Exam 3 Practice Questions

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TRUE or FALSE: The number of Global Harmful Algal Bloom events has increased since the 1970's.


Which of the following is true of both bacteria and viruses

They both have important roles in the marine food web

What happens to phytoplankton that aren't consumed by zooplankton in the euphotic zon

They sink and are decomposed by bacteria.

The hypoxic zone off the Oregon coast is primarily caused by

Upwelling of high CO2 / low O2 water

TRUE or FALSE: Through physical forces, plastic breakdown into smaller pieces which are not harmful to marine life.


TRUE or FALSE: An ocean gyre is a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns AND forces created by Earth's rotation.


True or False? Climate change is predicted to result in an increase in the number of people that experiences illness and malnutrition


True or False? Heat waves have been linked to fatal illnesses and death


The Law of the Sea (LOSC) is mandated by whom


What group of phytoplankton is believed to be responsible for transforming the Earth's ancient atmosphere from a reducing environment (lacking oxygen) to and oxidized environment?


In temperate regions, what time of year tends to coincide with the largest annual phytoplankton blooms?


True or False? HABs are a new problem caused by global warming.


describe cyanobacteria;

1) Cyanobacteria are also known as blue-green algae. 2) Cyanobacteria are an ancient life form 3) Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria.

What are some of the negative ecological impacts of harmful algal blooms (HABs)?

1) Production of chemical toxins 2) Contribution to low-oxygen, or "dead-zones" 3) Disruption of food webs 4) Fish-killing by gill damage


1) base of the marine food web 2) produce about half of the oxygen on the planet every year 3) autotrophs/phototrophs

Which of these can cause Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB's)?

4) An overgrowth of phytoplankton that results in decreased oxygen from overwhelming decomposition 2) Growth of toxic phytoplankton that produce neurotoxins 3) Growth of phytoplankton that create nuisance foam

Approximately how long does it take debris from North America to reach the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

6 years

All of the following are ways that climate change may impact human health

A)Increased transmission and risk of water-borne diseases b) Increase in the occurrence of harmful algal blooms c) Changes in food supply and security d) Reduction in the availability of clean, drinking water

Which of the following are a health condition caused by HABs?


Which of the following is thought to be mainly responsible for the large hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico?

Agriculture runoff from land

What signs can researchers look for to predict when a cholera outbreak might happen

An increase in copepods following a phytoplankton bloom

Scientists have hypothesized that phytoplankton cells produce toxins for what reasons

As a response to nutrient stress As an anti-grazing strategy To inhibit growth of other algae To store or uptake trace metals

characteristics of bacteria

Bacteria are microscopic. Bacteria have a high reproductive rate. They are the most ancient forms of life. Bacteria reproduce through binary fission. ! Bacteria are prokaryotes (free floating DNA).

Possible reasons for the increased frequency of Harmful Algal Bloom events include:

Better monitoring/observations of HAB events Transport of new species via ballast water Reduced circulation of water column from greater temperatures Nutrient enrichments of land crops and aquaculture

What are the main types of phytoplankton

Dinoflagellates Coccolithophores diatoms Cyanobacteria

Wind-driven movement of surface waters and Coriolis impacted rotation of water that extends to a depth of 100-150 m is called:

Ekman Transport

Which of the following sources contributes the most oil pollution to coastal waters

Engine oil runoff from land

important roles played by bacteria in the ocean?

Heterotrophic bacteria are a food source for some types of small zooplankton. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic and produce oxygen. ! Bacteria recycle or remineralize nutirents. ! Bacteria are decomposers.

What is an outcome of a phytoplankton bloom?

High carbon dioxide in surface waters High concentration of cells Nutrients become depleted in the surface waters Possible formation of hypoxic zones

How does phytoplankton biomass impact the spread of cholera?

Higher phytoplankton biomass results in more food for copepods, copepods are known to transport cholera

) How will malaria outbreaks be affected by climate change?

Increasing global temperatures will expand the areas in which the parasite will be found

Which of the following types of marine pollution is not currently regulated in the U.S

Noise pollution

Which ocean currents merge to form the North Pacific gyre

North Equatorial ! North Pacific Kuroshio California

Why couldn't the full extent of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico be tracked by satellite?

Not all of the oil rose to the surface ocean.

