Exam 2 Research Methods

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Is the measure strongly correlated with theoretically similar constructs?

convergent validity

all of the sampling techniques that lead to an unbiased sample.

multistage sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, over-sampling, cluster sampling

Karim could visit a local hospital and pass out his survey to health care workers that walk by until he reaches his goal of 15 physicians, 50 nurses, and 35 administrative staff.

quota sampling

Researchers conducting an online survey collect 50 men and 50 women in order to have equal gender representation.

quota sampling

Which practice is an example of self-plagiarism?

repeating your hypothesis sentence from the introduction in the discussion

The APA Ethical Principles set similar ethical principles to the earlier ____________________ but tailored them specifically to psychology. However, two additional principles were added. The first was the principle of ______________, which has to do with relationships between psychologists and others. The second was the principle of ___________, which emphasizes truthfulness and up-to-date practices.

Belmont Report, fidelity and responsibility, integrity

_________________ evaluates how well a measure taps into all aspects of a particular variable.

Content validity

______________________ represents how well a measure relates to actual behavior.

Criterion validity

Internet-based survey samples are always biased through self-selection.


Samples of people who have rated a specific product online are generally representative of the whole population of people who purchased the product.


T or F: Combining sampling techniques increases bias.


T or F: Researchers must never conduct research on vulnerable populations that have less autonomy.


Which of the following are reasons why it is important for frequency claims to use random sampling?

Frequency claims make statements about a population. External validity is a priority for frequency claims.

in what order should the steps occur for the study to be ethical.

IRB approves the study--> participants give informed consent--> the study occurs--> the participants are debriefed

Procedures should use the smallest possible number of animal subjects.


Internet-based samples might consist of people who have stronger opinions than those who do not post their opinions online.


The external validity of an Internet-based survey sample depends on how the sample is recruited.


Identify the advantages of using Internet panels for polling.

You can avoid the problem of unanswered phone calls. You can track how participants' opinions change over time.

What kind of sample is best for external validity?

a sample in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

Activists draw upon the principle of justice from the Belmont Report to argue against the use of _____________ in experiments, since this principle requires that research participants must be drawn from the same population that will ultimately benefit from the research.


____________________ is a concept in research ethics which states that researchers should have the welfare of the research participant as a goal of any clinical trial or other research study.


biased or unbiased: Ami randomly selects phone numbers for a telephone survey and then asks the people she calls to recruit additional participants.


biased or unbiased: Dr. Lin recruits participants from her psychology class and then randomly assigns them to one of three conditions.


biased or unbiased: Zeynep posts advertisements for a study and then recruits every sixth person who contacts her.


A researcher at a nearby university wants to look at what teachers in a certain school district think about new policy changes. The researcher makes a list of all the schools in the district and uses a random number generator to select five schools from the district. Then the researcher interviews every teacher at each of those five schools. The researcher is using ____________________ in this study.

cluster sampling

Karim could randomly select five hospitals from his county and recruit all of the health care workers from those five hospitals.

cluster sampling

Researchers select five hospitals at random and survey all the nurses in each hospital

cluster sampling

Data fabrication and falsification go against Merton's scientific norm of disinterestedness, while open data upholds Merton's scientific norm of __________________.


Data fabrication and falsification go against Merton's scientific norm of disinterestedness, while open data upholds Merton's scientific norm of ____________________________


An online IQ test consists of the primary task of choosing the correct definitions for a series of words. Josiane, an authority on IQ, is concerned that it doesn't test other things that are part of IQ, such as problem solving or visual-spatial ability.

content validity

Does the measure include all aspects of the conceptual variable?

content validity

Dr. Khan asks his intro psych students to fill out a survey on sleep quality and stress after class.

convenience sampling

Anjali has created a new measure of social anxiety. She gives a test group of college students her measure, along with several other measures of social anxiety. In her results she sees that her measure does not correlate with the other established measures of social anxiety. With what type of validity may Anjali's measure have a problem?

convergent validity

Karin is concerned because her new scale on extroversion does not correlate with a well-established extroversion scale.

convergent validity

Does the measure correlate with relevant behaviors?

criterion validity

Some colleges no longer require SAT or ACT scores. A major reason they have done this is because there is a low correlation between these scores and students' first-year GPA.

criterion validity

A researcher creates fake data, meaning the data were not produced from a study.

data fabrication

A researcher alters the data they collected.

data falsification

Researchers are conducting a study on aggression in video games. They tell participants that the study is about teamwork in video games.


