exercise phys chapter 5

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Which of the following statements best describes sympathetic nerve stimulation?

"It is the predominant mechanism by which the autonomic nervous system exerts control during exercise" and "it causes the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla."

The myelin sheath is segmented by small gaps every _____ to 3 mm along the length of the axon.


The Na+-K+ pump pumps out _____ sodium ions for every 2 potassium ions that are returned to the interior of the neuron.


When a membrane depolarizes, its charge changes from the resting membrane potential to _____ mV.


_________ is a primary neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction.


Slow motor units are normally recruited first in a muscle action.


A motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is called a(n)

a motor unit

Maximal force is produced by a muscle when _____ of the motor units in a muscle is/are activated.


The cycling process of recruitment that allows for individual motor units to take turns resting while others are active is known as

asynchronous recruitment

Multipolar neurons predominate in the


What part of the brain is known as the "seat of consciousness"?


The size principle order of recruitment helps to do what during submaximal muscle actions?

delay fatigue

Each ion has its own _____ gradient, which serves as its driving force across the membrane when channels are open.


A sprinter would have more type I fibers in their thigh muscles.


During an energy transformation, chemical energy presented by the action potential is transformed into electrical energy.


During depolarization and repolarization of a neuron, ion channels remain open for many seconds.


During the first few weeks of a resistance training program, large increases in strength are due entirely to muscle hypertrophy.


Motor units made up of type II fibers are typically recruited first due to the lower recruitment thresholds of their neurons.


Neurons are all uniform in shape and size.


Presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes must be adjoined to transfer a neurotransmitter.


Recruitment thresholds are uniform in all muscles.


Studies have shown resistance training to result in lower electromyography (EMG) recordings during maximal efforts.


The most common type of neuron is bipolar neurons.


The nervous system receives input from only environments internally connected to it.


The number of neuron types is known and all are classified.


The parasympathetic nervous system is often called the "fight-or-flight" nervous system.


When no impulse is being conducted, the inside of the neuron has a net positive charge.


Multiple motor unit summation varies the _____ produced by a muscle.


All of the following are functions of the parasympathetic nervous system except

heart rate increased

During repolarization, the membrane will become


Which part of the brain is known as the "homeostatic center"?


The nodes of Ranvier allow action potentials to _____ from node to node along the axon.


The myelin sheath is high in which content?


Excitatory neurotransmitters do the following:

make the membrane more permeable to Na+

The simplest reflex is the

monosynaptic reflex

Movement force and velocity are ultimately determined by the

motor cortex

The key to any movement is the activation of what?

motor units

Balance involves the connection between what two systems in the body?

nervous and muscular

What cells provide support and nourishment to neurons, as well as forming myelin sheaths around the axons?


The small gaps along the myelinated nerve are called

nodes of ranvier

Receptors are what type of molecule?


The arrangement of positive charges on the outside of a neuron and negative charges on the inside accounts for the

resting membrane potential

When muscles are generating a low amount of force, motor units with _____ are recruited first.

small axons

Target organs for autonomic nerve impulses include

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and endocrine glands

he ions that are predominantly located outside the neuron's cell membrane are


Axons vary in length due to the distance from the spinal cord to the

target cell

The complete summation of twitches is called


All of the following are types of neurons except


A motor unit is one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it innervates.


Almost half of all energy consumption in the body is used to synthesize and maintain the Na+-K+ pump and related channels.


Alpha motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle and are responsible for sending signals from the central nervous system (CNS) to skeletal muscle.


An alpha motor neuron has relatively short dendrites but long axons


At progressively higher rates of action potential firing, the resultant muscle twitches can become completely summated so that there is no evidence of relaxation between twitches.


Muscle fibers innervated by fast-fatigue resistant motor units are capable of developing considerable amounts of force.


Reciprocal innervation can be affected by exercise training.


Salatory conduction conserves energy by reducing the energy needed by the Na+-K+ pump.


The Na+-K+ pump requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to function.


The all-or-none law is true only for individual motor units within a muscle, not for the whole muscle.


The larger the motor neuron, the higher the recruitment threshold for firing the action potential.


Type I muscle fibers are associated with slow motor units.


Unmyelinated axons use a local circuit of ionic current flow to gradually conduct the action potential along the axon.


When a nervous impulse occurs, sodium enters the cell before potassium leaves the cell.


afferent neurons carry sensory information from muscle to the central nervous system.


increasing the excitability of motor neurons makes high-threshold motor units easier to recruit.


the regulation of blood pressure and breathing falls under the autonomic nervous system control.


The brief period of muscle activity producing force is known as a(n)


Each of the following is the ways the body utilizes the size principle except

varying the timing of the electrical stimulus to the motor units

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