Exam 3 Review government

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In a proportional representation electoral system... A: seats in the legislature are allocated to political parties based on their share of the total vote cast in the election B: each political party receives an equal number of seats in the legislature C: every candidate that receives above a certain percentage of the vote is awarded a seat in the legislature D: candidates can only win an election if they receive a majority of the overall votes


In recent years, the religious right has had a great effect on American politics through A: Grassroots mobilization B: gaining access C: campaign financing D: iron triangles


A loose network of like-minded politicians, consultants, activists, and interest groups drawn together by a public policy issue is referred to as A: an issue network B: a public interest group C: a political action committee D: plurlaism E: an iron triangle


A member of the House of Representatives that helps a constituent apply for social security benefits is engaging in A: constituency service B: quid-pro-quo-ism C: earmarking D: logrolling


Generally speaking, a recall effort begins with a A: petition campaign B: lawsuit C: law passed by the state legislature D: decree by the governor


A ______ occurs when a voter can wait until the day of the primary to choose which party to enroll in to select candidates for the general election A: open primary B: closed primary C: majority system D: referendum


In the lobbying world, to be "Microsofted" means that a company has A: become vulnerable to adverse legislation and investigation as a result of failing to lobby the federal government B: only lobbied members of one political party, who have just lose their majority C: lobbied only the federal government, opening itself up to adverse actions by state governments D: allowed other companies to become free riders on its costly lobbying efforts


Internal Mobilization occurs when A: Conflicts within the government create divided factions that try to mobilize popular support B: Party leaders try to rally support for their platforms C: citizens deemed to be undesirable outsiders are excluded from the party D: a group of politicians outside government organized popular support to win governmental power


Members of interest groups in the United States are typically people A: With higher incomes, more education, and management or professional occupations B: with lower incomes, less education, and manual labor occupations C: who identify as republicans D: who identify as democrats


Political Parties are different from interest groups in that political parties A: seek to control the government by nominating candidates and electing them to office B: Are constitutionally exempt from taxation C: are entirely nonprofit D: have much larger memberships E: have much smaller memberships


The establishment of the Republican party is a good example of A: external mobilization B: internal mobilization C: elite bargaining D: proportional representation


The initiative was A: promoted by late nineteenth-century populists and progressives as an antidote to interest group influence in the legislative process B: promoted by late nineteenth-century religious conservatives as a way to restore "moral values" to the country C: Promoted by early twentieth-century liberals as a way of protecting immigrant rights D: Established at the federal level by the Twenty-sixth amendment to the constitution


The populist party appealed to which of the following groups? A: Western mining interest, small farmers, and urban workers B: eastern bankers, southern planters, and wealthy merchants C: Northern bankers, landowners, and factory workers D: Eastern mining interests, southern merchants, and small farmers


The role that the U.S. Senate plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a A: trial jury B: grand jury C: prosecuting attorney D: defense attorney


What are the four joint committees in Congress A: economic, taxation, library, and printing B: foreign affairs, welfare, currency, and trade C: globalization , human rights, employment, and citizenship D: justice, agriculture, education, and tech


When Congress conducts an investigation to explore the relationship between what a law intended and how an executive agency has implemented it, it is engaged in A: oversight B: advice and consent C: appropriations D: executive agreement E: direct Patronage


Which of the following characteristics constitutes one's socioeconomic status? A: level of income, level of education, and prestige of occupation B: level of income, level of political participation, and number of friends C: level of income, level of political participation and the level of intelligence D: level of education, number of friends, and age


Which of the following statements about primary elections is MOST accurate A: The united states is one of the few nations in the world to hold primary elections B: About half of the countries in the world hold primary elections C: approximately, three-quarters of the countries in the world hold primary elections D: every country in the world holds primary elections


Which statement best characterizes the influence average citizens and party elites have over the nomination process in the United states A: Although average citizens have some influence in the nominations process, party elites play an outsized role in selecting candidates who will compete in the general election B: Although party elites have some influence in the nominations process, average citizens play an outsized role in selecting the candidates who will compete in the general election C: Party leaders and average citizens play roughly equal roles in selecting the candidates who will compete in the general election D: party leaders are legally prohibited from playing any role in the nominations process