Researchers are conducting a study to see taking a quiz by hand versus on the computer results in different scores. They tell participants that the study is about quizzes, but they do not explain the different conditions they're comparing.


Hewlett is attempting to measure spatial intelligence. He creates a specialized task to measure spatial ability and recognition and uses it along with other measures. His data show that the results from his new task are highly correlated with measures of other constructs, like memory and language intelligence. With what type of validity may Hewlett's measure have a problem?

discriminant validity

Is the measure not as strongly correlated with theoretically different constructs?

discriminant validity

Xia is creating a measure of conscientiousness. She wants to ensure that her scale doesn't instead assess concern for social desirability.

discriminant validity

If a study's sample is not generalizable to the rest of the population, we would say that the study has ____________ validity that is _______

external; poor

Is the measure a plausible operationalization of the conceptual variable?

face validity

Santiago is a leading researcher on video game addiction. He finds that the items on a new survey on game addiction do not seem to assess game addiction in a reasonable way.

face validity

Teresa is creating a new measure on hyperactivity in children. She has read some research stating that understanding energy level and the ability to focus is key to understanding hyperactivity. However, Teresa's measure of hyperactivity only contains items about diet and exercise. With what type of validity may Teresa's measure have a problem?

face validity

______________ is the extent to which a given measure appears to be measuring the variable in question.

face validity

A large sample is always more representative than a small sample.


A measure that is reliable will always be valid.


External validity is always the highest priority in every type of claim.


If a finding does not generalize to other populations, it is invalid.


T or F: If research has significant risks, it should not be conducted.


T or F: Most IRBs will not approve controversial research, even if participants are not at risk.


T or F: Research participants must always sign an informed consent form.


T or F: Researchers are never permitted to deceive their participants.


T or F: Self-selection is a form of unbiased sampling.


The validity of a measure is the same as its reliability.


true or false: Both probability and nonprobability sampling techniques allow researchers to generalize their results to the population of interest.


true or false: Nonprobability sampling techniques lead to larger sample sizes.


APA principle it potentially violates. Several of the students in Dr. Silva's abnormal psychology course are also her clients.

fidelity and responsibility

The APA Ethical Principles set similar ethical principles to the earlier Belmont Report but tailored them specifically to psychology. However, two additional principles were added. The first was the principle of ________________________________________, which has to do with relationships between psychologists and others. The second was the principle of ________________, which emphasizes truthfulness and up-to-date practices.

fidelity and responsibility, integrity

what claim is most supported with external validity?

frequency claim

External validity is especially important for supporting ___________ claims. The external validity, or generalizability, of a claim is based on the ______________________

frequency, sampling method

APA principle it potentially violates. Dr. Silva has used the same therapeutic technique for 10 years and has not kept up with the most recent empirical evidence.


Lorenzo is studying aggression in children. He administers a questionnaire to some children that asks them about their feelings of aggression. Lorenzo then runs a statistical test to determine how consistent the responses are to different items on the questionnaire. This test is examining __________ reliability, and the statistic that represents this type of reliability is ______________________

internal, Cronbach's alpha.

The local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) receives a complaint that some of the employees who administer the road test pass a much higher percentage of test-takers than others. In this example, what aspect of the road test is being questioned?

interrater reliability

____________________ refers to whether results are uniform when multiple administrators use the measure. Finally, a measure with internal reliability will generate similar responses across all of the items, even with different wording.

interrater reliability

Omar has developed an intervention to improve the relationship between parents and their preschool-aged children. To evaluate the effectiveness of his intervention, Omar video-records parents interacting with their children and has two research assistants score the level of warmth in each interaction. Omar then compares the two sets of scores to examine ___________ reliability. He finds a high positive correlation of ________ between the two raters' scores. If the observers were rating a categorical variable, Omar could have also looked at the __________ statistic.

interrater, r = .87, kappa

the points on a(n) ___________ scale are equally distant from one another.


