Exam 4 - Review Questions

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How does the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) define the racial group "White?"

"a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa." ----------------------------------- In the 2010 Census, the White American population includes people who marked the "White" checkbox along with entries such as Caucasian or White; European entries such as Irish or German; Middle Eastern entries such as Arab, Lebanese, and Palestinian; and North African entries such as Algerian, Moroccan, and Egyptian

Who were the first Arab-speaking people to come to the U.S. in large numbers?

(1870s) Christian Lebanese were the first Arabic-speaking people to come to the Americas in large numbers. Their earliest immigration to the United States began in the late 1870s.

What was the cause of the Paiute War in the mid-1800s?

Even though the White visitors were in the 1830s and 1840s, they brought fatal diseases, such as smallpox and cholera. It wasn't until the California Gold Rush in 1848 and its deluge of miners and migrants entering Paiute land that the Northern Paiutes grew hostile. The fighting grew into the Paiute War, which began just before the Civil War. Northern and Southern Paiutes obtained horses and guns, and raided white settlers throughout their land

True or False. Once a victim of sexual assault elects the restricted reporting option, he/she cannot change it to an unrestricted report.

False If a victim elects this reporting option, a victim can change from a Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report at any time.

T/F. More than half of the total population growth in the U.S. from 2000 to 2010 is Hispanic or Latino?

Hispanic and Latino Americans had a 43% increase in population between 2000 and 2010. This accounts for more than half of the growth in the total population during that time

Which agency within the Department of Defense develops policy and programs to improve sexual assault prevention efforts?

Oversight of the Department's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response programs is the responsibility of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, or SAPRO.

Which region of the U.S. experienced the fastest growth of Asian population between 2000 and 2010?

The Asian population grew in every region between 2000 and 2010. The fastest growth rate, at 80%, took place in the South

What modern day issue has led to negativity between immigrants from Mexico and Central America?

Most Guatemalan Americans live in urban areas with large Hispanic populations. They have been met with a mixture of hostility and friendliness by other Hispanics. Mexican Americans have competed with Guatemalan and other Central American immigrants for jobs, which has led to negativity between them.

How does the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) define the racial group "Black or African American?"

officially describes Black or African Americans as "a person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa." ----------------------------------- In the 2010 Census, the Black American population includes people who marked the "Black, African Am., or Negro" checkbox along with entries such as African American; Sub-Saharan African entries such as Kenyan and Nigerian; and Afro-Caribbean entries such as Haitian and Jamaican (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).

What were the limitations of the 13th Amendment? 14th Amendment? 15th Amendment?

post-war Black Americans had a difficult road because these Constitutional provisions were ignored in many areas

In the 1800s, what was the most prominent job opportunity for young men desiring to leave the Hawaiian Islands or other Pacific Islands?

(1800s) in the 1800s, many young Hawaiian males left their homeland to find job opportunities. One job available to them was working on whaling ships traveling to China, Mexico, Europe, and the United States. A number of Native Hawaiians also migrated to California during the Gold Rush, often intermarrying with Native Americans

T/F. The 30,000 Filipinos who fought for the U.S. during World War II were promised and granted U.S. citizenship for their service.

(Late 1900s) Some 30,000 Filipinos fought for the United States in World War II with the promise that they would be granted citizenship. However, the nation retracted that agreement.

In the mid-1800s, what was the goal of Chinese sojourners who came to the U.S.?

(Mid 1800s) Many Chinese came to the United States in the mid-1800s as sojourners, those aiming to make money and return to China. The allure of the California Gold Rush in 1849 was a chance to do that. In the 1800s, it was rare for single Chinese women to migrate to the United States alone and it was tradition that wives stay with their in-laws while the husbands worked, even in cases where the husband traveled the great distance to the United States for work. As a result, there was a large disparity in the ratio of male to female Chinese immigrants in the 19th century

What are some of the direct actions associated with Active Bystander Intervention?