Which type of representation is described when constituents have the power to hire and fire their representative? A: Substantive representation B: descriptive representation C: Philosophical representation D: ideological representation E: Economic representation


Who are "hidden partisans"? A: Independents who lean toward one of the major parties B: Congressional staffers and other unelected government workers C: Officials who work for the national party committee D: Republicans who identify as liberal and democrats who identify as conservative E: Partisans who do not regularly vote


In a __________ electoral system, political parties are awarded legislative seats based on their share of the total vote cast in the election. A: Plurality B: Proportional Representation C: Split-ticket D: straight-ticket E: open primary


"dark money" comes from.. A: 527s B: 501(c)(4)s C: PACs D: super PACs


A 501(c)(4).... A: is required to disclose where it gets its funds B: may not spend more than half its revenue for political purposes C: is required to disclose exactly how its money is spent D: may not spend more than 10 percent of its revenue for political purposes


A ____ specifies general rules and categories of behavior, people, and institutions while a _____ grants a relief, special privilege, or exemption to a particular individual A: private bill;public bill B: public bill; private bill C: continuing resolution; pork-barrel bill D: Consent decree: pork-barrel bill


A _______ occurs when a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting in that party's election A: open primary B: closed primary C: majority system D: referendum


A bill proposed in Congress that grants citizenship to a specifically named individual from a foreign country would be an example of a A: public bill B: private bill C: executive order D: executive agreement


A senator or representative running for reelection is called the A: constituent B: incumbent C: trustee D: delegate


An advertisement emailed only to evangelical Christian voters about a Democratic candidates support for abortion would be an example of A: winnowing B: micro-targeting C: redlining D: message bundling


Congressional polarization... A: has decreased since the mid-1970s B: has increased since the mid-1980s C: has remained the same since the mid-1970s D: has been driven entirely by democrats becoming more liberal since the mid-1970s E: has not been measured since the mid-1970s


If a state has 10 members in the U.S. House of Representatives, how many votes in the electoral college does that state have? A: 2 B: 10 C: 12 D: 20 E: the number of votes cannot be determined from this information


In general, when compared with White voters, members of racial and ethnic groups are more likely to vote A: for Republican candidates B: for Democratic candidates C: for third-party and independent candidates D: with split tickets - voting for Republicans for some offices and Democrats for others E: In state and local elections


In the House of representatives, virtually all the time allotted by the rules committee for debate on a given bill is controlled by the A: majority leader and the minority leader B: bill's sponsor and its leading opponent C: whip D: rules committee chairperson


It is difficult for political scientists to categorize unrepresented interests because A: there are no constitutional means for unorganized interests to compete for attention B: there are no organizations that can present their identities and demands C: there are no measurements of interests and needs outside of representation D: these interests often want to stay hidden from public view


Reconstruction after the Civil war was led by the ______ party A: Democratic B: Republican C: Whig D: Free Soil


The Federalist party disappeared, in part, as a result of A: Lincoln's election in 1860 B: the War of 1812 C: Alexander hamilton's death in a duel with Aaron Burr D: the Civil war


The National rifle Association, the Sierra Club, and Mothers against Drunk Driving are all examples of A: Membership associations B: citizen groups C: professional associations D: Ideological groups E: Public-sector groups


The Supreme court ruled that.... A: Only the house of representatives has the constitutional authority to redraw congressional district lines B: states may use independent bipartisan commissions to redraw congressional districts C: states may not use independent bipartisan commissions to redraw congressional districts D: states can forgo the redistricting process if they lose more than 10 percent of their population between censuses E: only the senate has the constitutional authority to redraw congressional district lines


The house rules committee is important because it A: is placed in charge of selecting the speaker of the House B: decides the order in which bills come up for a vote on the House floor and determines the specific rules that govern the length of debate and opportunity for amendments C: reviews all applications regarding the formation of select committees D: determines the jurisdiction of every congressional standing committee


The main difference between a 527 committee and a 501(c)(4) is that A: a 527 is not legally required to disclose where it gets its money, while a 501 is legally required to do so B: a 501 is not legally required to disclose where it gets its money, while a 527 is legally required to do so C: a 527 can only contribute to one campaign, while a 501 can contribute to many D: a 501 can only contribute to one campaign, while a 527 can contribute to many E: a 527 can legally coordinate its spending with a candidates campaign, while a 501 cannot


