Exam 3 (Ch. 9)

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After the 1988 fires, scientists made careful observations of the changes on the Yellowstone Plateau. (The data they collected is not shown on this graph.) Given the historical data concerning succession and disturbance (fires), predict how the landscape in 2000 compared to the pre-1988-fire landscape. Which statement is most likely to have described how the landscape changed in the 12 years after the 1988 fires? a.) The percentage of the landscape in old-growth stage forest decreased. b.) The percentage of the landscape in old-growth stage forest increased. c.) The percentage of the landscape in old-growth stage forest stayed the same. d.) It is not possible to make a prediction based on the data in this graph


Why do urbanized societies need stretches of uninhabited and undeveloped land? a.) Uninhabited and undeveloped lands provide natural resources that, in turn, provide the ecosystem services and the psychological relief needed to support urban populations. b.) Uninhabited and undeveloped lands are set aside to provide space for future generations as populations grow. c.) We need to preserve them to extract resources in the future. d.) Uninhabited and undeveloped lands are saved so that we can develop them in the future.


Currently, what sorts of forests are being lost more rapidly than others? a.) boreal forests b.) temperate rainforests c.) tropical rainforests d.) city forests


Forests cover ___________ of Earth's land surface. a.) 9% b.) 26% c.) 31% d.) 10%


In 1770, how much of the landscape did the thinning stage occupy? a.) 15% b.) 25% c.) 50% d.) 50 square miles


In the western United States, bark beetle outbreaks have become much worse than in the past for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a.) Beetles are attacking the myriad even-aged forests throughout the West, which are the perfect age for infestation. b.) Long-term droughts have stressed trees, making them vulnerable to attack. c.) Catastrophic wildfires have resulted in the increased growth of the kinds of trees that the bark beetles prefer. d.) Milder winters caused by climate change are enabling beetles to spread northward. e.) Warmer climate has resulted in increased reproductive output for the beetles.


Now calculate the tons of paper and paperboard consumed worldwide in 2000. Use your answer to this question and your answer from Part B to calculate the approximate percentage change in consumption from 1970 to 2000. a.) 2% b.) 63% c.) 170% d.) 370%


The National Forest Management Act ________ national forest land. a.) was passed by the Bush administration in 2004 to loosen environmental protections and restricting public oversight of b.) directs timber companies to remove small trees, underbrush, and dead trees to reduce fires in c.) was passed in 1976 with the intent to ensure multiple use and sustainable yield of d.) was passed to set up the formation of land trusts on e.) offers subsidies to timber companies for road building on


This figure shows population growth over time for a harvestable resource. Which of the following graphs depicts the population growth rate for this population? a.) Figure A b.) Figure B c.) Figure C d.) Figure D e.) Figure E

e (bell curve graph)

Which of the following statements is true regarding the edge effect in the Amazon? View Available Hint(s) a.) The edge effect does not exist here. b.) Fragmented areas lose species at a slower rate. c.) There is more diversity found in fragmented areas. d.) Small fragmented populations lose more species and lose them faster than large fragmented populations.


________ are federal lands that are off-limits to development but are open to hiking, nature study, and other low-impact public recreational activities. a.) National forests b.) Biosphere reserves c.) State parks d.) Wilderness areas e.) Bureau of Land Management lands


If the Sky Islands become rapidly warmer and drier, the endemic species there will ________. a.) move down the mountain slopes and displace species living at lower elevations b.) successfully adapt to changing conditions c.) move farther into the core area of the "sky island" d.) be forced to interbreed with other species to preserve genetic diversity e.) probably suffer a high extinction rate


Many environmental advocates believe that biofuel made from palm oil is not an appropriate replacement for fossil fuels such as petroleum because ________. a.) it is better to use palm oil in snack foods b.) oil palm plantations take land away from coffee growers c.) burning palm oil actually puts more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than burning gasoline d.) human rights are being violated because of the palm oil slave trade e.) tropical forests must be cleared to plant oil palms