1. Direct Action a. Talk to a friend to ensure he or she is doing okay. b. Make up an excuse to help the friend get away from someone. c. Call the police. d. Recommend to a bartender or party host that someone has had too much to drink. e. Point out someone's disrespectful behavior in a safe and respectful manner that tends to de-escalate the situation. f. Remove a friend from a risky situation quickly.

PTSD, fear, anxiety, or poor self-esteem describes which type of effect of sexual assault?

1. Individual a. Beyond the physical wounds of sexual assault, victims' psychological reactions can be prolonged and harmful such as: 1) PTSD 2) Fear and anxiety associated with reporting barriers, confusion, embarrassment, shame, and self-blame 3) Difficulty sleeping 4) Lack of concentration 5) Depression b. Victims of sexual assault may be unable to perform their assigned duties due to medical treatment or counseling, or if relocated from the unit to ensure their safety. c. Victims who continue to serve in the same unit with their assailant are likely to have diminished abilities to perform their duty due to concerns over personal safety and potential re-victimization.

What strategy takes a broad community approach that emphasizes all personnel, at all levels, are responsible for ending sexual assault?

1. SAPRO plays a key role in developing DoD's sexual assault prevention strategy. a. DoD's sexual assault prevention is more than risk management. b. It takes as broad community approach encompassing all personnel at every level to end sexual assault throughout the DoD.

What type of report takes place in situations where a victim wants to participate in the military justice process?

1. Unrestricted a. Command and law enforcement are notified. b. An investigation is initiated. c. Legal proceeding usually follows if there is sufficient evidence. In situations where a victim wants to participate in the military justice process, a victim makesan Unrestricted Report.

What term is used to describe someone who takes the initiative and the sense of responsibility to intervene in situations?

2. Active Bystander a. The willingness to safely take action and help someone in time of need (Department of Defense, 2014). b. Learn how to recognize indications and always be aware of what is going on around you. Look out for situations that could require some intervention. As a bystander, it is much easier to recognize and encourage positive social behavior. It takes some practice and courage to intervene and discourage or stop unacceptable behavior. c. Take the initiative of a situation that makes us uncomfortable, we may try to dismiss it as not being a problem. You might tell yourself that the other person will be fine, or that he or she or is able to defend him or herself. This is not a solution! The person may need your help more than you think

What is the purpose of a Restricted Report?

2. Restricted a. For victims of sexual assault who wish to confidentially disclose the crime to specifically identified individuals without triggering the official investigative process. b. Victims receive healthcare treatment and the assignments of a SARC and a SAPR VA. Victims who desire restricted reporting under this policy must use one of the following reporting avenues: SARC, SAPR VA, or healthcare personnel. c. Restricted reporting is not anonymous reporting, however, when a victim discloses the matter to anyone other than a SARC, VA, or medical provider, the communication is not protected. If the sexual assault is disclosed to a friend who is in law enforcement or chain of command, the report becomes unrestricted. If a victim elects this reporting option, a victim can change from a Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report at any time.

What kind of sexual assault prevention strategy includes gender separation in living areas, enacting curfews, and increasing security patrols?

3. Though sexual assault prevention is more than risk management, commanders and senior enlisted leaders understand they are responsible for mitigating the sexual assault risks. Some include: a. Gender separation in barracks and dormitories. b. Installation of cameras and additional lighting. c. Enacting curfews and increasing the number of safety patrols. Commanders also recognize that social marketing campaigns, including the use of sexual assault prevention campaign posters, and consistent leadership messages on sexual assault are critical to prevention efforts.

What are some of the reasons that bystanders do not act?

4. Why Bystanders Don't Act a. In emergency situations, many things prohibit bystanders from intervening: 1) If no one else is acting; it is hard to go against the crowd. 2) People may feel that they are risking embarrassment (e.g., What if I'm wrong and they don't need help?). b. Bystanders often hesitate to act because: 1) They fear loss of relationships with the problem person or with others who may disapprove of action. 2) They fear retaliation, especially if the problem person is powerful. 3) They fear embarrassment, especially if they may not be believed or they may be viewed as troublemakers, or viewed as violating other community norms. 4) They feel a lack of competence or uncertainty about what action would be best. 5) They believe someone else will take action (perhaps someone else with more authority or expertise; Rowe, M., Wilcox, L., & Gadlin, H.) With each person taking cues from people around them, a common result is that no action is taken. What can be done about this problem? As professionals and members of the community, we all have a responsibility to help each other.

