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Justification of Sinners

Justified us by crucifying Christ for us and crucifying us in Christ


Knowledge - we must know about the One in whom we have faith if our faith is to be distinguished from mere superstition


Meaning mutual indwelling, this term is used to point to the relational nature of God, such that each person of the trinity indwells the others

What does it mean that calling is "effectual"?

Multi-faceted reality of conversion including illumination, regeneration, faith, and repentance - it is effectual in that it is successfully brought to fruition by the working of the Spirit

Is the Spirit a surrogate for an absent Christ? Why or why not?

NO!!!!!!!! Christ says he will not leave us as orphans - says I will come to you


Neither causal nor chronological priority between faith and repentence. Two sides of the same coin. Turning AWAY from sin. Expression of Faith


Neither causal nor chronological priority between faith and repentence. Two sides of the same coin. Turning TO Jesus. Expression of repentence

Active Obedience of Christ

While the death of Christ surely secures our forgiveness, his active, obedient, faithful life is also regarded as ours! Christ himself is our righteousness


a go between who brings together parties who were not in communion and whose relationship had been profoundly ruptured and disrupted - There is one mediator between God and man


a serious purpose of sinning no more so as to live a life of faith expressed in godliness


absence of hostility guilt, servile fear, and exposure to retributive punishment - presence of forgiveness, fellowship, freedom and assurance of personal acceptance - goal of Christs mediation

Total Depravity

affirms that sin has affected every aspect of fallen humanity (i.e. refers to the scope of sin's effect, not the degree), meaning that fallen humans are spiritually "dead," and thus wholly incapable of responding positively to God on their own accord. Thus the correlate of

Prevenient Grace

all humans are able to once again respond to God "freely." Arminians appeal to the many biblical texts that command people to believe and/or repent, insisting that responsibility requires ability. (grace is given to all, precedes salvation, restores free will, and enables sinners to cooperate with God in salvation if they so choose. Thus the salvation offered by God in Christ may be either received or repudiated.


can not be equal to Sanctification

Moral Influence Theory

championed by Peter Abelard, popular today among Christians and Unitarians.The theory that Christ's death was not a payment for sins but simply a demonstration of how much God loved human beings, because it showed how God identified with their sufferings, even to the point of death. The atonement becomes, then, an example designed to draw from us a grateful response.

Libertarian Freedom

completely alien to scripture. Arminians allow the possibility of apostasy, in large part, because they retain a strong sense of libertarian human freedom with respect to salvation, meaning that believers are able to freely reject Christ even after being "born again."


descriptive word for our union with christ as described by adoption


enlightening - a work that enables us to grasp, believe, and love the self-disclosure of God in the biblical text as read, proclaimed, or explained by teachers/writers

"Unlimited" Atonement

everyone except thoroughgoing universalists espouse an understanding of the atonement that.. The view that Christ's death actually paid for the sins of all people who ever lived.


genuine believers can in fact come to a point where they deny Christ, lose their salvation. Arminians allow the possibility of apostasy, in large part, because they retain a strong sense of


grand reality in which sinners, having ben brought from spiritual death to life in regeneration, respond to the Spirit's activity in and through the gospel by willingly and joyfully turning to Jesus Christ in Faith, and turning from their former course of life, characterized rebellion against God in the form of self-lordship

Servile/Filial Fear

healthy fear


identities, children of God beneficiaries of the very same love and benefits that God the Father has for the son


if we are sons/daughters of God, then we are co-heirs with Christ, who receive the "full rights" of children by sharing in all the blessings of the first- born Son.

Corporate Election

in which God elects groups of people—namely, Israel and the church—without choosing specific individuals to constitute that corporate entity.

Conditional Election

in which God's choosing of individuals to salvation is based upon God's foreknowledge of their faith

Unconditional Election

it is neither based on the works of the elect nor on God having foreseen the works of the elect


judiciary act of God


justification is the verdict of God breaking into the present.A term to describe the "last things" (death, judgement, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, the Second Coming of Christ, and the resurrection of the body).


legal, financial counselor, labor arbitrator

Preservation of the Saints

maintains that those who God brings to salvation will inevitably be preserved in that salvation, and will persevere in faith to the end. It is God who initiates and effects our salvation, and it is God who insures our salvation. This doctrine does NOT mean all self-professed Christians will inevitably be saved, but that all who are united to Christ by Spirit-wrought faith will continue in faith, and thus in Christ, forever.

