Exam 2

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Identify the six measures of recruitment effectiveness

1. Hiree Performance: customer service, team player, productivity 2. Hiree Retention: How long did they remain with the organization 3. Hiree Satisfaction, Commitment: Attitude 4. Cost: Time to fill 5. Job Fit and Organization Fit 6. Quality of Applicant Pool

Identify the four drivers of recruitment success

1. Position and Organizational characteristics 2. Image Advertising 3. Recruitment Sources 4. Recruiter Characteristics

Understand the three components of individual performance and the performance equation.

3 Individual Performance Factors: -Individual ability to do the work -Effort level expended -Organizational support Performance=Ability x Effort x Support P= A x E x S A (raw talent) x E (motivation) x (organizational support)

Understand the importance of cost-benefit analyses and the cost-benefit of training

A comparison of costs and benefits associated with organizational training efforts Measurement of both the costs and the benefits may be difficult. ROI Analysis: Critical to maintaining training efforts and establishing credibility with organization. Pinpointing whether it actually was training that caused the changes.

Understand the strategic approach to recruiting and the two strategic recruiting decisions

Acquiring the right human capital entails: Knowing the business and industry to successfully recruit qualified employees. Identifying keys to success in the labor market, including ways to deal with competitors' recruiting efforts (cherry picking) Cultivating networks and relationships with sources of prospective employees. Promoting the company brand-well known as a good place to work Creating recruiting metrics in order to measure the effectiveness of recruiting efforts (offer:acceptance ratio) 1. Who should do the recruiting? Organization-Based vs. Outsourced Recruiting 2. Do we use regular or flexible staffing?

***Start of Recruiting Chapter 5 Define recruitment

Activities which create a pool of individuals who are potentially qualified for the position and who are interested in pursuing the job opening ex: - Advertising and marketing open positions -Creating a brand for the organization; becoming an "employer of choice"

Understand the two philosophical challenges to performance appraisal.

Administrative Uses: Compensation, promotion, disciplinary action, dismissal, downsizing. Developmental Uses: Identifying strengths, identifying area for change, training/development, coaching, career planning.

Understand principles that guide adult learning and the three primary learning styles

Adult Learning Principles: -Have need to know why they are learning something. -Have a need to be self-directed. -Bring more work-related experiences into the process. -Employ a problem-solving approach in the experience. -Are motivated by both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Learning Styles: Auditory Tactile Visual

Contrast the three major recruitment sources. Identify advantages and disadvantages of internal and external recruiting sources

External: interns, job fairs, competitors Internal: Internal job posting, lateral moves, promotions, temporary workers Boomerang: People who worked for the organization, left, and came back. ***Recruitment Sources

Compare and contrast regular vs. flexible staffing

Flexible staffing: The use of workers who are not traditional employees. Temporary workers, independent contractors. page 141

Understand four types of training and pros/cons of e-learning

Four Types of Training: -Required and regular training (hazardous chemicals) -Job/Technical training: (new machines) -Developmental and innovative training (creative-thinking/creative process training) -Interpersonal and problem-solving training ("diversity day" training in The Office) E-Learning: Advantages -Self-paced -Interactive- tapping multiple trainee senses. -Allows for consistency in the delivery of training. -Enables scoring of exercises/assessments and the appropriate feedback. -Incorporates built-in guidance and help for trainees to use when needed. -Allows trainers to update content relatively easily. -Can be used to enhance instructor-led training. -Is good for presenting simple facts and concepts. Disadvantages: -May cause trainee anxiety. -Is something not all trainees may be ready for. -Requires easy and uninterrupted access to computers, which not all trainees have. -is not appropriate for all training content (leadership and cultural changes) -Requires significant upfront investment. -Does not lead to significantly greater learning as evidenced in research studies. -Requires significant support from top management to be successful.

Define gap analysis. What are three types of training objectives?