HAB growth factors can be altered by human action

Nutrient concentrations Dispersion of species Water circulation patterns

A phytoplankton bloom is likely to occur when:

Nutrient concentrations in surface waters and solar radiation are high.

The great garbage patch is about 90% plastic. Why is there such a high percentage of plastic in the garbage patch?

Plastic never biodegrades

the following sources of coastal pollution are caused by humans

Sewage discharge Runoff from streets and parking lots Runoff from farms and ranches Emissions and oil from cars

The frustrules or shells of diatoms are made of


Seattle is a very rainy place. In what way can this have a negative impact on Puget Sound?

Storm water runoff carries untreated pollutants into the Sound

example of point source pollution

Submarine sonar pulse

80% of marine debris comes from:

Surrounding land

Hypoxic waters are called "dead zones" because

They are lethal to most marine animals

Micro-plastics in the ocean are harmful because they Correct!

Travel up the food chain when consumed by marine life Leach and absorb pollutants Accumulate to form patches that block sunlight ! Are difficult and expensive to remove from the ocean

Bacteria play an important role in marine food webs as recyclers of nutrients AND as a food source for some types of zooplankton.


The majority of mapped hypoxic zones are found in __________.

coastal zones

What contribute to the formation of a low-oxygen zone

a) Nutrient pollution b) Large phytoplankton blooms d) Bathymetric features like sills e) Upwelling of deep water

businesses were negatively impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Gulf of Mexico?

a) Shipping b) Commercial fishing c) Tourism

What can be found in storm water runoff?

a) Toxic chemicals b) Fertilizers and pesticides c) Pet waste d) Petroleum products

What is used in forecasting HABs?

a) Weather forecasts c) Field observations d) Buoy data e) Satellite data

Scientists believe the increasing frequency in reports of HABs may be caused by

a) increased nutrients washed into coastal oceans b) better communication and reporting c) increased surface ocean temperatures

microbes in the ocean

a)Microbes are a diverse group of organisms b) Microbes compose at least 90% of living biomass in the oceans c) Microbes can use organic matter in dissolved or particulate form e) Microbes are responsible for the recycling of organic matter in the oceans

Which group of phytoplankton is most at risk from ocean acidification?


The biological mechanism which uses oxygen to convert organic matter into cellular energy is called:

aerobic respiration

Regions with no oxygen are called


impact of oil spills on the marine environment

b) Habitat degradation and loss c) Food web alteration d) Disabling the flight in birds e) Reduction of the insulating capabilities of bird and marine mammals


b) Viruses are the most abundant life form on Earth. c) Viruses play an important role in the release and recycling of organic material. d) Viruses come in a variety of sizes, but most are smaller than bacteria. e) Viruses are able to infect every living thing on Earth.

What process is mediated by phytoplankton which results in the transfer of about 10 gigatonnes of carbon per year out of the atmosphere and into the deep ocean.

biological pump

Reduced toxic pollutant dumping from point sources in US waterways

clean water act

Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning is caused by the ______________ toxin which is created by a type of ______________.

domoic acid. diatom

The cause of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is

eating shellfish that have eaten dinoflagellates that produce a toxin

TRUE or FALSE: Humans and higher mammals are exposed to HAB toxins when they consume algae-based products.


TRUE or FALSE: Phytoplankton are only found in saltwater


true of both bacteria and viruse

hey both play important roles in nutrient cycling and the marine food web.

The number and extent of hypoxic zones has __________ in the last decade


Prohibits active transport and dumping of waste created on land into the ocean

marine protect, reasrch and sanctuaries act

what characteristic do all plankton share


Prohibits disposal of waste material into the ocean, and regulates discharge of water from pipelines ending up in the ocean

national and environmental policy act

Oxygen minimum zones

occur naturally, but are increased by human activity

Phytoplankton are capable of synthesizing their own food using component nutrient parts and sunlight. What word best describes this ability?


All Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB's) appear to change the water to what color?

red, green, brown

This prohibits obstructing passage through US waterways

river and harbour act

Diatoms have a characteristic encapsulating case called the frustule. What is the frustule primarily composed of?


True or False? Cholera can be transmitted through ingestion of contaminated water or shellfish.


rue or False? Viruses are considered non-living because they require a host to replicate.


Which of the following organisms would you expect to be the most abundant in 1 ml of seawater?


Which of the organisms would you expect to be the most abundant in 1 ml of surface seawater?


What is the greek word for dinoflagelitte

whirling / to whip

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