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A binary 1 to many relationship in an ER Diagram is represented by adding the primary key of the entity on the one side of the relationship as a foreign key to the entity on the many side.


A binary one-to-many relationship in an E-R diagram is best represented by: A) the creation of a separate relation; the primary key of this new relation is a composite key consisting of the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship. B) adding the primary key attribute (or attributes) of the entity on the one side of the relationship as a foreign key in the relation that is on the many side of the relationship. C) adding the primary key attribute (or attributes) of the entity on the many side of the relationship as a foreign key in the relation that is on the one side of the relationship. D) creating a relation with a composite primary key and nonkey attributes. E) none of the above.


A business rule is an integrity constraint specifying that the value of an attribute in one relation depends on the value of the same attribute in another relation.


A component of a software package or application in which training and educational information is embedded best defines: A) resident expert. B) computer-aided instruction. C) electronic tutorial. D) electronic performance support system. E) electronic encyclopedia.


A corporal key is one assigned by the system.


A data marker is a field of data that can be used to locate a related field or row of data.


A data model that represents data in the form of tables or relations is called a(n): A) hierarchical database model. B) network database model. C) relational database model. D) hybrid database model. E) object-oriented database model.


A default value is a value a field will assume unless an explicit value is entered for that field.


A file organization is an arrangement of related records in secondary memory so that individual and groups of records can be stored, retrieved, and updated rapidly.


A foreign key in a relation that references the primary key values of that same relation is referred to as a: A) secondary key. B) recursive foreign key. C) composite key. D) complex key. E) concatenated key.


A helpdesk is a single point of contact for all user problems and inquiries about a particular system.


A key can be redundant.


A named two-dimensional table of data is a(n): A) network. B) tree structure. C) relation. D) tuple. E) object.


A null value is used to represent the zero digit in a relation.


A particular relationship between two attributes best defines: A) context. B) functional dependency. C) normal form. D) structure. E) join.


A positive aspect of the direct installation approach is that there is a high interest in making installation a success.


A positive aspect of the phased installation approach is that it limits potential harm and costs from system error or failure to certain business activities or functions.


A positive aspect of the phased installation approach is that learning can occur and problems can be fixed by concentrating on one site.


A primary key is converted in a hashed file organization.


A primary objective of using automated tools for systems development and maintenance is to change radically how code and documentation are modified and updated.


A recursive foreign key is a foreign key in a relation that references the primary key value of the same relation.


A relation corresponds to a computer file.


A relation is in second normal form if every nonprimary key attribute is functionally dependent on the whole primary key.


A relation is said to be in second normal form if the primary key consists of a combination key, and the nonkey attributes are partially dependent on the primary key.


A relation is said to be in second normal form if the primary key consists of only one attribute.


A relation is said to be in second normal form when there are no transitive dependencies.


A relation that contains a minimum amount of redundancy and allows users to insert, modify, and delete the rows in a table without errors or inconsistencies is a(n): A) independent relation. B) simple relation. C) unnormalized relation. D) well-structured relation. E) derived relation.


A release description is an example of user documentation.


A risk associated with the direct installation approach is that not all aspects of the new system can be compared to the old system.


A risk associated with the parallel installation approach is that there may be a delay until benefits result.


A strategy for training users so they can quickly learn the new system is a(n): A) training plan. B) installation plan. C) user guide. D) training curriculum. E) electronic performance support system.


A system administrator's guide is an example of external system documentation.


A systems analyst or programmer typically does syntax checking.


A technique used in testing modules, especially where modules are written and tested in a top-down fashion, where a few lines of code are used to substitute for subordinate modules describes: A) module testing. B) unit testing. C) top-down testing. D) stub testing. E) component-level testing.


A test case is a specific scenario of transactions, queries, or navigation paths that represent a typical, critical, or abnormal use of the system.


A testing technique in which participants examine program code for predictable language-specific errors defines: A) walkthrough. B) inspections. C) desk checking. D) syntax checking. E) integration testing.


A testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer is referred to as: A) inspection. B) system testing. C) desk checking. D) syntax checking. E) stub testing.


A well-structured relation contains data about two or more entities.


