Exam 2 Digestive

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The thermic effect of food accounts for about how much of the body's energy expenditure?


The citric acid cycle produces ______ ATP, ______ NADH, and ______ FADH2 per "turn" of the cycle.

1; 3; 1

During glycolysis, four molecules of ATP are produced, but [Blank] molecules of ATP are used in the process.


How many ATP molecules are used in glycolysis?


In adults, fats should account for no more than _______ of your daily caloric intake.


Average cholesterol intake should not exceed [Blank] mg/day.


Average cholesterol intake should not exceed ______ mg/day.


Describe the cecum.

A rounded pouch located at the proximal end of the large intestine

Glucose provides the energy required for the body to synthesize ______.


Which of the following are end-products of the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose? Select all that apply.

ATP Carbon dioxide Water

Glucose molecules are broken down to provide energy for the production of the molecule abbreviated as [Blank], with the full name of [Blank] [Blank].

ATP adenosine triphosphate

Match each basic function of the digestive system with the correct description.

Absorption-Movement of molecules from the digestive tract into the circulation or lymphatic system Digestion-Breakdown of large organic molecules into their component parts Elimination-Process by which waste products are removed from the body Ingestion-The intake of solid or liquid food into the stomach Secretion-Process by which substances are added to the digestive tract to lubricate, liquefy, buffer and digest the food

Correctly pair each basic function of the digestive system with the correct description.

Absorption-Movement of molecules from the digestive tract into the circulation or lymphatic system Digestion-Breakdown of large organic molecules into their component parts Mastication-Process by which teeth break food into smaller particles to increase the total surface area Ingestion-The intake of solid or liquid food into the stomach Propulsion-Movement of food from one end of the digestive tract to the other

Match the metabolic state to the descriptions of processes.

Absorptive-Glucose processed into glycogen Postabsorptive-Lactic acid, glycogen and fatty acids processed into glucose

What combines with oxaloacetic acid in the citric acid cycle?


Identify the major neurotransmitters that regulate the digestive system. Select all that apply.

Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Serotonin

Identify the functions of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Select all that apply.

Activates pepsin Destroys ingested bacteria Inactivates salivary amylase

Describe the reaction called phosphorylation.

Addition of inorganic phosphate to an organic molecule

Name the outermost or most superficial layer of the organs in the digestive tract. Select all that apply.

Adventitia Serosa

Carbon dioxide, ATP, and water are the end-products of which process?

Aerobic respiration

This figure is depicting what metabolic process?

Aerobic respiration

Which of the following are NOT stored in the body?

Amino acids

Which cell phagocytizes an antigen and displays fragments of it on its surface?

Antigen-presenting cell

[Blank] (one word) rate refers to the amount of energy used in the body per unit of time, expressed in such terms as kcal/h or kcal/day.


Exemplify active natural immunity.

Being exposed to the influenza virus by a classmate that has the flu

Match the components of pancreatic juice with the correct function.

Bicarbonate ion-To raise the pH of the small intestine Proteolytic enzymes-Chemical digestion of proteins Amylase-Chemical digestion of polysaccharides Lipase-Chemical digestion of fats Nuclease-Chemical digestion of DNA and RNA

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are all forms of which class of macromolecule?


Match the parts of the stomach with the correct description.

Cardiac sphincter-Constrictor between the esophagus and the stomach Pyloric sphincter-Constrictor between the stomach and the small intestine Body-Largest part of the stomach Fundus-The rounded superior portion of the stomach Pyloric part-Funnel shaped part of the stomach

______ digestion breaks covalent bonds in organic molecules through the action of digestive enzymes.


Select the mechanisms that regulate the digestive system. Select all that apply.

Chemical signals Nervous mechanisms

Identify the features of the small intestine that function to increase surface area and thus enhance digestion and absorption. Select all that apply.

Circular folds Villi Microvilli

The production of ATP, NADH, FADH2, and CO2 occurs in what phase of aerobic respiration?

Citric acid cycle

This image is depicting what metabolic process that occurs in mitochondria?

