Exam 3: Pre-Exilic Prophets

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What does "Zephaniah" mean?

"He Whom Yahweh has Hidden"

What does "Micah" mean?

"Who is like Yahweh?"

What does the name "Maher-shalal-hashbaz" mean?

"to the spoils!"

What are 2 definitions of social justice?

(1) putting the world to rights, (2) empowering the weak

Define: "writing vs. non-writing prophet" & "major vs. minor prophet

- -Major prophets had longer book lengths than minor prophets.

What does the title "the book of the twelve" mean and not mean about these books?

-12 separate scrolls that connect thematically -total length = 1 major prophet

What are the 4 parts of an oracle?

-Call to Listen to God's Word -Proclamation of God's Word -Consequences for Obeying/Disobeying -Rejection of Prophet/Message

Know the facts about "the Life of the Prophet"

-Estimated 40-60 years of service -No one turned back to God during his career -Court Prophet

Know the facts about "Isaiah the Man"

-Husband and Father -Resident of Jerusalem -Member of Elite Royal Family?? -Called to Prophesy -Sawn in two under King Manasseh in 687-642 BC

What are the 4 functions of a Prophet?

-Intercede for God and Man -Call People Back to God -Offer People a Second Chance -Demonstrate Justice/Grace

What are the meanings of the names of Hosea's and Gomer's 3 biological children?

-Jezreel (boy) - Jehu's massacre, "to sow/scatter" -Lo-Ruhama (girl): "Not Pitied" -Lo-Ami (boy): "Not My People" (Lev. 26:12)

What is Hesed? Why does God want Hesed instead of sacrifice?

-Kindness or love between people, of piety of people towards God as well as of love or mercy of God towards humanity. -The Israelites' sacrifices meant nothing to God anymore.

What are the 7 "must-know" facts about prophets?

-Some trained in schools, some not -Some prophesy by words, others by actions -Most are creative and odd, outcasts in society -All of them embody their message -All of them have been convicted by God -Some predict the future; most offer possible futures -All of them have a message for their day

What are 4 issues that dominate the focus of the prophets?

-Worship -Covenant Faithfulness -Social Justice -Repentance

What 3 ways does Jonah prefigure Jesus' death and resurrection?

1. 3 days in the fish 2. Separated from God's presence 3. God delivered him from Sheol("the grave") and brought up life from the pit/grave

What 3-4 things makes Jonah an "a-typical" prophet?

1. Angry at Nineveh & God 2. Awaits Destruction 3. Abhors God's forgiving nature 4. Jonah wants to control life/death

What are the 4 promises of restoration Amos offered the exiled Israelites?

1. Davidic King 2. Independent Kingdom 3. Abundant Produce 4. Repossess the Land

What two promises define faithfulness?

1. Monogamy 2. Unconditional Love

What does Isaiah mean by: 1. Israel does not "know" God, 2. "Holy one of Israel", 3. "utterly estranged"?

1. Providence should not have led to gratitude 2. Distinct; Other 3. Beyond Remedy

What are the 3 ways in which the rich forced the poor into slavery?

1. Raised Prices 2. Reduced Product 3. Sold Chaff as Food

What are the 2 meanings of the "Immanuel" prophecy?

1. The future Virgin Birth of Jesus 2. Judah's deliverance from Syria & Ephraim

What 6 things does God send in the book of Jonah to show his presence?

1. Word 2. Storm 3. Fish 4. Plant 5. Worm 6. East Wind

In what 3 ways did Israel commit spiritual prostitution?

1.Misdirected praise to Baal 2.International Entanglement 3.Materialism & Wealth

In what century and to what audience did Isaiah prophesy?

2nd c. BC

How long is Jonah's sermon in Hebrew? How long in English?

5 words in Hebrew, 8 in English

When was the Syria-Ephraim war?

735 BC

What is Isaiah's "new commission" in chapter 40?

A Message of Comfort: -Exile is over -Yahweh will lead the exiles home -Wait on the LORD to be renewed

Joel compares the coming of the Day of the Lord to what sudden event?