Activities occurring within maintenance include: A) transforming changes into requests. B) obtaining maintenance requests. C) determining a steering committee. D) marketing changes. E) adding data definition language to database.


All of the following are types of user documentation EXCEPT: A) release description. B) reference guide. C) acceptance sign-off. D) entity-relationship diagrams. E) user's guide.


All user training must be done as a formal course.


An attribute can be functionally dependent on more than one attribute.


An attribute that appears as a nonkey attribute in one relation and as a primary key attribute (or part of a primary key) in another relation is a: A) foreign key. B) candidate key. C) pointer. D) relationship key. E) marker.


An electronic performance support system is a component of a software package with training and education information embedded.


An entity whose primary key depends on the primary key of another entity is called a: A) referential entity. B) candidate entity. C) transitive entity. D) dependent entity. E) weak entity.


An overall test plan is developed during: A) systems implementation. B) systems analysis. C) logical design. D) physical design. E) systems planning and selection.


Analysis is one of the seven major activities associated with systems implementation and operation.


Another name for a unary relationship is a: A) recursive relationship B) composite relationship C) recovering relationship. D) partial relationship E) transitive relationship


Assume the structure of a relation is Employee (EmpID, Name, Dept, Salary). The number of attributes for this relation would: A) be three. B) be four. C) be five. D) be six. E) vary depending upon the number of employees.


Baseline routines are guidelines that list the instructions to construct an executable system from the baseline source code.


Build routines are software modules that have been tested, documented, and approved to be included in the most recently created version of a system.


Changes made to a system to evolve its functionality to changing business needs or technologies are referred to as: A) corrective maintenance. B) adaptive maintenance. C) preventive maintenance. D) perfective maintenance. E) environmental maintenance.


Changes made to a system to fix or enhance its functionality best defines: A) maintenance. B) support. C) repair. D) installation. E) coding.


Changes made to a system to repair flaws in its design, coding, or implementation describes: A) corrective maintenance. B) adaptive maintenance. C) preventive maintenance. D) perfective maintenance. E) programmatic maintenance.


Changing over from the old information system to a new one by turning off the old system as the new one is turned on best describes: A) phased installation. B) single location installation. C) parallel installation. D) direct installation. E) rotation installation.


Combining all normalized user views into one consolidated logical database model refers to: A) normalization. B) requirements structuring. C) file integration. D) view integration. E) logic modeling.


Conceptual modeling is performed during systems design.


Data security can be built into a file through encryption, passwords, or prohibiting users from directly manipulating a file.


Denormalization is the process of splitting or combining normalized relations into physical tables based on EFFICIENCY of use of rows and fields.


Denormalization reduces the chance of errors introduced by normalizing relations.


Designing the database for an Internet-based electronic commerce application differs significantly from the process followed when designing the database for other types of applications.


Desk checking is a testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer.


During alpha testing, users test a completed information system using simulated data.


During an inspection test, exactly what the code does is investigated.


During beta testing, users test a completed information system using real data in the real user environment.


During logic modeling, the normalized data requirements from all user interfaces are combined into one consolidated logical database model.


During logical database design, the work of all systems development team members is coordinated and shared through: A) the project dictionary. B) scheduled weekly meetings. C) the project leader. D) JAD sessions. E) walkthroughs.


During physical database design, relations from logical database design are translated into computer file specifications.


During physical design, you typically don't consider: A) the definitions of each attribute. B) the descriptions of where and when data are entered, retrieved, deleted, and updated. C) the expectations for response time and data integrity. D) the descriptions of the file and database technologies to be used. E) creating a new set of E-R models.


During recovery testing, the analysts try to break the system.


During stress testing, the analysts try to determine how the system performs on the range of possible environments on which it may be used.


During systems design, an overall test plan is developed.


Each column in a relation corresponds to an entity type.


Each entity type in an ER Diagram becomes an attribute.


Each regular entity type in an E-R diagram is transformed into a: A) row in a relation. B) column in a relation. C) relation. D) tuple in a relation. E) database.


Each row of a relation corresponds to a record that contains data values for an entity.


Efficient use of secondary storage and data processing speed are the two goals of physical table design.