Penal Substitution Theory

majority position held, Jesus Christ voluntarily offered himself a as a perfect sacrifice to the Father and was punished in place of humans (substitution) bearing all so humans might be justly forgiven - Calvin says satisfaction through punishment


most important aspect of saving faith - personal trust in the gospel. Not static or abstract, but heart felt trust in the living and present savior


not true faith because no knowledge


of the same substance

Justification of Christ

on the cross Christ was justified by God

What is the difference between the condemnation of a Judge and the discipline of a Father?

one is out of love


priestly aspect of Christ's personhood entails bringing us to God, including both his once-for-all action and his ongoing intercession


putting upon us or someone else something that wasn't theirs but now really is


regeneration is a cooperative effort between God and man


regeneration is the work of God alone


sanctify is to make holy, 1) being separated from that which is mundane, being set apart to and for God


saying you are saved by doing the laws


self preoccupied sense of remorse for the consequences of sin, yet without contempt for the sin, or the resolve to forsake the sin

If the Spirit is in any sense less than or other than God, the gospel is forfeited and we remain in our sins. Why?

the Holy Spirit is the Breath of God, the personification of God's power in action. For unless the being and activity of the Spirit is the being and activity of the Father and the Son, we are not and cannot be saved. The Spirit mediates to us the saving presence of Jesus Christ, in that the Spirit is the bond who unites us to Jesus Christ (John 14:16- 20).


the making of amends, the restoration of ruptured and disrupted relationship. reconciled to him who loves us, with whom we were enemies on account of sin


the mastery of information and method/technique with the knowledge of God different from faith

Progressive Sanctification

the ongoing work of God in which he calls believers to cooperate in gradual growth toward holiness, awaiting the fulfillment of their salvation

Definitive Sanctification

the part of our sanctification that is already complete. the instantaneous act of God by which believers break from the sphere of sin and are transferred to the sphere of holiness, being set apart to him


trust captures the notion of personal dependance contained in the biblical notion of faith

-Works of Satisfaction

works done to receive grace

Effectual Calling

-our response summoned by God -God working in a particularly effective way with the elect enabling them to respond in repentance

Applied/Realized Union with Christ

1 Cor 1:30 - He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption

What is the difference between a mediator and an intermediary? Which is Christ? Why?

A mediator must have communion with both parties to identify with, maintain the interests of, and represent the parties to each other, while a intermediary is a legal/financial counselor and labor arbitrator

How might the grand reality of election provide consolation to the believer and missionary, evangelistic impetus to the church?

Election is motivation for evangelism and missions. God tells Paul that God's choosing of the elect is the reason Paul doesn't need to be afraid to preach the gospel, Paul says that God's choosing of the elect gives him the ability to endure the hardships of ministry.

What is definitive sanctification? What is progressive sanctification? How do they relate?

Definitive sanctification is the completed reality - we are genuinely new creatures who have been set apart. But progressive sanctification is about the ongoing part of sanctification because we have divided hearts. Progressive sanctification concerns the continual and = increasing manifestation of who we are in Christ while definitive concerns who we already are in Christ.

Ransom Theory

Dominant view in the church for 1,000 years, championed by Martyr, Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, greg the great, Peter Lombard. Influenced by the church's cultural condition - imperial and satanic/demonic activity of the greco-roman world. Ransom means redemption through the payment of a price. Objective, direction of cross is to Satan

--What are the pastoral benefits of this doctrine, or better, of this grand reality known as calling?

Effectual calling? God's once for all calling of his people cannot be thwarted - it is irreversible and ultimately incapable of frustration

How might one's understanding of human sin inform his/her understanding of election?

Election is an act of mercy with a view to redemption. It presupposes that the human race is fallen and in need of being saved.

Pretemporal Union with Christ

Ephesians 1:3-4 - chose in him before the foundations of the world

Consumated Union with Christ

Ephesians 1:7-10 - in him we have redemption to unite all things in him, Ephesians 2:6-7 - raised us and sat us in the heavenly places

What does it mean to be heirs of God with Christ? What do we receive? What shall we inherit?

Everything a true son inherits - love, access to the Father, privilege of trusting, inner witness of the Spirit, eternal inheritance, desire to live obediently, holiness to happiness, relationship as siblings with those in Christ

Fatalism and/or philosophical determinism has precisely nothing to do with a biblical notion of election. Why?

Fate is a notion relating to philosophical determinism, which is utterly alien to Scripture. Scripture never separates ends from means, given that God ordains both. What election does, however, is relieve us from the false and presumptuous burden of self-lordship and the delusion of our own feigned sovereignty.

