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-a political and economic system in which all are equal


-a political apparatus (government institutions plus civil service officials) ruling over a given territory.

Stephen Castles and Mark Millar four tendencies of migration patterns

-acceleration -diversification -globalization -feminization

What are the likely causes of the U.S crime rate being higher than other nations?

-access to fire arms -subcultures of violence in cities -influence of "frontier tradition"

Interest groups

-any organization that attempts to influence elected officials to consider its aims when deciding on legislation -operating primarily by lobbying the members of legislative bodies

Nacirema article

American spelled backwards, our culture just said in a more harsh way.


An idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

An inaccurate statement or belief that, by altering the situation, becomes accurate; a prediction that causes itself to become true.


An individual's membership in one of two biologically distinct categories (male or female).

Gender Identity

An individual's self definition of sense of gender

Absolute Deprivation

An objective measure of poverty, defined by the inability to meet minimal standards for food, shelter, clothing or health care.

Uniform Crime Report

An official measure of crime in the United States, produced by the FBI's official tabulation of every crime reported by more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies.

Relative Deprivation

An relative measure of poverty based on the standard of living in a particular society.

Everyday Class Consciousness

Awareness of one's own social status and that of others.

Intragenerational Mobility

Changes in the social position with a person's adult life.

Structural Mobility

Changes in the social status of large numbers of people as a result of structural changes in society.


Choosing romantic partners who are dissimilar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership.


Choosing romantic partners who are similar to us in terms of class, race, education, religion, and other social group membership.

Liberal Democracies

-countries in which voters can chose between two or more political parties and in which the majority of the adult population has the right to vote

Retailer- dominated production

-firms such a Walmart buy products from manufacturers, who in turn arrange to have their products made by independently owned factories

Reinforcement Theory

-focuses on deviance as a behavior that we learn, just as we learn conventional behavior -based on the assumption that individuals learn through rewards and punishment -engage in behaviors we find rewarding and avoid ones that are punished

Symbolic interactionism and gender roles

-focuses on the everyday processes that provide and reinforce gender roles -gender is a social construction -inequality results from learning gender roles and learning sexuality

Liberal feminism

-form of feminist theory that believes that gender inequality is produced by unequal access to civil rights and certain social resources, such as education and employment, based on sex -tend to seek solutions through changes in legislation that ensure that the rights of individuals are protected.

Radical feminism

-forms of feminist theory that believes that gender inequality is the result of male domination in all aspect of social and economic life. -belief that men are responsible for and benefit from the exploitation of women -central concern is the analysis of patriarchy

Pariah Groups

-negatively privileged status groups subject to discrimination that prevents them from taking advantage of opportunities open to others ex: Jews have been

Child abuse

-neglect - 71% -Physical- 16 % -sexual - 9% -emotional- 7 %

No Fault Divorce

-no party must establish guilt -strongly negative consequences for the economic position of women --> feminization of poverty

Phase 1

-nuclear family -importance of parents, relatives and the community -sex only to reproduce


-one man-- multiple women

Adam Smith

-one of the founders of modern economics -identified advantages that the division of labor provides in terms of increasing productivity -"the wealth of nations"


-one women--multiple men

What are the four ways that class systems differ from other systems ?

-open and fluid -are in some part achieved -economically based -large scale and impersonal

dominant group

-opposite of minority group, the dominant group possess more wealth, power and prestige in a society

Development of Family: Lawrence Stone

-overtime the family has changed -3 Phases

Domestic division of labor

-part of feminist theory of families -the way in which tasks are allocated in the household are unequal -certain family members benefit more than others


-particular type of state, characteristic of the modern world -government has a sovereign power within a defined territorial area -the population are citizens who know themselves to be part of a single nation "possessed of a government apparatus that is recognized to have sovereign rights within the borders of a territorial area, it is able to back its claims to sovereignty by the control of military power, and many of its citizens have positive feelings of commitment to its national identity

Exchange Theory

-people seek to minimize costs and maximize rewards in their relationships -trading assets

working poor

-people who work, but whose earnings are not enough to lift them above the poverty line

Ethnic group

-people with common national origin or heritage -common cultural identity

Gender Stratification

-peoples unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige and other valued resources


-physical differences of the body

Comparable Worth

-policies that attempt to remedy the gender pay gap by adjusting pay so that those in female-dominated jobs are not paid less for equivalent work


-political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision making or to elect representatives to government bodies

"What a brave boy you are" "Your my little Princess"

-positive sanctions


- a member of a political community, having both rights and duties associated with that membership


- a set of beliefs and symbols expressing identification with a national community


-psychological, social and cultural differences btw males and females

What are the highest common declining income and poverty groups ?

-racial & ethnic minorities -families headed by single women -people lacking education

Broken Windows theory

-recognition that even the seemingly small acts of crime and disorder can threaten a neighborhood -minor acts of deviance can lead to a spiral of crime and social decay


-related emotionally but not biologically

Contingent Workforce

-replacement of full-time workers by part-time workers who are hired and fired on a contingency basis

Global "race to the bottom"

-retailers and manufacturers will go anyplace on earth where they can pay the lowest wages possible


-rewards or punishment that reinforce behavior -positive sanction: for ppl who conform -negative sanction: for ppl who don't conform Formal vs Informal Sanctions -Formal- institutionalized ex: courts and prisions -Informal- less organized, social and more spontaneous ex: kids teasing bec he's a nerd

Political Rights

-rights of political participation, such as the right to vote in local and national elections, held by citizens of a national community

Social Rights

-rights of social and welfare provision held by all citizens in a national community ex: the right to claim unemployment benefits and sickness payments provided by the state

Social construction of gender

-the learning of gender roles through socialization and interaction with others -reject all biological bases for gender difference

Gender Socialization

-the learning of gender roles with the help of social agencies (agents of socialization ) like school, media, family

Feminization of Poverty

-the likelihood that female households will be poor -especially strong among young poorly educated women who are raising children on their own


-the means by which power is employed to influence the nature and content of government activities -sphere of the political includes the activities of those in government and the actions of others ex: workers attempt to exert power by protests -frequently intertwined with economy -presidential election -> goal is power and authority


-the media have placed a central role in the development of modern institutions -3 types of interactions: -face to face -mediated interaction-use of technology -mediated Quasi- interaction: 1 way social interaction >> created by the mass media >> monologue rather dialogue ex: twitter -tv

The Contact Hypothesis

-the more people get to known members of a minority group personally, the less likely they are to be prejudice against the group


-the movement of ppl into a country to settle


-the owner or founder of a business firm

Collective Bargaining

-the rights of employees and workers to negotiate with their employers for basic rights and benefits


-the separation of dominant and minority groups -physical and social


-the transferring of ideas or emotions from their true source to another object


-the undisputed political rule of a state over a given territorial area, whose authority is backed by a legal system and by the capacity to use military force to implement policies

Glass Ceiling

-there is a level to which a woman cannot be promoted in an organization

hookup behaviors

35% kiss and touch 12% hand to genital touch 12% oral sex 40% Intercourse

Racial composition of US Senate, House of Representatives

4% is made up by color

juvenile drug cases by race

74% involve white kids black kids are 2x likely to go to juvenile court 30% higher chance of going to criminal court 10% less likely to get probation

prison population by race

7:1 black people to white in prison 2/3 of the prison population come come from the 1/3 (nonwhites)


- the ideology that open markets, liberalized trade and privatization are keys to economic success - claims that government's role does NOT include handing out social services to citizens - needs of the poor are left to the market - leads to increases in crime so government has to respond by strengthening police force and military

Status Inconsistency

A situation in which an individual has differing levels of status in terms of the individual's wealth, power, prestige, or socioeconomic status.

Differential Association

-Edwin Sutherland linked crime to the theory that argues we learn deviant behavior in the same way we learn conventional behavior, through association with others who regularly engage in crime

Military-industrial complex

-Eisenhower warned the military role in the power elite was dangerous "the potential for disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist"

Conflict Theories of Families

-Families are sources of social inequality -Families perpetuate stratification

Feminist Theories of Family

-Focus on the role that women have in the family &r related & unequal -Domestic Division of Labor -Emotional Work Expectations of Women vs. Men -Nurturing -Caring -Listening

Functionalism of the Family

-Focuses on the tasks carried out by families -families perform essential functions: -> procrastination ->socialization ->economic security Talacott Parsons

Davis & Moore

-Functionalism -the system rewards skills and talent -Stratification and inequality are functional by ensuring that the most qualified people fill the roles that are most important, making the system run smoothly, -without unequal rewards, some jobs would go undone -class is a motivator


A socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor.


A socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people.


A system in which rewards are distributed based on merit.


-a group of people who share physical characteristics -differences are PHYSICAL, not biological

Step Family

-a household which 2 adults are biological or adoptive parents with a child from a prior marriage, who marry or cohabit

Individual Discrimination

Discrimination carried out by one person against another.

Institutional Discrimination

Discrimination carried out systematically by institutions (political, economic, educational and others) that affect all members of a group who come in contact with it.


Erving Goffman's term for any physical or social attribute that devalues a person or group's identity and that may exclude those who are devalued from normal social interaction.


Famous anthropologist, studied coming of age rituals, establishment of gender around the world

Max Weber

Idealist, lutheran, liked capitalism, believed that the main dynamic of modern development was rationalization of social and economic life


Individuals who accept society's approved goals but not society's approved means to achieve them.


Individuals who have given up hope of achieving society's approved goals but still operate according to society's approved means.


Individuals who identify with the other sex and have surgery to alter their own sex so it fits their self image.

Functionalist Perspective on Stratification

Inequality universal, necessary, based on motivation/competition.


Set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns

Primary Socialization

Talcott Parsons -children learn the cultural norms of the society


Stealing minor items in small amounts, often again and again.


The physical and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity.


The system of segregation of racial and ethnic groups that was legal in Africa between 1948 and 1991.

Cultural Capital

The tastes, habits, expectations, skills, knowledge, and other cultural assets that helps us gain advantages in society.

Social Reproduction

The tendency of social classes to remain relatively stable as class status is passed down from one generation to the next.

Digital Divide

The unequal access to computer and internet technology, both globally and within the United States.

Social Inequality

The unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of a society.

Second Shift

The unpaid housework and child care often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor.


The use of electronic media (web pages, emails, texts etc) to tease, harass, threaten, or humiliate someone.

What is all political life about?