Evolving the system to add new features or improve performance best describes: A) corrective maintenance. B) adaptive maintenance. C) preventive maintenance. D) perfective maintenance. E) evolutionary maintenance.


File restoration can be achieved through backup copies of a file, audit trails, and row image files.


For a binary many-to-many relationship existing between entity types A and B: A) a separate relation C is created; the primary key of relation C is a composite key consisting of the primary key for each of the two entities in the relationship. B) the primary keys of relation A and relation B become foreign keys in a new relation C. C) secondary keys are used to establish the relationship. D) place the primary key of either entity in the relation for the other entity or do this for both entities. E) Entity A and B are merged into one.


For a binary one-to-one relationship between two entities A and B, the relationship is represented by: A) adding the primary key of A as a foreign key of B. B) adding the primary key of C as a foreign key of D. C) combining the two entities into one relation. D) creating a third relation to represent the relationship between the two entities. E) deleting the primary keys.


For a binary one-to-one relationship between two entities, A and B, the primary key of A becomes a foreign key in B and the primary key in B becomes a foreign key in A.


For any relation R, if, for every valid instance of A, that value of A uniquely determines the value of B: A) then a primary dependency exists in the relation. B) then A is said to be functionally dependent on B. C) then B is said to be functionally dependent on A. D) then A and B are candidate keys for the relation. E) None of the above are T.


Generally speaking, a physical table always corresponds to a relation.


Generally speaking, logical and physical database design is performed in parallel with other systems design steps.


Given a FACULTY relation that includes both faculty and faculty sponsors attributes from the same data, this would be considered a: A) binary relationship. B) transitive relationship. C) recursive relationship. D) dependent relationship. E) singular relationship.


Given the relation EMPLOYEE(ID#, LastName, ProjectID, ProjectName) and ProjectID can determine ProjectName, but not last name, the relation violates: A) 1st normal form. B) Mills normal form. C) 2nd normal form. D) 3rd normal form. E) Olsen normal form.


If OrderNumber serves as the primary key in the ORDER relation and also appears as a nonkey attribute in the INVOICE relation, then OrderNumber is said to be a: A) foreign key. B) candidate key. C) pointer. D) relationship key. E) marker.


If for every valid value of A the value of B is determined by the value of A, then B is functionally dependent on A.


In general, data structure refers to grouping attributes from the logical database model into physical records.


Indexes should be used generously for databases intended primarily to support data retrievals.


Indexes should be used generously for databases that support transaction processing and other applications with heavy updating requirements.


Information systems personnel and end users are the two audiences for the final systems documentation.


Installation is the organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one.


Integration testing brings together all of the programs that a system comprises for testing purposes.


Internal documentation is system documentation that includes the outcome of structured diagramming techniques such as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams.


Key physical database design decisions typically do not include: A) choosing the storage format for each attribute from the logical database model. B) grouping attributes from the logical database model into physical records. C) arranging related records in secondary memory so that individual and groups of records can be stored, retrieved, and updated rapidly. D) selecting media and structures for storing data to make access more efficient. E) conducting requirements structuring.


Likely topics from which you must determine if training for system users will be useful include: A) customer service basics. B) system marketing. C) use of the system. D) sales. E) conference services.


Managing maintenance requests is a maintenance activity.


Many organizations are deploying Web-based push systems to provide a way to track support requests.


Most user documentation is now delivered: A) online, in hypertext format. B) through paper manuals. C) by calling technical support numbers. D) through help desks. E) by e-mail.


Multiple key retrieval is possible with sequential file organization.


Normalization helps build a data model that is simple, not redundant, and requires minimum maintenance.


Normalization is based on an analysis of weak entities.


Object-oriented database models are the most frequently used database technologies for new information systems development.


One of the purposes of logical and physical database design is to choose data-storage technologies that will efficiently, accurately, and securely process database activities.


One property of a relation is that entries in columns are from the same set of values.


Post-project reviews are part of the system design phase.


Preventive maintenance requires the least maintenance effort.


Referencing a relation, the sequence of columns cannot be interchanged without changing the meaning or use of the relation.


Referential integrity specifies that the value of an attribute of one relation depends on the existence of the same attribute in another relation.


Reverse engineering and reengineering tools are primarily used to maintain older systems that have incomplete documentation or that were developed prior to automated tools.