-Adoption is a profoundly Trinitarian reality. Can you articulate the ministries of Father, Son, and Spirit in making us sons and daughters of the living God?

Father is obvi the Father, Christ is our sibling our root of our adoption in him, and the spirit is a benefit of adoption

Justification of God

God justifies himself by demonstrating his own unswerving irreducible holiness - by making good on his claim that the wages of sin is death and all sinner must die

What are some ways in which Christians partake in and thus benefit from the threefold office of Christ?

God's people partake in the prophetic office in that the anointing of Christ, their head, is diffused to them that they can bear witness to Christ, priesthood: in Christ we are set apart and drawn into the presence of God, and we may now offer ourselves all to God freely.

What is the difference between holiness and moralism?

Holiness come from God himself while moralism is just acting moral but can be done in spite of the Lord and his goodness and truth

Governmental Theory

Hugo Grotius, Death of Christ was not substitutional because sin and guilt are non transferrable, objective and subjective - to us, Christ offered as a token rather than complete payment, therefore God demonstrated mercy and forgiveness while upholding the moral law of the universe, needed the example to stop sinning

--Roman Catholics sometimes speak of the Protestant/Evangelical doctrine of justification as a "legal fiction." Would you agree? Why or why not?

If you detach it from the reality of being in Christ it is legal fiction, BUT in Christ it is an actual reality

Could you name and discuss the means of progressive sanctification spoken about in class?

Immersion in the hearing and reading of scripture, Law of God, Lord's Supper, The Body of Christ the Church

What is the relationship between justification and adoption?

Justification is the basic blessing which adoption presupposes, whereas adoption is the crowning blessing for which justification clears the way.

Can justification and sanctification be divided? How are they related, and upon what basis?

Justification is the legal declaration which clearly does not make us act more like Christ aka sanctification


Justification is the legal, or forensic, aspect of our union with Christ. In other words, it is the judicial act of God whereby he declares us righteous, having: 1) judged our sins in Christ; and 2) imputed Christ's righteousness to us. Consequently, our status/standing before God is decisively and permanently set right/rectified.

Luther famously called justification "the article upon which the church stands or falls." He did so because one's understanding of justification shapes his/her understanding of grace, faith, the Christian life, the church, etc. How does justification relate to and inform these issues?

Justification profoundly accentuates the justice, mercy, and wisdom of God. God justified himself by demonstrating his own unswerving irreducible holiness - by making good on his claim that the wages of sin is death and all sinners must die. God justifies us by crucifying Christ for us and us in Christ, putting an end to our sin and death by Christ becoming sin and death for us


"At-one-ment" = making of amends, reconciliation, the restoration of ruptured and disrupted relationship

What major biblical atonement themes does penal substitution comprehend and integrate?

1) Christ our obedient Adam - Christ's humanity is the basis for his identification and representation of mankind 2. Christ our legal substitute - only true keeper of the Torah (passive obedience) 3) Christ our all sufficient merit - Christ earned salvation, then brought us close to the Father 4) Christ our victor - 5) Christ our example - believers follow Christ's example not to be saved, but because they have been saved 6) Christ our sacrifice - fulfillment of sacrificial typology - central theme in the bible was his self- sacrifice

Total Inability

: affirms that sin has affected every aspect of fallen humanity (i.e. refers to the scope of sin's effect, not the degree), meaning that fallen humans are spiritually "dead," and thus wholly incapable of responding positively to God on their own accord. Thus the correlate of

Libertarian Free Will

: with respect to salvation, meaning that believers are able to freely reject Christ even after being "born again."


Agreement - is an essential component of saving faith, yet it alone is not saving faith.


Christ's self-offering appeases, assuages, averts God's wrath from sinners, as the wrath has been fully and finally borne away in the flesh of Christ

God always acts according to his sovereign freedom, but never acts arbitrarily. What is the difference and why does it matter?

Arbitrariness betrays the character of God, nothing of God is ever arbitrary. Rather, we were chosen - our election was prompted by God's unsolicited love

Why should Christians not falsely reduce the atoning work of Christ to his death only? What are some of the implications of doing so? Of what else does the atoning work of Christ consist?

Because Christ took on humanity in order to assume it, not just as a pre cross thing. The entirety of Christ's fleshly existence (life, death, resurrection) was so that we could participate in it. All he does in in our place as we participate with him because he took on our humanity and redeemed it.

Why should Christians not falsely dichotomize the person and work of Christ? What are some of the implications of doing so?

