newly issued securities

Advertising Agency

Marketing consulting firm that develops and executes promotional campaigns for clients


Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

Interruption Marketing

Marketing that interrupts people to get their attention (with the hope they will listen to the ad), such as TV advertising

Market Indexes

Measure for tracking stock prices


Measure of the money supply that includes everything in M-1 plus near-cash


Measure of the money supply that includes only the most liquid forms of money, such as cash and checking-account funds

Breakeven Analysis

Method of determining the level of sales at which the company will break even (have no profit or loss)


Method used by union members to voice displeasure with certain organizations by refusing to buy the company's products and encouraging others to follow suit

Ethical Dilemma

Morally problematic situation


Parties who are interested in the activities of a business because they're affected by them

Primary Data

Newly collected marketing information that addresses specific questions about the target market

Finance Companies

Nondeposit financial institution that makes loans from funds acquired by selling securities or borrowing from commercial banks

Insurance Companies

Nondeposit institution that collects premiums from policyholders for protection against losses and invests these funds


Nonunion workers who are willing to cross picket lines to replace strikers

Breakeven Point in Units

Number of sales units at which net income is zero


Parties who are interested in the activities of a business because they're affected by them

Personal selling

One-on-one communication with customers or potential customers

Gross Profit or Gross Margin

Positive difference between revenues and cost of goods sold

Labor Union

Organized group of workers that bargains with employers to improve its members' pay, job security, and working conditions

Job Description

Outline of the duties and responsibilities of a position


Paid, nonpersonal communication designed to create an awareness of a product or company

Bear Market

Period of declining or sluggish stock prices

Bull Market

Period of large stock-price increases


Period of time for which a bank loan is issued


Permanent separation of an employee from a company

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

Personal retirement account set up by an individual to save money tax free until retirement

Marketing Strategy

Plan for selecting a target market and creating, pricing, promoting, and distributing products that satisfy customers

Financial Plan

Planning document that shows the amount of funds a company needs and details a strategy for getting those funds

Net Income

Positive difference between gross profit and total expenses

Skimming Pricing

Pricing strategy in which a seller generates early profits by starting off charging the highest price that customers will pay

Penetration Pricing

Pricing strategy in which the seller charges a low price on a new product to discourage competition and gain market share

Demand-Based Pricing

Pricing strategy that bases the price of a product on how much people are willing to pay for it

Cost-Based Pricing

Pricing strategy that bases the selling price of a product on its cost plus a reasonable profit

Target Costing

Pricing strategy that determines how much to invest in a product by figuring out how much customers will pay and subtracting an amount for profit

Collective Bargaining

Process by which management and union-represented workers settle differences

Psychographic Segmentation

Process of classifying consumers on the basis of individual lifestyles as reflected in people's interests, activities, attitudes, and values

Marketing Research

Process of collecting and analyzing data that's relevant to a specific marketing situation

Strategic Human Resource Planning

Process of developing a plan for satisfying an organization's human resource needs

Geographic Segmentation

Process of dividing a market according to such variables as climate, region, and population density

Behavioral Segmentation

Process of dividing consumers by behavioral variables, such as attitude toward the product, user status, or usage rate

Demographic Segmentation

Process of dividing the market into groups based on such variables as age and income


Process of gathering information on candidates, evaluating their qualifications, and choosing the right one


Process of identifying suitable candidates and encouraging them to apply for openings in the organization

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Process of integrating all the activities in the supply chain

Cash-Flow Management

Process of monitoring cash inflows and outflows to ensure that the company has the right amount of funds on hand

Materials Handling

Process of physically moving or carrying goods during production, warehousing, and distribution

Discount Rate

Rate of interest the Fed charges member banks when they borrow reserve funds

Prime Rate

Rate that banks charge their best customers

Account Payable

Record of cash owed to sellers from whom a business has purchased products on credit

Account Receivable

Record of cash that will be received from a customer to whom a business has sold products on credit

Capital Structure

Relationship between a company's debt (funds acquired from creditors) and its equity (funds invested by owners)

Balance Sheet

Report on a company's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity at a *specific point in time*


Resource from which a business expects to gain some future benefit

Sales Promotion

Sales approach in which a company provides an incentive for potential customers to buy something


Schedule by which you'll reduce the balance of your debt


The principle of providing products today that don't compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs

Ethical Lapse

Situation in which an individual makes a decision that's unmistakably unethical or illegal

Conflicts of Interest

Situation in which an individual must choose between the promotion of personal interests and the interests of others


Specific business or personal assets that a bank accepts as security for a loan

Target Market

Specific group of customers who should be interested in your product, have access to it, and have the means to buy it


Speed with which an asset can be converted into cash

Code of Conduct

Statement that defines the principles and guidelines that employees must follow in the course of all job-related activities

American Stock Exchange (AMEX)

Stock market where shares of smaller companies are traded

Preferred Stock

Stock that pays owners a fixed dividend annually

Common Stock

Stock whose owners bear the ultimate rewards and risks of ownership

Customer-Relationship Management

Strategy for retaining customers by gathering information about them, understanding them, and treating them well


System for measuring and summarizing business activities, interpreting financial information, and communicating the results to management and other decision makers

Just-in-Time Production

System for reducing inventories and costs by requiring suppliers to deliver materials just in time to go into the production process

Ratio Analysis

Technique for financial analysis that shows the relationship between two numbers

Contingent Workers

Temporary or part-time worker hired to supplement a company's permanent workforce

Money Multiplier

The amount by which an initial bank deposit will expand the money supply

Federal Funds Rate

The interest rate that a Federal Reserve member bank pays when it borrows from other member banks to meet reserve requirements

Social Media Marketing

The practice of including social media as part of a company's marketing program

Mass Marketing

The practice of sending out messages to a vast audience of anonymous people

Equity Theory

Theory of motivation that focuses on our perceptions of how fairly we're treated relative to others

Hierarchy-of-Needs Theory

Theory of motivation that holds that people are motivated by a hierarchical series of unmet needs

Expectancy Theory

Theory of motivation that proposes that employees will work hard to earn rewards they value and consider obtainable

Two-Factor Theory

Theory that holds that motivation involves both motivation factors (which contribute to job satisfaction) and hygiene factors (which help to prevent job dissatisfaction)

Customer Value Triad

Three factors that customers consider in determining the value of a product: *quality, service, and price*

Federal Reserve System

U.S. central banking system, which has three goals: price stability, sustainable economic growth, and full employment

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Uniform set of rules for financial reporting issued by an independent agency called the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)


Union tactic by which workers walk away from their jobs and refuse to return until a labor-management dispute has been resolved


Union tactic of parading with signs outside a factory or other facility to publicize a strike


Union worker complaints on contract-related matters

Brand Equity

Value of a brand generated by a favorable consumer experience with a product

Promotion Mix

Various ways to communicate with customers, including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity


Wealthy individual willing to invest in start-up ventures


Wholesaler or retailer who helps move products from their original source to the end user


Word, letter, sound, or symbol that differentiates a product from similar products on the market


Word, symbol, or other mark used to identify and legally protect a product from being copied

Job Sharing

Work arrangement in which *two people share one full-time position*


Work arrangement in which the employee *regularly works from home*


Written offer to sell securities that provides useful information to prospective buyers

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