Exam Practice Multiple Choice

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41. Penicillium mold growing on an agar plate inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria and led to the concept of A. symbiosis. B. conjugation. C. antibiotics for bacterial control. D. germ theory of disease. E. sexual reproduction in fungi.


44. Rhizines are often present in which of the following lichen thallus layers? A. upper cortex B. medulla C. algal layer D. lower cortex E. all of these answers are correct


45. Lichens A. are a form of moss.B. usually grow very rapidly.C. are chiefly confined to wet or permanently damp areas.D. do not reproduce asexually.E. occur in a variety of colors and forms. 60. Rusts produce their spores along plate like gills. FALSE 61. Lichens are classified into groups based on their evolutionary relationships. FALSE 62. Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms. FALSE 63. Yeasts are multicellular fungi that are important in the brewing and baking industries. FALSE 64. A large group of plant parasites belong to the Sac Fungi. TRUE 65. The Imperfect Fungi are so-called because they have no known sexual stage of the life cycle. TRUE 66. Lichens feature a symbiosis between a fungus and a red algal species. FALSE 67. Each species of lichen has its own species of fungus. TRUE


48. In black bread molds, the spores are produced at the tips of upright hyphae.


A fungus closely related to Penicillium and used to make soy sauce (shoyu) is A. Aspergillus.B. Rhizopus. C. Pilobolus. D. Agaricus campestris. E. Physcia.


A ringlike membrane on the stalk of a mushroom is called a/an A. annulus.B. veil.C. peripheral mycelium.D. volva.E. gill.


Except for a ring of appendages, earth stars resemble A. common mushrooms. B. slime molds. C. bird's-nest fungi. D. puffballs. E. shelf or bracket fungi


Hyphae at the tips of which spores are produced externally (as opposed to within a sporangium) are called A. sporangiophores. B. conidiophores. C. gametophores. D. progametangia. E. pseudophores.


In fungi, mitosis takes place in__________ A. the ascus. B. the basidium. C. the sporangium. D. the hyphae. E. all of these structures.


In mushrooms, meiosis takes place in this structure. A. ascusB. basidiumC. sporangiumD. hyphaeE. underground mycelium


Monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelia would be found in A. morels. B. athlete's foot fungus. C. yeasts. D. black bread molds. E. puffballs.


Mushrooms and toadstools are reproductive structures characteristic of Phylum __________. A. Zygomycota B. Basidiomycota C. Deuteromycota D. Chytridiomycota E. Ascomycota


Mushrooms that are reported to have more than twice the nutritional value of common edible mushrooms are A. morels. B. Black Forest (Shiitake) mushrooms. C. truffles. D. false morels. E. puffballs.


One reason lichens may live for hundreds of years is that A. they reproduce by spores.B. they are completely independent of photosynthesis for their nutrition. C. they have in their thalli gelatinous substances that aid in resisting drying. D. they are able to parasitize trees and other plants. E. they occur in a wide variety of forms.


Prized by gourmets around the world, _______________________ are two edible fruiting bodies of sac fungi. A. Yeast and ergot B. Corn smut and Amanita C. Pilobolus and puffballs D. Bracket fungus and earth stars E. Truffles and morels


Rusts, smuts, and mushrooms all belong to this group. A. DeuteromycetesB. BasidiomycetesC. AscomycetesD. ZygomycetesE. none of these answers are correct


Stinkhorns and puffballs are examples of cup (sac) fungi.


Stinkhorns belong to the A. imperfect fungi. B. cup (sac) fungi. C. club fungi. D. coenocytic fungi. E. water molds.


Sufu and tempeh are made by inoculating soybeans with a A. cup (sac) fungus. B. club fungus. C. imperfect fungus. D. coenocytic fungus. E. bread mold.


The characteristic reproductive structure produced by fungi in the phylum __________, the coenocytic true fungi, is the ______________. A. Ascomycota; zygosporangium B. Zygomycota; zygosporangium C. Basidiomycota; ascospore D. Deuteromycota; basidiospore E. Chytridiomycota; ascoma


The dung-inhabiting Pilobolus fungus is __________, and can catapult sporangia up to 8 meters (26 feet) away from the dung pile where they are growing. A. moisture sensitive B. temperature sensitive C. sensitive to grazing animals D. light sensitive E. dangerous


The form of the reproductive structure of the Basidiomycota give this phylum the common name of the ___________________ A. club fungi. B. water molds. C. bread molds. D. sac fungi. E. imperfect fungi.


The horse dung fungus, Pilobolus, and black bread molds have coenocytic hyphae.


The little bypass loops on the sides of dikaryotic hyphae are A. sexually reproductive hyphae. B. evidence the fungus is being parasitized. C. developing sporangia. D. clamp connections. E. asexually reproductive hyphae.


The only known antidote for poisoning from death angel and similar mushrooms is A. penicillin. B. egg white. C. extracts of milk thistle (silibinin and silymarin). D. lentinacin. E. interferon.


The tiny pegs on which basidiospores are produced are A. gills. B. sterigmata. C. asci. D. suspensors. E. rhizoids.


Truffles are the reproductive bodies of A. cup (sac) fungi. B. club fungi. C. imperfect fungi. D. coenocytic fungi. E. water molds.


Two parasitic fungal diseases classified in the Ascomycota that have completely changed the urban landscape and deciduous forests in eastern North America are __________________. A. ergot and bracket fungi B. downy mildew and corn blight C. Dutch elm disease and Chestnut blight D. wheat rust and fire blight E. None of the above


Upright hyphae that produce sporangia at their tips are known as A. asci. B. basidia. C. zygospores. D. columellae. E. sporangiophores.


Which of the following feature sets the bread molds and water molds apart from other groups of fungi? A. asexual spores B. coenocytic hyphae C. sexual reproduction D. conidia E. no members of any particular economic importance


Which of the following is a fungal protuberance that penetrates another organism's cells and aids in digestion of the penetrated cells? A. vegetative hypha B. progametangium C. enzymatic hypha D. haustorium E. None of these answers are correct.


Which of the following pairs of diseases is associated with cup (sac) fungi? A. peach leaf curl, chestnut blight. B. white pine blister rust, black stem rust of wheat. C. downy mildew, molds of fish. D. aspergilloses, white piedra. E. late blight of potato, black bread mold.


Which of the following pairs of fungi belongs to the imperfect fungi (Phylum Deuteromycota)? A. ringworm fungi, athlete's foot fungi B. stinkhorns, puffballs C. molds of fish, Pilobolus D. morels, truffles E. rusts, smuts


Which of the following useful products is NOT associated with cup (sac) fungi? A. ethyl alcohol B. yeasts C. vitamins D. common edible mushrooms E. truffles


Which of the following was the first antibiotic isolated from a fungus? A. streptomycin B. cyclosporine C. tetracycline D. actinomycin E. penicillin


Yeasts are a source of which of the following? A. ingredients for explosives B. medicinal drugs C. high protein cattle feed D. B vitamins E. all of these answers are correct

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