Excel tutorial 4 ex 208
To explode a pie slice
First click the pie to select all of the slices, then click the single slide you want to move. Make sure that a selection box appears around only that slice. Drag the slice away from the pie to offset it from the others. You can explode multiple slices by selecting each slice in turn and dragging them away.
A pie slice
Is an example of a data marker that represents a single data value from a data series.
To explode all of the slices.
Select the entire pie and drag the pointer away from the pie's center. Each pie piece will be exploded and separated from the others.
Pie slice colours
Should be as distinct as possible to avoid confusion.
An exploding pie chart
Moves one slice away from the others as if someone were taking the piece away from the pie.
Tip ex 209
You can select any chart element using the chart elements box in the current selection group on the CHART TOOLS FORMAT tab.
Exploding pie charts
Are useful for emphasizing one category above all of the others.