Exercise Prescription

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Alexandra is a 26 yr old client who weighs 118 lbs. She is running on a treadmill at 7 mph up a 3% grade. How many calories is she burning each month if she runs 30 minutes 3x/week?

4,448 kcal/month

What running speed in mph is equivalent to an energy expenditure of 12 METS?

7.2 mph

Approximately how long would it take to run a mile at 7.2 mph?

8 min 20 sec

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC, refers to:

the time frame of elevated VO2 after exercise ceases.

Marvin is a 37 year-old, 173 lb client who is exercising to lose weight. He cycles at a work rate 150 watts. How many minutes would he need to cycle in order to lose a pound of fat.

318 minutes

Martin is a 55 year-old, 225 lb client who is exercising to lose weight. He cycles at a work rate 125 watts. How many minutes would he need to cycle in order to lose a pound of fat.

337 min

What happens to variables as we increase exercise intensity?

all of them increase except for diastolic bp

What is physical activity related to VO2

"subjective" measured by self-reports or accelerometers (FitBit).

Angela successfully completed her first month slightly above target and wants to ramp up her intensity so she can guarantee her weight maintenance. She feels that she can handle a 6.0 mph pace on level ground now. How much weight will she lose next month, assuming that same dietary intake, and exercise frequency/duration?

.4 lbs

What are the VO2 max adaptations?

1.Mitochondrial density increases (more mitochondria) •Increase in enzymes of Kreb's Cycle and ETC 2.Mitochondrial quality increases •Fewer mtDNA mutations •Less fragmentation of mitochondrial reticulum 3.Heart •Stronger, Bigger, Increased Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output 4.Improved vasculature •Arterial endothelium is healthier more elastic, less damaged 5.Improved O2 transport and delivery •Greater blood volume, increased hematocrit, increased myoglobin

Lucas is a 25-year-old graduate student who recently performed a measured VO2max test (56 mL/kg/min) and wants to know what kinds of physical activities will increase his heart rate beyond 60% of his maximal exercise intensity. His resting HR is generally 60 bpm. Use the peak METs method to determine a MET value he should try to exceed in his training program.


Using the heart rate reserve method and the HRR % intensity range from the previous question, what target heart rate range do you prescribe for Marie?

105-112 bpm

Your new client, Annie, is 70 yrs old and has a resting heart rate of 100 bpm. She has been cleared for light to moderate exercise by her physician. She has been physically inactive most of her life. She tells you she would like to walk for her exercise. You have her walk a mile to determine her current fitness level. Her predicted VO2max is 21 ml/kg/min placing her in the very poor category for her age. Using the heart rate reserve method, what target heart rate range do you prescribe for her?

115-120 bpm

Gilligan weighs 140 lbs. He expends 5 METS climbing trees and gathering coconuts for 30 minutes 7 days/week. How many calories/week is he expending?

1170 kcal/week

Exactly 4 weeks before Christmas, Angela fell while running in an early snowstorm and injured her shoulder. It hurts her to run, but she can pedal a cycle ergometer pain free. She has a Monarche ergometer, which has a distance per wheel revolution of 6 meters. Assuming she maintains her same workout time and frequency, what work rate (in watts) would she need to sustain in order to maintain her rate of weight loss until Christmas?

162 Watts

Charley weighs 198 lbs and wants to lose weight. He decides to start a running program but doesn't want to change his diet. How many lbs of fat can he expect to lose in a month if he runs for 20 minutes 5 days/week on mostly level surfaces at a 7 mph pace.

2 lbs

George is 51 yrs old and weighs 163 lbs. He has recently started walking on a treadmill at 3 mph up a 6% grade. What is his relative oxygen consumption (ml/kg/min) each time he exercises? How many kcals/min is he burning each time he exercises?

20.2 ml/kg/min and 7.47 kcals/min

What running speed in mph is equivalent to an energy expenditure of 10 METS?

5.9 mph

Madeleine's best friend convinced her to join the Jr High cross-country team. She has done no running prior to joining the team. At her pre-participation physical her doctor encouraged her to eat more, especially given her recent increase in PA. She averages13.5 miles per week running at an 8 min mile (7.5 mph) pace on level surfaces. She weighs 75 lbs. How many more calories should she add to her weekly caloric intake to compensate for her increased energy expenditure?