Paper parks are ________. a.) land trust areas where timber harvesting is permitted b.) parks established where timber harvesters formerly harvested wood for paper mills c.) portions of the national parks where timber harvesting is permitted d.) portions of the wilderness areas where timber harvesting is permitted e.) areas protected on paper but not in reality due to lack of funding


Second-growth forests ________. a.) are those forests in the National Parks that are protected from logging b.) are forests whose timber has second-rate value c.) in North America are found mainly in British Columbia and Alaska d.) are less abundant on Earth today than they were 500 years ago e.) become established after virgin timber has been removed from an area


The ________ system of timber harvesting involves leaving small numbers of mature trees in place to provide shelter for seedlings as they grow. a.) "cherry-picking" b.) nursery-tree c.) clear-cutting d.) single-tree selection e.) shelterwood


Land trusts are ________. a.) federal government entities b.) private nonprofit groups c.) state government entities d.) municipal government entities e.) corporations


Within which section of a biosphere reserve is agriculture practiced sustainably, in a limited manner? a.) Twilight Zone b.) core area c.) transition zone d.) buffer zone


During which period were forest fires most extensive? a.) 1700-1750 b.) 1750-1800 c.) 1800-1850 d.) 1850-1900


A fire hits an old forest with large, old trees. A large section of the forest is burnt down. Over many years, new, immature trees replace the old ones. How can the new area be characterized? a.) It is an old-growth forest. b.) It is a secondary forest. c.) It is a savanna. d.) It is a primary forest.


Which of the following statements regarding forestry is false? Select all that apply. 1 - Timber in the United States can be legally harvested on private land, but not on federal or state forests. 2 - Clear-cutting is often utilized because it is the most cost-efficient method for harvesting timber. 3 - The acreage of land covered by forest decreased from 1990 to 2010 in all major world regions. 4 - While forest fires can destroy forest, small fires are sometimes intentionally set and managed to clear underbrush and prevent larger, catastrophic fires.

1 and 3 ( - Timber in the United States can be legally harvested on private land, but not on federal or state forests. - The acreage of land covered by forest decreased from 1990 to 2010 in all major world regions. )

"Edge effects" become particularly problematic when ________. a.) formerly large habitats are reduced to small fragments b.) forests undergo biodiversity changes as a result of climate change c.) trying to manage and protect island biodiversity d.) wildlife corridors are developed in urban landscapes e.) preserves have a very large area and a roughly circular shape


Based on population and consumption trends, which region would have had the highest paper consumption in the year 2010? a.) Asia, due to rising population and rising consumption rates b.) Europe, due to the developed world businesses and industries present in the region c.) North America, due to high per capita consumption levels d.) Latin America, due to high population growth rates


Most commercial logging today takes place in ________. a.) Europe and Canada b.) Canada, Russia, Indonesia, and Brazil c.) the United States, Lesotho, Australia, and China d.) Australia, New Zealand, China, and Greenland (Denmark) e.) Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua


With very few exceptions, what sort of forest is in the United States? a.) primary forests b.) secondary forests c.) tertiary forests d.) quaternary forests


What environmental issue, partially affected by human activities, is directly threatening to cause problems for our forest protection efforts? a.) overpopulation b.) pollution of water c.) climate change d.) loss of biodiversity


Prescribed burns would be used in forests ________. a.) that have high densities of endangered species, such as tropical rain forests b.) plagued with insects as a cheaper alternative to pesticides c.) that have heavy recreational use to warn people about the dangers of fires d.) that are subject to severe wild fires to remove fuel load and stimulate new growth e.) to convert primary forests into secondary forests


This is the U.S. government designation that provides the most protection from human damage to a public area. a.) national wildlife refuge b.) national park c.) national forest d.) wilderness area


What does the y-axis show? a.) relative frequency of forest fires between 1700 and 1988 b.) time, in 50-year intervals c.) total area occupied by a forest stage, in square miles d.) percentage of landscape occupied by a forest stage


An effective strategy for protecting the endemic species of the Sky Islands could be to ________. a.) protect as many adjacent Sky Islands as possible, giving wildlife corridors to move between mountaintops b.) protect the smallest Sky Islands and leave the rest open to logging and development c.) protect one large Sky Island at each end of the mountain chain and allow logging and development in the others d.) introduce drought tolerant species into all the Sky Islands e.) prevent immigration and emigration between the Islands