POWER, the people who hols it, how they achieve it and what they do with it


US incarceration rates are ___ times higher than that of other developed countries

New Deal

Policies of the ________ from 1940-1970 triggered white suburbanization and deepened black ghettoization

Working Poor

Poorly educated manual and service workers who may work full time but remain near or below the poverty line. They constitute around 20 percent of the population.


Portuguese word for "racial mixing"

ultimate attribution error

attributing the stereotype of the group to all individual members within a group


authority power

class consciousness

awareness of a common identity based on positions on the social class structure

split labor market

a difference in the price of labor for 2 or more groups of laborers


a negative attitude toward an entire category of people


a science concerned with the interpretive understanding of social action.

What are the two types of poverty ?

absolute and relative poverty

cultural constructs and interpretations

according to Delaney and Madigan, a racial group is biologically determined through ______ and________


according to South Africa's 1950 Population Registration Act, a person who is not white or native

Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

act signed by Lyndon B. Johnson that enhanced anticrime rhetoric of political elections result: incarceration rates soared as a result and widened boundaries on what is considered a crime


actual behavior that leads to unequal treatment

sex ratio at age 20 and 85

age 20-105.5, age 85-50.6

Response cries

almost involuntary exclamations like saying "oops!"

Boer War

also called the second war of freedom: a conflict from 1899 to 1902 in which the British fought the Dutch to bring all of South Africa under British colonial power


an approach that attempts to explain the behavior of both animals and human beings in terms of biological principles


an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect their objective position. A person with false consciousness may adopt an individualistic viewpoint toward capitalist exploitation.


any named social position that people can occupy


based on custom


based on mutual respect for one another cultures among various groups in society.


behaviors of people occupying particular social positions


behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status.


benefits:women report higher levels of satisfaction for sex in relationship problems:relationships often characterized by power inequality and abuse. relationships are time consuming and get in the way of what women want to do

wealth inequality

between income inequality and wealth inequality, which one is more entrenched and severe?

criminal sentencing by race

black drug offense 58 months white violence rate 62 months more white people do drugs but more black people go to jail for them


black males are ____ times as likely to be incarcerated than white males


black men are more likely to go to ________ than get a bachelor's degree or join the military

womans earnings as a percent of mens earnings, races

black: 90.6%, american indian: 85.5%, asian: 79.3% hispanic or latino: 90.3%, white: 78.2%


blaming someone for your misdoing

wealth and assets

both ______ and _______ are built up and passed down and neither include debt


built on written rules and laws; bureaucratic

resource mobilization

can the movement a mass enough resources to sustain itself.


capital class owns the means of production such as factories and machinery.

% of nation's wealth by population

capitalist are at 1% and own 36% of wealth top 10% of people (capitalist and upper class) own 75% of wealth.


cash in bank and value of all property, not only land bu houses, cars, stocks/bonds and retirement savings

reform movement

change within existing institutions, like BLM

routinization of charisma

charismatic authority becomes routine by turning into a different type.


class system is a social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility. They maintain stable stratification hierarchies and patterns of class division an they too are marked by unequal distribution of wealth and power.

Auguste Comte

coined the term sociology: the scientific study of human behavior and society

3 forces that led to residential segregation

collective racial violence, racially restricted covenants and the nature of federal housing programs and policies

mobility pathway

college programs and majors designed to award a degree to students looking to climb the social ladder.

party pathway

college programs and policies geared toward "maximum fun"


concentrating as many minority voters as possible in a single district outcome: parties that garner fewer voters still win more seats in the House of Reps

gender segregation

concentration of men and women in different occupations -Occupations with the highest proportion of women: Secretary, child-care worker, hairdresser, cashier, bookkeeper, receptionist, elementary school teacher, librarian, nurse -Occupations with the highest proportion of men: Construction worker, truck driver, taxi driver, plumber, electrician, carpenter, firefighter, auto mechanic, and machinist

Agency and structure

concepts that suggest to what extent an individuals life is determined by social forces

Sociological imagination

connection sociologists make between the individual and society -by c wright mills

social movements (reform/countermovement/revolutionary)

conscious, concerted, and sustained efforts by ordinary people to change or preserve some aspect of society.

racially restrictive covenants

contractual agreements that prevent the sale or lease of property within an area to nonwhites

Functionalist Perspective on Gender

contributes to overall social stabilitiy


cooperative interracial contacts can reduce hostility ( contact hypothesis)

Contact Hypothesis

cooperative interracial contacts can reduce hostility.

Agrarian societies

cultivating crops


culturally defined standard or rule of conduct


current incarceration rate is the ______ it has been since 1994


declining. US lost jobs


educated, male , female, worker

class system

education and income, as education increases, income increases.


ethnically separate, but economically equal

qualitative interviews

ethnography or interviews to uncover meaning and interaction

War on Drugs

event in the 1980's that started due to panic around crack cocaine

random selection

every person in the population has an equal opportunity of being selected into the sample


exploited, alienated workers


face to face interaction like running into someone


failed marriage has not permanently turned americans against marriage. 66% women and 75% eventually remarry.

Robert Park

focused on interviews and firsthand observations


happens at the same time

Interactionist Perspective on Stratification

how we communicate (lifestyles, behaviors, intergroup relations).

What is SEXISM?

ideaology that one sex is superior to the other

WEB Du Bois

known for double consciousness, argued that the color line persisted after slavery


not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms


owners of the means of production


redrawing of district lines so that candidates basically pick their own voters

What is the PROLETARIAT?

the working class.

trend of marriage

to delay marriage. 1960's and onward: increase of delay of marriage

explanation of political participation

voting , donating , and campaigning.


which sport adhered to the demands of separate but equal in the early 20th century

Dependency culture

-Charles Murray -the poor rely on the state welfare system rather than entering the labor market -the welfare state has created a subculture that undermines personal ambition and the capacity for self-help


-Heredity -king > child becomes king -no real power nowadays -ceremonial power -queen has to accept to reject, no power, ruler anyway Parliament has the power > prime minister

-Functionalism of Government

-Pluralist Model -government is here to give everyone access -equal access to talk, represent and get thing done - lobby -every group ability to protest


-Production processes monitored and controlled by machines with only minimal supervision from people. -came about when Christopher spencer invented the Automat

Where are violent crime rates higher ?

-major social divisions -economic inequalities

In what ways has your family affected you? importance of family

-meaning -identity -socialization -support

Howard Becker

-measures labeling theory -studies marijuana usage -its not the act of smoking thats deviant, its whose doing it -label of deviance comes from whose doing it ex: of Jazz Clubs -black people smoking at 2:00 am

Mass Media

-media of communications -tv, radio, movies etc its the means of access to the knowledge on which many social activities depend: -voting -entertainment -food


-members of early women movements who pressed for equal voting rights for women and men

Glass Escalator

-men in traditionally female positions are disproportionately promoted compared to women

Phase 3

-modern family -family as a group of close emotional binds -domestic privacy -child rearing Affective individualism- marriage tieds based on personal selection --> sexual attraction or romantic love

Why is marriage less common than it once was?

-modernization -secular change in attitudes -individualism -Education

Sexuality in western culture - Pre 1800's

-molded primarily by christianity -the Christian church thought that all sexual behavior is suspect, except that need for reproduction -religious ideas soon become replaced by medical ones -could cause serious physical harm --> why we keep sexuality private

Characteristics of Work

-money -activity -variety -a way to struct time -social contacts -personal identity


-money and material possessions held by an individual or group -all assets an individual owns

Simplicity Movement

A loosely knit movement that opposes consumerism and encourages people to work less, earn less, and spend less, in accordance with non-materialistic values.

Socioeconomic Status

A measure of an individual's place within a social class system; often used interchangeably with "class".

new economy or knowledge economy

A post-industrial society that is no longer based primarily on the production of material goods but instead on the production of knowledge • The rise of the "knowledge" economy is linked to the development of a broad base of consumers who are technologically advanced


A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic groups; used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic.

Open System

A social system with ample opportunities to move from one class to another.

Closed System

A social system with very little opportunity to move from one class to another.

Feudal System

A system of social stratification based on a hereditary nobility who were responsible for and served by a lower stratum of forced laborers called serfs.

Social Class

A system of stratification based on access to such resources as wealth, property, power, and prestige.


-an attitude about an individual or group that is not easily changed when presented with new information -can be positive or negative ex: positive would be your mom negative would be the italians


-an attitude or behavior that discriminates against ones sex based on assumed superiority of the other sex


-an individual or group that blamed for wrongs that were not of their doing

Political Party

-an organization of individuals with broadly similar political aims, oriented toward achieving legitimate control of government through electoral process

Symbolic Interactionism Theories of work

-analysis of day to day meaning of work -the formal and informal rules that develop in workplaces -how people define and experience work -how did u chose ur major ?


-any form of paid employment in which an individuals regularly works -done in exchange for a regular wage or salary

Robert Merton

-functionalist -says deviance is a byproduct of economic inequalities -looks at durkheim's anomie, and says that uncertainty causes strain when accepted social norms conflict with reality -came up with strain theory

Main difference of how functionalist and interactionists look at crime and deviance

-functionalists look at the system and interactionists look at the individual

Relative Poverty

-gaps btw the conditions of some groups and those enjoyed by the majority of the population -being poor compared to the standards of living of the majority -most people are this type

Conflict Theory and gender roles

-gender inequality is built into the social structure -mens domination of women is the result of gender power differences

How are gender roles reinforced ?

-gender roles are reinforced through a series of + & - sanctions that reward or restrain behavior

Feminist Theory of Race

-gendered racism -minority women face discrimination based on race, gender, and social class

Gender Stereotypes

-general expectations based on sex -not the same as role

Pluralist Theories of Democracy

-government policies in a democracy are influenced by continual processes of bargaining among numerous groups representing different interests- business organizations, trade unions, ethnic groups, environmental organizations, religious groups >>democratic political order is one in which there is a balance among competing interests, all having some impact on policy but none dominating ex: U.S, is the most pluralistic, most democratic

INTRAgenerational mobility

-how far an individual moves up or down the socioeconomic scale in the course of their own personal career.

Why does social change happen constantly ?

-impact of the media -progressive relationship legislation -religious institutions

Surplus Value

-in Marist theory of stratification, the value of a workers labor power left over when an employer has repaid the of hiring the worker

Social Exclusion

-individual being cut off from full involvement in the wider society ex: not having a phone -homelessness is one of the most extreme forms of social exclusion -the homeless may be shut out of many everyday activities that most people take for granted

Why is class of major importance to industrialized societies ?