Citric acid cycle

Characterize unsaturated fats. Select all that apply.

Contain double bonds between carbon atoms Found in nuts, seeds and fish

Identify the duct leading from the gallbladder.

Cystic duct

Name the location within the cell where glycolysis occurs.


Identify the changes seen in the respiratory system with aging. Select all that apply.

Decreased vital capacity Increased dead space Decreased maximum minute ventilation

Select the effects of aging on the digestive system. Select all that apply.

Decreases in the amount of mucus secreted Decline in the liver's ability to detoxify chemicals

What are the basic functions of the digestive system? Select all that apply.

Defecation Absorption Ingestion Mastication Digestion

Which of the following are functions of the digestive tract? Select all that apply.

Digest food Absorb water Absorb electrolytes

List the three principle forms of carbohydrates.

Disaccharides Polysaccharides Monosaccharides

Place the segments of the small intestine in the order of which food travels.

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

Identify the components of pancreatic juice. Select all that apply.

Enzymes to digest proteins Enzymes to digest lipids Bicarbonate ions Enzymes to digest carbohydrates Enzymes to digest nucleic acids

What carries heat away when the skin is covered in sweat?


True or False: The majority of the muscularis externa consists of two layers of skeletal muscle.


True or false: A patient with a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (taken orally) has a fever.


True or false: Lipids should not be consumed in the diet because they are associated with heart disease.


True or false: Most of the nervous control of the digestive system is through the parasympathetic nervous system.


True or false: The basal metabolic rate is observed when an individual is exercising vigorously.


[Blank] are important sources of energy for the body because they deliver more than twice as many kilocalories as carbohydrate molecules.


Identify the primary products of the chemical digestion of lipids. Select all that apply.

Fatty acids Monoglycerides

Which are produced in the citric acid cycle (per glucose molecule)? Select all that apply.

Four CO2 Two FADH2 Two ATP

Identify examples of monosaccharides. Select all that apply.

Glucose Fructose Galactose

Identify the phases of the aerobic respiration pathway. Select all that apply.

Glycolysis Citric acid cycle Production of acetyl CoA Electron transport chain

Which of the following are part of carbohydrate metabolism? Select all that apply.

Glycolysis Electron transport chain Citric acid cycle

Rank the events of aerobic respiration in the correct order.

Glycolysis Formation of acetyl-CoA Citric acid cycle Electron transport chain

MHC class [Blank] molecules are found on the surface of antigen-presenting cells.


The citric acid cycle is also called the [Blank] cycle.


Which molecules serve as the body's main energy storage?


Identify the largest internal organ of the body.


Match the response of an effector to its role in body temperature homeostasis.

Lowers temperature-Dermal blood vessel dilation Raises temperature-Contraction of skeletal muscles

Identify interactions between cell mediated immunity and innate immunity. Select all that apply.

Macrophage of innate immunity present antigens to helper T cells. Cytokines secreted by helper T cells stimulate phagocytosis. Cytokines secreted by helper T cells stimulate inflammation

Identify the strong and infrequent peristaltic contractions that move contents longer distances within the large intestine.

Mass movements

[Blank] rate can be estimated by measuring the amount of oxygen used per minute.


[Blank] are inorganic nutrients that are necessary for normal metabolic functions.


Where does pyruvic acid go to continue aerobic respiration?


Identify the structures of the digestive tract that are lined with stratified squamous epithelium. Select all that apply.

Mouth Esophagus Oropharynx Anal canal

Match the layer of the digestive tract with the correct description.

Mucosa-Consists of an epithelial lining, a layer of connective tissue referred to as lamina propria and a thin layer of muscle Muscularis-Throughout most of the digestive tract, this tunic consists of two layers of smooth muscle: an inner circular layer, and an outer longitudinal layer Serosa-Consists of a thin layer of connective tissue and simple squamous epithelium Submucosa-Consists of a thick layer of connective tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics and glands

Identify the secretions of the stomach. Select all that apply.