What did the Supreme Court Justices declare in Miller v. Johnson (1995) A: Districts could not be drawn to favor the incumbent B: the racial composition of a district could not be the predominant factor when redistricting C: it was not unconstitutional for states to use an unelected,, nonpartisan committee to redistrict D: the use of computer technologies to draw districts that would favor one party over another is unconstitutional


Which article of the constitution describes the basic powers of the presidency and the means of selecting presidents A: article 1 B: article 2 C: article 3 D: article 4 E: article 5


Which of the following best describes the relationship between social media and political participation? A: social media is, on the whole, a distraction from forms of political participation that take more time and effort B: When social media users see that others in their network have voted or otherwise engaged in political activity, they are often motivated to participate themselves C: social media is ineffective and unwieldy tool for coordinating the political participation of millions of people D: social Media facilitates political participation for ordinary Americans, but it makes it harder for politicians to connect with their constituents E: actions taken on social media generally do not translate into political participation offline


Which of the following is one way in which the House and the Senate are different A: senators are more interested in attending to their constituents immediate legislative needs, while members of the House are more insulated from the pressures of immediate interests B: Members of the House are more interested in attending to their constituents immediate legislative needs, while senators are more insulated from the pressures of immediate interests C: senators serve smaller and more homogeneous constituencies than members of the House D: senators are often more attuned to the legislative needs of local interest groups than members of the House E: there are no important differences between the house and the senate B


Which of the following types of committees includes members of both the house and the senate on the same committee A: standing B: conference C: select D: all committees include both House members and senators E: no committees include both House members and senators


the "poor" and the homeless are two examples of A: Public interest groups B: potential interest groups C: citizen interest groups D: grassroots interest groups


An incumbent is a candidate who A: does not currently hold office B: has the support of both major parties C: already holds the office he or she is running for D: has won his or her party's primary election E: has been nominated at the party convention


An open primary is a primary election in which A: one's vote is made public B: only registered members of the party may vote C: all registered voters are allowed to choose on the day of the primary which party's primary they will participate in D: there are no limits on campaign spending E: only superdelegates are allowed to vote


Between 1972 and 2016, the number of PACs in the United States... A: declined from over 7,000 to just 480 B: declined from over 1,000 to just 48 C: increased from 480 to over 7,000 D: remained relatively constant


Compared to the rest of American history, recent congresses have been ________ polarized and ________ productive in terms of passing laws. A: less; equally B: less; less C: more; less D: More; more


Executive agreements are exactly like treaties except that A: executive agreements involve only domestic, not international, affairs. B: the constitution explicitly mentions the presidents ability to make executive agreements C: executive agreements do not require approval by two-thirds of the Senate D: executive agreements are ordinarily used to carry out commitments not already made in treaties or laws E: executive agreements require a two-thirds approval vote in the senate


Friendship and networking are examples of A: Purposive benefits B: Informational Benefits C: Solidary Benefits D: Material beneifts E: member dues


If a member of the House of Representatives won his or her first election with 52 percent of the vote and won his or her second election with 75 percent, it would be an example of the A: the "second-election surprise" B: the "rich get richer" effect C: the "sophomore surge" D: the "incumbency increase"


Interest groups are concerned with the ________ of government, while political parties are concerned with the ________ of government. A: values;goals B: membership; authority C: policies; personnel D: legitimacy; power


Leadership PACs are... A: members of congress who have previously served on the parents advisory council B: interest groups that lobby congress to provide more funding for performing arts centers C: organizations that members of Congress use to raise funds that they then distribute to other members of their party who are running for election D: federally funded training academies that educate newly elected members of Congress on the norms of the house and senate


One reason why some people support the establishment of term limits in the House and Senate is that this would A: decrease the power and influence of interest groups B: decrease turnover in Congress and lead to more experienced legislators C: increase turnover and get new faces into congress D: limit the power and influence of the judiciary


Private groups that raise and distribute funds for election campaigns are called A: corporations B: political parties C: political action committees D: political consulting firms