-individuals and the economy ex: of rules roice dealer in oney, no because it would not make money in this type of class based town

Human Capital Theory

-individuals make investments in their own human capital to increase productivity and earnings --> people who invest more in their careers, get paid more

Interpersonal reasons for divorce

-infidelity -conflict -communication -substance abuse -abuse -financial problems <-- biggest problem

Organized Crime

-institutionalized forms of criminal activity -glorified by the media ex: illegal gambling, drug dealing, prostitution, large scale theft

Edwin Sutherland

-interactionist -differential association, deviance and crime is LEARNED through interaction -"if you hangout with bad people you become a bad person" -deviances comes from who you associate with -criminal behavior is a result of your environ

Reintegrative shaming

-involves rather than marginalizes the offender -goal is to rebuild social bonds of the individual to the community as a means of deterring future criminal conduct


-is a temporary stoppage of work by a group of employees in order to express a grinch or enforce a demand -mechanism of power, weapon of the powerless


-is the ability of individuals or groups to achieve aims or further the interests they hold -could involve use of physical force -involve use of threats


-is the act of contacting influential officials to present argument to convince them to vote in favor of a cause or otherwise lend support to the aims of their interest

Stigmatizing Shaming

-is the process whereby a criminal is labeled as a threat to society and is treat like an outcast


-isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness -the sense that our own abilities as human beings are taken over by other entities. -karl marx used this term to refer to the loss of workers control over the nature and products of their labor -peasants had control over their work, which required knowledge and skill. industrial workers, have little control over their jobs and only contribute to a fraction of the overall product

Constitutional Monarchs

-kings or queens who are largely figure heads. real power rests in the hands of other political leaders

Classes are:

-large groups of people with similar economic status -based on economic factors that affect the material circumstances of peoples lives -not "officially" recognized

All modern states do 3 things:

-lay claim to specific territories -posses formalized codes of law -back by control of military force

Symbolic interactionism theory of crime and deviance

-looks at the individual -says no conduct is inherently deviant -Deviance is learned through interaction -->labeling Theory Edwin Sutherland


a profit-based economic system that produces inequality

glass ceiling

a promotion barrier that prevents a woman's upward mobility within an organization

civil society

a sector of life where non state actors organize together


a set of ideas about how the social world works

nstitutional Discrimination

Institutional Discrimination the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results form the normal operations of a society, including the government, armed forces, larger corporations, the media, universities, and the medical establishment.


a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior

power elite

a small tightly knit high status group [that can exercise its will over others, even in the face os resistance].


a social position assigned to a person by society without regard for the persons unique talents or characteristics.


a social position that a person attains largely through hi s or her own efforts.


a social system in which there is little or no possibility of individual social mobility

racial democracy

a society in which color and ethnic differences do not affect life chances


a structured ranking of entire group of people that perpetrates unequal economic rewards and power in soiety


a structured ranking of entire groups ofpeole that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society. A system of inequality based n a hierarchy of groups. Produces inequalities in wealth and income and even in mortality rates


a subjective awareness of common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change.


a subordinate group whose members have significantly less power and control over their own lives then the members of the dominant or majority group have over theirs. 1. experience unequal treatment 2.share a physical or cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant group. 3. ascribed status 4.strong sense of group identity 5.generally marry within their own group.


a system of oppression that ensures male dominance in terms of power and property

white supremacy

a system of racial stratification that places whites at the top of the hierarchy


any vehicle of meaning and communication

predatory lenders

a pawnshop, payday lender or check cashing service that charges very high fees and interest rates

feudal system

a peasant or worker known as a vassal received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king, especially during times of war.

master status

a position that applies to people across social institutions

achieved status

a position that is earned or accomplished

ascribed status

a postion a person inherits at birth or receives involuntary later in life

glass escalator

man's rapid ascent up the hierarchy when they were in female denominated professions

variables (Independent)

intentionally altered

Focused interaction

interaction between individuals in face to face conversation


internal sense of being male or female

What is the ESTATES?

it is associated with feudal societies during the middle age. Estates or feudalism required peasants to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange gor military protections and other services.

the construction of the ghetto (1900-1940 and 1940-1970)

block busting, strike breakers , and lack of workers and work. house building was halted, redlining, and MLK pushed LBJ to adopt the fair housing act

is hooking up bad for young women?

durable relationships are not always better. both have problems.

political preference

démocrate pr republican

counter movement

fights against reform movements

Berger's views of sociology

finding new explanations for familiar things, on human history, passions and everyday activity

percent of all married people in 2012 in their first, second, and third+ marriages

first marriage-75%, second-20%, third-5%.

Organic solidarity

for a society to continue existence, its specialized institutions (political system, religion, family, education systems) must function together as an integrated whole

Emerging economies

formerly impoverished countries that over the past two decades have begun to develop a strong industrial base like India and Singapore

social structure

framework of society that surrounds us, how groups are related to each other, gives direction to and sets limits on our behavior

social constructionist approach

from a ___________ race is defined as a group of people who share some socially recognized characteristics that distinguishes them from other groups of people

reason for preponderance(greater number) in women in old age

gender differentials in mortality because women live higher than men and women tend to marry older men, high proportions of women are widows and live alone, especially at old ages

womans occupational choices limited because of:

gender discrimination gender socialization housework and division of labor

explanations for gender gap in pay

gender segregation human capital theory gender stratification theory -gender socialization -gender stereotypes and discrimination -division of household labor

cultivating humanity

getting an education so you can be reflective, have understanding, and be well reasoned


gini coefficient of US

Federal Housing administration

government agency responsible for proving potential homeowners with loans (from banks), small down payments and reasonable interest rates?

federal housing administration (1934)

government agency with purpose of bolstering the economy and in particular the construction industry

civil rights

government-sanctioned protections against discrimination


group of people living in a given territory governed by a common political authority and guided by a common culture

Agents of socialization

groups or social contexts which processes of socialization take place -school, friends, peers, media, work, family

How does form of slavery exist in U.S and Europe?

guest workers and illegal immigrants having to work bad condition labor jobs to not get deported and to be able to make money


inequalities between groups in terms of their access to power, property and prestige


informal and formal reactions people receive for following or breaking norms


instances of notably high levels of segregation *long standing consequences as a result

social constructionism

meanings change overtime, things are real in their consequences

gini coefficient

measure of inequality with a zero representing perfect equality and 100 representing perfect inequality

segregation index

measure stating that 88% of nonwhites would have to move in order for the city to be fully residentially integrated

dissimilarity index

measure that describes the extent to which two groups (blacks/whites) are found in equal proportions in all neighborhoods *% of individuals in either group that would have to move in order to achieve perfect integration

isolation index

measurement that compares a neighborhood's demographics against city wide demographics


measuring social class, class is viewed largely as a statistical category.

shifting standards

mechanism of discrimination in which job applicants of different races receive different responses despite having similar levels of experience

race-based job channeling

mechanism of discrimination in which similarly qualified applicants of different races are told they should apply for job openings at different levels (according to customer contact- putting black men to stock shelves and white men to be the front image of the company)

categorical exclusion

mechanism of labor market discrimination in which an applicant is not given an opportunity to interview for a job because of their race

How do the living standard in the first year after divorce compare btw men and women ?

men +10 % women - 27%

gender differences in adjustment to widowhood

men and women of older cohorts(generations) had traditional gender division of family labor -loss of partner who had higher specialized tasks causes stress on that widow who is less skilled on that task -men: loss of social and emotional support, increase in loneliness and social isolation. loss of a homemaker -women: loss of financial stability, many fall into poverty

social class and delayed family formation

middle class women young adults delay marriage and childbearing trying to complete education and until they are financially ready. white lower class young adults more likely to get pregnant before marriage

5 million

more than ________ children have had a least one parent who has been incarcerated

estimated equality

more wealth concentrated in the top 20% with the bottom 40% of classes still obtaining small amounts of wealth

Rational choice theory

most behavior is self-interested

What is SLAVERY?

most extreme form of legalized social inequality for both individuals and groups in slavery

motherhood penalty

mothers are less likely to be hired, start jobs at lower rates, perceived as less competent


movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society stratification syste to another. Open system Closed system


negative beliefs about a person without having knowledge of that person

Unfocused interaction

not engaging in face to face communication but being aware of their presence

empirical data

observable, tangible, and part of the real world

home ownership

one of the primary driving forces behind racial disparities in wealth


reflective, understanding, and well reasoned.


requires correlation, a temporal relationship and no spurious explanations.

sex category

the biological group to which people belong

intragenerational mobility

the change in social class that an individual makes in a lifetime

intergenerational mobility

the change that family members make in social class from on generation to the next.


the characteristic quality of a child during the early years of her life where they understand objects and events in the world solely in terms of ones own position

Social identity

the characteristics that are attributed to someone by others like student, mother, lawyer

Social constraint

the conditioning influence on our behavior of the groups and societies of which we are members (limits what we can do as individuals)

racial justice

the creation of a society devoid of racial oppression

What two systems did KARL MARX saw emerging?

two classes began to emerge as the feudal estate system which is the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Conflict Perspective on Gender

unequal power w/ men in a dominant position over women.

human rights

universal rights such as access to health care, adequate housing and education

implicit bias

unreasoned judgmental inclinations that operate without our conscious awareness Ex. you will find more errors when reading something if you expect to find more errors

racial profiling

use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspicion

quantitative surveys

use of surveys to test averages between groups

Emile Durkeim

used scientific principles and methods to study social facts -study of suicide -organic solidarity -social constraint -division of labor -anomie


usually unpaid works that includes such things as having primary responsibility for raising children, cleaning, shopping, and attending to countless household chores. Women do more housework than men.


values and norms distinct from those of the majority

Culture is made up of:

values, norms, material goods, languages, symbols

Conflict Perspective on Race/Ethnicity

vested interests perpetuate racial inequality through economic exploitation.

what is CONFLICT?

vested interests perpetuate racial inequality through economic exploitation.