Gap Analysis: The distance between where an organization is with its employee capabilities and where it needs to be. Training Objectives: Knowledge: Impart cognitive information and details to trainees Skill: Develop behavior changes in how job and tasks are performed. Attitude: Create interest and awareness of the training importance.

Summarize key categories of interview questions

General Questions What are your strengths and weaknesses? Problem Solving Questions What is the most creative work-related idea you have had? Questions about Motivation What have you done that shows initiative? Questions about Working with Others What kind of people do you like to work with? Integrity indicator questions Tell me about a time when you were not honest.

Understand the key principles of management by objectives. Why does MBO increase employee commitment and performance?

MBO: Specifying the performance goals that an individual and his/her managers agree the employee will try to attain within an appropriate length of time. -Employee involvement creates higher levels of commitment and performance. -Encourages employees to work effectively toward achieving desired results. -Performance measures should be measurable and should define results. Job Review & Agreement→ Development of Performance Standards→ Objective Setting→ Continuing Performance Discussions

Determine strengths/weaknesses of organizations-based vs outsourced recruiting

Organization based: HR knows organization best Outsourcing: Frees up time, cost savings, often better access to markets, understands the industry better and decreases HR staff

How is training and development (T&D) viewed by organizations and by individuals?

Organization: Process of developing KSA's and competencies employees lack but need to successfully perform the duties and functions of the job. Individual: Learning :(

Briefly describe the attraction-selection-attrition model. Why is the ASA model important in the context of recruiting?

People are attracted to organizations whose members are similar to themselves. Applicants with KSA's similar to those already employed at an organization will be the ones more likely to be selected. Attrition: People who are not similar to people in their organization are more likely to leave. Personal characteristics are likely to become similar over time, creating and sustaining the organization's culture.

Define performance appraisal, performance standards, and give examples of good and bad performance standards.

Performance Appraisal: The process of determining how well employees do their jobs relative to a standard and communicating that information to the employee. Performance Standards: Expected levels of performance (Benchmarks, goals, targets) Realistic, measurable, clearly understood.

***Start of Performance Management Chapters 9 & 10 Define performance management. Identify components of effective performance management, and identify top issues in performance management.

Performance management: Processes used to identify, encourage, measure, evaluate, improve, and reward employee performance. Top issues: 1. Manager performance ratings are terrible (meta-analytic results) 2. Procedural Justice- Need to know how decision was made (examples of good and bad performance) 3. Standards are clear and communicated in advance. 4. Rating instruments must be simple and easy for the rater and ratee to understand. 5. Ratees (employees) must have input into the process.

Define performance and provide examples of performance information. Why are ethics not included in most definitions of performance?

Performance: Extent to which individuals execute their job duties, responsibilities, and activities. Performance Information: Quantity of output, quality of output, timeliness of output, presence at work, cooperativeness.

Understand which recruitment activities are derived from personnel planning and which activities are derived from job analysis

Personnel planning= positions to fill number of positions to fill time to fill Job analysis: Job description and job specification

Explain strategies for effective interviewing

Planning the interview Controlling the interview Using effective questioning techniques

Understand the two direct consequences of realistic job previews and the ultimate objective of realistic job previews

RJPs can: -Increase perceptions of employer fairness -Reduce initial turnover

Identify the extent to which recruiter characteristics impact job acceptance. What do applicants want in recruiters?

Recruiters have a small impact on job acceptance. -Larger impact on decision to accept a second interview. -Rarely trained (and can sometimes have a strong negative effect as a result) -More effective if recruiting function separated from selection function. What do applicants want in recruiters: -Someone close to their age -Some from same functional area -Someone nice -Someone honest and informative ***Recruiter characteristics

***Start of Selection Chapter 6 Define selection and placement

Selection: Process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization. Placement: Fitting the right person to the right job. Person-Job fit.

Understand problems that may result in the interview process. What are problems that may emanate from the evaluator? What are problems that may emanate from the job candidate?