A thief in the night

How long after the book of Jonah was the book of Nahum written?

About 100 years

Who was the dominant political power in the 8th century?


With whom does Ahaz ally as a vassal (God, Ephraim, or Assyria)?


What would forgiveness mean for Assyria?

Assyria's atrocities would no longer by used against them

What eras are suggested for dating Joel?

Assyrian period or Babylonian context (9th - 6th century)

What is Habakkuk's second complaint? What is God's answer?

Babylon is worse than Judah, how can they judge Judah? - The just shall live by faith, Babylon will also be destroyed

What are the two possible structures for Isaiah?

Bad News (Old Testament), Good News (New Testament) Pre-exilic (8th C), exilic (6th C), post-exilic (5th C)

Who was Baal?

Canaanite fertility god


Capital City of Edom

What does "Nahum" mean?


Yahweh is searching for "the wicked" to destroy. What sin are they especially condemned for in 1:12?


What foreign king was anointed by God to lead Israel?

Cyrus of Persia

Capital of Syria?


What manuscript of Isaiah is nearly complete and from the 2nd century, confirming its accuracy?

Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll (1QIsa)


Defeated by the Nabatean Arabs. In 312 BC, the area is called Idumaea.

What do each of the 5 metaphors for Israel's 'fleeting love' signify (e.g. dew, heated oven, etc.)?

Dew- Disappears after some time Heated Oven- They run rampant with their desires Unturned Cake- Israel has spent too much time with other nations and too little time with God Silly Dove- Israel calls out to other nations in addition to God instead of soley relying on Him Treacherous Bow- Not useful/harmful to God and themselves

What did Edom do and not do with regard to Israel that caused Yahweh/Obadiah to condemn them?

Edom took advantage of Judah when the Babylonians invaded instead of helping the Judahites

Know 4 terms for the northern kingdom of Israel:

Ephraim, Samaria, Israel, N. Kingdom

What was the root cause of religious depravity: failure to attend worship or failure to apply spiritual lessons?

Failure to apply spiritual lessons

From whom and why does Amos say the famine, drought, pestilence, war, and fire came upon Israel?

From God because Israel had sinned and sinned despite God's continuing efforts to help them

In Hebrew, "Im" has 2 different meanings. How does this affect the meaning of "Immanuel"?

God "with/against" us

What does it mean that the coming Messiah will deliver Israel from "the Assyrian"?

God will deliver Israel from the Assyrians and the future Messiah will deliver us all from the ultimate enemy of sin and death

"The just shall live by faith" (Habakkuk _:_) and "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him" (Habakkuk _:_)

Habakkuk 2:4; 2:20

How did Amos' geographical origin affect the response by his audience?

He was rejected by Northern Israel where God called him to prophesy because of his heritage as a native of South Judah

Which famous Idumaean ruled over Judea in the days of Jesus?

Herod the Great

What attributes of God do the books of Jonah and Nahum display?

His forgiveness, slowness to anger, goodness, and compassion

What does Isaiah prophesy to Ahaz about his enemies, and how does he confirm it?

Isaiah prophesied the fall of Syria & Ephraim -Confirmed by 3 signs of male children: Immanuel, Maher-shala-hasbaz, Messiah

Who will likely be judged first on the final judgment day?


What two metaphors are used in Hosea for God's relationship with Israel?

Israel is God's prodigal wife & son

In Amos 1-2, what nation is condemned eighth in the lineup and for what?

Israel- Oppressing the Weak

How does the book of Jonah end?

It ends with a question.

What is the lesson Jonah is to learn from the plant he loved that grew and died in a day?

Jonah cares more about plants than people

Who is "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14?

King of Babylon

What are the possible meanings of the locust plague in ch 1 and the military attack in ch 2?

Locust Plague- Repent for the DOL is near. Military Attack- The DOL will be darkness, sudden like a thief.

What is the theme of Joel?

Locust plague

What more could and does God require of us (the 3 acts and 2 divisions)?

Love Man (do justice), Love Hesed (covenant faithfulness), Love God

Who are the major prophets? Minor prophet?

Major: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Minor: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

What was Hosea called to do that embodied his message?