What is an intervention after the fact strategy in which you listen supportively and provide information about resources available to the aggrieved person?

5. Here are some "after the act" strategies you can use: 280 a. Privately support an upset person - Help someone who has been hurt or offended, and/or prevent further injury or offense. Listen supportively. Provide information about resources available to the aggrieved person. b. Talk privately with the inappropriate person - Give clear feedback and express your opinion in a way that allows the inappropriate actor to save face. c. Report the incident, with or without names - Get help for someone better placed to intervene. Make sure leaders and responders are aware of what is going on

How does the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) define American Indian or Alaska Native?

American Indian or Alaska Native as "a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America, including Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment." --------------------------------------- In the 2010 Census, the American Indian or Alaska Native population includes people who marked the "American Indian or Alaska Native" checkbox or reported entries such as Navajo, Blackfeet, Inupiat, Yup'ik, or Central American Indian groups, or South American Indian groups

What in tilled the desire for many Pacific Islanders to leave their homeland during World War II?

American military presence was substantial in the Pacific Islands during World War II. Many Pacific Islanders enlisted in the military and ended up on the mainland (Barkan, 2013). The experiences of WWII were pivotal for the Pacific Islanders. The influx of U.S. troops in the Pacific Islands introduced American culture to the islanders, painting a picture of what life was like in the United States—one that most Pacific Islanders wanted to have

In the late 1800's, which immigrants were labeled birds of passage" because of their back and forth trips between the U.S. and Europe?

An unprecedented amount of Italian immigrants reached the shores of the United States beginning in the 1880s. Many Italian immigrants made trips back and forth between the two countries; their mobility caused other Americans to label them "birds of passage," until women and families arrived permanently after 1910. Like other immigrants, Italians felt comfortable in their ethnic enclaves. They did not view themselves as Italians, but instead, by the regions and villages from where they had come, limiting their fellowship to those of the geographical same area. These networks and ethnic enclaves were nestled in the Northeast, Midwest, Louisiana, and California (Pozzetta, 2015).

What is the definition of "Asian" according to the Office of Management and Budget?

Asian refers to a person h ving origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

What term is defined as anyone who sees or otherwise becomes aware of behavior that appears worthy of comment or action?"

Bystander a. Not only do active bystanders take action to prevent unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault, they also take the initiative to help friends who aren't thinking clearly from becoming perpetrators. 1) Bystanders can highlight positive acts that might otherwise be invisible or overlooked. They can redirect or de-escalate negative acts that might be problematic. Bystanders might be peers or teammates. They might be subordinate or senior to the person whose comment or behavior warrants reaction. Bystander - A witness to an event (Webster II New College Dictionary, 2001) 2) Intervention doesn't mean that you only step in to stop a crime in progress; rather, early intervention occurs before the crime or discriminatory act begins. b. A bystander could be anyone who sees or otherwise becomes aware of behavior that appears worthy of comment or action.

Following the establishment of civil government in Puerto Rico, what did the President of the U.S. do for the people of Puerto Rico?

Congress established a civil government in Puerto Rico in 1898, and in 1915, President Woodrow Wilson granted American citizenship to Puerto Ricans. The American government implemented health, infrastructure support, and economic policies to draw U.S. businesses to Puerto Rico (Green, 2007).

Which term is described as words or overt acts indicating a freely-given agreement to sexual conduct by a competent person?