Mucus Gastrin Pepsinogen Hydrochloric acid Intrinsic factor

The USDA and HHS use a visual reminder called ______ to help educate the public on how to build a healthy meal.


What is directly produced during the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA? Select all that apply.


Identify the part of the pharynx that does not typically function in digestion.


What is an ingested substance used by the body to produce energy and to provide building blocks for new molecules?


Identify the parts of the pharynx that function in digestion. Select all that apply.

Oropharynx Laryngopharynx

Identify the process by which water is absorbed in the small intestine.


Identify the organ that consists of a head located within the curvature of the duodenum and a tail that extends to the spleen


Identify the structures that secrete lipase. Select all that apply.

Pancreas Lingual glands

Which are functions of the liver? Select all that apply.

Phagocytosis of worn out red and white blood cells Nutrient storage Detoxification of harmful substances Conversion of amino acids to carbohydrates Production of blood proteins including clotting factors Production of bile

Identify functions of cholesterol. Select all that apply.

Precursor for steroid hormones Precursor for bile salts Structural component of the plasma membrane

Which of the following does NOT occur in the transition steps between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?

Production of ATP

Identify the functions of mucus secretion in the large intestine. Select all that apply.

Protects intestinal lining Lubricates colon wall Helps fecal matter stick together

Identify the methods by which the body may lose heat. Select all that apply.

Radiation Conduction Convection

Which of the following does NOT occur during the citric acid cycle?

Reduction of oxygen

Identify the secretions of the small intestine. Select all that apply.

Secretin Mucus Disaccharidases Peptidases Cholecystokinin

Identify the factors that stimulate production of pancreatic juices. Select all that apply.

Secretin Vagus nerve Cholecystokinin

Identify the types of movements that occur within the small intestine. Select all that apply.

Segmental contractions Peristaltic contractions

Which best describes the electron transport chain?

Series of oxidation reduction reactions occurring across the inner membrane of the mitochondria leading to the production of ATP

What muscle type makes up most of the muscularis of the gastrointestinal tract?


Identify the organ of the digestive system that primarily functions as a storage and mixing chamber.


What is the primary function of the stomach?

Storage and mixing chamber

Identify the three large, paired salivary glands.

Submandibular Parotid Sublingual

Place the events of the cephalic phase of gastric regulation in order beginning from initiation of the cephalic phase.

T S Parasympathetic Postganglionic G

What cells are activated by a self-cell with MHC class I/antigen complex on its surface?

T cells

The thymus is the site of maturation of ______ cells (lymphocytes). The ______ cells (lymphocytes) mature in the bone marrow.

T, B

List the actions of the cell-mediated immune response. Select all that apply.

Targets intracellular microorganisms Responsible for delayed hypersensitivity reactions Targets tumor cells

Identify the 4 muscles of mastication.

Temporalis Masseter Lateral pterygoid Medial pterygoid

Describe emulsification.

The process by which bile salts transform large lipid droplets into much smaller droplets

Describe the effects of food intake on the stomach.

The rugae flatten and the stomach volume increases.

What are feces?

The semi-solid waste products eliminated from the body

How does the muscularis of the stomach differ from the muscularis of the majority of the alimentary canal?

The stomach has 3 layers of muscle in the muscularis and the majority of the digestive tract only has 2 layers of muscle.

Describe the membranes that line the abdominal cavity.

These are serous membranes that secrete a serous lubricating fluid.

Identify the effects of aging on the digestive system. Select all that apply.

Thinning of tooth enamel Reduction in motility Decrease in mucus production

Identify the structures that are involved in deglutition. Select all that apply.

Tongue Oropharynx Esophagus

True or False: MHC Class I molecules are displayed on many more cells types than MHC class II antigens.


True or False: The body's main energy-storage molecules are lipids.


True or False: The energy cost of digesting and absorbing food as well as the synthesis of new molecules is called the thermic effect of food.


True or False: The masseter and temporalis are muscles that move the mandible during mastication.


True or False: Villi and microvilli of the small intestine serve to increase surface area to allow for greater digestion and absorption.


