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generalization dixrimination

The weaker the _______ , the stronger the _______ . Discrimination = differential responding to two stimuli. Discrimination can be trained; in discrimination training, two different (but similar) stimuli are presented on each trial.

Creb - 1 = responsible for initiating synaptic growth (plays key role in conditioning; If CREB-1 Blocked (give medication) no conditioning occurs)

creb __= responsible for initiating synaptic growth (plays key role in conditioning; If CREB-___ Blocked (give medication) no conditioning occurs)

interpositus nucleus??

wipe out = wipe out conditioning all together

Which hypothesis suggests that dopamine gives reinforcers thier goodness? A anhedonia hypothesis B incentive salience hypothesis C reward prediction hypothesis D Increased endorphin hypothesis

A Anhedonia hypothesis

Which of the following statements regardint latent inhibition is true? A LI occurs when an old previously presented stimulus does NOT result in learning B LI can be accounted for by the Rescorla wagner modulation model C LI cannot be accounted for by Macintosh's modulation theory D. LI occurs when a novel stimulus does not result in learning

A. LI occurs when an old previously presented stimulus does NOT result in learning

Rescorla-wagner is a(n) ___ modulation theory and macintosh's theory is best thought of as a(n)____modulation theory. = a US;CS b Cs; cs c Us;us d Cs;us


All of the following could contribute to a drug overdose except A presence of a compensatory response B new context C tolerance D. increase in dosage

A. presence of a compensatory response

Optimal foraging theory is to _____ as the Premack principle is to ______. A bliss poing; response deprivation hypothesis B. matching law; response deprivationhypothesis C. matching law; bliss poing D. bliss poing; matching law

B Matching law; response deprivation hypothesis

In a 3 phase experiment a participant is taught to associate blue birds with a blond and brunette woman. In phase 2 the participant is nowt rained to also associate a red bird with the Brunette. If in phase 3 the participant also associates the Red bird with the BLond woman (because the blond and brunette had liked the same bird in phase 1) then this transfer of association is best referred to as a. negative patterning b. acquired equivalence c. sensory preconditioning d. discrimination

B acquired equivalence

All of the following statements regarding Perkinje cells are true except a inhibit activity of interpositus nucleus early in training b electrical stimulation of perkinje cells can stimulate conditioning c are less active late in training d affect the timing of the CR

B electrical stimulation of the perkinje cells stimulate conditioning NOOOO its the INFERIOR OLIVE THAT DOES THIS

Which of the following problems is not caused by hippocampal damage or atrophy? A poor acquired equivalence B Increased risk of drug addiction C poor sensory preconditioning D increased risk of Dementia or alzheimers

B increased risk of drug addiction

If a parent only allows Mike to ride his bike, something Mike loves to do, after Mike cleans his room, something Mike doesnt care for, then Mikes parent is capitalizing on a. bliss point B premack principle C. matching law D. Response deprivation hypothesis

B premack principle

The first time you heard the jaws music, the music was a(n)

B.) Conditioned Response (Is learning required) (unconditioned would be the shark attack)

Which part of the brain stores the S-R association information in instrumental conditioning? a. inferior olive b interpositus nucleus C basal ganglia D perkinje cells

Basal Ganglia

Which part of the brain has high activity early in conditioning and little to no activity late in conditioning and therefore seems to record prediction error in a manner consistent with the rescorla wagner model? A hippocampus B interprositus nucleus C inferior olive D perkinje cells

C inferior olive

Martas mom wants marta to stop leaving her wet swimsuits on the floor and has told her that she will throw away any suit left on the floor. Her method would best be classified as a negative reinforcement b positive reinforcement c negative punishment d positive punishment

C negative punishment

What is the dependent variable in operant conditioning? A the strength of the UCR B the strength of the CR C the organisms response rate D The organisms reinforcement rate

C the organisms response rate

___ reinforcement results in the fastest learning; ___ reinforcement is the most difficult to extinguish

C: Continuous; intermittent

Creb 2 blocks Creb 1

CREB __- blokcs or inhibits Creb __1

delayed conditioning

CS presented, then UCS presented while CS is still there

Distributed representation models are MOST appropriate for situations in which the stimuli A create a narrow gneralization gradient B there is very little generalization C are very dissimilar D are very similar

D are very similar

If you are "shaping" your dog to sit by the door any time it needs to go outside to use the restroom what would you need to do each time the dog gets closer and closer to sitting by the door? A give the dog an UCS B model a closer approximation to the reinforcement C. model the correct behavior y sitting by the door D give the dog a reinforcement

D give the dog a reinforcement

Configural nodes are most consistent with A cortical plsticity B acquired equivalence C sensory preconditioning D negative patterning

D negative patterning ( animal has learned if the seperately if presented together do nothing)

If a rat is used to getting 5 food pellets everytime it presses a lever and now the experimenter begins to only provide 1pellet for each lever press then we would expect the rat to a. work just as hard to earn pellets as he did when getting 5 for each lever press b. show more effort than he would have ifhe had been receiving 1 pellet all along c. show more effort for 1 pellet than he did when reciving 5 d. show less effort for 1 pellet than he did when receiving 5 pellets