Consent -------------------------------------- a. Consent is words or overt acts indicating a freely-given agreement to the sexual conduct at issue by a competent person. b. An expression of lack of consent through words or conduct means there is no consent. c. Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission resulting from the accused's use of force, threat of force, or placing another person in fear does not constitute consent. d. A current or previous dating relationship by itself or the manner of dress of the person involved with the accused in the sexual conduct at issue shall not constitute consent. e. Consent is not given when a person used force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious. Consent is a critical concept regarding sexual assault.

What are some of the factors that caused 80,000 English immigrants to come to the U.S. between 1882 and 1888?

English migration to the United States rose dramatically toward the end of the 1800s due to England's economic problems, cheaper steamship fares, the building of the transcontinental railroad, and the expansion of industrialization, which lured skilled and semiskilled English laborers. The sharp incline in English immigration reached its peak in 1882 and 1888 as annual migration hit 80,000

Which branch of the Service has the highest percentage of Hispanic or Latino Americans?

Fifteen percent of Navy personnel are Hispanic or Latino. This is the highest percentage of all the military branches

During the earliest time of immigration, what was the main reason for 20,000 English Puritans to immigrate to the Massachusetts Bay colony between 1629 and 1640?

From 1629 to 1640, more than 20,000 English Puritans—men, women, and children—immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay colony when King Charles I shut down Parliament, silencing the Puritan voice. These immigrants, like their predecessors, migrated to the New World to obtain religious.... ----------------------------------- In 1620, English pilgrim men and women aboard the famous Mayflower, founded Plymouth colony in Massachusetts. Their encounters with American Indians were mutually respectful and bound by a six-point treaty outlining moral behavior toward each other. By 1627, 160 colonists lived in Plymouth colony. From 1629 to 1640, more than 20,000 English Puritans—men, women, and children—immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay colony when King Charles I shut down Parliament, silencing the Puritan voice. These immigrants, like their predecessors, migrated to the New World to obtain religious freedom even though it was an economic strain to leave England. They were predominately educated and middle class (Betlock, 2012).

What term defines a person who traces their origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, or other Spanish culture regardless of race?

Hispanic or Latino refers to a person having origins in Cuba, Mex ico, Puerto Rico, South or Central America, or other Spanish culture regardless of race.

What ideas or beliefs by traditional Koreans causes conflict with the American concept of individual freedom?

Koreans have had to make major cultural adjustments to live in the United States. Traditional Koreans are greatly influenced by the principle of placing elders, family, and community before the individual. These ideas can conflict with the American concept of individual freedom. Korean Americans have preserved their identity by creating organizations, such as Korean Christian churches and Korean schools. These organizations provide a way for new immigrants to alleviate this cultural conflict

What is a Navajo Code Talker?

Marine Corp Navajo code talkers were instrumental in the Pacific campaign during WWII. Navajo code talkers used their native tongue to pass more than 800 messages back and forth, while the Marines established a beachhead. Many say that if it weren't for the Navajo code talkers, the Americans wouldn't have taken Iwo Jima

Which group makes up the largest Hispanic or Latino population in the U.S.?

Mexican Americans make up the largest Hispanic or Latino group in the United States.

What do the Compact of Free Association (COFA) agreements provide Pacific Islanders?

Most interaction between the U.S. Government and the Pacific Islands are dictated by a Compact of Free Association (COFA). These COFA agreements state that migrants can live and work in the United States without applying for legal citizenship. COFA agreements were renewed in 2003 (Under Secretary for Political Affairs, 2014).

How does the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) define the racial group "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?"

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NH/PI) refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands (Office of Management and Budget, 1997). ----------------------------------- In the 2010 Census, the Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population includes people who marked the "Native Hawaiian," "Guamanian or Chamorro," "Samoan," or the "Other Pacific Islander" checkbox. It also includes people who reported entries such as Pacific Islander; Polynesian entries such as Tahitian, Tongan, and Tokelauan; Micronesian entries such as Marshallese, Palauan, and Chuukese; and Melanesian entries such as Fijian, Guinean, and Solomon Islander

What was the major problem with President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation that took effect January 1, 1863?