Sequential files are practical for random row retrievals.


Sequential retrieval on the primary key is impractical with the hashed file organization.


System documentation is the detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal workings, and its functionality.


System documentation that includes the outcome of such structured diagramming techniques as data-flow and entity-relationship diagrams best defines: A) embedded documentation. B) user documentation. C) internal documentation. D) external documentation. E) application documentation.


System documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time best defines: A) system documentation. B) user documentation. C) internal documentation. D) external documentation. E) embedded documentation.


System testing is the process of bringing together all of the modules that a program comprises for testing purposes.


Testing each module alone in an attempt to discover any errors that may exist in the module's code is referred to as: A) unit testing. B) system testing. C) stub testing. D) singular testing. E) a walkthrough.


Testing specialists are responsible for developing test plans, establishing testing standards, integrating testing and development activities in the life cycle, and ensuring that test plans are completed.


Tests performed during alpha testing that are designed to try to break the system are: A) stress tests. B) performance tests. C) recovery tests. D) security tests. E) stub tests.


The bringing together of all the programs that comprise a system for testing describes: A) unity testing. B) integration testing. C) system testing. D) implementation. E) a project walkthrough.


The coexistence of the old and new systems is characteristic of the parallel installation approach.


The creation of a separate relation is sometimes required to represent a relationship.


The deliverables from the coding, testing, and installation processes include: A) the creation of a document that will consolidate the information that must be considered when implementing a physically distributed systems design. B) structured descriptions and diagrams that outline the logic contained within each DFD process. C) the code, program documentation, test scenarios and test data, results of program and system testing, user guides, user training plan, and an installation and conversion plan. D) a database prototype. E) the creation of an analysis plan.


The dependence of nonprimary key attributes on other nonprimary key attributes best describes a: A) relationship dependency. B) transitive dependency. C) weak attribute. D) weak entity. E) weak relationship.


The extent to which a system is used and the user's satisfaction with the system are the two most common and trusted ways to determine if an implementation has been a success.


The hashed file organization determines the address for each row by using an algorithm.


The implementation and operation phase of the systems development life cycle is the most expensive and time-consuming phase of the entire life cycle.


The integrity constraint that specifies that the value (or existence) of an attribute in one relation depends on the value (or existence) of the same attribute in another relation is called: A) foreign integrity. B) attribute integrity. C) referential integrity. D) dependence integrity. E) join integrity.


The mean time between failures is a measurement of error occurrences that can be tracked over time to indicate the quality of a system.


The most common style for a logical database model is the: A) relational database model. B) hierarchical database model. C) network database model. D) object-oriented database model. E) hybrid database model.


The most complete acceptance testing will include: A) alpha testing, beta testing, and a walkthrough. B) beta testing, stub testing, and unit testing. C) desk checking, a system audit, and integration testing. D) a system audit, system testing, and integration testing. E) alpha testing, beta testing, and a system audit.


The network database model is a popular database technology for new information systems.


The network model is the most common style for a logical database model.


The number of customers for a given system influences most of the costs associated with maintaining a system.


The organizational process of changing over from the current information system to a new one best defines: A) reorganization. B) physical design. C) installation. D) replacement. E) system alteration.


The people who create the test cases should be the same people who have coded and will test the system.


The primary deliverable from logical database design is a conceptual model.


The primary deliverable from logical database design is: A) normalized relations. B) design specifications. C) an updated Baseline Project Plan. D) a list of alternatives design strategies. E) a production system.


The process of bringing together all of the modules that comprise a program for testing purposes is referred to as: A) unity testing. B) integration testing. C) system testing. D) implementation. E) stub testing.


The process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures is referred to as: A) normalization. B) simplification. C) structuring. D) process modeling. E) relational conversion.


The process whereby actual users test a completed information system, the end result of which is the users' acceptance of it, best defines: A) acceptance testing. B) alpha testing. C) beta testing. D) system testing. E) end user testing.


The process whereby the physical design specifications created by the design team are turned into working computer code by the programming team is referred to as: A) coding. B) testing. C) implementation. D) code conversion. E) production.