What did KARL MARX believe?

viewed class differentiation as the crucial determinant of social,economic,and political inequality.

selective perception

we tend to see characteristics that contain stereotypes

ideal equality

wealth pretty equally split between classes (top 20% still with more)


the denial of oppurtunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice. ( personal, institutional, racial profiling)


the denial of oppurtunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from the normal operations of a society including the govt , armed forces, large cooperation, the media, universities, and the medical establishment

culture shock

the disorientation people experience when they can no longer depend on they taken for granted assumptions about life.


the division of social life into different regional settings or zones. -like in a house there are rooms and the kitchen is busy during the day but the bedrooms at night


the economic policies of former US Pres. Ronald Reagan, involving heavy cuts to a wide variety of social programs across the country *more so affected low wage people of color


the expected behaviors attached to sex categories

What is SEXISM?

the ideology that one sex is superior to the other


the oppurtunites people have to provide themselves with material goods, positive lving conditions and favorable life experiences.


the organization of social, economic, and cultural life according to principles of efficiency, on the basis of technical knowledge

variables (dependent)

the outcome


the outskirts or suburbs of French cities


the portion of the group you use for research, represents the population.


the process by which people learn to act according to the rules and expectations of a social system.

subjective uncertainty

the quick moment in which we encounter difference and we must immediately process it


the scientific study of the connection between the individual and social structure

residential segregation

the separation of different groups of people into distinct neighborhoods


the social process through which children develop an awareness of social norms and values and achieve a distinct sense of self


the social processes through which children develop an awareness of social norms and values and achieve a distinct sense of self

division of labor

the specialization of work tasks across occupations and industries

Division of labor

the specialization of work tasks by means of which different occupations are combined within a production system


the study of how people make sense of what others say and do in the course of day to day social interaction. It is concerned with ethnomethods which people sustain meaningful interchanges with one another


the study of human behavior in contexts of face to face interaction -symbolic interactionism


the study of large scale groups, organizations, or social systems -functionalism and marxism


the study of the ways in which non linguistic phenomena can generate meaning -ex: traffic light


the system of production and exchange that provides for the material needs of individuals living in a given society. material needs

confirmation bias

the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.


the theory of knowledge especially with regard to its methods, validity and scope.

Social structure

the underlying patterns in human behavior and our relationships with one another


the use of ones own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies (usually leads to negative evaluations)


the use of science and machinery to achieve greater productive efficiency


the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish members from the larger culture.

prison-industrial complex

the vast network of prisons, jails, courts, police officers and other elements that are supposed to reduce the amount of criminal activity in our society


the way people work creates the way they think

Social interaction

the ways we act and react to those around us

white women

these types of women were found to have the largest gender disadvantage, in terms of earnings, of all racial and ethnic groups

the point of the Bashavkan exercise

they are not real groups, just to show how race is not something that is genetic

What do sociologist distinguish?

they frequently distinguish between racial and ethnic groups.

Underwriting manual of the FHA

what document was responsible for ensuring segregation within the housing market despite loans and small down payments offered by the FHA?

FHA and Veterans' Administration

what two groups were in charge of underwriting loans (final step in approving/denying a loan) for suburban homebuyers?


when a majority and a minority group combine to form a new group intermarriage and reproduction creates a new classifications

economic deprivation

when people are oppressed and denied economic opportunity, they will revolt

gender stratification

when women and men are in the same job, men still get paid higher

Audience segregation

when you might act differently at home and at work

Time-space interactions

when/where events occur

Civil inattention

where individuals in the same social setting demonstrate to each other that they are aware of their presence (like glancing at each other and looking away)

Krysan and Farley

which two people determined that African Americans prefer to live in mixed neighborhoods while whites prefer to live in all white neighborhoods

Wealth for average white family compared to average black family

white people have eight times as much in net worth


who also migrated to Northern US with African Americans during the Great Migration in the early 20th century?

possible explanations for the gender wage gap

women are less competent

gender typing

women holding occupations of lower status and pay.-men holding jobs of higher status and pay.

delayed childbearing

women responsible for fertility rise in 1980's was age 30-39. since 1992: rates of first births higher for women 30-34 years than ages 20-24

gender stereotypes and discrimination

womens careers in science, blind auditions, teaching evaluation -glass ceiling and glass cliff -high levels of discrimination of firing black and white women higher discrimination in promotion for black women

social class and children's help-seeking (Calarco)

working class kids will ask for help but higher class kids will not

What happens to the social class that you are born in?

you are highly never likely to leave

cohort differences in adjustment to widowhood

younger cohort: less gender specialization. maybe different in younger cohort compared to current cohorts of older adults


your culture is better than others


Brazilian racial category describing a mixture of black, white and indian

institutional discrimination

negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society's institutions.

whites and latinas

(concerning women) wage for ______ and ______ in low skill jobs goes up but not for African American women

Population Registration Act

1950 act that defined three racial groups in South Africa-white, native and coloured and mandated that every citizen be issued identification specifying his or her race

Sexual Revolution

1960's --> began to change how we are socialized regarding sex - birth control church argument evolved: sexual pleasure is an important feature of marriage

percent of woman <24 years old that have never been married

1960-28% and 2010-88%

rates of adolescent premarital sex

1988- males 60% & females 51& 2006-2008- males 43% and females 42%


A violation of a norm that has been codified into law.


According to Howard Becker, those labeled deviant and subsequently segregated from "normal" society.

Just-World Hypothesis

Argues that people have a deep need to see the world as orderly, predictable, and fair, which creates a tendency to view victims of social injustice as deserving of their fates.


Belief that in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes; also the social movements organized around that belief.

Blue states vs Red states on Family

Blue- North, Liberal -emphasizes personal choice -educated -support women in work force -delay marriage and child rear until stable -gay and less support -teen and non marital child frowned up --> less divorces Red- south/ eat- conservative -reject modern values of blue states --> more divorces

Karl Marx view of the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops

Class conciousness

Middle Class

Composed primarily of "white collar" workers with a broad range of education and incomes; they constitute about 30 percent of the U.S. population.

White Collar Crime

Crime committed by a high-status individual in the course of the occupation.

Violent Crime

Crimes in which violence is either the objective or the means to an end, including murder, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery.

Property Crime

Crimes that did not involve violence, including larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

What is the CASTE system generally associated with?

Hinduism in india and other countries

nonmarital childbearing

Due to the increase in cohabitation, nearly one-half of all nonmarital births take place in cohabitation- up from 27% in the 1970s. big deal now is not whether younguns have sex, if they are having children outside marriage -women with less education more likely-they are okay with that


EX. U.S blames Japan for putting them out of business

Differential Association Theory

Edwin Sutherland's hypothesis that we learn to be deviant through our associations with deviant peers.

Culture of Poverty

Entrenched attitudes that can develop among poor communities and lead the poor to accept their fate rather than attempt to improve their lot.

rates of orgasm in hookups

First hookup - men 51% & women 11% Second or third hookup - men 43% & women 16% Fourth or more hookup - men 65% & women 33% last sexual event in a relationship- men 84% & women 67%

Henry Ford

Fordism -establish Tailors principles in his auto plant to manufacture one product -extended scientific management to mass production and mass markets -introduction of the assembly line -each worker was assigned a specialized task --> more then doubled worker wages- converting workers into consumers

Conflict Perspective on Stratification

Karl Marx (means of production in private hands) Proleteriat vs. Bourgeoisie. Class consciousness (class struggle)


Literally meaning "rule of the father"; a male dominated society.


Marrying "down" in the social class hierarchy.


Marrying "up" in the social class hierarchy.

welfare payments

Massey and Denton claim that _________ created these images of segregation because certain areas were more concentrated with welfare than others

lack options to leave

Massey and Denton support the idea that racial discrimination persists because African Americans ________________

Working Class/Lower Middle Class

Mostly "blue collar" worker who are less likely to have a college degree; they constitute about 30 percent of the U.S. population.

Upper Middle Class

Mostly highly educated professionals and managers who have considerable financial stability; they constitute about 14 percent of the US population.

Intergenerational Mobility

Movement between social classes that occurs from one generation to the next.

spurious explanations

No other situation that can explain why the situation is a correlation rather than a causation

Symbolic Interactionism Theory of family

People create meanings of family and it's members roles "thats not what a mother is supposed to do"

Tertiary Deviance

Redefining the stigma associated with a deviant label as a positive phenomenon.

extended family

Relatives outside the nuclear family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins)


Romantic, sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races.

Which stratification systems are closed systems and why?

Slavery and caste are closed systems and dependent on legal or religiously sanctioned inequalities

Minority Group

Social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups through they're not necessarily fewer in number than the dominant groups.


Society is made up of parts that carry out functions that contribute to the whole

What is SES?

Socioeconomic status based on economics and sometimes neighborhood

Fredrick Winslow Taylor

Taylorism -"scientific management"- the detailed study of industrial processes in order to break them down into simple operations that could be precisely timed and organized -maximizes output -leads to the deskilling of trades


Term describing an individual whose sense of gender identity transgresses expected gender categories.


Term used to describe a person whose chromosomes or sex characteristics are neither exclusively male nor exclusively female.


The activity by which people produce from the natural world and so ensure their survival. Work should not be thought of exclusively as paid employment

What are CASTES?

They are hereditary ranks that are usually religiosly dictated and that tend to be fixed and immobile.

nuclear family

Two adults living together in a household with their biological or adopted children

Double Consciousness

W.E.B. DuBois's term for the divided identity experienced by blacks in America.

women and minorities industries

Women and minorities have gained access to upper-level positions mostly in "feminized" and "racialized" fields, such as human resources, social services, health, and education • All of these are growing industries but they also pay less white women:healthcare and social services, education, other services, public administration black women: public administration, other services, health care and social services, education

Is CASTE membership and ascribed status?

YES, because at birth children automatically assume the same position as their parents

gender and age dating preferences

Younger women and older men are more desirable in heterosexual dating.


_% of Americans own nearly half of the wealth in the country

black jockey

______ became a symbol of racism according to Delaney and Madigan

wage gap

differences in hourly earnings


relies on individuals outstanding traits

Harold Garfinkle

created ethnomethodology

percent women in occupations

physicians and surgeons: 36%, chief executives: 27%, registered nurses: 89%, elementary school teachers: 80%, architecture and engineering: 13%, lawyers: 35%


practice by which real estate agents show homes in white neighborhoods only to whites and show homes in black neighborhoods only to blacks

RACISM is what kind of form?