Snap judgments, negative emphasis, halo effect, biases and stereotyping, cultural noise. Evaluators: Similarity Error Halo Effect (Let the assessment of one trait dictate the entire assessment) Inward Bias (Tendency to rate all people similarly. Outward bias (too high or too low) Temporal placement (recency and primary) Negative information (too much weight on negative info vs positive) Comparison between candidates (potential for contrast error) Nonverbal Behavior: good eye contact correlates with dependability, assertiveness, and confidence. Active listeners receive higher overall evaluations during interviews. Job Candidates: Introverts Bluffers and Evaders Rambler

Contrast the traditional and best practices approaches to selection

Traditional Approach: Resume Screening - 1st Interview - Check references - 2nd interview - Hire decision Best Practices Approach: Resume screening - phone interview (1-2) - Background check - Testing (cognitive ability, personality, honesty) - Work sample; job simulation - Interviews (3-4) - Hire decision

Identify several ways training helps to make organizations competitive

-Retains valuable employees. -No longer the first casualty of a business downturn. -Technology changes so fast training is not optional. -Global environment requires cultural training for increased financial performance and decision making.

Understand how organizations administer interviews

-Structured vs. Unstructured -Sequential -Panel or group interviews (sometimes choreographed but mostly unstructured) -Computer or distance interviews (unknown validity and reliability)

Provide examples of internal, external, and boomerang employees

External Recruiting Sources: Employee referral, high schools and technical schools, labor unions, competitive sources.

Briefly describe the idea of "fit" What are the four types of "fit"? Why is the idea of "fit" important in the context of recruiting?

"Person-Environment (PE) fit" is the compatibility between an individual and a work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched. 4 Types: Person-Organization (PO): To what extent do you fit with your organization's values. Person-Group (PG): To what extent do you fit with the other members in your group. Person-Supervisor (PS): How well do you fit with your boss. Person-Job (PJ): To what extent do you fit with job you're applying for. Recruitment Fit: Looking more for PO and PJ matches

Identify questions that help guide training plans. Which question is the most important to consider?

***How will the training be evaluated? Is there really a need for the training? Who needs to be trained? (ex. job and legal/discrimination needs) Who will do the training? What form will the training take? How will the knowledge be transferred to the job?

Consider how organizational advertising and brand image influences recruitment success

***Image advertising

Contrast the big 5 personality dimensions and identify the dimension that is the most strongly correlated with job performance

*Conscientiousness: Achievement-oriented, careful, hardworking, organized, responsible. *Agreeableness: Cooperative, good-natured, softhearted, tolerant, trusting *Openness to experience: Flexible in thought, open to new ideas, broad-minded, curious, original *Extroversion: Sociable, gregarious, talkative *Emotional Stability: Neurosis, depression, anger, worry, insecurity.

Identify four predictors of learner readiness

-Ability to Learn -Motivation to Learn -Perceived Utility/Value -Self-Efficacy

Provide aspects of a legally defensible performance appraisal system.

-Appraisal criteria based on job analysis -Absence of disparate impact and evidence of validity. -Formal evaluation criterion that limit managerial discretion. -Format rating instrument linked to job duties and responsibilities. -Personal knowledge of and contact with ratee. -Training of supervisors in conducting appraisals. Review process to prevent undue control of careers. -Counseling to help poor performers improve.

Provide example of the types of selection tests and understand when such tests would be appropriate

-Cognitive Ability Tests (intelligence, specific skills-math, logic.) -Background test (Biodata) -Physical Ability Tests (Lifeguard swimming) -Personality (Jackson personality, Big 5) -Values/Preferences (Personal values questionnaire, vocational preferences) -Situational judgement test (Hiring physicians) -Written Exam (Civil service exam) -Work sample/performance simulation (Soulcycle instructor, consulting case) -Assessment center (Test individuals over several days in order to assess managerial potential. -Interview

Identify criticisms of performance appraisal.

