Exam 2 I clickers

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Muscle Fibers

A muscle fascicle is composed of several

radius and ulna

Bony Origin, Bony Insertion (Biceps..?) Humerus;____________________


During the cross-bridge cycle, calcium binds to to_______________ initiate contraction

Cell body and dendrites

If the postsynaptic membrane belongs to neuron, which part of neuron can it be?

All the Above (Neuron, Muscle, Gland)

Postsynaptic membrane belongs to which structure

Terminal bouton of the axon

Presynaptic membrane belongs to which structure


The cervical plexus is comprised of how many nerves?

radius, carpals & metacarpals

The muscle that abducts the wrist has an origin on the _____________and an insertion on the _____________________ & ______________________

posterior cord

The nerve arises which Cord?

Circular Muscle

The orbicularis oris muscle is an example of a

Pivot Joint

The synovial joint between the atlas & axis is a:


Which cord is formed by all trunks?

Medial Rectus

What muscle causes the eye to point inward (toward the nose)

Rectus Abdominis & Psoas Major

What muscle flexes the torso


What muscles cause depression of the mandible

Extensor carpi ulnaris & Extensor carpi radialis muscles

What muscles cause extension of the wrists here?

Subscapularis & Pectoralis major

What muscles cause medial rotation of the shoulder?


Which of the following muscles is the prime mover in spitting out a mouthful of liquid

splenius capitis

Which of these muscles is an extensor of the neck?

Lateral flexion

Your friend bets you that you can't touch your ear to your shoulder, without moving your shoulder. So, you try it! This movement is called:

gluteal muscles

What causes abduction of the thigh at the hip

Satellite Cells

Which glial cells are present in ganglia?

External oblique, Internal Oblique, Illocostalis & Longissimus

Which of the following causes rotation of the torso?

Tibialis Anterior

Which of the following does NOT cause plantarflexion

What happens after sodium ions enters the post synaptic terminal

It causes depolarization of the post synaptic membrane

Faster and more specific

Compared to the endocrine system, the nervous system is:


Each muscle fiber is made up of several structures called

Common fibular and tibial nerves

The sciatic nerve eventually branches into which nerves

Cartilaginous Joint

The pubic symphysis is an example of a

Conus Medullaris

The spinal cord tapers at a conical tip called the?

Neurons, Neuralgia

We have_______________, What are they?_________________

In a reflex arc

When is it that an impulse does not have to reach the brain


Which muscle does not cause movement of the neck

An amphiarthrosis is defined as:

Joint that allows some motion

The posterior cord gives rise to which nerves?

Radial and axillary

It opens up the channel and allows sodium ions to enter

What happens after the excitatory neurotransmitter binds to the receptors on the sodium gated ion channels

Bind to the receptors on the post synaptic membrane

What happens to the neurotransmitters after they are released from the presynaptic terminal?

What happens when you have an inhibitory neurotransmitter like GABA instead of an excitatory neurotransmitter like acetylcholine

When GABA binds to the receptors on the post synaptic membrane, it maintains the sodium channels closed, blocking the membrane depolarization

subarachnoid space

When in the spinal cord is the CSF located?

Protraction of the pectoral girdle

Which of the following movements is occurring (Ronda Rousey Punch.)

lateral rotation

Which of the following movements occur at the hip?


Which of the following muscles causes abduction of the arm at the shoulder

Biceps Brachii

Which of the following muscles causes flexion of the arm at the shoulder

pectoral girdle

Bony Origin; Bony insertion (...?) Ribs or vertebrae;______________________________


Bony origin; Bony Insertion (for extension of knee) Femur; tibia/__________.


Bony origin; Bony insertion Coxal bone;___________________________

Pectoralis minor

Which of the following causes protraction of the pectoral girdle?

Ulna and scaphoid; hinge

A patient cannot abduct the wrist, which two bones are most likely affected and what kind of joint do they form


Bony Origin, Bony Insertion: Pectoral Girdle or Axial Skeleton;______________________


Bony Origin; Bony Insertion Tibia/Fibula;____________________

Ulna; carpals

Bony Origin; Bony insertion (...) Humerus or radius/__________________________

Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)

The "unhappy triad" injury involves the injury to the: Medial collateral ligament

Orbicularis Oris

The ________________________ compresses/purses the lips


The _________________________muscle, is named for its two bellies, opens the mouth

Which statement defines extensibility

The ability to continue to contract over a range of resting heights

Which statement defines contractibility

The ability to shorten activity and exert a pull or tension


The act of bending the wrist so that the palmar portion of the hand is moved the forearm involves what movement?


The glial cells that guide migrating neurons in the developing fetal brain are:

medial and posterior

The inferior trunk gives rise to which cords?

Brachioradialis, Biceps brachii, and Brachialis

Which of the following causes flexion of the elbow?

Dura Mater

The_____________ is the outermost meninx, and forms supportive and protective partitions between some portions of the brain

Plantarflexion of the ankle

What movement at the ankle is required to stand on your toes


What movement is occurring at the jaw


What muscle causes flexion of the neck


When the membrane potential of a cell membrane becomes more positive than the resting potential, one can say that the membrane has become

Superior trunk, lateral cord, musculocutaneous

Which of the following branched patterns of nerves is part of the branchial plexus


You are holding a can of soda and you want to release it by uncurling your fingers. What movement do your fingers undergo?


Your forearm is in anatomical position, and you are trying to demonstrate to your classmate that the radius can be crossed over the ulna. What movement must you perform?


_____________________cells are found only in the peripheral nervous system


A muscle that aids in chewing without moving the mandible

Plantar flexion at the ankle

A muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg could possibly

Inability to contract the muscles

Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome is an autoimmune disease that attacks voltage gated calcium channels in the nerve terminal. Calcium channels are unable to open and as a result neurotransmitter is not released. What is likely symptom of this condition?


Sally has very poor posture. Her shoulders are always slumped over (anteriorly). What word would you use to describe the position of her shoulders?

Which of the following describes a hinge joint correctly?

The convex articular surface of one bone fits into a concave articular surface of another bone

Depressor Anguli Oris; Orbicularis Oculi

The________________________ helps you frown, while the _______________________constricts the opening surrounding the eye.


This Muscle raises the eyebrow:


Which of the following causes adduction at the hip?

Extensor digitorum longus + Extensor Hallucus Longus

Which of the following is used to "straighten out" the toe?

gluteus medius

Which of the following would NOT cause lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip?


Which protein covers the active sites of thin filaments and therefore prevents muscle contraction


With regards to the structure, motor neurons are usually classified as

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