Because Christ's work and person are united in one, both are essential to our faith as his life is just as important as his death gaining us the privilege through the spirit to be bound to Christ. When we dichotomize, we cheapen the gospel, because Christ assumed our humanity and is cleansing and reconstituting us and making us straight again

What are the advantages of an ordo salutis? What are the drawbacks of formulating an ordo salutis which presents the various aspects/benefits of salvation in a linear, logical, and often chronological fashion? What misleading notions about salvation might this perpetuate?

Biblical support is present, and it helps to indicate how benefits of salvation are related to other benefits. In order to be biblically faithful and didactically beneficial it would need to reflect both the simultaneity and ongoing character of the various aspects of salvation. 3 misleading notions: salvation is a thing, various aspects of salvation are abstract, and some aspects of salvation are connected in interpersonal ways such as logic, law, cognition, and memory

Irresistable Grace

Calvinism maintains that God's redemptive action is effective to salvation in all those he chooses to save. This does NOT mean that God saves people against their will, but rather that God works within the elect in such a way that he takes away their disposition to reject him, so that they receive him willingly and readily. Preservation of the Saints: Calvinism

How might an ordo salutis with union with Christ as its center correct these misconceptions? What profound realities about soteriology might union with Christ accentuate?

Centering on Christ tells us salvation is a person - Jesus. And we appropriate salvation as a whole ONLY as we are united to Christ. Biblically speaking, the only way that salvation occurs is by becoming united to Jesus Christ. Our union with Christ has casual priority to all other benefits, our salvation is made complete in Christ while the ongoing effects will be realized eschatologically - speak of succeeding benefits that always speaks of ultimate fulfillment and perfect union with Christ.

Vicarious Humanity of Christ

Christ has borne unredeemed humanity in his person so that all he has done in the flesh he has done precisely for our sake and for our salvation - everything he does is in our place

--Glorious/Joyous Exchange

Christ imputed to us and our stuff imputed to Christ (2 Cor 5:21 - Christ became sin for us)

On what basis does God declare believing sinners righteous/justified? Do we receive Christ, the benefits of Christ, or both? Can you explain?

Christ is the basis of our justification, our union with him. It is upon the death of Christ - the atoning work of Christ whose sacrifice appeased God's holy wrath against sin and sinners. We receive both the benefits of Christ and Christ himself through justification

--Passive Obedience of Christ

Christ offering himself to take upon himself our consequence

Active Obedience of Christ

Christ perfectly kept and fulfilled the law

Satisfaction Theory

Christ restores God's honor, providing payment for the insult of our sin. championed by Anselm, high and late middle ages, objective - to the Father


Christ took on the full force of alienation in place of his fellow humans

Passive Obedience of Christ

Christ voluntarily offered himself to the Father through this on the cross


Christ's blood covers and blots our sin. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing.


Christ's kingdom and kingship are not of this world - Christ will always be eternal king

In what way(s) does Christ not only fulfill but transform the messianic offices of ancient Israel?

In Christ we no longer find the need to have three separate offices, rather they are all present and distinguishable but indivisible in one saving office. Prophet: christ is message and messenger, priest: Christ is sacrifice and sacrifice, king: Christ is victor and victory

--We tend to say, and rightly so, that we are saved by faith alone. Yet there is nothing meritorious or efficacious about faith. What, then, do we mean? Why and how can we be saved by faith alone if there is nothing inherently redemptive about faith?

In faith, we are receiving Christ and it is on the basis of Christ himself that we are saved, not really just our faith alone. But our faith is his faith so that faith is much more than our own.

When the church does not adequately understand that the Spirit is Revealer of God, mischief abounds. What are some ways in which this lack of understanding is manifested?

It becomes preoccupied with and beholden to gimmicks like being relative, preoccupied with rationalistic apologetics, mistaken faith for beliefism, misunderstands its mission- thinking its to convert not to bear witness,

What is an ordo salutis intended to formulate?

It denotes the logical and sometimes chronological sequence of and interrelations between the various aspects of salvation. It attempts to formulate the process by which the Holy Spirit begins, advances and completes the salvation of believers in Jesus Christ.

--What does the notion of "birth" or "being born" communicate about the nature of regeneration?

It helps us understand that regeneration is instantaneous and completely outside of something we do

How, and in what sense, is sanctification a work of God? How is it a work of the believer?

It is wholly God and wholly man - through Christ. It is botha work of God and man.

