Exam 2-PSY 105

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Which of the following statements is true about identical twins? A. Identical twins develop from one fertilized egg B. In the womb, up to 5% of identical twins develop their own placenta. C. Twins are identical mainly due to dizygotic fertilization. D. Identical twins turn out to be vastly different from each other in their personalities, intelligence, illness, and disease histories.


While training his dog, Mark first says the word "sit" and once the dog sits, he gives her a treat. Immediately after this, he says, "Good dog!" He repeats the same process many times, and each time his dog sits after listening to his command. In this example, which of the following is the secondary reinforcer? A. The words "good dog" B. The word "sit" C. The treat D. Mark


Graham displays a heightened sense of awareness of events in his environment. For instance, when he picks a book to read, he pores over every bit of information given about the author, edition, preface, and even the colors and images on the cover page. This is indicative of the fact that Graham is a(n) _____ person. A. mindful B. versatile C. rational D. docile


In a certain experiment, a research subject is supposed to hear the sound of a bell. The sound of the bell that the research subject can hear in 50 percent the trials is his ________. A. absolute threshold B. convergence C. perceptual set D. sensor resolution


Janice is a physical instructor at a school. She gives chocolates to students every time they perform well in athletics because she notices that giving chocolates to students encourages them to perform better. This is an example of A. positive reinforcement. B. stimulus discrimination. C. intermittent reinforcement. D. observational learning.


Josephine is in the garden picking out flowers of different hues to decorate her living room. She can distinguish between colors primarily due to the functioning of her eyes' ________. A. cones B. iris C. lens D. rods


Nina is attending a get-together where she has to struggle to listen to a conversation with her colleague due to a lot of background noise. However, her ears prick up as soon as she hears her name being mentioned by someone in another part of the room and, consequently, she loses the thread of conversation with her colleague. Which of the following terms best describes the experience Nina has? A. The cocktail party effect B. The Stroop effect C. Perceptual constancy D. The serial-position effect


Raj is an employed youth who has been recently moved to a night shift. Of late, he has been complaining of disturbed sleep and poor concentration. He also feels fatigued and listless more often. A change in _____ is most likely to have caused Raj's problems. A. circadian rhythm B. ultradian rhythm C. infradian rhythm D. nocturnal rhythm


Which of the following is true regarding alcohol consumption of the mother during pregnancy? A. There is no known safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. B. A maximum of 4 drinks per month is known as a safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. C. 1 to 2 drinks per day is known as a safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. D. 1 drink on an occasional basis is known as a safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.


To remember the four bases found in DNA—thymine, guanine, adenine, and cytosine—Luke makes up a sentence using the first letter from each base as the first letters for his words, repeating to himself, "The Girl Ate Cookies." Which of the following did Luke use in this scenario? A. Rhyming B. A mnemonic device C. The method of loci D. Chunking


Which of the following reactions displayed by a fetus indicates fear or distress? A. Decreased blood pressure B. Increased heart rate C. Increased rate of neuron development D. Increased rate of pruning


________ is the study of how people psychologically perceive physical stimuli such as light, sound waves, and touch. A. Psycho-perceive B. Psychoanalysis C. Psychophysics D. Psychogenesis


A characteristic of endorphines produced by the human body is that A. they increase the heartbeat and the rate of breathing B. they produce feelings of overwhelming bliss and euphoria C. they act as natural tranquilizers D. they are opioid-like proteins that bond to opioid receptors in the brain


A teratogen is A. a weak brain synapse that disappears at around age six. B. a vital nutrient that helps a fetus develop properly. C. a brain region responsible for the ability to speak. D. any substance that disrupts normal prenatal development.


As a child, Rahul was bitten by a spider and thereafter developed an intense phobia of them. His mother, in effort to treat his phobia eventually took him to a psychologist who gradually exposed him to spiders. After a few sessions of having nonthreatening experiences with spiders, he was able to overcome his phobia. In the context of classical conditioning this is an example of A. stimulus generalization B. habituation C. backward conditioning D. extinction


Mary is a coffee lover. However, heeding her friend's advice, she resolves to stop her coffee consumption for good. Mary is most likely to show the withdrawal effect of: A. elated mood. B. increased concentration. C. increased energy. D. headache.


Matthew has been playing the clarinet for many years, and he can play musical scales without giving much thought to the finger positions involved in the process. Matthew's mastery of the clarinet is most likely a result of A. the associative potential of mirror neuron systems (MNS) in his brain. years of classical conditioning leading to a permanent B. increase in GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) activity. C. the consolidation of episodic memories by the limbic system. D. strong synaptic connections that have been built during years of practice and playing the instrument.


Nick can accurately recall the names of the capital cities of every country in North and South America. Nick's recall of these facts is an example of A. episodic memory. B. procedural memory. C. implicit memory. D. semantic memory.