True or False: Water absorption in the small intestine occurs as a result of osmosis.


Match the oral cavity region to its description.

Vestibule-Space between the lips and teeth Oral cavity proper-Space medial to the teeth

What nutrients are important for enzyme function, ATP production, DNA and RNA synthesis, and blood clotting?


What are the classifications of vitamins?

Water-soluble and fat-soluble

When do muscle cells use anaerobic respiration?

When no oxygen is available

Increased sweating and vasodilation occur when the body's temperature is ______ homeostatic levels.


During the ______ state, glucose is obtained through absorption of digested carbohydrates, whereas during the ______ state, glucose is maintained by the conversion of other molecules.

absorptive, postabsorptive

Besides organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system also contains ______.

accessory organs

Many individuals receive a flu shot each year. The flu shot contains dead viral antigens. Once a flu shot is received, individuals will produce antibodies against those antigens in approximately two weeks. This is an example of ______ immunity.


The majority of ion absorption occurs as a result of _____.

active transport

When an individual is exposed to an antigen that stimulates an immune response it is referred to as _______ immunity; however when an immunity is transfered from one organism to a nonimmune individual it is referred to as ______ immunity.

active, passive

Proteins are composed of ______.

amino acids

The ______ part of the tongue is freely moveable.


A(n) [Blank]-mediated immune response is effective against extracellular antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins when they are outside the cell..


Cholesterol is a precursor for ______. Select all that apply.

bile salts testosterone estrogen

Pre-B cells mature into B cells within the ______. Pre-T cells mature into T cells within the ______.

bone marrow, thymus

The first phase of glycolysis involves ______.

breaking glucose into two separate molecules

The muscle in the cheeks is the ______.


By definition, one _____ is the amount of energy (heat) required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.


By definition, the amount of energy (heat) required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius is one [Blank].


Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain are part of the metabolism of ______.


The [Blank] sphincter is between the esophagus and the stomach and the [Blank] sphincter is between the stomach and the small intestine.

cardiac pyloric

The proximal end of the large intestine is characterized by a pouch-like structure called the [Blank].


The saclike structure on the inferior surface of the liver is the [Blank].


Egg yolks and liver are foods that have high concentrations of ______.


Stomach contents are called ______.


The semi-fluid material within the stomach that is a mixture of ingested food and gastric secretions is called [Blank].


The [Blank] [Blank] cycle is shown in this figure.

citric acid

The elimination of semi-solid waste products from the body is called ______.


The tongue, oropharynx and mouth are all involved with swallowing or [Blank].


The system specialized to ingest food, digest food and absorb water, electrolytes and nutrients is the [Blank] system.


Aging is associated with a(n) ______ immune system.


The three sections of the small intestine, listed in order as food passes through, are the [Blank], the [Blank], and then the [Blank].

duodenum jejunum ileum

Feces are eliminated from the body by the process of [Blank].


The majority of nervous stimulation of the digestive system comes from the _______.

enteric nervous system

The structure within the mediastinum, anterior to the vertebrae and posterior to the trachea is the [Blank].


Amino acids that the body cannot synthesize are categorized as _______.


Vitamins that the body cannot make are ______ vitamins.


Vitamins that the body cannot synthesize are categorized as [Blank].


Sweat wets the skin surface and its [Blank] carries heat away.


The synthesis of glycogen, which occurs in conditions of excess glucose is a process called ______.


When glucose levels are high, glucose is converted into glycogen. This process is called [Blank].


The conversion of glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid is ______.


The splitting of a glucose molecule into two pyruvic acid molecules is a process called [Blank].


Treatments of disease that include the alteration of immune functions are called ______.


With aging, dead space and residual volume are ______.


Define immunotherapy. Treatment of disease by ______.

increasing or decreasing immune functions

Vasodilation and increased vascular permeability occur during ______.

inflammatory response

The processes that may be involved in the breakdown of lipids are ______. Select all that apply.

ketogenesis beta-oxidation citric acid cycle

Lipids are chemically digested by the enzyme [Blank].