States that allow for same-day registration A: have lower overall voter turnout rates than the national average B: have the same overall voter turnout rates as the national average C: have higher overall voter turnout rates than the national average D: have overall turnout rates that are very close to 100 percent E: have lower rates of voter turnout among younger and less educated voters than states that do not allow for same-day registration


Super PACs were made possible in part by the A: federal election campaign act B: bipartisan campaign reform act C: supreme courts decision in Citizens United v. Federal election commission D: Supreme courts decision in Buckley v. Valeo


The Senate Watergate committee of 1973 is an example of a _______ committee A: conference B: joint C: select D: standing


The congressional election system in the United States is called "first past the post" because... A: candidates must win both a primary election and a general election before taking office B: seats in the house of representatives and senate are allocated to political parties based on their share of the total vote cast in the election C: the candidate with the most votes wins even if she did not win majority of the total D: a candidate can win an election only if he wins a majority of the total vote E: more Americans now vote by mail than at their local polling places


The gender gap is A: the gap in the numbers of women and men who hold elective office B: the gap in the numbers of women and men who run for elective office C: a distinctive pattern of male and female voting decisions D: a distinctive pattern of male and female voter turnout E: a distinctive pattern of voting decisions among women of minority racial and ethnic groups


What is a referendum A: it is the congressional election held between presidential elections B: it is the power to remove an elected official from office during the middle of his or her term C: it is the practice of referring a proposed law passed by a legislature to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection D: it is the process by which a party selects its candidates for the general election


When an oil company is invited to participate in negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency over a proposed rule on offshore drilling, it illustrates that A: the First amendment to the constitution only allows corporations to "petition the government for a redress of grievances" B: Supreme court decisions banning iron triangles have largely failed to limit interest group influence C: federal agencies almost always attempt to consult relevant stakeholders before implementing a new rule


Which of the following actions is generally considered to be the most common type of participation in politics A: directly contacting elected officials B: volunteering to work on a campaign C: voting in an election D: contributing money to candidates, campaigns, and parties E: participating in rallies and protests


Which of the following best describes the role of the factions within the major parties? A: factions do not exist; party members largely agree about all issues in a party's platform B: Parties are usually divided into no more than two factions: one liberal and one conservative C: Factions exist within parties because parties are coalitions of people who represent many diverse interests D: Factions are only relevant during elections; they are not relevant among officials who have already been elected E: factions nearly always result in major parties being split up into smaller parties


Which of the following politicians was recalled from office? A: President warren Harding (1921) B: New York city mayor David Dinkins (1993) C: California governor Gray davis (2003) D: President Richard nixon (1972)


Which of the following statements about the impeachment process is most accurate A: it is a nonpolitical exercise B: it is one where all legislators have a common understanding of the definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" C: it is a political exercise D: it is carried out entirely by the senate, and the house has no role to play


Which of the following statements best describes the difference between a congressional hearing and a congressional investigation A: there are no important differences between them B: a hearing is held by members of both the House and the Senate while an investigation is conducted exclusively by members of a single chamber C: a hearing is held in order to analyze a specific bill that has already been proposed while an investigation examines a broad problem and concludes with recommendations for a proposed bill D: an Investigation is held in order to analyze a specific bill that has already been proposed while hearing examines a broad problem and concludes with recommendations for a proposed bill


Which of the following was NOT an election in which the person elected president failed to receive more popular votes than his opponent ? A: 1876 B: 1888 C: 1912 D: 2000


______ states currently allow votes to register and cast a ballot on the same day A: 2 B: 15 C: 34 D: 48


527 committees are an important part of the American political system because they A: operate the caucuses of each of the two main political parties B: work closely with political parties to coordinate election campaign strategies and fund-raising efforts C: are charged with enforcing the bipartisan campaign reform act D: are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money as long as they do not coordinate their activities with a political party


Both 527s and 501(c)(4)s... A: are not required to disclose where they get their funds B: are required to disclose where they get their funds C: are limited to spending 100,000 dollars per candidate per election D: can spend unlimited amounts on political advocacy as long as their efforts are not coordinated with those of any candidate's campaign


Gifts, discounts, and health insurance are examples of A: Purposive benefits B: Informational Benefits C: Solidary Benefits D: Material Benefits E: Member Dues


