Excel Level 1
Excel's functions are grouped into _____ categories.
Generally, the most recent _____ opened workbook names display in the Recent Workbooks list.
How many buttons display above the search text box in the Excel Help window?
Which of the following formulas shows an example of a mixed cell reference?
What happens to formulas with relative cell references when they are copied using the fill handle?
A relative version of the formula is copied into the selected cell(s).
If you want to sort data by a column other than the default column, which method would you choose?
Click the Sort & Filter button, then click Custom Sort.
To remove formatting from the Find and Replace dialog box, click the Clear Find Format option at the _____ button drop-down list.
Right-clicking in a cell will display the
Mini toolbar.
Which of the following is not a valid name for an Excel workbook?
At the Function Arguments dialog box, enter into this text box the range of cells you want to include in the formula.
The Page Layout tab allows you to adjust the printed output by a percentage through the use of an option in the _____ group.
Scale to Fit
You can copy a workbook to another drive by using the shortcut menu option called
Send to
Which of the following is the keyboard command to display the Insert Function dialog box?
Shift + F3
To select all cells from the active cell to the beginning of the row, press
Shift + Home.
Which of the following is not a sort option in Excel?
Sort Even/Odd
This function returns the current date in a date format.
In which number category can you specify the formatting for Zip codes?
If you specify more than one print area on a worksheet, how will they print?
They will print on separate pages.
What happens if you select three columns in a worksheet, click the Insert button arrow, and then click Insert Sheet Columns?
Three columns are inserted immediately to the left of the selected columns.
Which of the following is not a common mistake made while inputting data in a formula?
Writing a formula by pointing rather than typing the formula.
You can split a worksheet window
horizontally or vertically.
When setting up a logical scheme for storing your workbooks, you can create a subfolder, which is a folder
within a folder.
In a workbook with multiple worksheets, by default Excel will print the
worksheet that is currently displayed.
A template worksheet form is
a form preformatted for specific uses (balance sheet, sales invoice, etc.) that you can use when creating a new workbook.
In terms of an Excel formula, what is a constant?
a value entered directly into a formula
Excel allows you to link data
between worksheets in the same or different workbooks.
To copy a worksheet from one workbook to another, begin by opening
both the source and the destination workbooks.
In a column chart created by Excel, the horizontal axis runs along the _____ of the chart.
You can rename a folder by
clicking the Organize button in the Open dialog box and then clicking Rename.
The dashed border that surrounds cells after you have selected them and clicked the Copy button is called a
The Arrange Windows dialog box is used to arrange the display of
multiple workbooks that are open at the same time.
In Excel's order of operations, which type of operation happens first?
An Insert Function button can be found on the Formulas tab and
on the Formula bar.
Change the formatting of a SmartArt graphic with options
Excel uses a PMT function to calculate
payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.
When a formula is written by _____, the range of cells to be included in the formula can be selected.
When a row height is being changed, the row height number that displays represents a measurement in
Excel measures row height in _____ and column width in _____.
points; characters
If you want to enter data on more than one line in a cell, you can enter the data on the first line and then move the insertion point to the next line in the cell by
pressing Alt + Enter.
When you have finished editing the data in a cell, you must get out of Edit mode. Which of the following will not accomplish this?
pressing Home
You can use the _____ that appears with transformed WordArt text to change its slant.
purple square
Complete the process of creating a shape by
releasing the mouse button.
The Rename option in the Organize button drop-down list at the Open dialog box
renames the workbook and keeps it in the same folder.
The process of calculating a formula and inserting the value in a cell is referred to as
returning the result
A menu with options for managing worksheets is displayed when you
right-click a worksheet tab.
The horizontal and vertical scroll bars
shift the display of cells, but do not change the active cell.
The Trace Error button is a type of
smart tag.
Clicking the filter arrow in a heading will display a list of options to do all of the following except
sort all records.
Which of these formatting options is not found in the Font group on the Home tab?
You can make a cell active by left-clicking in it, or you can use
the Go To feature.