President Abraham Lincoln, convinced that slavery was despicable, issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation declaring that on January 1, 1863 all slaves would be free. The Emancipation Proclamation served more as a battle cry than an actual law. The proclamation was limited to only slaves in states that seceded from the Union, which fell on deaf ears. However, it served to turn the war into a fight for personal freedom, as millions of Americans were captivated by cause to end the oppression

What is defined as intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent

Sexual Assault The term "sexual assault" includes a broad category of sexual offenses consisting of the following specific UCMJ offenses: Rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these acts

Which Shawnee led the effort to unite American Indians to fight against White settlers because he believed all the land belonged to the American Indians?

Tecumseh, a famous Shawnee and great orator, tried to convince many American Indians to unite in the fight against White settlers because he felt that all the land in the country belonged to American Indians. He traveled many miles, but despite his powerful speeches, he wasn't successful. However, in the War of 1812, the British admired Tecumseh's leadership and appointed him brigadier general in their ranks. Some warriors from the Shawnee and other tribes joined the British. Tecumseh assisted in taking Detroit, but died from his wounds on October 5, 1813

What was the purpose of the 13th Amendment? 14th Amendment? 15th Amendment?

The 13th Amendment abolishing slavery was enacted in 1865, but Black Americans didn't receive the rights of citizenship until the 14th Amendment in 1868. Black Americans gained the right to vote in 1870, due to the execution of the 15th Amendment. However, post-war Black Americans had a difficult road because these Constitutional provisions were ignored in many areas

What was the greatest factor that limited North African Muslims from immigrating to the U.S. prior to 1965?

The 1924 quota system was eliminated with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act. Middle Easterners found it easier to obtain entrance and work visas. This change in immigration legislation brought about the first large scale influx of Yemeni immigrants alone

What was the purpose of the Mexican Repatriation from 1930 to 1935?

The Great Depression (1929-1939) was particularly harsh for Mexican Americans. Due to the declining number of jobs in the country, President Herbert Hoover ordered the Federal Bureau of Immigration to transport Mexican immigrants and naturalized Mexican American citizens to Mexico from 1930 to 1935, some of whom were American born. During this Mexican Repatriation, approximately two million were taken, some by force, to Mexico (Digital History, 2014).

In the mid-1800s, what occurred in Ireland that led to the largest influx of Irish immigrants to the U.S.?

The Potato Famine. ------------------------------------- In 1800, Ireland and England became the United Kingdom, but discontent among the Irish prevailed and many came to the United States for a new start. The majority of the Irish immigrants were skilled laborers, while others were political dissenters. In the 1820s and 1830s most Irish immigrants were unskilled Catholic peasants fleeing their country to find opportunity. The Potato Famine of 1845 -1851 led to the largest influx of Irish immigrants to the United States. Most went to large urban cities mainly in the Northeast and in New Orleans, Chicago, and San Francisco. Longstanding English stereotypes of Irish being lazy, drunk scoundrels spread to the United States making it difficult for Irish to assimilate into mainstream society. Despite the negative stereotypes, prejudice, and poverty, they had some advantages over other immigrants. Most spoke English, had come from a country similar to the United States, and arrived in great numbers so they had a support system, an ethnic enclave.

What was the motivation for many Black slaves in the U.S. to fight during the Revolutionary War?

The Revolutionary War was a chance for Black slaves to find liberty. Therefore, they sided with whichever army could ensure their freedom, and for many, that was the British. More Blacks fought for the crown than their new country. Approximately 100,000 Blacks escaped or died during the war. About 5,000 Black men served in the Continental Army. At the end of the war, Blacks who sided with the British lost their freedom; many became slaves in the Caribbean, while others ended up becoming slaves again in such places as Savannah and Charleston

What is meant by the term, Triangular Trade?

