Exam 3 ch. 23-24

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The digestive tract motility and secretions are controlled by a complex set of mechanisms. Which of the following is NOT a normal way the digestive tract functioning is controlled?

SNS (somatic motor neuron)

Which of the following statements about the dorsal and ventral respiratory groups is true?

The dorsal and ventral respiratory groups set the pace and rhythm of breathing, and the nuclei of the dorsal and ventral respiratory groups function via reciprocal inhibition.

With an increase in skeletal muscle activity and an increase in body temperature, you should expect to see __________.

a decrease in the percentage of oxyhemoglobin saturation

What is the Bohr effect?

a drop in saturation of hemoglobin due to a drop in pH

Why are the cartilages that reinforce the trachea C-shaped?

all the listed choices are correct: to allow food to pass through the esophagus easily, to allow a change in diameter of the trachea, to prevent the trachea from collapsing or overexpanding

Which of the following is a function of the upper respiratory portion of the respiratory system?

all the listed choices are correct: warming, moistening and filtering the air

Which of the following statements about the respiratory membrane is/are true?

all the listed statements are true: 1) Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse quickly because of the large surface area of the respiratory membrane, 2) The membrane consists of the fusion of the simple squamous epithelium of an alveolus with the endothelium of a pulmonary capillary, 3) The membrane is very thin, on average 0.5 micrometers.

Which of the following cell types is responsible for the phagocytosis of particles or pathogens that reach the alveoli?

alveolar macrophages

The primary function of pulmonary ventilation is to maintain adequate __________.

alveolar ventilation

In the oral cavity, the digestive enzyme __________ is found in saliva and begins the digestion of __________.

amylase; starch

A rise in arterial PCO2 elevates carbon dioxide levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and stimulates the chemoreceptive neurons of the medulla to produce __________.

an increase in rate and depth of breathing

Carbon dioxide is most often transported __________.

as molecules of carbonic acid that dissociate to form bicarbonate and hydrogen ions

The parasympathetic division of the ANS causes __________ of airways' smooth muscle; therefore, resistance is __________.

constriction; increased

If you put marbles in your mouth, which cranial nerve monitors receptors that detect their presence and causes the salivary reflex?

cranial nerve V

Which change in the blood chemistry causes an increase in respiration?

decreased pH

The body of a person living at a high altitude would experience all of the following changes EXCEPT __________.

decreased respiratory rate

According to Boyle's law, if the volume of a sealed container of gases __________, then the pressure in that container __________.

decreases; increases

Which of the following is the term for swallowing?


The chemical breakdown of food into small organic fragments that can be absorbed by the digestive epithelium is __________.


With regard to local regulation of gas transport, if the PCO2 in the bronchioles increases, the bronchioles __________.


What homeostatic imbalance is normal to a certain extent in individuals over age 50 but is greatly enhanced by cigarette smoke and other irritants?


What cells in the digestive epithelium produce hormones that help regulate the digestive tract?

enteroendocrine cells

What part of the larynx helps prevents food or liquid from getting into the larynx and lower respiratory system?


What substance is administered during an asthmatic attack to decrease resistance by dilating the airways?


What is the benefit of the large folds of the lining of the esophagus?

expansion for swallowing

How can a pregnant mother provide oxygen to her developing baby?

fetal hemoglobin has a greater affinity for oxygen than maternal hemoglobin

The paranasal sinuses include the __________ sinuses.

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary

What happens during external respiration?

gas exchange between the air in the alveoli and the pulmonary capillary blood

Which of the following structure(s) form(s) the floor of the nasal cavity?

hard palate

What will happen to a little boy throwing a temper tantrum and holding his breath?

he will quickly be forced to breathe

How do the nasal conchae affect the nasal cavity?

helping clean the air

Which gas law states that the amount of a gas in solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas?

henry's law

Which type of tooth is responsible for clipping and cutting?


Which of the following is NOT an integrated response of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems?

increased blood pressure increases respiration rate and depth

Which of the following changes do NOT cause decreased efficiency of the respiratory system?

increased compliance

When the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the lungs __________.


In a bronchiole, the release of histamine by activated mast cells and basophils __________.

increases bronchoconstriction and decreases air flow

How do you adjust the pitch of the sound your larynx produces?

increasing or decreasing the tension on the vocal folds

The Hering-Breuer reflexes include which of the following?

inflation reflexes

The active process that occurs when food enters the digestive tract via the mouth is __________.


The parietal pleura is attached to the __________.

inner thoracic body wall, mediastinum, and the superior surface of the diaphragm

During restful breathing, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract. What effect does this have on the thoracic cavity?

it increases the volume and decreased the pressure of the thoracic cavity

Which of the following statements about peritonitis is NOT true?

it leads to inflammation of the digestive mucosa

An error in swallowing is most likely detected by the __________.


What is the first part of the lower respiratory system?


What type of tooth can have two or three roots and is best suited for helping in mastication by grinding and crushing food?


What structures comprise the respiratory defense system?

mucus and cilia

Sympathetic stimulation of the muscularis externa promotes __________.

muscular inhibition and relaxation

Which layer of the digestive tract is responsible for peristalsis and segmentation?

muscularis externa

Which part of the pharynx is the most superior?


Where is the opening of the auditory tube located?


Which gas has the highest partial pressure of the air we breathe?