The enzyme that chemically digests lipid molecules is _____.


Beta-oxidation and ketogenesis are processes involved in the metabolism of ______.


Fatty acids and glycerol are products of the chemical digestion of _____.


The largest internal organ of the body is the [Blank].


Foods that are high in cholesterol include ______. Select all that apply.

liver eggs

Radiation, conduction, and convection are methods the body uses to ______.

lose heat

The esophagus is in the ______.


The amount of energy produced and used in the body per unit of time is the _______ rate.


Anabolism and catabolism are parts of ______.


The term for the sum of all chemical reactions in the body is [Blank].


Inorganic elements that plants extract from soil or water are _______.


After glycolysis, pyruvic acid moves from the cytosol into ______ to complete the remaining phases of aerobic respiration.


The movements of the small intestine include segmental contractions which ______ intestinal contents and peristaltic contractions which ______ intestinal contents.

mix, propel

Nutrition includes ______. Select all that apply.

obtaining food requirements utilization of food components breakdown of food components

The 12% on the line labeled "Total Fat" in this image indicates _______.

one serving contains 12% of recommended daily fat intake

The muscle that forms the majority of the lips is the [Blank] [Blank] and the muscle that forms the majority of the cheeks is the [Blank].

orbicularis oris buccinator

Coenzymes are ______.


Vitamins are ______.


In the first step of the citric acid cycle, ______ acid combines with acetyl-CoA to produce citric acid.


The [Blank] is an organ that consists of a head located within the curvature of the duodenum and a tail that extends to the spleen.


The majority of lipase is secreted by the _____.


The adding of a phosphate group to a molecule is ______.


The addition of an inorganic phosphate (Pi) group to an organic molecule is called [Blank].


During the steps of glycolysis seen here, ______ is occurring? Select all that apply.

phosphorylation of sugar use of ATP

A [Blank] is a large polypeptide composed of chains of amino acids.


Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pepsin all aid in the chemical digestion of ______.


The adventitia or [Blank] is the outermost layer of structures in the digestive system.


The abdominal cavity is lined by [Blank] membranes which produce a thin, lubricating film.


Secretin, cholecystokinin, and peptidases are secretions of the ______.

small intestine

The chemical digestion of the disaccharides occurs in the ______.

small intestine

Cholecystokinin, secretin and the vagus nerve all ______ the release of pancreatic juices.


Intrinsic factor is secreted by the organ called the [Blank].


Pepsinogen and gastrin are both secretions of the ______.


Functions of adipose tissue are ______. Select all that apply.

storage of energy protection of internal organs body temperature regulation

The layer of the digestive tract that is a thick layer of connective tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics and glands is the _____.


Important roles for vitamins are ______. Select all that apply.

synthesis of DNA and RNA blood clotting growth of different body tissues ATP production pathways

The state of unresponsiveness of lymphocytes to a specific antigen is called ______.


The large muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity proper is called the [Blank].


The reaction in this figure of amino acid metabolism represents ______.


The transfer of an amine group from an amino acid to a keto acid is called ______.


A macromolecule that consists of a glycerol and three fatty acids is classified as a ______.


Ninety-five percent of dietary lipids are [Blank]. They consist of a glycerol molecule attached to three fatty acids.


The type of lipid stored within adipose tissue is ______.


Normal body temperature measured orally is [Blank] degrees Celsius or [Blank] degrees Fahrenheit.

37 98

During the steps of glycolysis, ______ ATPs, ______ NADHs, and ______ molecules of pyruvate are produced.

4, 2, 2

The hepatic lobule is a _____ -sided structure with a(n) _____ triad at each corner and a central vein located in the center of each lobule.

6, portal

Identify the fat soluble vitamins. Select all that apply.


Describe a hepatic lobule.

A hexagon-shaped tissue with a portal triad at each corner

Identify interactions between antibody mediated immunity and innate immunity.