Married a Woman (Gomer) of Prostitution

What spiritual posture will cause some to be hidden by Yahweh on the Day of the Lord?

Meekness and Humility

Which book, chapter, and verse told Herod where the Messiah would be born?

Micah 5:2

What were the Assyrians experts in?

Military might, exiling whole nations, and torture (example: decapitation)

Know the features of Isaiah's call in chapter 6.

Model's Israel's call -God is Israel's King and Holiest of all -Isaiah realized his unholiness -God purified Isaiah with fire -Heavenly council calls for volunteer messenger -Isaiah's mission: Preach until no one can listen

The book of Nahum is about justice against what nation?


Who is "the lion being attacked" in the book of Nahum?


Who needed a prophet?

North Israel, Judah, Gentile Nations

Hosea is the only writing prophet from where?

North Kingdom

What is the theme of Obadiah?

O Bad Edom!

What is the shortest book of the Old Testament?


Which 2 minor prophets are not referenced in the New Testament?

Obadiah & Nahum

the Sik Canyon

One mile long canyon that leads to the great city of Petra (it's 30 ft. wide)

What New Testament books/authors use the phrase "the just shall live by faith"?

Paul in Romans and Galatians. Also found in Hebrews

Who quotes from Joel in his Acts 2 sermon?


What are the 3 major time periods that separate the latter prophets?

Pre-exilic, exilic, post-exilic

3 Major Messages of Obadiah

Pride, Lack of Brotherliness, Divine Retribution

For what purpose did God intend his temple? How was it abused in Jesus's day?

Purpose: To be used as a place of prayer for all the nations Abuse: Money-changers prevent Gentiles from coming to pray

What term describes the economic system at the time (i.e. the rich get richer, poor get poorer)?

Rent-capitalism (monopoly)

What was the purpose of the large fish?

Salvation (to save Jonah)

What is the theme image associated with Zephaniah?

Searching for the Wicked - Yahweh carrying a lamp going through the city of Jerusalem looking for the wicked

What does the name "Obadiah" mean?

Servant/worshipper of the Lord

What was Amos' profession before he became a prophet?

Shepherd, Dresser of Sycamore Trees, Volunteer Prophet

Why are the locusts targeting the wine of the wealthy & sacrificial system?

So that repentance must now come through humility rather than sacrifice (there is nothing left worth sacrificing)

What is the theme of Amos?

Social Justice

What 2 nations & 2 kings tried to bully Ahaz of Judah into a coalition against Assyria?

Syria & Ephraim

What is significant about the fact that the military army will come "from the north"?

Syria is north of Israel

What does Habakkuk mean by "the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him"?

The LORD is in Heaven and the inhabitants of earth should stand in awe of Him

To whom does the "Righteous Branch" refer?

The Messiah who will usher forth a second exodus

What does the hyperbole of the Day of the Lord reflect in Zephaniah?

The Universality of Judgment

What does God promise to restore if Israel repents (Joel 2:25)?

The fortunes of Zion (Jerusalem)

What time period most interests the prophet- the present or distant future?

The present

What do you call the purpose of Habakkuk that attempts to explain God's ways?


How did the wives of Israel participate with their husbands in oppressing the poor?

They demand more wealth from their husbands

How did the Assyrians use fish hooks?

They hooked them into their captive's noses or jaws and used that to exile them

What reason are we given three times in Jonah chapter 1 for why Jonah went to Tarshish?

To get "away from the face of YHWH"

What does it mean for "the just to live by faith" in the context of Habakkuk?

Wait on God's timing

What is Habakkuk's first complaint? What is God's answer?

Why is God sitting by watching the violence in Judah, God is not idle but preparing the Babylonians to punish Judah

What does the name Isaiah mean?

Yahweh is salvation

What is the form or format of Habakkuk?

complaint and answer

Why was Jonah angry with God?

for forgiving the people of Nineveh

What does Jonah attempt to dictate to God?


What is syncretism?

mixing of religions

Why is Hosea called "the deathbed prophet"?

the last prophet to the Northern kingdom before it fell

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