Which regions of the pharynx serve as passageways for food on its way to the esophagus?

oropharynx and laryngopharynx

When each hemoglobin molecule binds with four molecules of oxygen, the end product is __________.


Many visceral smooth muscle networks have rhythmic cycles of activity in the absence of neural stimulation because of __________.

pacesetter cells that spontaneously depolarize and trigger the contraction of entire muscular sheets

Which of the following digestive regions is responsible for the propulsion of materials into the esophagus?


The difference between the vestibular folds and the vocal folds is that the vestibular folds __________.

play no part in the sound production

Breathing, which involves the physical movements of air into and out of the lungs, is called __________.

pulmonary ventilation

What is the specific term for the processes involved in breathing?

pulmonary ventilation

The purpose of the fluid in the pleural cavity is to __________.

reduce friction between the parietal and visceral pleurae

The bronchioles have walls dominated by __________.

smooth muscle

Which of the following statements about the trachea is FALSE?

stimulation by the sympathetic division of the ANS decreases the diameter of the trachea, thus making it more difficult to breathe

What type of epithelium makes up the oral mucosa?

stratified squamous

Which of the following major layers of the digestive tract is described as a layer of dense, irregular connective tissue filled with blood vessels and the plexus of Meissner?


Respiratory distress syndrome is caused by a lack of __________.


Residual volume is the volume of air __________.

that remain in the lungs after maximum expiration

What occurs if food particles or liquids happen to touch the surfaces of the vestibular folds or the glottis?

the coughing reflex is triggered

What part of the brain brings about changes in respiration when you become very angry?

the hypothalamus

Which of the following occurs during expiration?

the increase in intrapulmonary pressure

The olfactory region of the nasal cavity includes all of the following but one. Which structure is NOT part of the olfactory region?

the nasal bones

As the number of molecules of gas dissolved in a liquid increase, __________.

the pressure of the gas increases

What is the main difference between the conducting portion of the respiratory system and the respiratory portion of the respiratory system?

the respiratory portion does the gas exchange

What happens in the respiratory system of type II pneumocytes are not functioning properly or are destroyed?

the surface tension would make the alveoli smaller and cause them to collapse upon exhalation

During internal respiration, the exchange of the respiratory gases takes place between which of the following?

the systemic capillaries and the interstitial fluid that surrounds the cells

What is the name of the large, shield-shaped cartilage of the larynx?

thyroid cartilage

Which part of the larynx is known as Adam's apple?

thyroid cartilage

Which oral structure(s) is/are responsible for manipulating food to assist in chewing and in the production of the enzyme lipase?


Which type of epithelial tissue is NOT seen in the respiratory mucosa?

transitional epithelium

Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system?

transporting oxygen to the tissues

The left lung has __________ lobe(s), whereas the right lung has __________ lobes.

two; three

The maximum amount of air moved in and out during a single breath is __________.

vital capacity

Which parts of the larynx are involved in the production of sound?

vocal folds

What is the benefit of the rich vascularization of the upper respiratory system?

warming and helping humidify the inspired air

The PO2 in the blood that travels through a pulmonary vein and enters the left side of the heart is approximately __________.

100 mmHg

If the atmospheric pressure is 751 mm Hg, what is the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere?

157 mmHg

What percentage of total oxygen (O2) is that chemically bound to hemoglobin is carried within red blood cells?


Air enters the respiratory passageways when the pressure inside the lungs is lower than the __________.

ATM (atmospheric pressure)

What is the correct sequence of events in moving a bolus of food to the stomach?

Bolus is moved to oropharynx; epiglottis folds over glottis; esophageal peristalsis; opening of lower esophageal sphincter

What is the order of the layers of the gastrointestinal tract, starting with the layer in contact with the food?

Mucosa; submucosa; muscularis externa; serosa

What is the carina?

a ridge seperating the two primary bronchi

What is the most important factor in determining airway resistance?

airways radius

What factor affects the efficiency of diffusion at the respiratory membrane?

all of the listed choices are correct: Thickness of the 1) respiratory membrane 2) Surface area

Which of the following is a function of saliva?

all of the listed choices are functions of saliva: 1) Moistening food, 2) Dissolving food 3) Helping clean oral surfaces

Why would you NOT be able to swallow a completely dry food bolus?

all of the listed responses are correct: 1) Friction with the walls of the esophagus would make peristalsis ineffective, 2) the dry food would stimulate sympathetic activity, inhibiting peristalsis, 3) the dry food would inhibit parasympathetic activity in the esophagus.

Which of the following statements about the functions of the respiratory system is/are true?

all of the listed statements are true: 1) the respiratory structures warm, filter and humidify the air we breathe, 2) the nasal mucosa in the upper nasal cavity is lined with olfactory receptors, enabling the sense of smell, 3) the respiratory system works in conjunction with other systems in the body to produce articulated speech.

What is the importance of the mesenteries?

all the listed choices are correct: 1) Stabilizing the attached organs, 2)A route for blood vessels to and from the digestive tract, 3) Preventing the intestines from becoming entangled

Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood primarily as __________.

bicarbonate ions

How is oxygen most often carried in the blood?

bound to heme in hemoglobin

What are the most effective means of increasing alveolar ventilation?

breathing slowly and deeply

The tracheal cartilages are __________.


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