Exam 2 GEO 373

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Among what population is folk Catholicism growing?

-Afro-latin americans (Africans)

. Among what population(s) is religious syncretism widespread?

-Indigenous and African. People who were not allowed to practice their traditional religions

What WAS and WAS NOT accomplished by political independence in Latin America?

Accomplished: transfer of power, emergence of military, adaption of laissez-faire pollicies (government lets things happen) NOT- Accomplished: structural change (national, international)

Describe some the outstanding accomplishments of the major Amerindian cultures.

Areas that distinguish one culture from the other Chibchas- goldsmithing, gold mining Mayas- intellectual activities in poetry, literature, astronomy, math Aztecs- urban development, planning agriculture, military skills Incas- highways technology, irrigation (engineering)

What was the largest city of pre-Columbian America?

Aztec capital known as Tenochtitlan

What was the size and where were the areas of concentration of the Amerindian population at the time of the Conquest?

Aztecs, Mayas, Chibchas, and Incas Meso America and the Andean highlands 50 thousand people

What large South American city is located in the Pampa?

Buenos Aires

In which region of Central America is precipitation most abundant?

Carribean Coast

What has been a major economic activity in the Pampa?

Cattle ranching

Which region of Central America contains densely-populated, ash-filled valleys?

Central Highlands (valleys w/in highlands)

Describe the climate and natural vegetation of the Pampa region.

Climate: Humid subtropical climate Vegetation: prairie grass

What is the most important resource of the Atacama Desert


List important characteristics of Amerindian agriculture (crops cultivated, animals domesticated, technological achievements, polyculture). Describe waru waru agriculture.

Crops cultivated: maize, beans, squash Animals domesticated: very few, llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs Technology: terraces of slopes in order to expand the cultivated land in the Andes, irrigation systems all over, the waru waru agriculture in the Andes Polyculture: cultivation of many crops in the same field at the same time associated with slash and burn in the lowlands of south America waru waru agriculture: raised field beds in agriculture on wetlands to prevent soil and crop damage during flooding

List main impacts of colonialism.- Mostly european

Cultural: language, religion, architecture, values, worldview, music, food Economic: Agrarian structure (land distribution (uneven), oppressive labor system) structure of international trade, single export economics Social: rigid social stratification (based on achieved status) Demographic: Amerindian depopulation, rise in diversification in culture and ethnic groups Lighter skin people on top darker skin on bottom to move up one would marry someone lighter to give children a better chance.

Define formal and folk Catholicism

Folk: People led blended religions different form of syncretism Indigenous and African. (Religions that blend with formal catholic) Combinations of religions Formal: official practices taught by the church

*What minerals are found in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais?

Gold, diamond, iron, nickel, chromium, manganese, tin, and bauxite

In which of Mexico's physiographic regions is petroleum abundant?

Golf Coast

What were the main causes of death of the Indian population during the colonial period?


What has been the response of the Catholic Church towards the diffusion of Protestantism in Latin America?

Increased lay involvement Increased attention in social inequalities Liberation theology movement (emphasizes freeing from social, political, and economic oppression as an anticipation of ultimate salvation) Efforts to strengthen the formal institutional church Episcopal conferences (bishop conferences) Pope (papal) visits

List important impacts of European colonization on Amerindian agriculture.

Introduction new crops and animals Introduction of new tools Decline of indigenous agriculture Labor relocation Abandonment of terraces Abandonment of drained and raised fields Highly uneven distribution of land Oppressive labor systems (pongo) Diseases

Describe the characteristics of Latin American Protestantism.

It is the largest and most rapidly expanding non-Catholic religion . It is largely indigenous and independent of foreign control (means churches introduced by immigrants: Latin American small, independent churches). Egalitarian organization. (equal for all people) Its appeal has been greatest in rural areas and among the urban lower classes.

What was the mita system?

Labor system, forced by incas, made the labors do everything that needed to be done in empire Spanish adapted this for mining Rotational system of forced labor instituted by Incas adapted by the Spanish

Briefly describe the following Latin American institutions introduced by the Spaniards during the colonial period: land grants, encomienda and mercantilism.

Land grants: incentive to get people to come and settle caused uneven distribution of land Mercantilism: an essential monopoly of trade (trade monopoly). Crown had a complete monopoly on trade. Spain set prices of productions and levels of taxation. Encomienda: In colonial times. They gave us labor (Indians) we gave them religion (gave the Indians religion).

What is Latin America's fastest-growing non-Catholic religion?

Latin American Protestantism

Briefly describe Latin America's social stratification. (Figure 8.2)

Lower class on bottom (majority workers those indigenous people (dark-skinned people) Upper-class small elites governes Middle class- lower but not the lowest The underclass have been excluded from political participation and deprived of improvement

Describe the topographic and climatic characteristics of the Mexican Plateau and the Yucatan Peninsula. What region is associated with an extensive limestone platform?