Concessions granted by developing nations allow ________. a.) timber extraction by foreign multinational corporations b.) the establishment of national parks c.) restoration of deforested regions d.) establishment of wilderness areas e.) timber extraction according to strictly sustainable forestry principles


Fire history in an open pine woodland ecosystem would be best determined by ________. a.) tree ring scars b.) soil chemistry c.) ambient air temperature d.) charcoal in the soil e.) the density of vegetation


Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? Between 1700 and 1985, the dominant forest stage on the Yellowstone Plateau progressed from establishment stage to old-growth forest, in a pattern typical of secondary succession. a.) supported b.) not supported c.) cannot be determined from the graph


This figure shows population growth over time for a harvestable resource. At what two population sizes would this population be experiencing the same population growth rate? a.) at carrying capacity and 1/2 of the carrying capacity b.) Growth rate is unique to a single population size, so there are no two population sizes that would experience the same growth rate. c.) at 1/2 and twice the carrying capacity d.) at carrying capacity and twice the carrying capacity e.) at 1/4 and 3/4 of the carrying capacity


What is the process in which forest plants release water back into the atmosphere? View Available Hint(s) a.) transpiration b.) clear-cutting c.) snag d.) deforestation


Which of the following is a consequence of clearing forests for agriculture purposes? a.) Soil erosion increases because the tree roots and other vegetation that stabilize the soil have been removed. b.) Biodiversity increases because of habitat diversification. c.) Water runoff decreases because crops will take up more of the moisture. d.) CO2 levels in the atmosphere drop to dangerously low levels. e.) The soil becomes richer and retains moisture better because there are few trees to take up the water and soil nutrients.


Ecosystem-based timber harvesting uses methods that ________. a.) have the greatest impacts on forest ecosystems b.) leave seed-producing or mature trees uncut to provide for future forests c.) are the most cost efficient in the short term d.) are very popular with timber companies e.) are ecologically harmless


In the year 2000 Africa had a population of 840 million people Asia had a population of 3,766 million people North America had a population of 319 million people Which region had the highest per capita paper use in 2000? a.) Asia b.) North America c.) Africa d.) There is not enough information.


The first national park was ________. a.) Yosemite b.) Yellowstone c.) Sequoia d.) General Grant (King's Canyon) e.) Mount Rainier


Which of the following phrases best describes goals behind the resource-management strategies that do not deplete the resource? View Available Hint(s) a.) Maintenance of species diversity in ecosystems b.) Soil conservation c.) Sustainable use of natural resources d.) Preservation of natural areas


Which of the following types of organisms would most likely be found in the understory of a forest? a.) Birds of prey b.) Deep water fish c.) Decomposers e.) Epiphytes


What would one call trees planted in a stand at the same time? View Available Hint(s) a.) uneven aged b.) terraced c.) step-laddered d.) even aged


Large predators and omnivores, such as mountain lions and bears, roam these mountain ranges. Which of the following statements is true? a.) Because of immigration and emigration, the individual populations of these Sky Islands have more biomass than they did in the past. b.) Because of habitat fragmentation, the individual populations of these Sky Islands have less genetic diversity than they did in the past. c.) Because of habitat fragmentation, the individual populations of these Sky Islands have more biodiversity than they did in the past. d.) Because of extirpation, many of these individual populations have more biodiversity than they did in the past. e.) Because of immigration and emigration, the individual populations of these Sky Islands have less biodiversity than they did in the past.


Most of the world's forests are ________. a.) temperate rainforest and mangrove forest b.) boreal forest and rainforest c.) temperate deciduous forest and chaparral d.) savanna and pine barrens e.) tropical dry forest and montane forest


The national _____________, begun in 1903 by President Theodore Roosevelt, now totals more than 560 sites comprising nearly 60 million ha. View Available Hint(s) a.) land trusts b.) wildlife refuge c.) biosphere reserves d.) wilderness areas.