Individuals and organizations can give an unlimited amount of money to A: U.S. Senate candidates B: U.S. presidential candidates C: Political parties D: Super PACs


Joint Committees... A: are temporary, but have the power to present legislation B: are permanent and have the power to present legislation C: are temporary and do not have the power to present legislation D: are permanent, but do not have the power to present legislation


Members of congress take their constituents views into account because A: the supreme court can invalidate laws passed without majority support in the public B: interest groups are forbidden from lobbying during legislative votes C: most constituents pay close attention to what's going on in congress at all times D: they worry that their voting record will be used as ammunition by their opponents at election time E: they can be impeached if they go against their constituents policy preferences


Over the past several decades, the ______ and the ______ have benefited most from apportionment? A: Northeast; Midwest B: Northeast; south C: south; midwest D: south; west


The New politics movement gave rise to ______ groups A: Ideological B: partisan C: labor D: public interest


The so-called New Deal coalition was severely strained... A: during the 1860s by conflicts over slavery and southern secession B: during the 1890s by conflicts over the gold standard C: during the 1930s by conflicts over the Great Depression and America's involvement in World War 2 D: during the 1960s by conflicts over civil rights and the Vietnam war E: during the 1990s by conflicts over abortion and affirmative action


Voter-registration requirements and processes are determined and controlled by A: local governments B: the federal government C: the U.S. Constitution D: the states E: an independent organization


Which of the following is not a responsibility of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee. A: to work to enhance their party's media image B: to set the rules for primaries and caucuses C: to give candidates money for their campaigns D: to select their party's candidates for elective office E: to try to minimize disputes within the party


Which of the following statements about impeachment is not true A: the president is not the only official who can be impeached by congress B: impeachment means to charge a government official with "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" C: the house of representatives decides by simple majority vote whether the accused ought to be impeached D: the senate decides whether to convict and remove the person from office E: only criminal offenses are impeachable


Which of the following statements best describes the social composition of the U.S. Congress A: the majority of representatives do not have university degrees B: Men and Women are equally represented in Congress C: most members of Congress do not affiliate with any specific religion D: the legal profession is the most common career of members of Congress prior to their election E: the number of African American, Latino, and Asian American representatives has decreased over the last 20 years


Which of the following techniques is considered most effective in mobilizing voters? A: direct mailings B: "robocalls" C: phone calls made by volunteers D: face-to-face contact E: television advertisements


_____ is a strategy that attempts to mobilize the widest and most favorable climate of opinion A: Litigation B: Creating a "war room" C: creating an iron triangle D: going public


A stable, cooperative relationship between a House or Senate Committee or subcommittee, an executive branch program, and one or more well-organized interest groups is called A: an issue network B: a public interest group C: a political action committee D: Pluralism E: An Iron triangle


Interest groups with ________ have been shown to have more access to lawmakers A: a history of supporting successful candidates for office B: Large constituencies who have an interest in hot-button policy issues C: the most money D: Headquarters in Washington D.C E: demonstrated technical expertise


What is the single most important factor in determining whether an individual will vote or otherwise participate in politics A: religion B: gender C: race and ethnicity D: age E: level of education


Which of the following distinguishes the "new order" from the "regular order" when it comes to passing legislation A: the new order reflects the enhanced power of committees and subcommittees in both houses of congress B: the new order relies heavily on conference committees to draft legislation C: the new order relies heavily on conference committees to draft legislation D: the new order is meant to move bills along more slowly, with more deliberation E: the new order is meant to move bills along more quickly, with less deliberation


Which of the following is a way that interest groups use the courts to influence public policy? A: Supplying judges with solidary benefits B: joining an issue network C: creating an Iron triangle D: Forming a political action committee E: filing amicus briefs


Which of the following social groups usually votes for Republicans? A: Women B: Nonwhite racial and ethnic groups C: people with college degrees D: organized labor E: the very wealthy


Which of the following statements about the filibuster is most accurate A: the filibuster was first used in 1975 B: the votes of 67 senators are currently required to end a filibuster C: the filibuster was used far more frequently in the 1930s and 40s than it has been in the last two decades D: Nominees for federal executive and judicial positions cannot currently be filibustered E: filibusters were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court in 2013


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