Mexican Plateau- Topographic: large, north-slopping tilted block, its surface is marked by numerous basins separated lower ranges (basin and range topography) Climatic Characteristics:Mexico city is in the tropical altitude but the climate is not tropical. Dryness increases to the north. Cool for latitude, not much rain. Arid/semi-arid Yucatan Peninsula- Topographic: extensive limestone platform, relief increases southward KARST topography-absence of surface streams has caves, and sinkholes (cenotes) Climatic Characteristics: wet-dry tropical climate. Northern: Little precipitation, savanna vegetation Southern Highlands: forest coverings

Define miscegenation, syncretism and manumission.

Miscegenation: is the mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, or procreation. Syncretism: exhibits blending of two or more religious/cultural belief systems into a new system, or the incorporation into a religious tradition of beliefs from unrelated traditions. Manumission: freeing of slaves (slave owners were freeing their children and partners)

What Indian languages are widely spoken in Latin America? Where?

Nahuatal (Main language of Mexico/ The Aztecs) Mayan( spoke in mexico, guatamala) Quechua( spoke in ecuador, perus, bolvia) Aymara- (spoke in Bolivia), Guarani (paraguay)

What were the impacts of mercantilism on Latin American society?

Retarded economic development of the colonies, particularly by crippling manufacturing and commerce Forced colonies into unequal, dependent trade relationships. Promoted contraband trade and disrespect for law. Illegal trade (contraband) .

Locate the areas of concentration of the African population.

North-eastern brazil, the carribean basin/coast all because of sugar cane

What countries recognize an Indian language as a second official language?

Paraguay (Guanaci). Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador (Quechua)

What natural resource is associated with the Maracaibo Basin?


Describe the main physical and human characteristics of the Andean Region.

Physical characteristics: is a complex system of mountain ranges & intermonate valleys prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity Human characteristics: vertical zonation (agriculture changes as you go up the mountain)

Define polyculture. Where is it practiced?

Polyculture is the cultivation of many crops in the same field at the same time. It's practiced in the tropical lowlands because they have a lot of sun-energy and water

List some important resources of the Amazon Basin.

Rubber, tin, tropical fruits, and a variety of wildlife

Describe the significance of the Mexican Plateau in terms of size, human settlement and economic activities.

Size: Bulk of Mexico is in the Mexican Plateau, SIngle largest environmental region Human Settlement: Contains most of the population main place to settle in pre-colonial times Economic activities: Main economic activities is Agriculture (drainage is towards interior basins) everything but petroleum

In which regions do whites predominate?

South-eastern Latin America

Name and locate the main urban settlements of pre-Columbian Latin America.With which cultures were these settlements associated?

Tenochtitlán- aztec, Chichén Itzá- miyans Tikal- in guatamala associated with miya Cuzco-in peru incas capital

What population(s) is (are) most attracted to Protestantism?

The Poor

What are the principal agricultural products of the tierra caliente, templada, and fria?

Tierra Calient: sugarcane, cocoa, bannas, rice Tierra Templada: coffee, grains 10 thousand feet Tierra Fria: potatoes, quiniua

In colonial times Spanish Latin America was divided into which four viceroyalties; what were their capitals? What did the Treaty of Tordesillas establish?

Treaty of Tordesillas established: a boundary between Spain & Portuguese 43 degrees south everything Portugal everything to the west Spain A)New Spain; Mexico City created in 1529 B)Peru; Lima created in 1542 C)New Granada; Bogota created in 1717 D)Rio de la Plata; Buenos Aires created in 1776

* Describe the Amazon Basin's climate and natural vegetation.

climate: wet-tropical climate natural vegetation: tropical rain-forest

Describe the characteristics of the Amazon Basin's soil (oxisols).

oxisoils: poor in organic matter, are red and are distributed (found) in tropical regions (Amazon Basin)

The significance of Monterrey

steel because of iron ore and coal

Describe the characteristics of the Pampa's soil (mollisols).

super fertile, dark colored, rich in organic material distributed in Argentina (in pampa region)

List important mineral resources of the Bolivian Altiplano.

tin, lithium, silver

* Describe the topography, climate, and natural vegetation of the Brazilian Highlands.

topography: its a continental shield (large stable area) and inclined plateau, it reaches its highest level by the coast and then suddenly drops. Rivers flow north Climate: wet-dry tropical Vegetation: sugarcane, grasslands (have leached soils)

What are the major agricultural products of the Pampa?

wheat, maize, alfalfa, and soybeans

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