What displays when you insert a picture or clip art image in a worksheet?
The keyboard shortcut Alt + = inserts _____ into the active cell.
the SUM function
The column width number in the Column Width dialog box represents
the average number of characters in the standard font that will fit in a cell.
If you want to delete a text box,
the border must be a solid line.
In the Insert Function dialog box, what displays in the Select a function list box?
the most recently used functions
When a shape has been selected for insertion into a chart, the mouse pointer turns into a
thin, black plus symbol.
What is generally displayed in the Sort By option box on the Sort Dialog box?
title of the first column of selected cells
The Sheet tab in the Page Setup dialog box allows you to specify rows and/or columns to print on every page of your worksheet. How is this feature normally used?
to print row and column titles
You can use the IF function to create a logical test that performs if the answer will be _____ or _____.
true; false
The left side of a column chart created by Excel is referred to as the
vertical axis.
A lightened image that displays behind data in a file is called a
To merge cells and center text, use the Merge & Center button located in the _____ group on the _____ tab.
Alignment; Home
Which of these keyboard shortcuts will create a chart from the selected cells?
Alt + F1
Which keyboard command closes Excel?
Alt + F4
What does the error code #N/A mean?
An argument parameter has been left out of a function.
The name of this button in the Font group changes depending on the most recent option it was used to apply.
If you have an Excel workbook named BudgetAnalysis.xlsx, which of the following names could not be used for another workbook in the same location (folder)?
How is clearing cell contents different from deleting cells?
Clearing cell contents gives you the option of removing both contents and formatting from a cell.
After you have selected cells to be moved and clicked the Cut button, how do you get them to their new location?
Click the cell where you want the first selected cell to be located, then click the Paste button.
Click this option box arrow in the Number group on the Home tab to display a drop-down list of common number formats.
Correct Number Format
Which button lets you remove unnecessary parts of an image you have inserted into a document?
If you do not want a series to increment while using AutoFill, hold down the _____ key while dragging the fill handle.
Which keyboard shortcut displays the Go To dialog box?
Ctrl + G
Display the Open backstage area by clicking the File tab and then clicking the Open option, or by pressing
Ctrl + O.
The keyboard command to cut selected data is
Ctrl + X.
If you want to apply the formatting you have just applied to one cell to other cells in your worksheet, you can use the Repeat command, which is executed by pressing
Ctrl + Y.
What is the keyboard shortcut to undo a command?
Ctrl + Z
Using the keyboard, you can select an entire column of cells by pressing
Ctrl + spacebar in the desired column.
Copy a formula relatively in a worksheet using the Fill button. The Fill button is located in the _____ group on the _____ tab.
Editing; Home
When you print column titles in your worksheet pages, how does Excel know what cells to use as the column titles?
Excel automatically uses the left-most column in the worksheet.
Which of the following number formatting categories is not found in the Format Cells dialog box?
Use this function key to update a NOW or TODAY function.
If the first row or column is hidden, use the Go To feature to make it visible. To do this, click the _____ button on the Home tab and then click Go To at the drop-down list.
Find & Select
Which button do you click to display the Column Width dialog box?
One method of moving to a range of cells is by using options at this dialog box.
Go To
When creating different odd and even page headers, clicking the Different odd and even pages check box and then clicking the Custom Header button in the Page Setup dialog box with the Header/Footer tab selected will display the _____ dialog box with the _____ tab selected.
Header; Odd Page Header
To insert a hyperlink, begin by clicking the _____ tab, and then click the Hyperlink button in the _____ group.
Clicking the down-pointing arrow at the right side of the AutoSum button and then clicking More Functions will display this dialog box.
Insert Function
How can you use a graphic to hyperlink to a file or web page?
Insert the graphic, select it, and then define the hyperlink.
To create a hyperlink to an email address, click the E-mail Address button in the _____ section.
Link to
You can copy styles from one workbook to another through the use of the
Merge Styles dialog box.
What happens if you select and merge a block of cells that contain data?
Only the data in the upper left cell of the block will be retained.