-Focus is too much on the individual contribution and does little to develop employees. -Employees and supervisors believe the appraisal process is seriously flawed. -Appraisals are inconsistent, short-term oriented, subjective, and useful only at the extremes of performance.

Contrast the three ways applicants decide between offers and the three categories of characteristics that influence why individuals may apply for or accept a job

Applicants Deciding Between Offers: Non compensatory Strategy: "If it's not close to home, forget it" Compensatory Strategy: Strengths in one area can compensate for a weakness in another area. The "Implicit Favorite": "my grandpa worked for John Deere, so I'm going to want to work for John Deere no matter what" Why Applicant Apply for or Accept a Job: Job (responsibility, variety, job security, empowerment, challenge) Company (quality, reputation/brand, dynamic, employee-focused, culture, opportunities for advancement, successful/growing) HR Practices (high pay, comprehensive benefits, flexible work practices, training and development ** Position and organization characteristics

Identify the type of information that should be included on appraisal training. Provide examples of common rater errors and applicable appraisal interview advice.

Appraisal Training Topics: -Performance criteria and job standards that should be considered. -How to communicate positive and negative feedback. -How to avoid common rating errors.

Define behavior modeling, reinforcement, and immediate confirmation. Why are each important to training?

Behavior modeling: copying someone else's behavior by observing how another person deals with a problem. Reinforcement: Law of effect states that people tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded and avoid behaviors that are punished. Immediate Confirmation: reinforcement and feedback are most effective when give as soon as possible after training.

Compare and contrast performance appraisal instruments including graphic rating scales, behavioral rating scales (BARS), checklists, rankings, forced distribution, critical incidents, and essays.

Category Scaling Methods: -Graphic rating scale: A scale that allows the rater to indicate an employee's performance on a continuum of job behaviors. 1(Disagree) 3(Neutral) 5(Agree) Behavioral/Objective Methods: -Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS): Assesses employees' behaviors' instead of other characteristics. Comparative methods: -Checklists: A performance appraisal tool that uses a list of statements or work behaviors that are checked by raters. -Ranking: A list of all employees from highest to lowest in performance. -Forced Distribution: Performance appraisal method in which ratings of employees are distributed along a bell-shaped curve. Narrative Methods: Critical Incident: Manager keeps a written record of highly favorable and unfavorable employee actions. -Essay: Manager writes a short essay describing an employee's performance.

Understand the steps to delivering a performance appraisal. What should the manager do before the appraisal? What should the manager do during the appraisal?

During the appraisal: 1. Resist the urge to use the feedback sandwich (+/-/+) 2. Engage in constructive coaching. 3. Be prepared to discuss money and rank.

Understand pros and cons of employee ratings of managers and team/peer evaluations

Employee Rating of Managers- Advantages: -Helps in identifying competent managers. -Serves to make manager more responsive to employees. -Can contribute to the career development of managers. Disadvantages: -Negative reactions by managers to employee ratings. -Subordinates' fear of reprisals may inhibit them from giving realistic (negative) rating. Team/Peer Rating Advantages: -Helps improve the performance of lower-rated individuals. -Peers have opportunity to observe other peers. -Peer appraisals focus on individual contributions to teamwork and team performance. Disadvantages: -Can negatively affect working relationships. -Can create difficulties for managers in determining individual performance. -Organizational use of individual performance appraisals can hinder the development of teamwork.

Identify which external recruitment sources tend to be the most effective. Why is self-selection better than other recruitment sources?

Employee referrals, interns, unsolicited through company careers website Self selection is better than other recruitment sources is because it is "informed self-selection": *Candidates have more knowledge about job and company. *People who fit the job, apply. *People who don't fit, don't apply *Higher quality job-related info on interns and internal candidates- will already know about the culture and the organization.