802 calories

what are the types of submaximal tests?

Balke Treadmill •Appropriate for deconditioned individuals, the elderly, and those with history of CVD. •Speed is held constant •Treadmill incline increases with each stage until 85% HRmax Bruce Treadmill •More difficult test, not recommended for deconditioned individuals or the elderly. •Speed and incline increases until 85% HRmax Ebbeling Treadmill •Appropriate for low-risk, apparently healthy, non-athletic adults •Single stage, 4 minute test, walking •Use mph and HR to calculate VO2 Astrand-Rhyming Cycle •May be difficult for those not accustomed to riding a bike at a moderate to high intensity. •6 min, single-stage bike test •Use HR and workload to predict VO2

During the first exercise session you have Marie wear a heart rate monitor and you begin a 20 minute walk on the treadmill at her prescribed HR intensity. After 2-3 minutes of exercise she says it is too hard for her. What do you do?

Decrease the speed of the treadmill and record the new heart rate range that she is able to maintain.

Jill, another sedentary client trained vigorously for two months, trying to improve her fitness level. She preferred to not do a maximal treadmill test. Instead, she ran on the treadmill at 5 mph (same workload) before and after her training program. Which of the following measurements performed during these tests would indicate a successful improvement in fitness?

Decreased rating of perceived exertion

In the progression from rest to maximal exercise on a treadmill, which of the following physiological variables will stay the same or decrease?

Diastolic blood pressure

Which of the following is NOT proof of an improved CRF?

Elevated recovery HR

Explain the Queens College Step test protocol

Equipment: •step (16.25 in) •metronome •stopwatch Prior to testing: •Avoid foods/drugs that alter heart rate (e.g. caffeine, beta-blockers) •Avoid exercising within 24 hr or consuming a large meal within 2 hr Protocol: 1.Step height 16.25 in 2.Men step at a cadence of 96 bpm, women 88 bpm for 3 minutes 3.Check pulse within 5 sec of completion of test (client is standing) for 15 sec, multiply by 4 Men: V02max = 111.33 - (0.42 x HR) Women: V02max = 65.81 - (0.1847 x HR)

Why is a world record marathon pace slower than a world record 1600 m pace?

For a marathon you are going to be relying heavily on fat metabolism. Fat takes the longest to metabolize. When you are running a mile, you may not need to tap into these fat stores.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding HIIT.

HIIT produces smaller improvements in VO2max than moderate continuous exercise.

As VO2 max increases what also increases?


Your sedentary client trained vigorously for two months, trying to improve his fitness level. You had him perform a maximal treadmill test before and after this training. Both times he reported a 19 of 20 rating of perceived exertion in the final minute of exercise, based on a 6-20 RPE scale. Which of the following variables would NOT be significantly greater in the 2nd test compared to the first?


Why does speed decrease as the duration of exercise increases?

If we want to increase speed, then we need to use some of the faster systems such as phosphagen and glycolysis. If we want to run longer, we need to use the aerobic systems to create more ATP to sustain energy but this takes longer to do. We cannot maintain a fast speed when running longer distances because our body cannot keep up with creating ATP.

Your new client, Marie, is 65 yrs old and has a resting heart rate of 83 bpm. She has been cleared for light to moderate exercise by her physician. She has been physically inactive most of her life. She tells you she would like to walk for her exercise. You have her walk a mile to determine her current fitness level. Her predicted VO2max is 24 ml/kg/min placing her in the poor category for her age. What HRR intensity range do you select for her?

Low 30-40%

Which of the following is true regarding data for CRF in men and women?

Low CRF levels have been shown to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

What are the benefits of interval training?

Lower exercise volume and time commitment •Similar or greater adaptations when compared to moderate continuous exercise. -↑ Skeletal muscle oxidative capacity -↑ peripheral vascular function -↑ Max oxygen uptake -↑ Performance -Improves CVD risk factors •Oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin sensitivity

Which of the following is the gold standard for assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF)?​​​​​​

Measured oxygen consumption during a maximal-intensity effort

What are the types of interval training?