The purpose of a reference guide is to provide information on how users can use computer systems to perform specific tasks.


The purpose of a walkthrough is to identify and correct errors found in programming code.


The purpose of acceptance testing is to: A) determine if new requirements must be added to the newly completed system. B) determine if the system meets user requirements. C) determine if the system meets its objectives. D) test a completed information system using simulated data. E) test a completed information system using real data.


The purpose of alpha testing is to determine whether the software, documentation, technical support, and training activities work as intended.


The relation state specifying that nonprimary key attributes do not depend on other nonprimary key attributes is: A) first normal form. B) second normal form. C) Boyce-Codd normal form. D) third normal form. E) fifth normal form.


The result of normalization is that every nonprimary key attribute depends upon the whole primary key and nothing but the primary key.


The selection of data-storage technologies is made during the systems implementation and operation phase.


The selection of the appropriate data types of attributes from the logical database model is made during physical database design.


The systems administration plan answers such questions as when and where the new system will be installed, what people and resources are required, which data will be converted and cleansed, and how long the installation process will take.


The systems analysis phase of the SDLC is analogous to the maintenance process of obtaining maintenance requests.


The systems design phase of the SDLC is analogous to the maintenance process of designing changes.


The systems implementation and operation phase of the SDLC is analogous to the maintenance process of implementing changes.


The systems planning and selection phase of the SDLC is analogous to the maintenance process of transforming requests into a specific system change.


The type of testing responsible for determining what the code does is: A) a walkthrough. B) inspection. C) system testing. D) syntax checking. E) stub testing.


The value of a key attribute in a relation must uniquely identify every row in the relation.


This plan lays out a strategy for moving from the old system to the new. A) Systems service request B) Installation plan C) Training plan D) Testing plan E) Conversion guide


This type of user documentation allows users to test for proper system installation and then signify their acceptance of the new system and its documentation with their signatures. A) Acceptance sign-off B) User contract C) Request for Proposal (RFP) D) System verification E) Statement of Work


This type of user documentation contains information about a new system release, including a list of complete documentation for the new release, features and enhancements, known problems and how they have been dealt with in the new release, and information about installation. A) Reference guide B) User's manual C) Release description D) System administrator's guide E) Programmer's guide


This type of user documentation is intended primarily for those who will install and administer a new system and contains information about the network on which the system will run, software interfaces for peripherals such as printers, troubleshooting, and setting up user accounts. A) External documentation B) User's manual C) System documentation D) System administrator's guide E) Programmer's guide


Today's environment makes it possible to maintain and update external documentation as long as desired.


Training and support are not critical for the success of an information system.


Training on the use of the system begins during the early stages of: A) the systems analysis phase. B) logical design. C) implementation. D) the systems planning and selection phase. E) physical design.


Transforming requests into changes is a major maintenance activity.


Transitive attributes are attributes that determine other attributes.


Two different names used for the same attribute is called a homonym.


Two different names used for the same attribute is called a synonym.


Unit testing does not require automated code execution.


Unit testing is a technique used in examining individual lines of code, where a few lines of code are used to substitute for subordinate modules.


User documentation is now most often delivered in hypertext format.


User testing of a completed information system using real data in the real user environment refers to: A) acceptance testing. B) alpha testing. C) beta testing. D) system testing. E) live testing.


User testing of a completed information system using simulated data refers to: A) acceptance testing. B) alpha testing. C) beta testing. D) system testing. E) stub testing.


Using the normalized relation notation, an attribute of a relation which is the primary key of another relation is indicated by: A) an underline. B) a circle. C) a dashed underline. D) italics. E) a double-lined ellipse.


View integration is the last step of logical database design.


Walkthroughs are a very effective method for identifying errors in code.


When each nonprimary key attribute is identified by the whole key, the relation is said to be in at least: A) second normal form. B) third normal form. C) fourth normal form. D) fifth normal form. E) a relational form.


When modeling a many-to-many unary relationship, the primary key of the relation representing the relationship is always singular.


When transforming an E-R diagram into normalized relations, the identifier of the entity type becomes: A) the primary key of the corresponding relation. B) the foreign key in the corresponding relation. C) a nonkey attribute in the corresponding relation. D) a secondary key in the corresponding relation. E) a homonym in the corresponding relation.