Impression management

preparing for the presentation of ones social role -business meeting you dress in a suit

profit for real estate agents

primary motive of racially restrictive covenants


principal that a contact between similar people occurs at a higher rate than among dissimilar people implies that distance in terms of social characteristics translates into network distance

employment and locking people up

prisons serve a double purpose: _______ and _____

value homophily

similarity based on values, attitudes, beliefs (wide variety of internal states)

status homophily

similarity is based on informal, formal or ascribed status (race, gender, sexuality etc)


slavery castes estates social class ( upper,middle, lower, working)

black ghettoization

small areas of a city in which members of minority groups live there as a result of social, legal and/or economic pressure permanent perceived with negative/unsafe connotations

Social position

social identity an individual has in a given group or society (gender roles or occupational positions)

Describes a condition in which members of society have different amounts of wealth,prestige and power?

social inequality

Conflict theory

social institutions benefit some groups and disadvantage others


social institutions work together in harmony to contribute to societal order

relative deprivation

social movements start by comparing groups positions to each other (not just economic resources)

What did KARL MARX examine?

social relations within capiytalism

gender socialization

socialization agents(teachers, parents, peers, counselors) may discourage girls from pursuing higher status male occupations and encouraged to choose jobs that are compatible with femininity(nurturance) like teachers and nurses


socially and legally approved sexual union between two adults. high marriage rate

Social role

socially defined expectations of an individual in a given status or social position

voter suppression

strategy to influence outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing certain groups from voting


strongest form of socialization by society in our lifetime.

William Ogburn

suggested that sociology should be more scientific and rely on statistics

spatial mismatch hypothesis

suggests that black families have been excluded from buying homes in the suburbs where most job growth is concentrated- creating a disconnect between where blacks live in relations to where jobs are available

skills mismatch hypothesis

suggests that black men in particular often do not have the skills required to secure work in the current economy


sum total of a person's assets minus debt- built up over lifetime and passed down through generations


the belief in social , economic, and political equality for woman and men


A group of persons directly linked by blood, marriage, or adoption, the adult members of which are responsible for caring for children


expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females


expected relationship between the variables


(field work) the firsthand study of people using participant observation or interviewing

George Herbert Mead

(symbolic interactionism) Ones sense of self develops through interactions with others, teaches individuals how to act, say, and what to think

Family Capitalism

-Capitalistic enterprise owned and administered by entrepreneurial families ex: Fords and Rockefellers

asset-based social policies

- part of this practice includes the need for investments to build up transportation and business districts in primarily black neighborhoods - proactive policy (at either the individual or structural level) designed to help narrow the wealth gap -- *undo what FHA did

Minority group

- ppl who may be subject to differential and unequal treatment because of physical, cultural, or other characteristics -though it often does, it does not refer necessarily to numerical minority

Social Stratification

- the existence of structured inequalities between groups in society, in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards. The division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy. -- ex: class divisions

Managerial Capitalism

-Capitalistic enterprises administered by managerial executives rather than by owners

methods for explaining poverty

-"Blame the System" vs "Blame the victim"


-(prestige) esteem or "social honor" given to individuals or groups -the social position a person occupies, but also the perception of that position - the social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of society. Status groups normally display distinct styles of life

Nuclear Family

-2 adults living together with their own or adopted children

intimate partner violence

-29% of women and 16% of men indicators: -Stress induced by poverty and unemployment -lower socioeconomic levels and financial problems


-Business firm or companies influences modern capitalist economies

Institutional Capitalism

-Capitalistic enterprise organized on the basic of institutional shareholding -based on the practice of corporations holding shares in other firms -individuals can now invest in trusts, insurance, pensions

Extended Family

-Close relatives that live with the nuclear family or are in a close family, or are in a close continuous relationship with family

What is the difference between Crime and Deviance ?

-Crimes are violations of legal norms -Deviance is violation of social norms Ex: Speeding, not deviant because is a social norm but is a crime Ex's: -nudity and bizarre clothing are DEVIANT, but not crimes -speeding and underage drinking are both CRIMES, but not deviant -murder and sexual assault are both deviant and crimes

4 Sociological Approaches to Deviance

-Functionalist theories -Reinforcement theories -Conflict theories -Symbolic Interactionist theories

The Public Sphere

-Habermas -the sphere of communication where public opinion is formed and attitudes are shaped

Conflict Theory on Modern Industry

-Karl Marx -Capitalism creates social problems -low wages alienate employees -globalization leads to job insecurity -americans are increasingly disillusioned with capitalism

Although class is about ______, class labels are also defined by:

-MONEY -income -family -perceived status -career/ job -opportunity

Theory of Democratic Elitism

-Max Weber & Joseph Schumpeter -a theory of the limits of democracy, which holds that in large-scale societies democratic participation is necessarily limited to the regular election of political leaders

Functionalism Theory of Race

-New comers must assimilate by adopting the dominant groups ways -Racial-ethnic inequality provides a large pool of cheap labor -Racial-ethnic inequality maintains the dominant groups current status


-One-party rule -voters given the choice not between different parties, but diff candidates of the same party -controlled political system and economy, in which all are equal

Culture of poverty

-Oscar Lewis -poverty is the result of socialization- not individual inadequacy -children are socialized into values, habits, beliefs & traditions common to poverty -children grow up to believing that there is no point in aspiring to something more

Conflict Theory according to Karl Marx on social stratification

-POWER -placed emphasis on class as it relates to means of production -says there is a fundamental split btw those who own capital and those who work but don't own capital -capitalists use surplus value for their own benefit & and the accumulation of misery and agony increase for laborers --> this leads to persistence in poverty

Emotional Work

-Part of Feminist theory of family -Women tend to shoulder the burden of for the caring activities of the household

Feminist Theory of Government

-Patriarchal model- male dominant -women are underrepresented in gov't -women don't have access

institutionalized Racism

-Patterns of discrimination based on ethnicity that have become structured into existing social institutions -institutions such as police, the health care industry, and the educational system all promote policies that favor certain groups while discriminating against others

Conflict Theory of Race

-THINK POWER -Strife btw dominant and minority groups -dominant groups protect their power and privilege -economic inequality perpetuates racial hierarchies -economic stratification pits minorities against each other and low income whites

C. Wright Mills

-The Power Elite -argues that in the 20th cent. a process of institutional centralization occurred in the political order, the economy and the sphere of the military -they merged with each other to form a unified system of power


-The domination of a small number of firms in a given industry

What are the three minority group distinctions ?

-The willing- immigrants -The natives- colonized people who were here already -The unwilling- brought by force and who were generally incorporated by violence

Max Weber

-Theory of Democratic Elitism -democracy is limited -says direct democracy is impossible in large scale societies ; running a complex society demands expertise -emphasizes the importance of leadership in democracy -rule by elites is inevitable; the best we can hope for is that those elites effectively represent our interests in a innovative and insightful way ex: obama's campaign promise

Phase 2

-Transitional family -nuclear family more separate -marital and parental love -patriarchy-male holds power

Joseph Schumpeter

-agreed with weber about limits of mass political participation -democracy is more important for as a method of generating effective and responsible government than as a means of providing significant power for the majority -"democracy is the rule of the politician, not the people" -to achieve voting support, must be minimally responsive to the demands to the people; unless competition

High trust systems

-allows workers control over pace and even content of their work -high worker satisfaction


-What we believe to be reality is structured by communications itself -no longer a reality, reality is a string of images shown on television >reality tv >cyberspace >news reporter is famous >famous because took pick of boy things that happen only enter our consciousness as the media permits -celebrities

Feminist Theories of Work

-Work creates and reinforces sex inequalities -women earn less than men in every country -gender is the critical factor in explaining economic inequality

Matrilocal Family

-a family system in which the husband is expected to live near the wife's parents

Patrilocal Family

-a family system in which the wife is expected to live near the husbands parents

Direct Democracy

-a form of participatory democracy that allows citizens to vote directly on laws and policies


-a governments legitimate use of power 3 types: Traditional: tribal leader/ grandparents Charismatic: individuals give real meaning, listen b/c in real situation- martin luther king Rational legal: President, police, major - give authority for people to do


-a group with values and norms that are distinct from the surrounding society

Absolute Poverty

-a lack of the basic resources needed to maintain a healthy existence -may actually starve to death -most people are not this type of poverty

Welfare State

-a political system that provides a wide range of welfare benefits for its citizens who are unable to support themselves adequately through paid emloyment

New-style Terrorism

-a recent form of terrorism characterized by global ambitions, loose global organizational ties, and a more ruthless attitude toward the violence the terrorists are willing to use ex: al Qaeda


-a relation that links individuals through blood ties, marriage or adoption

Community Policing

-a renewed emphasis on crime prevention rather than law enforcement to reintegrate policing with the community


-a situtation in which a single firm dominates in a given industry

Knowledge economy

-a society no longer based primarily on the production of material goods, but based instead on the production of knowledge in design, development, technology, marketing, sale and servicing

Deviant Subculture

-a subculture whose members violate norms -can be VERY different from the majority -not COUNTERCULTURE, they're ALWAYS deviant ex: 50 shades of grey -normal when done with subculture

Participatory Democracy

-a system of democracy in which all members of a group or community participate collectively in making major decisions

Old-style terrorism

-a type of terrorism that is local and linked to particular states and has limited objectives, which means that the violence involved is fairly limited -found where there are nations without states and where terrorists are prepared to use violence to achieve their ends ex: Irish republican army and Basque nationalists


-a way of punishing criminal and deviant behavior based on rituals of public disapproval rather than incarceration 2 types: Stigmatizing and reintegrative shaming

Social mobility

-ability to move up or down class hierarchy


-according to Durkheim, it could be uncertainty, absent, conflicting or confusing social norms


-acts that are not permitted by law. -violation of legal norms

Manufacture-dominated production processes

-are organized as large bureaucracies, often controlled by a handful of large firms


-argued that automation was part of the overall deskilling of industrial workers, new technologies reduced the need for creative human input


-arrangement in which 2 unrelated, unmarried individuals live together and have a sexual relationship -generally experience a higher divorce rate once they marry

Sensorimotor stage

-awareness of environment is dominated by perception and touch

The civil rights act of 1964

-banned discrimination in public facilities, education, employment and any agencies receiving govt funds -doesn't fix prejudice

Why do criminologists also rely on self-reports provided by victims?

-because about 1/2 of all crimes are not reported

Why do most crimes of the powerful go under/unpunished by law enforcement ?

-because of POWER ex: work related injuries in illegally unsafe factories far out number murders

Why is harder for women than men to get a responsible position ?

-because of the ongoing difficulty of balancing work and family that rest largely on women -mangers see women as more tied to family than work

Why do some people believe that all women are victims of rape?

-because one victim makes others live in fear, and take special precautions in their day to day life

Why do mothers earn less than non-mothers?