D show less effort

In a FR schedule, the reinforcement is given a. for the first response that occurs after a fixed time interval has elapse B. after a variable number of nonreinforced responses c for the first response after a variable time interval has elapsed d. after a fixed number of nonreinforced responses

D. after a fixed number of nonreinforced responses

Assuming you have tasted a lemon in the past, if just thinking about a lemon makes you salivate then your salivation would be a

D.) CR - conditioned response

hippocampal region

Damage to the ____ region affects: sensory preconditioning (lesioned rabits do not show?) POOr acquired equivalence - latent learning in rabbit eyeblink conditioning was eliminated with entorchinal cortical lesions

Latent inhibition

Difficulty in establishing classical conditioning to an already familiar stimulus

anhedonia hypothesis

Dopamine gives reinforcers their "____goodness________"

Incentive salience hypothesis

Dopamine modulates "____wanting________" rather than "_____liking_______" (how hard an organism is willing to work for reinforcement).

Reward Prediction hypothesis

Dopamine signals whether reinforcement ____is expected________.

cortical plasticity

Even in adult animals, cortical areas temporarily shrink from __disuse_____ and spread from ___use____ . Weinberger studies indicate that ____ plasticity is due to stimulus pairing. Stimulus presentation alone doesn't drive plasticity, stimulus needs to be meaningfully related to consequence. But, primary sensory cortices do not receive information about which consequence occurred, only that some sort of salient event has occurred. Thus, primary sensory cortices only determine ____which stimuli deserve expanded representation and which do not_______________________ .

Fixed ratio

Every nth response/ set number ____ratio


Hippocampal or entorhinal cortical atrophy may be early sign for __ disease.


If Creb 2 is blocked an animal learns more ____

The rescorla-wagner model of learning can account for al of the following except A. blocking effects B compound cue effects C classical conditioning effects D Latent inhibition effects

Latent inhibition effects

If someone wants tos top smoking what would be the best advice you could give them that would increase their chances of successfully quitting?

Move change jobs (eliminate the context/context ques)

configural nodes

Only fires if both inputs are active captures presence of one stimulus and another stimulus; compound has unique consequence shared elements nodes represent on or another stimulus; physical similarity between stimuli

compound cue

Simultaneously presenting two stimuli. CS1 (light) and CS2 (tone)

Which is not properly mateched in the rescorla wagner model? a. Learning situation- positive error b prediction situation - no error c Negative error - extinction d Surprise situation - no error

Surprise situation - no error

steeper higher

The _______(and skinnier)_____ the gradient/generaliation, the _______ the discrimination.

matching law

The rate of responding to each alternative approximately equals the rate of reinforcement available for each alternative - response rates to concurrent schedules often correspond to the rate of reinforcement for each schedule. _____optimal foraging theory_______ -nutrition gained vs. energy expended

bliss point

____ point—the ideal distribution for the organism; provides maximum subjective value. To measure, record the actual distribution of time and effort.

Gambling (e.g in slot machines ) is reinforced on a ____ schedule A FR B VR C FI D VI


habitutation in sea slugs

___ in sea slugs No - Associative Yes -Stimulus Specific Mechanisms = decrease in glutamate -short term cellular process

Sensitization in sea slugs

___ in sea slugs No - asociative No - stimulus specific Mechanisms = serotonin-induced increase in glutamate - short term cellular process

negative patternining

___ pattterning occurs when we respond positively to two stimuli presented __separately_____ , but we respond negatively to the ___compound (i.e the combination____ Example: Mom at home? Eat dinner in the kitchen. Dad at home? Eat dinner in the kitchen. Both Mom and Dad at home? Don't eat dinner in the kitchen (Eat in the dining room). Rats, monkeys, and humans learn negative patterning tasks. Rabbits can learn to blink to either a tone or a light, and to not blink to a simultaneous tone and light.

Hippocampal region

___ region Differentiation of stimulus representations are computed in the hippocampal region. Region acts as an "__information highway_____ ." Cerebral cortex and cerebellum process associations for behavioral response and storage.

distributed reprisentations

___ repsresntations: Incorporate idea of shared elements. Allow creation of psychological models with concepts represented as __patterns of activity_____ over many nodes; provide ability to model stimulus __similarity_____ and __generalization_____ .

premack principle

____ principle—any response that is preferred by an organism can reinforce another behavior. Example: A child spends more time playing video games than doing math sheets (from baseline data). Use the preferred behavior (video game time) as a reinforcer for less preferred behavior (doing math).

Discrete-component representation

_____-component representation— representation in which each individual stimulus (or stimulus feature) corresponds to its own node or "component." Simplest possible scheme to represent stimuli. Fig 9.2 uses discrete-component representations. Shows an __unrealistic generalization gradient____________ .