Antibodies secreted in antibody mediated immunity stimulate phagocytosis. Antibodies secreted in antibody mediated immunity stimulate the activation of complement. Antibodies secreted in antibody mediated immunity stimulate inflammation.

Name some examples of antigen-presenting cells.

B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells

Match each gastric secretion with the correct function.

Hydrochloric acid-Destroys ingested bacteria and activates pepsin Gastrin-Stimulates gastric secretions Intrinsic factor-Aids in the absorption of Vitamin B12. Pepsinogen-Active form aids in breaking proteins into smaller peptide chains. Mucous-Protects lining of the stomach

Identify the structures that chyme will pass through, starting with the small intestine and ending with elimination.

Ileocecal junction Cecum Colon Rectum Anal canal

To increase the basal metabolic rate, a person can choose which of the following?

Increased level of physical activity

What can promote healthy weight by increasing the metabolic rate?

Increased muscular activity

Indicate the effects of inflammatory mediators within an area of damaged tissue. Select all that apply.

Increased vascular permeability Emigration of phagocytes from blood to tissue

Identify the functions of the liver. Select all that apply.

Interconversion of nutrients Storage of glycogen, lipids, vitamins and minerals Phagocytosis Synthesis of new molecules Production of bile

What is the function of HCO3- when it is secreted by the large intestine?

It increases the pH of the feces, which are acidic because of bacterial secretions.

What is a name for the cyclic pathway in aerobic respiration?

Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

During anaerobic fermentation, pyruvic acid is converted into which of the following?

Lactic acid

Identify the structures of the digestive tract that are lined with simple columnar epithelium. Select all that apply.

Large intestine Stomach Small intestine

Identify the structures where lipid digestion occurs. Select all that apply.

Small intestine Stomach

True or false: Amino acids are not stored by the body.


True or false: Both nervous and chemical mechanisms play an important role in regulating the digestive system.


True or false: The food represented by this nutritional label would be a good choice based on recommended guidelines for percentage of calories from each nutrient.


True or false: Vitamins are classified as water-soluble or fat-soluble.


Identify the substances that aid in the chemical digestion of proteins. Select all that apply.

Trypsin Carboxypeptidase Peptidases Pepsin

In the absence of oxygen, a human cell may resort to an anaerobic reaction to produce energy. This process is called ______.

anaerobic respiration

A substance that stimulates an adaptive immune response is a(n) [Blank].


In order for lymphocytes to be activated against a specific antigen, the lymphocyte must be able to recognize the ______ and ______ in the number of lymphocytes.

antigen, increase

Dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells are all examples of ______.

antigen-presenting cells

MHC class II molecules are found on ______.

antigen-presenting cells

The specific region of an antigen that is recognized by a lymphocyte is called a(n) ______.

antigenic determinant

Triglycerides are important ______.

as a source of energy

The two major divisions of the digestive system include the digestive tract and the [Blank] organs.


Permanent teeth replace milk or [Blank] teeth.


The [Blank] [Blank] rate is the energy required to keep the body functioning at restful levels.

basal metabolic

The large intestine consists of the _____, and the anal canal.

cecum, colon, rectum

Intracellular antigens are predominately targeted by ______ immunity.

cell mediated

The entire metabolic process seen in this illustration is referred to as [Blank] [Blank].

cellular cycle

The taste, smell, or thought of food stimulates gastric secretions by activating the ______ phase of gastric regulation.


An organic molecule that combines with an enzyme to make it functional is called a(n) [Blank].


A(n) [Blank] is small organic molecule, usually derived from a vitamin, that is needed to make an enzyme catalytically active.


Proteins described as being [Blank] proteins are those that provide all of the essential amino acids in the necessary proportions for human tissue growth, maintenance, and nitrogen balance


Proteins that provide all of the essential amino acids in the necessary proportions are said to be ______.


The submucosa consists of ______ tissue.


Glycolysis occurs in the [Blank] of the cell.


The process by which bile salts transform large lipid droplets into much smaller lipid droplets is called [Blank].


