Excel shortcuts
Starting a new line in the same cell
Alt + Enter
Alt, H, B, select border type
Paste formulas
Alt, H, V , F
Paste values
Alt, H, V , V
Paste special
Alt, H, V(, S)
Autosize Column
Alt, O, C, A or Double Click on column
Autosize Row
Alt, O, R, A or Double Click on Row
Remove gridlines (NEVER add them)
Alt, W, V, G
Freeze panes, Unfreeze panes
Deleting row or column
Ctrl + (-)
Ctrl + 5
Highlight entire Workbook
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + I
Adding new Workbook
Ctrl + N
Ctrl + P
Navigate Between Tabs
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
Ctrl + S
Adding row or column
Ctrl + Shift + (+/=) -> up/down arrows through options -> enter
Highlight All Cells in a Range
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow
Selecting Entire Column
Ctrl + Spacebar
Ctrl + U
Scroll to the End of a Range
Ctrl + Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Z
View Cells within Formula
Ctrl + `
Paste format
Ctrl+shift+v, t, enter OR Alt, H, V, R
To click into a cell
Absolute cell reference within a Formula
Repeat the last function
Keys must be pressed in unison
Keys must be pressed successively (one then the next)
Adding Tab in Workbook
Shift + F11
Selecting Entire Row
Shift + Spacebar
Highlight Cells
Shift+ Up/Down/Left/Right Arrow
FN keys not working?
Your fn key (bottom row, second from left on keyboard) likely doesn't have a light. If so, fn+shift should do the trick
to copy highlighted data that has hidden rows and or columns in it press this keystroke shortcut to select visible cells only
alt ;
to continue selecting different rows from a group of words in a column
alt down arrow press name you want
exit from excel
alt f4
to split click so you can see diff portions of screen
click where you want, view split double click it to get rid of the split
to select all the cells active in a worksheet
ctrl a
to zoom in
ctrl alt +
to zoom out
ctrl alt -
to see the last active cell in a sheet
ctrl end
to hide the ribbon tab
ctrl f1
to get back to left hand upper corner no matter where we are in a worksheet
ctrl home
ctrl n
shortcut to create a new workbook
ctrl n (think of n for new)
ctrl o
ctrl s
go full screen
ctrl shift f1
how to take numbers that have formulas and make them hardcoded
ctrl shift v
to show formulas
ctrl spanish tilda
toggle between workbooks
ctrl tab
ctrl w
to go to the end or top of a column
double click the buttom edge or double click the top edge
save as
to see a specific cell
f5, type in the cell youre looking for and hit ok
to get a word directly under another
first word alt enter second word
to fill in blank rows where theres a value above a series of blanks that should be filled in
go to home, find and select, paste special, blanks, then all the blanks are selected and we go = a2 and press ctrl enter so that each rows spit out their own info
Copy formula (or cells) to cells to the right
highlight a range of cells with the formula as the leftmost cell, then hit control + R
Copy formula (or cells) down
highlight a range of cells with the formula as the topmost cell, then hit control + D
to make a graph
highlight a series of data, dont include the total column, press alt and f1
to make a graph on a new sheet
highlight the column and then do F11
you can show all formulas and even highlight if wanted
home, find and select, hit formulas
means whenever the current cell is equal to the cell above it
to see the menu and control from keyboard
press alt and then the letters following
to drag down the same date
select the cell of the first date, press ctrl key and drag down
create a new worksheet
shift f11
to select an entire row
shift space
quick access tool bar to see different windows
view tab, right click switch windows then go up to see the navigation
Freeze the first column in the current spreadsheet.
with column a visibile, select freeze first column from freeze panes options on view ribbon