The principle of _______________ may be defined as the ethical obligation to distribute the benefits and burdens of research fairly


Dr. Kamran studies domestic violence and has designed a self-report scale that is meant to assess men's negative attitudes toward women. To validate her scale, she administers it to two groups of recently incarcerated male prisoners: prisoners convicted of domestic violence and prisoners convicted of other crimes. Dr. Kamran finds a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of the two groups. What technique is Dr. Kamran using to validate her scale?

known groups paradigm

____________ samples are not more representative than smaller samples its more important of how you got your participants.


Karim could randomly select five hospitals from his county and then randomly select 50 health care workers from each of the selected hospitals.

multistage sampling

Researchers select children at three different elementary schools at random by birth date.

multistage sampling

The campus safety committee has asked Professor Ibrahim to study bicycling on his campus. He trains two observers to rate the safety behaviors of cyclists at various locations around campus. He randomly selects 10 observation locations from the places where bicycles can be ridden on campus and randomly selects five 1-hour durations for each location. He has his observers make observations at each of the 10 places for each of the five durations. Dr. Ibrahim is using ___________________

multistage sampling.

Researchers are conducting a study on weight and body image. They tell participants that they will fill out surveys about their physical characteristics and their thoughts on their bodies.


records behaviors or traces of behaviors


a ___________ scale shows values that are ranked or ordered in a particular series but that do not have consistent differences between them.


A survey interested in comparing prisoners to non-prisoners includes prisoners as 10% of its sample, even though they only make up 2.5% of the total population.


Karim is concerned that 15 physicians might not give him a precise statistical estimate, so he could recruit more physicians and then adjust the results later.


Select all of the sampling techniques that use meaningful categories from the population (e.g., demographics) and involve recruiting a certain number of participants from each of the categories in the population.

oversampling, stratified random sampling, quota sampling

records biological information from a living thing


A researcher attempts to pass off the ideas of others as their own.


A(n) ________________ is the entire group of people that a researcher is interested in, while a(n) __________ is the smaller subset of that entire group that researchers study.A(n) ____________ is conducted when a researcher investigates the entire group of people they are interested in.

population; sample; census

examples of unbiased sampling

probability, systematic, stratified random

Dr. Saetang is conducting a study on the experience of being a racial minority on a college campus. He goes to the Asian Student Association, Black Student Union, and Hispanic Student Group on his campus to recruit Asian, Black, and Hispanic participants for his study. Dr. Saetang is using

purposive sampling

When _____________________ occurs, researchers target and recruit a particular group in a nonrandom way. When participants help recruit others to participate, _________________ occurs. When researchers recruit participants from a group of people who are readily available to them, ________________________ occurs. All three of these techniques are ______________ sampling techniques.

purposive sampling, snowball sampling, convenience sampling, unrepresentative

examples of biased sampling

purposive, snowball, convenience

which of these enhance internal validity?

random assignment experimental design

which of these enhance external validity?

random sampling probability sampling

When a study uses __________________, each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected. __________________ occurs when researchers randomly sample subsets of the population and then use all individuals within the subsets. ______________ is often used to select participants to represent, in an unbiased way, subsets of the population that are not large enough to be accurately measured. All three of these techniques are ____________________ sampling techniques.

random sampling, Cluster sampling, Oversampling, representative

________ scale also has points that are equally distant from one another, but it also has a true zero, or a value of 0 that truly illustrates no value.


Procedures should minimize animal distress.


In general, a measure's ability to remain consistent is referred to as __________ . But this concept can be broken down in nuanced ways. For example, _____________________ refers to whether results are uniform after repeated use of a measure.

reliability, test-retest reliability

Research should find alternatives to using animals.