The tissue type that serves the body by storing energy, protecting organs, and preventing heat loss is [Blank] tissue.


Triglycerides are stored in [Blank] tissue.


Vitamins A, D, E, and K are [Blank]-soluble vitamins.


Food is ingested, digested and finally eliminated from the body as [Blank].


During stomach filling the rugae _______.

flatten and allow the stomach to increase in volume

The overall products of glycolysis are ______. Select all that apply.

four ATPs two pyruvic acid molecules two NADHs

Triglycerides that are released in the blood and used by the skeletal muscles and liver for energy are referred to as ______ fatty acids.


Fatty acids that are released into the blood from adipose tissue are called ______.

free fatty acids

In the MyPlate icon, half of the plate consists of food from the category of ______.

fruits and vegetables

Large food particles are physically broken down into smaller food particles by [Blank] digestion.


The term [Blank] refers to a single carbohydrate unit, for example a simple sugar such as glucose or fructose.


Based on their structure, glucose, galactose and fructose are from the group of carbohydrates called ______.


Glucose, galactose, and fructose are examples of carbohydrates called [Blank], which mainly arise from the digestion of starch and disaccharides.


Olive and peanut oils are examples of ______ fats, whereas fish and sunflower oils are examples of ______ fats.

monounsaturated, polyunsaturated

Unsaturated fats with only one double bond are called ______ fats, and unsaturated fats with more than one double bond are called ______ fats.

monounsaturated, polyunsaturated

Chemical digestion of starch due to secretion of enzymes occurs in the ______. Select all that apply.

mouth small intestine

Acetylcholine, norepinephrine and serotonin are ______ that affect digestive tract ______.

neurotransmitters, motility

Amino acids that are required for protein synthesis but that do not need to be ingested are categorized as _______.


By definition, a [Blank] is any ingested substance used by the cells of the body to produce energy, to provide building blocks for new molecules, and to function in other chemical reactions.


The term for the overall process by which the body obtains and utilizes components of food is [Blank].


The 3 large paired salivary glands are the [Blank], [Blank], and [Blank].

parotid sublingual submandibular

An individual had been bitten by a venomous snake. He is given an antivenom that is antibodies against the poisonous venom. This is an example of ______ immunity.

passive artificial

The transmission of IgA from mother to baby during breastfeeding and the transmission of IgG from mother to fetus during pregnancy are examples of ______ immunity.

passive natural

Teeth found in the adult mouth are called ______ teeth whereas teeth that are lost during childhood are called milk or ______ teeth.

permanent, deciduous

Each complex in the electron transport chain collectively acts as a _____ pump that removes H+ from the mitochondrial matrix and pumps it into the space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes.


In anaerobic fermentation, NADH donates a pair of electrons to _______ acid, thus reducing it to ______ acid and regenerating NAD.

pyruvic, lactic

The fats found in meat, egg yolks, dairy products, and palm oils are high in ______ fatty acids. These fatty acids have no double bonds.


Triglycerides containing fatty acids with no double bonds within their carbon chains are examples of [Blank] fats.


The majority of ion absorption occurs in the ______.

small intestine

The majority of lipid digestion occurs in the ______.

small intestine

The layer of the digestive tract that consists of connective tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, small glands, and a network of nerve cells is the [Blank].


The muscularis of the stomach consists of _____ layers; however, the muscularis of the majority of the digestive tract consists of _____ layers.

three, two

Most lipids in the human diet _______.


The vast majority of the lipids in the human diet are in the form of [Blank].


Examples of lipids are ______. Select all that apply.

triglycerides cholesterol phospholipids

The type of fat that is found predominately in nuts, seeds, and most vegetable oils is called [Blank] fat, based on the double bonds found in the carbon chains of the fatty acids.


The oral cavity is divided into two regions: the _____, which is the space between the lips or the cheeks and the teeth and the ______, which lies medial to the teeth.

vestibule, oral cavity proper

Coenzymes are usually derived from ______.


Dietary organic compounds that are necessary in small amounts for metabolism are called ______.


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