______ —successive approximations to the desired response are reinforced. Collect baseline data on current behavior (establish operant level). Identify target behavior. Reinforce successive approximations of the target response. Method for teaching a behavior when the free operant level for that behavior is ___really low_________ or when the desired terminal behavior is _____different in form from any responses the organism currently exhibits_______

latent inhibition effects

______—CS pre-exposure effect; when a familiar S is more difficult to condition as a CS than a novel S. Not explained by Rescorla- Wagner US modulation.

operant conditioning

a method of influencing behavior by rewarding desired behaviors and punishing undesired ones

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events

the steep upward slope in the first half of the experiment reflects the increased rate of responding (______); the flattened slope in the second half shows the rate of responding is petering out (______).

acquisition extinction

Perkinje cells

affect timing - cells shut off to allow conditioned response in well trained animal - inhibit interprositus nucleus

Fixed interval

after the elapse of N minutes/fixed amount of time

instrumental conditioning

another term for operant conditioning learning the relation between one's own behavior and the consequences that result from it

classical conditioning effects

both models can predict these

sensory preconditioning

conditioning without an __explicit US_____ . Prior presentation of compound stimuli results in later tendency for learning about one stimulus to generalize to the other. Step 1: (tone, light) Step 2: (light, puff) CR eyeblink should develop over acquisition trials. Step 3: (tone alone) If CR eyeblink occurs, we call this phenomenon "sensory preconditioning." Illustrates the generalizability of a stimulus's power! _____the tone was never presented as a cue for the puff!______________________________________

response deprivation hypothesis

depriving an organism of the opportunity to respond may increase its preference for that response.

negative error = _______

extinction (decrease in association)

genralization gradient

graph showing how _physical changes______ in stimuli correspond to __behavioral response changes_____ . In Guttman and Kalish study: Pigeons learned to peck a yellow light (training S) for food. Gradient shows how often they subsequently pecked different color shades (Fig 9.1). Gradient width illustrates level of S generalization _____consequential region________ —all stimuli with the same results as the training stimulus, as mapped on a generalization gradient.

Drug tolerance occurs as an effect of ____, where the body (including the brain) gravitates toward a state of equilibrium; this tolerance is a form of ______. a. homeostasis; clasical conditioning b. vertigo, modern conditioning c. homeostasis; operant conditioning d. vertigo; instrumental conditioning

homeostasis; classical conditioning


if creb 1 blocked you stop any ____ from happening


influence animals attention to the stimulus

which is improperly matched A perkinje cells timing of CR B Interpositus nucleus - learning of Urs CInferior olive simulated conditioning D Perkinje cells - inhibition of interpositus nucleus

interpositus nucleus - learning of URs


is involved in highly aversive and fear-inducing forms of conditioning.

forward chaining

move the current state towards the goal state

Classical conditioning in sea slugs results in A. reduced response rates B new synaptic growth C increased sensitiity D short lived learning

new synaptic growth (yields longer lasting changes)

A key difference btw blocking and latent inhibition is that in blocking a previously ____ stimulus will not result in learning and in latent inhibition a previously ___ stimulus will not result in learning. a presented; presented b Non-presented; non-presented c Presented; non-presented d Non-presented; presented.

non-presented; presented

intermittent reinforcement

occurs when a designated response is reinforced only some of the time

Variable Interval

on average, after N minutes/ variable amount of time

blocking effect

once a conditioned stimulus is learned, it can prevent the acquisition of a new conditioned stimulus

surprise situation = ____ error

positive (increase in association)

learning situation = _____ error

positive error

acquired equivalence

prior training in ___stimulus equivalence____ increases amount of _generalization______ between two stimuli, even if stimuli are superficially dissimilar. In Hall study, pigeons learned the dissimilar colors paired separately with the same color had the same result. Demonstrated this generalization in a new situation.

sensory preconditioning

procedure in which 2 neutral stimuli are paired, after which 1 is repeatedly paired with a US


recognition of differences between stimuli. (more specific about what you are attending to?) recognizing differences between stimuli; __knowing which to prefer_____ . Understanding similarity is essential to understand generalization and discrimination.

continuous reinforcement

reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs


removal of the _______ eliminates ____latent inhibition______ in a rabbit's eyeblink conditioning. - underlies some CS modulation effects in conditioning. An animal with no hippocampus does not exhibit CS modulation effects (e.g., _____Latent inhibition_____ )

inferior olive

simulates conditioning can simulate hundeds of trials of learning by electrically stimulating it -what you activate to simulate conditioning trails/fool tha they have gone through thousands of traisl with electrical currents to activate __ ____

In the rescorla wagner model one would expect ___ weights for compound than for single CS cues, but the learning curve (expected US) will increase ___ for compound cues

smaller and faster

basal ganglia

structures in the forebrain that help to control movement

backward chaining

teach last step of a task analysis first

variable ratio

the average is every Nth response

cortical plasticity

the capacity to change cortical organization as a result of experience

trace conditioning

the presentation of the CS, followed by a short break, followed by the presentation of the US

If you see a sign warning of an upcoming sharp curve more than a mile before you actually reach the curve then this would be most conisstent with which type of conditioning? A delayed conditioning B backward chaining C trace conditioning D forward chaining

trace conditioning


transfer of past learning to new situations and problems. Requires finding balance between ____specificity___ (knowing how narrowly a rule applies) and ___generality____ (knowing how broadly the rule applies).

Prediction situation = ____ error

zero error/no error

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