Exam 3

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levels of processing theory

Idea that the type of encoding affects how a memory is retrieved

According to your text, imagery enhances memory because...

imagery can be used to create connections between items to be remembered.


process that transforms new memories into a state so they are more resistant to disruption

The maintenance rehearsal task of learning a word by repeating it over and over again is most likely to

produce some short-term remembering, but fail to produce longer-term memories.

Free recall of the stimulus listdesk, shoe, sofa, plum , chair, cherry, coat, lamp, pants" will most likely yield which of these response patterns?

"Apple, cherry, plum, shoe, coat, pants, lamp, chair."

Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning?

Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio.

Which of the following is a key factor in the memory-enhancing capacity of sleep?


How would you describe the relationship between elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal in terms of establishing long-term memories

Elaborative is more effective than maintenance.

testing effect

Enhanced performance on a memory assessment due to having been previously assessed on the material

retrieval practice effect

Increased performance on memory tasks due to practicing memory recovery, which increases elaboration

self-reference effect

Memory for a word is improved by relating the word to a person's own experience

generation effect

Memory for material is better when a person originates the material themselves

elaborative rehearsal

Practice that involves thinking about the meaning of an item to be remembered


Process of acquiring information and transferring it into memory

Examples from your book describing real experiences of how memories, even ones from a long time ago, can be stimulated by locations, songs, and smells highlight the importance of in long- term memory

Retrieval cues

Jeannie loves to dance, having taken ballet for many yearsShe is now learning salsa dancing. Although the movements are very different from the dances she is familiar with, she has found a successful memory strategy of linking the new dance information to her previous experiences as dancer and to her own affection for dance. This strategy suggests reliance on

The self-reference effect

Which of the following learning techniques is LEAST likely to lead to deep processing of the information?

Thuy has just bought a new car and is trying to learn her new license plate sequence. Every morning, for three weeks, she repeats the sequence out loud when she wakes up.

shallowing processing

Understanding that involves little to no attention

Your book explains that brief episodes of retrograde amnesia (c,g, , the traumatic disruption of newly formed memories when football player takes a hit to the head and can't recall the last play before the hit) reflect

a failure of memory consolidation

spacing effect

advantage in performance caused by short study sessions separated by breaks from studying.


computer program designed to recognize a pattern of voxel activity

temporal context model (TCM)

concept that old circumstances can become associated with the new memories, without changing the content of existing memories

According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is


deep processing

encoding that involves attention to meaning and relating an item to something else

paired-associate learning

gaining knowledge by connection so that one member of the connection evokes recall of the other

In Slameka (1978) study, some participants read word pairs, while other participants had fill in the blank letters of the second word in a pair with a word related to the first word. The latter group performed better on a later memory task, illustrating the

generation effect

depth of processing

idea that items being encoded into memory can be done with varying degrees of intensity

long-term potentiation (LTP)

increased firing that occurs in a neuron due to prior activity at the synapse.

graded amnesia

loss of memory that is most severe for events occurring just prior to an injury

maintenance rehearsal

practice that involves repetition without any consideration of meaning or making connections to other information

state-dependent learning

principle that memory is best when conditions are the same for encoding and retrieval.

encoding specificity

principle that we learn information together with its context.

multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA)

procedure for determining the pattern of voxel activation that is elicited by specific stimuli, within various structures

free recall

procedure for testing memory in which the participant is asked to remember stimuli that were previously presented

cued recall

procedure whereby a participant is presented with prompts to aid in remembering previously experienced stimuli


process in which the hippocampus replays the neural activity associated with a memory

synaptic consolidation

process involving structural changes at nerve junctions that happen rapidly, over a period of minutes.

system consolidation

process involving the gradual reorganization of circuits within brain regions over a long time period.


process of remembering information that has been stored in long-term memory.


process that occurs when a memory is retrieved, becomes reactivated, and must be transformed again

retrieval cue

prompt that helps a person remember information stored in memory

Elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by

repeating it over and over

_______ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory.


According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are

short and across several days.

transfer-appropriate processing

situation where the task occurring during encoding matches the task occurring during retrieval

standard model of consolidation

theory that incoming information activates a number of areas in the cortex

Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval. This is called

transfer-appropriate processing

Lakeisha and Kim have been studying for two hours for their chemistry exam. Both girls are tired of studying Lakeisha decides to watch a two hour movie on DVD, while Kim decides to go to bed. What would you predict about their performance on the chemistry exam?

Kim preform better because of consolidation

Katic and Alana are roommates taking the same psychology class. They have a test in four days during 10:00-11:00 AM class periodBoth women intend to study for three hours, but because of different work schedules, Katie will study one hour each of the next three days, while Alana will study three hours the day before the exam . What could you predict about their performances ?

Katie should preform better because of the spacing effect

The concept of encoding specificity is grounded in which of the following?


retrograde amnesia

Loss of memory for something that happened prior to an injury or traumatic event

People often report an annoying memory failure when they walk from one end of the house to the other for something and then forget what they wanted when they reach their destination. As soon as they return to the first room, they are reminded of what they wanted in the first place. This common experience best illustrates the principle of

endócrino specificity

multiple trace model of consolidation

idea that the hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of remote memories, especially episodic memories.

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