SIT (Sprint interval training) All-out supramaximal effort ≥ 100% VO2peak *sprint the straights jog the curves HIIT (High-intensity interval training) Greater than anaerobic threshold 4 x 4 (4 intervals, 4 min) ≥ 85-95% peak HR 3 x 3 (3 intervals, 3 min) ≥ 70% peak HR LVIT (Low-volume interval training) Demanding to more severe protocols 8 bouts of all-out 20s intervals, 10s rest; 4 days/wk 2-3 bouts of all-out 20s, 2-3 mins rest; 3 days/wk

The speed at which a world class athlete can run necessarily decreases as the duration of an event increases. Why?

The rate of ATP production decreases as he transitions to oxidative energy production.

What is interval walking

Type 2 Diabetes patients •4 months/ 5 days a week/ 60 minutes a day •Interval walking group •3 min fast walk above 70% peak energy expenditure •3 min slow walk below 70% peak energy expenditure •Moderate continuous walking group •55% peak energy expenditure Interval group showed greater beneficial changes in VO2max, adiposity, body mass, and glycemic control

Compare the 400 m world record to a predicted 400 m world record if running at a 100 m pace. Why are they different?

We are using different energy systems. In the 100m dash we are primarily using phosphagen systems because it doesn't require much time to run a 100m dash. In the 400m we need to sustain energy longer so we are using more of the rapid glycolosis system. In both of them we substrate CHO, but in the 400m we might use a little bit of fat.

Compare the different times for the 1600 m. Why can't someone run a 1600 m at a 100 m world record pace? Why can't someone run a 1600 m at a 400 m pace?

We have to use aerobic metabolism to sustain energy needed to run the 1600m and aerobic metabolism takes much longer than anaerobic metabolism used in the 100m and 400m races.

what considerations should be taken when deciding what VO2 max test to take?

What are the needs of your client? What equipment do you have? Precision required? Exercise mode appropriate? Safety concerns?

When we exercise in the heat, cardiac drift results in a LOWER heart rate, which negatively affects performance.


At the same sub-maximal workload what happens to these variables following training?

heart rate decreases SV increases Cardiac output does not change with sub-maximal intensity SBP decreases DBP stays the same or decreases VO2 does not change with sub-maximal intensity

Which of the following is NOT a physiological adaptation to aerobic exercise training?

increased maximal heart rate

How is intensity defined in terms of using the talk test?

light - easily speak moderate -carry on a normal conversation with moderate effort vigorous - talk but not sing

Following training what happens to these variables at max intensity compared to training?

max HR does not increase SV increases cardiac output increases SBP decreases DBP stays the same or decreases VO2 max increases

In a submaximal test as work rate increases what also increases?

oxygen uptake

What is aerobic fitness related to VO2

quantitative measure of body's ability to utilize O2 to produce ATP - VO2max

How is moderate intensity defined?

•60-80% of HRmax •40-59% VO2R or HRR •3-6 METs

How is vigorous intensity defined?

•80% of HRmax •60-84% VO2R or HRR •˃6 METs

VO2 max is

•Better determinant of your overall health because it is a direct measure of heart, vascular, muscle and metabolic statuses. •Biggest single contributor to overall risk of all-cause mortality.

What are field and step tests?

•Measure CRF by how much time a client takes to cover a set distance OR by measuring how far a client can go in a set amount of time. Common Examples Rockport walk test 1.5 mile run 12 min run/walk •Widely utilized, minimal equipment •Subjective in nature because they depend upon the client's effort. •Very versatile - a variety of exercise modes may be used. •Can be done in a short amount of time, and may be performed practically anywhere. •Assess large groups of people.

Submaximal tests

•Relies on predictions and therefore has an increased chance of error compared to the VO2max test. •To reduce prediction error, four assumptions must be met: 1.Steady state HR achieved within 3-4 min of each workload 2.HR increases linearly with work rate 3.Work rate maintained through each stage 4.Estimation of HRmax should be accurate

What changes take place when we exercise in high altitude?

↓ P02 (partial pressure) •means that the driving force of 02 is decreased from lungs to blood and blood to cells. •↑ erythropoiesis Practical Implication: •↓ intensity until acclimatized (2 to 4 weeks)

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