When two relations, A and B, have a many-to-many relationship, we create a separate relation, C, to represent this.


When using the normalized relation notation, the primary key attribute is indicated by a dashed underline.


When using the sequential file organization, the addition of rows requires rewriting the file.


Which is the primary key(s) in the following STUDENT_GRADE(StudentID, CourseID, Grade)? A) STUDENT_GRADE B) StudentID C) CourseID D) StudentID, CourseID E) Grade


Which of the following are NOT recommended methods for computer training? A) Tutorials B) Resident expert C) External sources D) Interactive training manuals E) Using prior system manuals


Which of the following consists of an exhaustive list of the system's functions and commands, usually in alphabetical order? A) Reference guide B) User's guide C) Release description D) System administrator's guide E) Programmer's guide


Which of the following determines how the system performs on the range of possible environments in which it may be used? A) Performance testing B) Recovery testing C) Stress testing D) Range testing E) Security testing


Which of the following influences most of the costs associated with maintaining a system? A) Maintenance personnel B) Documentation quality C) Number of latent defects D) Number of customers E) Tools


Which of the following is NOT a T statement regarding a relation? A) Each relation consists of a set of named columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows. B) Each column in a relation corresponds to an attribute of that relation. C) An entry at the intersection of each row and column has a single value. D) The columns may not be interchanged or stored any sequence. E) The rows may be interchanged or stored in any sequence.


Which of the following is NOT a key step in logical database design? A) Combine normalized data requirements from all user interfaces into one consolidated logical database model. B) Compare the consolidated logical database design with the translated E-R model and produce, through view integration, one final logical database design for the application. C) Model how data flow through an information system, the relationships among the data flows, and how data come to be stored at specific locations. D) Translate the conceptual E-R data model for the application into normalized data requirements. E) Using normalization principles, develop a logical data model for each known user view for the application.


Which of the following is NOT associated with logical and physical database design? A) Structure the data in stable structures that are not likely to change over time and that have minimal redundancy. B) The preparation of a final conceptual model and the implementation of the database. C) Develop a logical database design from which we can do physical database design. D) Develop a logical database design that reflects the actual data requirements that exist in the forms and reports of an information system. E) Translate a relational database model into a technical file and database design.


Which of the following is a purpose of logical model and physical database design? A) Structure the data in unstable structures that are likely to change over time and that have extensive redundancy. B) Develop a logical database to help identify a steering committee. C) Develop a logical database design from which we can do physical database design. D) Translate a relational database model into network database models. E) Develop a marketing plan for both logical and physical database design.


Which of the following is a type of system documentation? A) Data-flow diagrams B) Quick reference guide C) Release description D) System administrator's guide E) Acceptance sign-off


Which of the following is the responsibility of testing managers? A) Developing marketing plans B) Integrating data and metadata C) Establishing testing standards D) Ensuring that trainees don't pass E) Requiring online testing


Which of the following maintenance cost elements is the most significant? A) Tools B) Software structure C) Personnel D) Number of customers E) Hardware


Which of the following properties of a relation states that an entry at the intersection of each row and column is single-valued? A) Entries in cells are simple. B) Entries in columns are from the same set of values. C) Each row is unique. D) The sequence of rows is insignificant. E) The sequence of columns can be interchanged.


Which of the following properties should be satisfied when the identifier of the entity type becomes the primary key of the corresponding relation? A) The value of the key must uniquely identify every row in the relation. B) The key should serve as a foreign key in at least two other relations. C) The key must be a composite of a primary key and a secondary key. D) The key should be an intelligent key. E) The key should allow for null values.


Which of the following types of maintenance accounts for as much as 70% of all maintenance activity? A) Preventive maintenance B) Corrective maintenance C) Adaptive maintenance D) Perfective maintenance E) Internal maintenance


Which of the following typically would be assigned the highest priority? A) Preventive maintenance B) Perfective maintenance C) Corrective maintenance D) Adaptive maintenance E) Evolutionary maintenance


Written or other visual information about an application system, how it works, and how to use it best defines: A) system documentation. B) user documentation. C) internal documentation. D) external documentation. E) application documentation.

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