The Transatlantic Slave Trade is also called the Triangular Trade because of its three steps. First, the ships departed from Europe to Africa loaded with commodities. The goods were then traded for slaves, who were transported in tight quarters on ships that sailed to the Americas. In the third leg, the Europeans filled the ships with sought-after goods, such as tobacco, coffee, cotton, sugar, and rum, and journeyed back to Europe (UNESCO, 2014). In the Caribbean, the enslaved mainly wor ed on sugar plantations. Other ships carrying slaves sailed straight to the United States

Bystander effect, also known as bystander apathy, is best described as:

The bystander effect (also known as bystander apathy) is a psychological phenomenon where persons are less likely to intervene in a situation when others are present than when they are alone

What caused the slave trade to become so prominent as far back as the 1500s?

The slave trade became prominent when the Europeans established trading posts in Africa and began the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the 1500s. The Transatlantic Slave Trade, or Triangular Trade, was the main reason for the unprecedented numbers of slaves in the New World, which included the Americas and the Caribbean.

Since WWII, what has slowed the immigration of Japanese people to below modern day quotas?

The success of Japan's economy since World War II has lowered the number of Japanese immigrants to well below the 20,000 quota allotted to Japan. Recently, Japanese immigrants have dropped to less than two percent of all Asian immigrants. Due to these low numbers, the Japanese communities in large cities are not being culturally replenished as second- and third-generation Japanese move to the suburbs. In fact, many third- and fourth-generation Japanese Americans are not literate in the Japanese language

In modern Chinese-American life, where do most Chinese Americans place the highest priority?

Today, most Chinese Americans place the highest priority on the family. This priority may be the reason Chinese Americans perform well in education across all income levels. As a whole, Chinese American educational achievement is well known. Chinese Americans are disproportionally represented among the top research universities as well as elite small liberal colleges. However, it should not be assumed that all Chinese Americans are in happy, intact, successful families, raising college-bound children. Traditional concepts of family and parenting have undergone drastic changes in America. Chinese Americans also have their share of family breakups, domestic violence, school dropouts, and other obstacles to overcome

What was offered by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to citizens of Mexico?

Under the terms of the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" (signed February 1848), the Republic of Mexico ceded to the United States more than one-third of its former territory, including what are now the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, and parts of several other state ------------------------------------- The first significant influx of Hispanic/Latino immigrants to the United States. occurred during the California Gold Rush or just after most of the modern boundary between the United States and Mexico was established at the end of the U.S.-Mexican War (1846- 1848). Under the terms of the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" (signed February 1848), the Republic of Mexico ceded to the United States more than one-third of its former territory, including what are now the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, and parts of several other states.

What were three interactions with European an or American explorers that posed serious threats to the Alaska Native way of life?

a. Russian explorers reached the shores of the Northwest and Arctic Alaska in the 1700s, but without much interaction with or effect on the Alaska Natives. It wasn't until the early 1800s when European traders came to the regions that the Alaska Natives and their visitors communicated. Over time and with the frequency of European visits, the Alaska Natives became more accustomed to the encounters and their relationship with the Europeans grew. In the 1830s, a deadly smallpox epidemic was rampant and nearly annihilated villages due to the Alaska Natives' lack of immunity to the newly introduced diseases (Advameg, Inc., 2015). b. Whaling commerce changed the Alaska Native way of life. From 1848-1868, American whalers posed a threat Alaska Natives' existence by nearly eliminating walrus and bowhead whale populations essential for food and supplies. Whaling ship crews employed Alaska Native men to work aboard the ships and women to craft clothing, thus altering hunting life. The Alaska Natives then traded their labor instead of goods (Alaska Humanities Forum, 2014). The introduction of firearms to the Alaska Natives was equally dangerous to their food sources in the 1870s, as they nearly eliminated the caribou population. Famine set in, reducing the Alaska Native population (Advameg, Inc., 2015). c. In the late 1800s, gold miners and missionaries added to the influx of Americans and Europeans entering the Alaska region. The Alaska Natives' religious culture was shifting as Christian missionaries from various denominations started congregations and built schools (Advameg, Inc., 2015). In 1867, Russia signed an agreement with the United States to cede possession of Alaska for $7.2 million. Alaska became the 49thstate in 1959 (Alaska Native Curriculum Project, 2014).

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