-because the perception remains that work comes second to child rearing for women


-behavior that denies members of a certain group access to resources or rewards available to others


-belief of superiority and inferiority of a group based on inherent physical characteristics

Both _______ and _______ approaches to criminology presume deviance is a sign of something wrong with the individual rather than with society

-biological and psychological -they see crime and deviance as caused by factors outside the persons control, embedded in their body or mind

Old Racism

-biologically driven -people "genetically" are inferior

Transnational Corporations

-business corporations located in 2 or more countries or multinational corporations

What are the three major types of stratification systems ?

-caste -slavery -class

INTERgenerational mobility

-changes of the social position of children relative to their parents, from one generation to another. ex: daughter or son from a blue-collar background becomes a professional

Formal operational

-child becomes capable of handling abstract concepts and hypothetical situations

Preoperational stage

-child has advanced sufficiently to master basic modes of logical thought

Concrete operational stage

-childs thinking is based primarily on physical perception of the world (cant deal with abstract concepts or hypothetical situations)

Three types of rights associated with the growth of citizenship

-civil rights -social rights -political rights

Key components of an open system

-class (both a system and component) -prestige (status) -power


-common solution to deter crime -but, studies show that prisons tend to become schools of crime -prisions can increase rates of crime by providing knowledge to "novice criminals"

Black Feminism

-concentrates on the particular problems facing black women -highlights the multiple disadvantages of gender, class, and race that shape the experiences of black women -argue that early feminist analysis reflected the specific concerns of white, middle-class women

Travis Hirschi

-control theorist argued that humans are fundamentally rational beings who make calculated decisions about crime by weighing the risks and benefits -claimed there are 4 types of bonds that link people to society and law abiding behavior : --Attachment --Commitment --Involvement --Belief >when these bonds are strong, they help to maintain social control and conformity by rendering ppl unable to break the rules >when weak, delinquency and deviance may occur

White Collar and Corporate Crime

-crimes carried out by those in the more affluent sectors of society ex: tax fraud, embezzlement, illegal sales practices, false advertising, violation of health and safety regulations -can be more serious than violent crimes, because they can affect more people


-criminal acts committed with the help of technology -newest form of crime -more people are vulnerable to this

War on drugs

-criminalizes large segments of the law-abiding youth population

New Racism

-culturally driven -minorities are inferior b/c they don't live my majority lifestyle- ethnocentrism

Gender typing / sex segregation

-designation of occupations as male or female lower status jobs typically held by women as compared to jobs typically help by men ex: secretary and retail --> women management and professional --> man

Gender roles

-differences regarding the behavior, attitudes and activities of males and females -femininity and masculinity


-dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foregone areas, often in a forced manner or under traumatic circumstances

Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)

-docs that contain official data on crime that is reported to law enforcement agencies who then provide the data to the FBI -only include serious crimes that are reported to law enforcement agencies -leaves out middle class crimes

Crime where men use social and physical force against women

-domestic violence -sexual harassment -sexual assault -Rape historically were ignored by the criminal justice system

When is divorce common ?

-early age marriage -lower education levels -lower income levels


-electronic media is creating a global village >>a community in which people see world wide news unfold and hence participate in the same event >> the media influences society more in terms of how they communicate than in terms of what they communicate - the medium is the message ex: of text vs face to face break up

Symbolic interactionism on Race

-emphasizes learned attitudes, norms and values -labeling and selective perception can increase prejudice and discrimination -images shape our perceptions


-ethnic cultures seen as valid, typically exist separately, but participate equally in economic and political life -very similar to multiculturalism


-exaggerated generalization about a category of people -inflexible thought process

Feminist Theory and gender roles

-examines how sex and gender affect everyday interactions and societal structure -emphasizes women's subordination and inequality -Liberal, Radical, and Black Feminism

Family of orientation

-family into which an individual is born


-favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.

Emile Durkheim

-functionalist -crime and deviance are SOCIAL FACTS, we can study them scientifically -***says choice causes us to eventually deviate -Anomie * -says deviance is necessary and has two functions


-multiple spouses of any sex (2types)

"girls don't do dangerous stunts" "girls don't fight" "boys don't play dress up" "boys don't play with dolls"

-negative sanctions

What wrong with Socialism and Communism?

-power and corruption -choice -competition and innovation

Target Hardening

-practical measures used to limit a criminals ability to commit crime such as community policing and use of house alarms -makes it more difficult for criminals to commit crimes because it minimizes their opportunities to do so ex: car alarms, guard dogs, gated communities but, this can cause criminals to go to poorer areas without these technologies

Welfare Capitalism

-practice in which large corporations protect their employees from the vicissitudes of the market -large firms began to provide their employees with child care, unemployment insurance, paid vacations etc.


-private ownership of the means of production/ wealth , which is invested and reinvested in order to produce profit --> most wide spread form of economic organization in the world Important Features : -profit as an incentive -free competition -cheap materials -cheap labor -expansion and investment to accumulate capitol


-public ownership of the production of goods and services -collective ownership of property -cooperation -no profit motive -collective goals --> doesn't assume equality

Civil Rights

-rights of the individual by law -legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community


-rules of behavior established by political authority and back by state power -legalized norms defined by the gov't -sanctions are used against people who do not follow them


-rules of conduct that people are expected to observe -the dos and donuts of society -generally accepted by most people

Kingly Davis

-says prostitution is functional to society even if its illegal -it allows married men to fulfill sexual urges with a new partner w/o threatening their marriage -argued it indirectly contributes to the stability of the family

Conflict theory on Crime and Deviance

-says that deviance is not biological, its deliberately chosen and political in nature -individuals purposely engage in deviant behavior in response to inequalities of the capitalist system -crime and deviance are a political reaction to injustice * "law is the tool of the powerful to keep the weak, weak"

Karl Marx on Modern industry

-says the division of labor and low trust systems alienates humans from their work --> Alienation -development of modern industry reduces many peoples work to dull, uninteresting tasks -work appears as something alien, a task that the worker must carry out in order to earn an income but is intrinsically unsatisfying --> Conflict Theory

Sex vs Gender

-sex is determined at birth -gender is developed afterwards


-single spouse marriage

Power Elite

-small networks of individuals who, according to C.wright mills, hold concentrated power in modern societies -composed of WASPs, white anglo- saxon protestants -if you have access to one you have access to all -tension btw them exists, only come together in time of crisis -doesn't rest on friendship -->social background of those in leading positions are highly unrepresentative of the population as a whole

Why has democracy become so popular ?

-social and economic changes -generates more wealth than communism -more globalization of social activity -government controls less of what citizens see b/c of television and internet

Downward mobility

-social mobility in which individuals wealth, income or status is lower than what or their parents once had

Short-range downward mobility

-social mobility that occurs when an individual moves from one position in the class structure to another nearly equal status


-socially and legally approved union btw 2 individuals -sexual relationship is "approved"

Strain Theory

-society offers goals and means Conformist: +goals, +means Ritualist: -goals, +means Innovators: +goals, -means Retreatists: -goals, -means Rebels: ?, ?


-socioeconomic variations btw groups of the individuals that create variations in property and power -CLASS = MONEY

Class and status according to Max Weber

-status exasperates inequality -isn't directly linked to property Class differs from status -class is objective (facts) -status is subjective (thoughts) Class uses indicators like job and wealth Status identifies prestige and perception


-strict following in gov't -no choice -do everything they say -no rights ex: northern korea


-system of production and exchange that provides for the material needs of individuals living in a given society -influences social life and social order


-tasks that require mental and physical effort, with the objective of the production of goods and services that cater to human needs -basis of economic system and status in all cultures

Life Chances

-term introduced by max weber to signify a persons opportunities for achieving economic prosperity ex: person from a humble background are less likely to be wealthy than a person from a prosperous background


-the ability of individuals or groups to achieve there own interests despite opposition

Local Nationalisms

-the beliefs that communities that share a cultural identity should have political autonomy(right of self-government), even within smaller units of a nation-state

Gender inequality

-the difference in power and prestige between men and women


-the dominance of men over women in a society

The Second Shift

-the dual role women play at work and at home -women are expected to balance home life and work life and men aren't


-the enacting of policies and decisions on the part of officials within a political apparatus -run by elected or appointed officials -maintain order -provide social service -regulate the economy -establishes educational systems

How did legislation try to compensate for the resultant thinking of "men have more value (since they typically have better jobs) so they deserve more money" ?

-the equal pay act of 1963 mandates that employers provide equal pay to men and women for the same job but in reality, men and women don't of the same jobs typically

Economic Interdependence

-the fact that in the division of labor, individuals depend on others to produce many or most of the goods they need to sustain their lives

Family of Procreation

-the family into which an individual enters as an adult and a new generation is brought up


-the forbidding of marriage or sexual relations outside ones social group


-the idea that new groups will adopt the attitude and belief of the dominant community -the majority prefers this

Why are people dissatisfied with the political system?

-the impact of capitalism -even though it generates more wealth than any other economic system, the wealth is unevenly distributed -economic inequality influences who votes, joins parties and gets elected .


-the impact of modern mass mass media is different and more profound than any other technologies >>media does not represent the world around us, it is the world around us -postmodernism HyperReality

3 Primary reasons why Racism has flourished

-the invention & diffusion of the whole concept of race -Exploitative relations that Europeans established with nonwhite people -the culturally symbolic antagonism btw blacks and whites --> heaven is white even people are black


-the process by which understanding of race are used to classify individuals or groups of people


-the process of a nation establishing rule in parts of the world away from their home nation -exploitation of resources

Control Theory of Crime and Deviance

-theory that views crime as the outcome of an imbalance btw impulse towards criminal activity and controls that deter it --> criminals are rational beings who act to maximize their own reward unless rendered unable to do so through social or physical controls

Informal Economy

-transactions outside the sphere of regular employment, sometimes involving exchange of cash for services provided, or the direct exchange of goods or services

Single Parent Households

-typically run by women due to custody -25% of all families, typically among the poorest groups

What are the main class division btw people ?

-upperclass- most inherited wealth, own business, hold large number of stocks -upper middle- highly educated professionals, business owners -middle- composed of those working in white collar and lower managerial jobs -Lower middle class- teachers, nurses, police etc. -Working- blue collar or manual positions -Lower- work part time or not at all, household income is low -underclass- Ethinic minority background, usually lack access


-use of attacks on civilians designed to persuade a government to alter its policies, or to damage its standing in the world

Functionalism view of gender roles

-views gender roles as functional for society - creating harmony -males play an instrumental role -females play an expressive role -orderly sexuality is critical for reproduction of society

What is the main historical source of ethnic and racial conflict?