"Limited" Atonement

Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone


Jesus is the prophet of Israel - thus Christ is the supreme fullness and culmination of divine revelation. The ancient prophet spoke words from and about God, whereas Christ is the Word of God in human flesh

Imputed Righteousness of Christ

Jesus not only died for our sins, he is the representative human who fulfills all righteousness on our behalf. While the death of Christ surely secures our forgiveness, his active, obedient, faithful life is also regarded as ours!

Incarnational Union with Christ

John 1:14 - Word became flesh and dwelt among us

Christ teaches his disciples to call God their Father. On what basis can we call God our Father, and what do we mean when we make this stunning confession?

On the basis of our justification and adoption and our union with Christ


Our adoption is radical, in that it changes our identity. The world does not recognize us, as it did not recognize


Pneumatology, or the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, attracts surprisingly little attention in contemporary evangelical theology, despite evangelical Christianity's growing interest in spirituality, spiritual formation, and spiritual theology.

--Historic Protestants view justification as an event and a settled issue, whereas Roman Catholics view justification as a process which can and must be increased. Can you articulate these views?

Protestants understand that justification was a one and done thing - you can live into your justification, but you can never be ore justified than you are now. Roman Catholics think it is about being made righteous by the infusion of sanctifying grace - a process that begins at baptism and then you must increase in your justification if you want to avoid purgatory Justification does not involve merely the justification of sinners, as the justification of sinners involves the justification of God and the justification of Christ. In what sense(s) is this so

Is regeneration the result of placing faith in Christ, or is regeneration the work of God which makes faith in Christ possible? How does the way in which a person answers this question demonstrate what he/she believes about sin, and about faith?

Regeneration is the work of God which makes faith in Christ possible. It tells us that being born again is not the result of having believed as many Christians speak of it

What are the saving ministries of the Spirit? Why do these ministries show him to be God, the third person of the Trinity?

Regeneration, conversion, assurance, justification/sanctification, adoption, perseveranceThe spirit mediates us to the saving presence of Jesus Christ, in that the Spirit is the bond who unites us to Christ. The Holy spirit is the self-same God who is the bond of love between Father and Son, and the One who is and the One who mediates, the presence and blessings and holiness of God in Jesus Christ to us.

-Can you articulate the relationship between faith and repentance?

Repentance is best viewed as the flipside of faith, both of which are the fruits of regeneration, positively turning to Christ and negatively turning away from sin

--What is the difference between repentance that produces life and "repentance" that produces death? What is the difference between confessing and admitting sin? What is the difference between rendering a confession of sin and producing an explanation for sin?

Repentance must be focused upon God and upn true change and a godly grief, not a worldly one

--Righteousness of God

Righteousness of God we have become the righteousness of God because we are in Christ and he himself is our righteousness and redemption

John Calvin maintained that the sixteenth-century Roman church profoundly misunderstood the threefold office of Christ, particularly the prophetic and priestly aspects of that office. What are some features of Rome's theology/worship which betrayed this misunderstanding?

Rome multiplied mediators - it also showed when it presumed daily re-offering of Christ's sacrifice that it was not content with the sacrifice he had already given. For prophetic ministries - calvin said they stopped preaching the gospel and instead just coined new doctrines - showing they did not hold Christ as their head therefore didn't have a firm basis of salvation

Can you distinguish justification from sanctification?

Sanctification has do do with the eradication and transformation of our pollution and corruption so that God can make us righteous. Justification is not grounded on sanctification - rather sanctification is us living into the realities of our justification


Sanctification is Both Definitive and Progressive. Scripture repeatedly indicates that, in one sense, our sanctification is a definitive, completed reality, as is justification. As such, all believers are "saints." In what sense, then, is our sanctification a definitive, completed reality? In Jesus Christ we died to sin, having been crucified and raised to new life. Thus we are genuinely new (sanctified/set apart) creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17), albeit not yet totally new creatures.

Is sanctification a gift of God? Is sanctification monergistic?

Sanctification is the work of theFather, Son, HOLY SPIRIT. But it is a gist that calls forth or elicits our joyous willing participation


Saying you are saved by grace so you can sin all you want

--Our relationship with God is not based upon our personal piety or our repentance of sin. To think otherwise would be to espouse some species of self-salvation (autosoterism is the fancy theological term). Why, then, do we repent?