Describe how the HR unit and operational managers work together to execute recruiting efforts

HR Unit (Centralized): *Forecasting recruiting needs *Prepare copy for recruiting adds and campaigns *Plans and conducts recruiting efforts *Audits and evaluates all recruiting activities Managers (Decentralized): *Anticipate needs for employees to fill vacancies *Determine KSA's needed from applicants *Assist in recruiting efforts with information about job requirements *Review success/failure of recruiting activities

Describe characteristics of interviews today

Structural, behavioral, situational, "tell me about a time when..." Answer is STAR Situation-Target-Action-Result

Identify organizational actors who conduct performance appraisal. What is multisource appraisal? (360 degree feedback)

Supervisors who rate their subordinates. Employees who rate their supervisors. Team members who rate each other. Employees' self-appraisal. Outside sources rating employees. Multi-source: Manager - Customers - Self - Subordinates - Co-workers/Peers → Person being appraised.

Define talents and provide examples of talents. Define motivation and identify challenges in diagnosing a "motivation problem"

Talent: A naturally reoccurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. -Empathy, assertiveness, competitiveness. Motivation: The desire within a person causing that person to act to reach a goal. -Challenges: Inconsistency in organizational rewards. Organizational support for employee efforts. Accurate measurement of employee performance. Desirability of organizational rewards by employees. Equipment, training, product-market fit.

Identify four training methods and the four stages for on-the-job-training.

Training Methods: -Cooperative/OJT Training -Instructor-Led classroom and conference training -Simulations and training -Distance training/learning 1. Prepare the Trainees -Put them at ease. -Find out what they know. -Get them interested. 2. Present the information -Tell, show, question. -Present one point at a time. -Make sure the trainees know. 3. Provide the trainees with practice. -Have the trainee perform the tasks. -Ask questions. -Observe and correct -Evaluate mastery. 4. Do follow-up -Put the trainees on their own. -Check frequently. -Reduce follow-up as performance improves.

Understand two changes in the nature of training

Training as a Revenue Source: *Marketing training with or alongside product (ex. IT products) can contribute significantly to a firm's revenues. Integration of Performance and Training: *Training is moving 'closer to the job' to achieve 'real time' learning-Training occurs closer to the job.

***Start of training Chapter 7 Contrast training and development

Training: A planned effort to enable employees to learn job-related KSA's (ex. orientation) Development: Acquisition of KSAs that will improve an employee's ability to meet changes in job requirements (ex. socialization, job training)

Explain why interviews can be valid and invalid

Valid: Interviews seem to predict limited performance but mostly predict "fit" Structured interviews demonstrate greater validity and reliability. Train your interviewers (avoid demand characteristics, detect faking) Invalid: Attractiveness Halo: First impressions matter Interviewers are easily biased by negative information Contrast effects Leading questions and double-barreled questions

Define four types of selection test validity (criterion, content, concurrent, predictive) reliability, and correlation. Is it possible for a test to be reliable but not valid?

Validity: The extent to which a test actually measures what it says it measures 1. Content Validity: Validity as measured by a logical, non statistical method (job analysis) to identify the KSAs and other characteristics necessary to perform the job. Ex: Job simulation. 2. Criterion-Related Validity: Validity measured by a procedure that uses a test as the predictor of how well an individual would perform on the job - Correlation coefficient 3. Concurrent Validity: Measured when an employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with their performance ratings. 4. Measured when test results of applicants are compared with subsequent job performance. Reliability: The consistency with which a test yields the same results (ex. repeatability)

When do organizations train? How do they train? Be familiar with the systematic training process

When: Entry points into organization: formal and informal training. Existing employees: Re engineered and restructured jobs, job enlargement or job enrichment, promotion skills and professional development. Instructional System Design (ISD): How do you know what to train? Five Step Process: 1. Identify skills or needs through job analysis. 2. Develop protocol and delivery. 3. Validate training protocol through experimentation. 4. Implement best program. 5. Follow-up to determine if has knowledge transferred (Reaction, knowledge, behavior, organization performance)

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