___________________ samples are better than biased samples


APA principle it potentially violates. At her clinic, Dr. Silva often has folders lying open with clients' names and information visible to others.

respect for people's rights and dignity

Luther is conducting a study on whether a new medicine developed to combat grass allergies has any potentially dangerous long-term side effects. For his experiment, Luther is planning to advertise and recruit participants in lower-income urban areas, and he decides to give the participants new laptops to compensate for exposing them to potentially dangerous side effects. His consent form lists all the possible side effects and risks. If he discovers that there are harmful side effects, Luther will discontinue the study. Which of the following principles of the Belmont Report does Luther's study violate?

respect for persons and justice

records participants' own views of themselves

self report

The student government at a college is interested in determining how important intercollegiate sports are to the students. Because all students have e-mail accounts, the student government can send a survey to all the students at the college. About 50% of the students respond. What is the most likely bias in this sample?

self selection

A researcher copies a sentence from the Method section of a paper they published a year ago and pastes it into their new paper's introduction.


Researchers choose students at random by selecting the last digit of their student IDs.simple random sampling

simple random sampling

At the end of an online survey, participants are asked to tell their friends about it.

snowball sampling

Jada is working on a study focused on attention span in children and notices that 11-year-old boys are underrepresented in her sample. After her 11-year-old brother participates in her study, she asks him to distribute flyers about the study to his male classmates and soccer team. Jada is using

snowball sampling

what category is oversampling associated with?


A college administrator knows that 30% of the students at her college are from out of state, and she wants to make sure that she maintains this proportion in her survey about admission practices at the college. She has a list of all the out-of-state and in-state students and randomly selects 30 students from the out-of-state list and 70 students from the in-state list. She is using

stratified random sampling

Karim could randomly select 15 physicians, 50 nurses, and 35 administrative staff for his sample of 100 participants.

stratified random sampling

A researcher approaches every fifth shopper who walks into a grocery store.

systematic sampling

The directors of an annual community concert want to learn the musical preferences of the audience. The directors choose 2 and 6 from a random number generator and place a survey card on every sixth seat beginning with the second seat. All the cards are returned as the audience leaves. They are using

systematic sampling

Andrés is interested in testing a new measure of extroversion in college students. He gives the measure to a group of 20 college students and then administers it again 3 and 6 months later. He finds that some of the students who initially reported moderate levels of extroversion report lower levels 6 months later, while several of the students who initially reported low levels of extroversion report higher levels 6 months later. With what type of reliability may Andrés' measure have a problem?

test retest reliability

These are the results of a BuzzFeed poll about superstitions with 29,000 participants. To whom can we likely generalize the results of this poll?

the 29,000 participants

What can you learn from a scatterplot that you cannot learn from the correlation coefficient r?

the specific values of each pair of measurements

A measure can be very reliable but not very valid.


A random sample of 1,000 people is enough to generalize to a population of 100 million people.


Establishing reliability in a measure is not sufficient for validity.


T or F: Convenience sampling is the most commonly used sampling technique.


T or F: Random assignment is only used in experimental designs.


T or F: Research on human participants conducted by a university must be approved by an institutional review board.


T or F: The potential risks of a study should never outweigh the potential benefits.


true or false: Only probability sampling techniques lead to externally valid results.


true or false: Probability sampling techniques are a priority for frequency claims.


Bre is the president of a national organization of LGBTQIA rights in the United States. He wants to survey 1,000 members of his organization about their position on several political issues. He knows that transgender people make up only 5% of his organization, but he wants to make sure their views are accurately represented. He decides to randomly sample 100 transgender members and then adjust the final results so that transgender people are weighted to reflect their actual proportion of the organization.

true- Bre is using a representative sample. Bre is using oversampling. false- Bre is using cluster sampling. Bre's study will have poor external validity.

biased or unbiased: Nasir selects telephone numbers from a random-digit dialer and then asks for the youngest male in the house who is at least 18.


biased or unbiased: Travis randomly selects 15 major universities and then randomly selects 15 students from each of those universities.


Which of the following approaches increase external validity in a study?

using a probability sampling technique random sampling

In measurement, __________ refers to a measure's ability to accurately represent the variable the researcher is investigating.


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