-western colonialism

Media Imperialism

-western values spread through hollywood and the western news organizations, overwhelms other cultural influences


-when the relationship is distant is distant, unfriendly or alienated


-where ppl leave a country to settle to another

Division of labor

-work divided into an enormous number of different occupations in which people specialize -workers become more and less skilled -really good @ 1 thing, bad @ everything else very different from traditional societies

Functionalism Theory of Work

-work provides many social benefits -enhances a societies economy -defines individual roles -provides social bonds -provides feelings of accomplishment and personal value --> wage inequalities motivate people to work harder

Low trust systems

-workers have little autonomy -close supervision -conflict and absenteeism common ex: Fordism and Taylorism

What are the two functions of deviance according to Durkheim?

1) deviance provides social change, adaptive function -introduces new ideas and new challenges ex: Rosa Parks 2) provides boundary maintenance btw good and bad behavior

5 factors of racial wealth gap

1) years of ownership 2) household income 3) years of unemployment 4) college education 5) inheritances of financial support from family members

Sociologists explore 4 types of questions

1. factual 2. comparative 3. developmental 4. theoretical

Caste System

A form of social stratification in which status is determined by one's family history and background and cannot be changed.

steps in the research process

1. select a topic 2. define the problem 3. define variables 4. review the literature 5. formulate a hypothesis 6. choose a research method 7. collect data 8. analyze results 9. share results 10. generate theories

Effect of internet on interpersonal interaction

2 sided 1 view: enhances existing face to face interactions other side: internet technology has led to increased social isolation and social involvement (Social paradox) >> less quality time with friends and families >> fabric of social life is weakened

How do we document crime ?

2 sources: -Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) -Victimization Studies


2.5% men and 9.5% women. a higher proportion of older women than men are widowed in every age group. as age group goes up, the percentage increases by over 10%. in most countries, older women outnumber older men

same sex marriage

20% of gay couples have children september 1996: president clinton signs the doma that denied federal benefits to same sex couples septermber 1999:california passes a domestic partnership statute 2003: massachusetts legalizes same-sex marriage 2008: california bans marriage 2013: california allowing same sex marriage -allowed to marry in 37 states

What is the estimation of slavery each year?

600,000 - 800,000 men, women and children

Percentage of $120B for housing that went to white folks from 1933-1962

98% went to white people


A behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction.

Criminal Justice System

A collection of social institutions, such as legislatures, police, courts, and prisons, that create and enforce laws.


A concept that identifies how different categories of inequality (race, class, gender) intersect to shape the lives of individuals and groups.

White Collar

A description characterizing lower-level professional and management workers and some highly skilled laborers in technical jobs.

Blue Collar

A description characterizing skilled and semiskilled workers who preform manual labor or work in service or clerical jobs.

Positive Deviance

Actions considered deviant within a given context but are later reinterpreted as appropriate or even heroic.

In-Group Orientation

Among stigmatized individuals, the rejection of prevailing judgement or prejudice and the development of new standards that value their group identity.


An approach to punishment that attempts to reform criminals as part of their penalty.


An approach to punishment that emphasizes retaliation or revenge for the crime as the appropriate goal.


An approach to punishment that relies on the threat of harsh penalties to discourage people from committing crimes.


An approach to punishment that seeks to protect society from criminals by imprisoning or executing them.

racial enclave economy

An economy in which success of business is both shaped and limited by the racial group membership of the business owner

Upper Class

An elite and largely self sustaining group who possess most of the country's wealth; they constitute.

Situational Ethnicity

An ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation.

Symbolic Ethnicity

An ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly impact everyday life.

Describe the status and class of the following: Doctor Gardener Porn star E4 solider

Doctor: High class and status Gardener: Low class and status Porn star: High class, Low status E4 Solider: Low class, HIGH status *REMEMBER CLASS = MONEY !

recognition, responsibility, reconstruction, reparations

Eric Yamamoto's 4 step process toward providing compensation for victims of racism


FUNCTIONALIST= universal, necessary,motivation, competition CONFLICT= capitalism, bourgeois, proletariat, class consciousness INTERACTIONIST= lifestyles, behaviors, intergroup relations.


Functionalist Conflict Interactionist:

Talcott Parsons

Functionalist say families have 2 roles: -Primary Socialization -Personality Stabilization


Functionalist; contributes to overall social stability Conflict: unequal power with men in a dominant position over women Interactionist; the way gender is socially constructed in everyday interactions Feminist; womens subjugation is integral to society and social structure

Labeling Theory

Howard Becker's idea that deviance is a consequence of external judgments, or labels, that modify the individual's self-concept and change the way that others respond to the labeled person. - seeks to understand why some people get tagged with a deviant label - social response to deviant behavior -what becomes deviant is how people react - deviance only happens if you get caught -- ex: Bill Cosby - he was loved until people found out - deviant b/c he got caught

Primary Deviance

In labeling theory, the initial act or attitude that causes one to be labeled deviant.

Secondary Deviance

In labeling theory, the subsequent deviant identity or career that develops as a result of being labeled deviant.


Individuals who reject society's approved goals and means and instead create and work toward their own (sometimes revolutionary) goals using new means.

Karl Marx

Materialist, believed that economics was the driving force for social change and the source of conflict in society -against capitalism

Social Learning

The process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction.

Distinguish between prejudice and discrimination

Prejudice is thought discrimination is action


Presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group you belong to.

Primary and Secondary deviance of labeling theory

Primary deviance- according to Edwin lemart, are the actions that causes others to label one as deviant Secondary deviance- following the act of primary deviance, secondary deviance occurs when an individual accept the label of deviant and acts accordingly

Deviance Avowal

Process by which an individual self-identities as deviant and initiates her own labeling process.


Psychological view of deviance -specific personality type;such individuals lack the moral sense and concern for others held by most normal people -withdrawn, emotionless people who participate in violence for its own sake -not necessarily criminal


The public Sphere -used to be ='s in the public debate --> media has destroyed the ideal -politcis becomes "stage managed" ex: of nixon and kennedy -Commercial interests rule (forced to watch) -Manipulation over rational discussion

What where the roles of WOMAN WHO WORKED IN THE WORKFORCE?

Second shift; work outside he home followed by childcare and housework


Segregation: Amalgamation; Assimilation Pluralism

Distinguish between Subculture, Counterculture and Deviant Subculture

Subculture- have distinct norms Deviant Subculture- violate norms Counterculture- disagree with norms ALWAYS


The removal of the rights of citizenship through economic, political, or legal means.


The social honor people are given because of their membership in well regarded social groups.

Interactionist Perspective on Gender

The way gender is socially constructed in everyday interactions.

Structural Functionalism Theory of Crime and Deviance

Theorists: Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton -looks at the system -says crime and deviance result from 1. Structural tension 2. lack of moral regulation


an intimate group in which 2 or more people -live together in a committed relationship -care for one another and any children -share close emotional ties and functions

Embodied Identity

Those elements of identity that are generated through others' perceptions of our physical traits.


Those who believe gender roles have a genetic or biological origin and therefore cannot be changed.


Those who believe that notions of gender are socially determined, such that a dichotomous system is just one possible among many.


a group whose values, beliefs and relates behaviors place its members in opposition to broader culture.

Massey and Denton

Which two people claim, "residential segregation is the institutional apparatus that supports other racially discriminatory processes and binds them together"?

embedded market

a market economy embedded within interlocking systems of oppression and privilege


a measure of social class that is based on income

Participant observation

a method of research widely used in sociology and anthro in which the researcher takes part in the activities of the group or community being studied

Kinsey's definition of sexuality

a 0-6 scale from straight to homosexual.

Klein's definition of sexuality

a A-G variable scale, use numbers to fill in the variables.

what is OPEN SYSTEM?

a asocial system in which the ;position each individual is influenced by his or her achieved status


a business practice that sends production of material to factories around the world


a category including jobless workers actively seeking work, people whoa re working part time yet available to work full time and those who have looked for work int he past year yet are not actively seeking employment


a category off people labeled and treated as similar because of the allegedly common biological traits such as skin color, texture of hair and eye shape.


a characteristic of someone like their gender, sexual orientation, nationality, social class


a condition in which memebers of society have differing amounts of wealth, power, prestige


a five class model to describe the system in the U.S: upper class,lower middle class, working class, lower class

Relative Poverty

a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society, whatever their lifestyles, are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison with the nation as a whole.


a form of stratification in which all positions are awarded solely based on merit.

immigrant enclave

a geographic area with high ethnic concentration, characteristic cultural identity, and economic activity looked at with more positive light (people live there because they want to live together- not out of force) NOT permanent more positive perception of enclaves (safety-wise)

Capital Punishment

The death penalty.


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national, or cultural group.

Functionalist Perspective on Race/Ethnicity

The dominant majority benefit from the subordination of racial minorities.

First Wave

The earliest period of feminist activism in the United States, including the period from the mid-nineteenth century until American women won the right to vote.

Internal Colonialism

The economic and political subjugation of the minority group by the dominant group within a nation.

Feminization of Poverty

The economic trend showing that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, caused in part by the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single fathers, and the increasing costs of child care.

Human Sexual Dimorphism

The extent, much debated in recent years, to which inherent physical differences define the distinctions between the two sexes.

Population Transfer

The forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied.

Social Control

The formal and informal mechanisms used to increase conformity to values and norms and thus promote social cohesion.

Residential Segregation

The geographical separation of the poor from the rest of an area's population.

Gender Role Socialization

The lifelong process of learning to be masculine or feminine, primarily through four agents of socialization:families, schools, peers, and the media.


The most extreme form of social stratification, based on the legal ownership of people.

Personality Stabilization

Talcott Parsons -the family assist adult family members emotionally ex: of marriage btw adults -families contribute to society's basic needs and perpetuates social order

Third Wave

The most recent period of feminist activity, focusing on issues of diversity and the variety of identities women can possess.

Vertical Social Mobility

The movement between different class statuses, often called either upward mobility or downward mobility.

Horizontal Social Mobility

The movement of individuals or groups within a particular social class, most often a result of changing occupations.

Social Mobility

The movement of individuals or groups within the hierarchical system of social classes.

Suffrage Movement

The movement organized around gaining voting rights for women.

Second Wave

The period of feminist activity during the 1960s and 1970s often associated with the issues of women's equal access to employment and education.


The physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members.

Expressive Role

The position of the family member who provides emotional support and nurturing.

Instrumental Role

The position of the family member who provides the family's material support and is often an authority figure.

poll for gay marriage support

U.S.-52% south-44%, midwest- 52%, west- 58%, east- 61% 2001-57% oppose gay marriage 2001-35% for gay marriage 2014-40% oppose gay marriage, 2014- 52% for gays


Unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually by prejudice.


a type of organization marked by a clear heirarchy of authority and the existence of written rules of procedure and is divided into different jobs with specific functions -depends on division of labor


ability to realize will over others, even in the face of dissent

Freud' definition of sexuality

abnormal sex acts (homosexuality) make you invert and used polymorphous perversity as a child and never grew out of it, so it is classified as a mental disorder.


all members of a group you want to know about


an economic system based on the private ownership of wealthy, which is invested and reinvested in order to produce profit pro: alows us to make a lot for little $. Con- left unregulated, huge inequalities between people


an economic system in which the means of prodution are held largely in private hands and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits.

Social construction

an idea or practice that a group of people agree exists

baseline phenomena

aspect of homophily in which people will associate with those in close quarters/within the same boundaries as themselves (more opportunity)


assume that one group does the same


assumption/judgement based.

revolutionary movement

attempts to overall the entire social order

Self consciousness

awareness of ones distinct social identity (result of early socialization)

Interactionist Perspective on Race/Ethnicity

cooperative interracial contacts can reduce hostility.

Which stratification systems are open systems?

class systems are open systems

Viewed bY MAX WEBER as analytically distinct components of stratification?

class, status, and power

ethnic enclave economy

clusters of small businesses that primarily serve people of the same ethnicity and work to facilitate the success of co-ethics


coerced power

promises i can keep

concerned about sex and casual relationship, alot of attention to hookup culture. there was a social inequality from hookup culture-high society. social class divide-delayed marriage delayed childbearing. there is also kids in early life. growing inequality. marriage incresingly becoming the most socially advantage. most high stsastus marriage are more likekly to be married and stay married and having children inside marriage. poor likely to have childrenw *look at highlight in blue question -why do unmarried woman have children? young women in poor communiteies feel confident about slide38 know expectations of marriage 40,41,42


divorce rates rose during the first half of the 20th century, increased dramatically after 1967, peaked around 1980, and decreased since then. DECREASED.

Pastoral societies

domesticating animals


dominant majority benefit from the subordination of racial minorities.


descendants of the Dutch colonists who settled in South Africa


describes a culture where heterosexuality is the default condition rather than one of many possibilities


describes a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance. ex. whites(non hispanics), Blacks, Native Americans and Alaskan native, Asian (chinese, asian indians, fillipinos, vietnamese, korean, japanese, pacific islanders).

Carol Gilligan

devaluation of women roles and feminine qualities

Erving goffman

did the most to create a new field of study called microsociology or social interaction

earnings gap

differences in annual earnings among groups *annual meaning overall income

why do they still have children while still young and unmarried when they will face such a struggle to support them?

edin and kefala's study: -young women in poor communities feel more confident about ability to raise children -young women in poor communities have fewer things in life meaningful so they put children having high value -young women in poor communitieshave little motivation to time their births breakups- within a few years, men using drugs or cheating or violence, getting married at that time is a terrible idea committing them to terrible relationships or divorce -they want quality of marriage, not status of being married -negative relationships undermine health and is a chronic stressor -low marital harmony more depressed and less satisfied


efficiency of human action, and the ability to think and act.

Nancy Chodorow

emotional attachments -boys break of from mothers more than girls

Symbolic Interactionism

emphasizes the role of symbols and language as core elements of all human interaction


helps to explain empirical observations

subprime loan

high-interest loan to someone at high risk of defaulting (contains high interest and prepayment penalties)


how peopl look at you on how you present yourself

Black and white names related to years of job experience

if your name sounds white it is equal to eight years of experience

sexual double standard

in casual context mean and women are ambivalent to women's rights to pleasure, but assume men are entitled to it

amount of paid maternity leave given in US, relative to other industrialized nations

in the U.S we get 0-5 weeks and other nations get between 10 and 40


in what years was racial residential segregation a forgotten factor in the face of issues over education, employment, welfare etc?


inability to separate a person from criminality based on group identity


increase of age in first marriage. most young adults form relationships well -how it differs from other generation: more sexual activity, and less emotional connection

service sector

increasing. But most of the increase in new jobs occurring in lower-wage service industries, such as wholesale and retail trade, education, leisure and hospitality, and health care • These service areas typically pay lower wages than the manufacturing jobs that were lost

Generalized other

individual takes over the general values of a given group or society during the socialization process

promises i can keep-slide

interviews with poor white, black, and hispanic in philly. they feel respect for marriage but out of reach -cultural standards and bad economic status middle class and poor both agree that both partners should have a satisfying relationship, stable jobs, and financial security, low job prospects in poor communities

participant observation (ethnography)

interviews, documents, and or archives

4 zones of personal space

intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, public distance


invisible barrier that block the promotion of a woman in the military because of her official exclusion from combat.


invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work enviroment because of the individuals gender,race ,ethnicity

political ideology vs. political party

is a certain ethical set of ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, and/or large group that explains how society should work, and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order vs. a group of voters organized to support certain public policies

caste system

is a class structure that is determined by birth. Loosely, it means that in some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor, too.

political socialization

is a lifelong process by which people form their ideas about politics and acquire political values. The family, educational system, peer groups, and the mass media all play a role.

political opportunity structure

is an approach of social movements heavily influenced by political sociology. It argues that success or failure of social movements is primarily affected by political opportunities.

meanings of gender over time and place

is not binary, varies across time and place, and is social constructionism

gender gap in pay

is smaller that black and latinos -absense of mens bonus because they earn less -black women more into labor force participation -black wives more likely to work full time and co-breadwinners

Cultural relativism

judging a society by its own standards


judging other cultures though the lens of ones own culture

household work and division of labor

key reason why women face career prospects relative to men child care, daily housework, caregiving to agents parents Women's family responsibilities may impede their professional gains via two mechanisms: • Curtailing the time and effort available to pursue careers • Factoring in employers' decisions stereotypes: mothers are less committed to their career and less appropiate candidates


kind of work a person does on the job. The US census coding system consists of 539 specific occupational categories, arranged into 23 major occupational groups


labels for people based on their sexual attraction, practices, and fantasies.


legal and cultural heritage goes through the female line


legal and cultural heritage goes through the male line


legally enforced racial segregation that endured from 1948 to 1994 in South Africa

Percentage of black folks who lived in white suburbs

less than 1%


let's yourself determine what class you're in.

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

linguistic relativity hypothesis which says that perceptions are relative to language

les sans-papiers

literally "those without papers" undocumented migrants in France


living together as a couple without being legally married. precursor or alternative to marriage -for some, it is an alternative for marriage or finding a spouse, test of compatitibility


onjective method reputational method subjective method

collective racial violence

organized mobs in Northern US- cross burning, window breaking etc by whites (to make segregation persist) went unpunished

What is SEX?

our physical self; Male xy or female xx, hormones , genital, etc

What is GENDER?

our social self, it is a soial category that describes personality traits associated with being male or female encompasses socially determined behaviors


overgeneralized belief that a certain trait, behavior or attitude characterizes all members of a group.

natural growth (Lareau)

parenting style for the working class parents

concerted cultivation (Lareau)

parenting style of the middle class parents

symbolic indulgence

parents make a point to purchase goods to show that they prioritize their kids desires.

symbolic deprivation

parents restrain from purchasing goods in order to show their worthiness as parents

Social reproduction

passage of norms and values from one generation to another through socialization


payment, usually derived from wages, salaries, or investments

Edward Hall

personal space (4 zones)

hookup culture

problems: sexual double standard, guys can have sex and still be more of a man, while women are hoes if they do that advantages:alternative to entering a committed relationship. many college women dont want it because it is a time for self-delopment. mostly middle- and upper-class women. women delay marriage so hookups often offer a relationship like it


race is a social category not a biological one it creates dramatic social and political meaning and typically benefits those who have more power and privileges than others.

What comes with DISCRIMINATION?

racial profiling, you dont have to be prejudice in order to discriminate, you can be prejudice and discriminate.


real estate tactic in which real estate agents trigger some sort of racial panic to get whites out when black families move in also more profitable for real estate agents


refers to the many process by which the expectations associate with being male or female are passes through society.

Difference between gender roles and stereotypes

role: women are typically the family nurtures (they CAN) stereotype: you are a women- you must be a nurturer (they MUST)


separation of groups


spreading voters across multiple districts so they can never garner a majority

social institutions

stable sets of statuses and roles that provide a foundation for behavior(religion or family)


the ability of individuals or members of a group to achieve aims or further their interests, even in the face of the resistance of others

sociological imagination

the ability to see how individual behavior os located in a larger social context.


the acceptance of minority groups by a majority population in which the new group takes on the values and norms of the dominant culture

1972 Equal Opportunity Act

the act that created a provision mandating that employers found guilt of discrimination must implement affirmative action policies

Southern homestead act of 1866

the act that gave former slaves one more opportunity to acquire land

Social self

the basis of self consciousness in human individuals, it is the identity of someone by the reactions of others


the kind of business conducted by a person's employing organization. The coding system consists of 269 categories classified into 20 sectors


the language you speak


the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors and material objects that are passed down from one generation to the next

New Jim Crow

the legal discrimination against those with a felony record: excluded from employment, voting, housing, public benefits, jury service, in major cities 75% of African Americans have a criminal record so they are excluded from certain liberties


the long-term poor who lack training and skills. The poorest group includes the homeless and chronically unemployed who may depend on public or private assistance; they constitute about 5 percent of the US population.


the movement within social class.

frame alignment

the movements beliefs compatible with the beliefs of potential supporters

What is RACISM?

thinking one race is better than others


this term adheres to the argument that forms of oppression will be different according to one's race, ethnicity, class and gender Ex. a black lesbian woman will experience different forms of oppression than that of Barack Obama

human capital theory

those who invest more time in their own skills and knowledge are considered more productive and consequently are paid higher wages because women less likely to invest in human capital than men are. -women more likely to prioritize home and family


to forsake ones own cultural traditions and become part of a different culture

actual inequality

top 20% attains more than 80% of wealth while bottom 40% contains none

types of authority

traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic

Harriet Martineau

translated comte's writing

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