Which of the following is not one of Excel's basic chart types?
What is the first step in unhiding a row with the mouse?
Position the mouse pointer on the slightly thicker gray line in the row header.
When writing a formula by pointing, how do you end the formula?
Press the Enter key.
To restore the default layout and color to a SmartArt graphic, click the _____ button.
Reset Graphic
What button can you use to return chart formatting back to the original layout?
Reset to Match Style
To maintain the proportions of an image while resizing it with the sizing handles, hold down the _____ key while dragging the sizing handle.
You can create organizational charts and other types of graphics by using the
SmartArt button.
You can insert symbols and special characters into a workbook by clicking the _____ button in the Symbols group on the INSERT tab.
To insert WordArt into an Excel worksheet, click the WordArt button in the
Text group on the INSERT tab.
What happens after you have selected the Screen Clipping option from the Screenshot button drop-down list?
The open web page, file, or Windows desktop displays in a dimmed manner and the mouse pointer displays as crosshairs.
With the _____ feature, you can distort and modify text to conform to a variety of shapes.
Can you specify more than one print area? If so, how?
Yes, by selecting the first print area, clicking the Print Area button, clicking Set Print Area, and then selecting the next print area, clicking the Print Area button, and then clicking Add to Print Area.
Can you insert a picture watermark into an Excel worksheet? If so, how?
Yes; click the Picture button in the Header & Footer Elements group.
Can the Symbol dialog box be resized? If so, how?
Yes; drag a corner of the dialog box with the mouse.
What displays around a chart when it is selected?
a border with sizing handles
When you click the AutoSum button, Excel looks first for a range of cells containing numbers _____ the active cell, and then _____ the active cell.
above; to the left of
You can use your mouse to change the height of multiple rows at the same time if the rows are
adjacent to one another.
The term APR stands for
annual percentage rate.
As you accumulate more and more workbooks, it becomes important that they
are grouped logically and stored in folders.
This type of chart emphasizes the magnitude of change rather than the rate of change.
Functions require inputs upon which to operate. The inputs, which can be numbers or cell references, are called
If you enter numbers into a cell, they will be automatically aligned
at the right side of the cell.
If you undo an action with the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar and then decide that you want to reinstate the action, you
can press the Redo button.
To apply a style, select the cell(s) to which the style will be applied,
click the Cell Styles button in the Styles group and then pick a style from the drop-down gallery.
You can display the Find and Replace dialog box by
clicking the Find & Select button in the Editing group on the Home tab, then clicking Find.
A(n) _____ chart uses bars to compare separate (noncontinuous) items as they vary over time.
By default, Excel creates a chart's legend using the
column headings.
When you click the Shapes button, the mouse pointer changes to
Excel is primarily a spreadsheet program, but it also contains some basic _____ functions, such as sorting data.
Which of these tasks cannot be accomplished by using the Header & Footer Tools Design tab?
displaying selected rows of data in the header on every page
There are several ways to save an Excel workbook. Which of the following is not one of them?
double-clicking the File tab on the ribbon
To change the height of a row using your mouse, position the mouse pointer on the boundary line in the row header until the mouse pointer turns into a _____, then drag the boundary to the desired height.
double-headed arrow pointing up and down
Which of the following is not one of the types of cell references discussed in Chapter 2?
The Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal buttons change decimal places for
existing numbers only.
To move a SmartArt graphic, the mouse pointer must become a
four-headed arrow.
If you want to increase both height and width of a chart at the same time
hold down the Shift key while dragging the chart's corner border.
Instead of using the sheet tab shortcut menu, you can copy a worksheet by
holding down the Ctrl key while dragging the worksheet tab from one location to another.
By default, when inserting a column in a worksheet, the new column is placed
immediately to the left of the column containing the active cell.
To include text in an IF function, you must
insert quotation marks around the text.
By default, numbers in a cell are aligned at the _____ and decimals and commas _____ display.
right; will not
To change the height and width of WordArt text, use the
white sizing handles.