Transduction can be defined as: A. the diminishing ability of sensory adaptation. B. the stimulation of our sense organs by the outer world. C. the act of organizing and interpreting sensory experience. D. the conversion of physical into neural information.


What are the two aspects of consciousness? A. Alertness and wakefulness B. Memory and alertness C. Awareness and control D. Wakefulness and awareness


When he was a kid, Leo was attacked by his neighbor's pet cat. Now he does not go near any household pets. In the context of classical conditioning, this is an example of A. stimulus discrimination. B. backward conditioning. C. negative reinforcement. D. stimulus generalization.


Which of the following is the last stage of prenatal development? A. The embryonic stage B. The germinal stage C. The zygote stage D. The fetal stage


Which of the following statements is true about pruning? A. Normal and enriched environments create less developed neural connections. B. Neural pruning results in the huge increase in the number of neurons and stimulates the unused neurons. C. Pruning is usually independent of the quality of the environment in which the brain develops. D. Problems with neural pruning may result in neurological disorders, such as autism or schizophrenia.


Carlos experiences red when he hears a particular tone. He is most likely experiencing a condition known as ________. A. allochiria B. synesthesia C. prosopagnosia D. presbyopia


Darren had eaten a cheeseburger right before he felt extremely nauseous from the flu. Now, every time Darren smells a cheeseburger he feels nauseous. In this scenario, what is Darren experiencing? A. Habituation B. Conditioned taste aversion C. Extinction D. Instinctual drift


Deidre has a list of medicines she needs to buy from the drugstore. She quickly goes through the list and, believing she has memorized it, leaves the list behind when she steps out of her home. When she reaches the drugstore, however, she can only recall the names of the first few and the last few medicines on the list. Deidre's inability to recall the names of the medicines in the middle of the list is an example of A. amnesia. B. the serial position effect. C. the phenomenon of suggestibility. D. reconsolidation.


Janet, a nine-year-old, hears her father swearing at someone over the telephone. The next day, she imitates her father and swears at another child in the school. According to Albert Bandura's social learning theory, this is an example of A. conditioning. B. modeling. C. imprinting. D. habituation.


Javier is learning French that necessitates him to remember new words and the grammar and syntax of the language. Which of the following changes is most likely to occur in his brain as he learns and memorizes the new language? A. Weakening synaptic connections B. Growth of new neurons C. Increase in the activity of the parietal lobe D. Elimination of obsolete neurons


John is a heavy binge drinker who has trouble with planning, working memory, and abstract thinking. Scanning of John's brain would reveal that he has a damaged: A. temporal lobe. B. frontal lobe. C. parietal lobe. D. occipital lobe.


Julia vividly remembers the first time she met her boyfriend. This is an example of _____ memory. A. implicit B. episodic C. sensory D. semantic


The _____ takes the longest amount of time to develop. A. heart B. central nervous system C. liver D. intestine


________ is the act of organizing and interpreting sensory experience. A. Convergence B. Detection C. Perception D. Sensation


Diah says, "I know his name! He's married to that famous actress, and he was in all those action movies! His name begins with an A! ...I just cannot remember it!" Diah is experiencing A. divided attention. B. proactive interference. C. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. D. repression.


How does cocaine induce a sense of exhilaration? A. By decreasing the activity of the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain B. By increasing the higher social regulatory functions of the cerebral cortex C. By increasing the availability of dopamine and serotonin in synapses D. By producing a long but mild sense of euphoria


Identify an accurate statement about the development of vision in fetuses and infants. A. At birth, infants are far-sighted. B. The sense of vision is fully developed during the zygote stage. C. Vision is the sense that is least developed in the fetus. D. Infants can see as well as adults when they are two months old.


Jean Piaget pioneered theories in _____ development. A. moral B. language C. cognitive D. emotional


The key event that distinguishes the embryonic stage from the third stage, the fetal stage, is the formation of the A. zygote. B. brain. C. bone cells. D. blastocyst.


Which of the following describes Weber's law? A. What an individual sees and hears is completely dependent on her or his perception and desire. B. The texture of a surface becomes more tightly packed together and dense as the surface moves to the background. C. The size of a just noticeable difference in stimuli perception is a constant fraction of the intensity of the stimulus. D. Muscles control the shape of the eye's lens to adjust to viewing objects at different distances.


Which of the following statements regarding vision is true? A. The eye converts neural energy to light energy. B. Most of what we experience as vision actually happens in the eye. C. Visual perception happens in the brain, with input from the eye. D. Visual information is exclusively processed in the eye and sent to the brain.


While training his dog, Mark first says the word "sit" and once the dog sits, he gives her a treat. Immediately after this, he says, "Good dog!" He repeats the same process many times, and each time his dog sits after listening to his command. In this example, which of the following is the primary reinforcer? A. Mark B. The words "good dog" C. The word "sit" D. The treat


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