What percentage of U.S. land area is in wilderness areas? View Available Hint(s) a.) 2.7% b.) 4.5% c.) 7.7% d.) 99.9%


When will a population grow most rapidly? a.) When it is at 25% of carrying capacity b.) When it is at 50% of carrying capacity c.) When it is at 75% of carrying capacity d.) When it is at 90% of carrying capacity


Which of the following forestry practices would best conserve biodiversity? a.) leaving several small areas uncut in the middle of a clear-cut b.) using a selection system to get uneven-aged stands c.) the shelterwood approach d.) clear-cutting stands of timber


Which of the following harvesting methods is the most cost-efficient but has the greatest ecological impacts? View Available Hint(s) a.) Uneven approach b.) Clear-cutting c.) Seed-tree approach d.) Shelterwood approach


Why do developing nations impose few or no restrictions on logging? a.) Most timber is extracted by local corporations that support the government. b.) They are desperate for economic development. c.) Local residents use most of the timber, and the government does not want to impose restrictions on its citizens. d.) No ancient forests remain in developing nations. e.) There is an infinite supply of timber because wood is a renewable resource.


Approximately how many tons of paper and paperboard were consumed worldwide in 1970? a.) 130 tons b.) 350 tons c.) 130 million tons d.) 350 million tons


There are groups of tropical birds, such as trogons and parrots that are usually considered to live in Central America and the mountains of southern and central Mexico. Small populations of these birds migrate into the United States each year. It is probably true that ________. a.) more of these birds are found in the taller mountains of Colorado than in the shorter mountains in southern Arizona, even if the relative area of the mountains is the same b.) these birds migrate to the United States in the winter because it is warmer here c.) more of these birds are found in the mountains of New Mexico and Arizona than in the mountains of Colorado, Utah, or Nevada d.) these birds have higher genetic diversity in the U.S. populations than in the populations in Central America e.) these birds can live in the lower, drier elevations in the United States as well as in the mountain ranges


This figure shows population growth over time for a harvestable resource. Forest resource managers generally aim to maintain a resource population at the level where it ________. a.) represents the point just before dieback of the population b.) best protects habitat c.) delivers the maximum sustainable timber yield d.) best protects predators e.) represents the carrying capacity


This figure shows population growth over time for a harvestable resource. The point on the curve at the top right of the graph indicates the ________. a.) extinction point b.) point of maximum sustainable yield c.) population size where births in the population exactly offset deaths d.) stable population size when selective harvesting is occurring e.) point of fastest growth


What are corridors? a.) a part of a biosphere reserve b.) tunnels that allow animals to travel through mountains c.) protected lands that allow animals to travel between islands of habitat d.) covered walkways built by the park service


What does the red graph line represent? a.) establishment stage b.) transition stage c.) thinning stage d.) old-growth stage


What sort of negative impact is development having on forested areas? a.) forest fires b.) clear-cutting c.) habitat fragmentation d.) climate change


Which of the following best describes the Yellowstone Plateau landscape in 1900? a.) More than half of the landscape was covered by forests made up of mature shade-tolerant trees. b.) Most of the landscape was occupied with forests made up of young lodgepole pines. c.) More than half of the landscape was occupied by forests in which shade-tolerant trees were becoming established. d.) All of the forest stages occupied about the same amount of area.


Which three regions used the most paper overall for the entire time period represented on the graph? Select the answer that lists the top three regions in order from most to least paper use. a.) Asia, Europe, North America b.) Europe, Asia, North America c.) North America, Europe, Asia d.) North America, Asia, Europe


Wilderness areas ________. a.) were set up under the wise-use movement of the 1980s and 1990s b.) allow hunting, so long as proper permits are acquired c.) are off-limits to development of any kind but are open to low-impact recreation d.) were set up under the administration of George W. Bush in the early 2000s e.) are biosphere reserves managed by UNESCO


How do resource managers achieve maximum sustainable yield? a.) They raise the average temperature so that enzymes work faster and growth is greater. b.) They supplement the available natural food with processed, high-nutrient feed. c.) When they use up the resource in the area they manage, they move on to a fresh area. d.) They keep the population at 50% of the carrying capacity, thus maximizing the growth rate


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