So that we are not maintaining the legitimacy of impertinent faith, and because the call to repent was the constant summons of the prophets to the straying nation of Israel and is the first and fundamental summons of the preaching found throughout the Newer Testament

Divine Impassibility/Apathea

The God of the prophets and apostles is not the god of the Greek philosophers, in that immutability does not suggest impassibility, or apathea—the philosophical term meaning perfect indifference to all things external to one's self, or the utter lack of emotion (i.e. disinterested benevolence/willed altruism/dispassionate commitment).

Definite/Particular Redemption

The Point of Contention: Did the death of Christ actually secure salvation for a certain number of people—namely, the elect. Either way, they agree on - Not all will be saved, the gospel can and should be offered freely and genuinely to all people, The sacrifice of Christ is of infinite redemptive value.

Hypothetical/General Redemption

The Point of Contention: Did the death of Christ actually secure salvation for a certain number of people—namely, the elect. Either way, they agree on - Not all will be saved, the gospel can and should be offered freely and genuinely to all people, The sacrifice of Christ is of infinite redemptive value.

Functional Subordination

The Son is subject (i.e. functionally subordinate) to the Father, in that the Son is commissioned by the Father and in the Father's name. The Spirit is subject (i.e. functionally subordinate) to the Father, in that the Spirit is commissioned by the Father in the Son's name. The Spirit is subject (i.e. functionally subordinate) to the Son and the Father, in that the Spirit is sent by the Son as well as the Father.

Ontological Subordination

The Son is subordinate to the Father in that the Son has an essence which is inferior to the Father's.

The Spirit is the personification of God's power in action. More to the point, the Spirit is the personification of God's holy love in action. Can you articulate why this is so—using examples?

The Spirit is the giver of life - agent in creation, gives life to sinnersSpirit is the purifying agent of God's people - holiness is a divine attribute, HS makes us partake in God's holiness. Unifying agent of God's people - unity must be revealed. Ever-present love of God indwelling God's people - Seen between the Father and the Son - love is ceaseless and overflowing


The Spirit of Christ is the "Spirit of adoption," and his inner testimony to our spirits causes us to cry, "Daddy (Abba)! Father!"


The Spirit's gracious work upon the inner person

Baptismal Regeneration

The belief that water baptism effects the saving work of the Holy Spirit in washing away original sin. Regeneration through baptism - Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and some expressions of Anglicanism hold to it.


The coorporate resurrection of believers

How does the threefold office of Christ displays the continuity between the Older and Newer Testaments, and thus accentuate the irreducible "Jewishness" of Christ?

The name Christ means messiah, which had 3 offices in the older testament. Labeling Christ as fulfilling all of these recognizes his Jewishness

How does the threefold office of Christ give shape to his role as the sole mediator between God and humans?

The name Christ means messiah, which had 3 offices in the older testament. Labeling Christ as fulfilling all of these recognizes his Jewishness


The nation of Israel claimed to know God as Father, but it was not at all common for individual Jews to address God as "Father." Jesus both knows and addresses God as his own Father, and invites us into a similar Father/child relationship, teaching us to pray: "Our Father, who art in heaven... (Matthew 6:9).

What are some of the prominent features of our union with Christ?

The union is intimately and intensely personal and profoundly real, spiritual, incorporates us into the Father/Son relationship, and mystical


The verb election means "to select, or to choose out." With each type of election mentioned here, we are speaking of the gracious and free action of God. When speaking of the last type of election mentioned here, we are speaking of the gracious and free action of God, by which he, before the foundation of the world, chose individuals to be included in Jesus Christ, and thus to enjoy all the blessings of salvation in him.


Total Depravity; 2) Unconditional Election; 3) Limited Atonement; 4) Irresistible Grace; and 5) Perseverance of the Saints.

What are some ways in which union with Christ is theologically and pastorally important?

Union with Christ keeps us robustly Christocentric and Trinitarian. We know everything is centered on Christ, whom without we would just have abstracted by products of salvation.

Faith is not the "meritorious cause of salvation," but the "instrumental cause of salvation." Can you explain why?

We are included in Christ through belief in him - instrument and object of our faith

Remedial Discipline

We are the beneficiaries of fatherly discipline/correction, that we might be holy, and therein find happiness (Hebrews 12:7-11).

--Though some argue for a distinction between faith and assurance, I, with Calvin, maintain that faith is assurance—that to be possessed of faith is to be possessed of assurance. Why? Hint: it has everything to do with the Object of our faith.

We confess that faith is the instrumental cause of salvation because faith is in the instrument through which we receive and thus are included in Jesus, Christ saves us through faith

Congruous/Condign Merit

What God rewards one's works of satisfaction according to roman catholics, the basis of a reward that is proportionate to their service

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