Exploration and Colonization

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a nickname for the middle colonies.


When was Jamestown founded?


What is persecution?

Being harassed and discriminated against because of race, or political or religious beliefs.

Who settled in Georgia?

Debtors and criminals.

What was the first written constitution in the colonies?

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, which expanded voting rights to beyond church members. - Thomas Hooker

Geographical traits of the Southern Colonies.

Great farmland with a long growing season.

Geographical traits of the New England Colonies.

Hilly, rocky soil, cold, short growing season, rivers, and forest. Not good for farming.

They believe everyone deserves equal representation in government.

How do the Quaker beliefs lead to better representation?

It emphasizes education and people are more willing to question authority.

How does the Great Awakening affect the colonies?

Magna Carta

In 1215 the King of England agreed to give up some of his power for the first time by allowing his barons to have trails by jury.

Mayflower Compact

In 1620, it was the first written document for self government.

What did England trade to Africa?

Iron, cloth, and weapons.

What the economy?

It deals with the way money is made, and spent.

The 1st Great Awakening

It emphasized the importance of religion in people's lives. New religious groups take root like Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians.

Why is a swamp a bad place to live?

It is low and floods. It is a bad place for clean water and has and breeds mosquitoes that spread diseases.

Why were there Dutch, Swedish, German, and Finish people in the Middle colonies?

It started out as the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam which invited a diverse group of settlers.

Why was the founding of Jamestown considered a success?

It was able to survive and continue thanks to England sending more people to replace the dying and more supplies to help them survive.

Why was Jamestown a bad place for a colony?

It was built in a swamp and surrounded by Natives that claimed the land.

Why is Jamestown important?

It was the first successful English Colony.

Colony of Georgia

It was the last colony settled as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the wealthy English Southern colonies with their cash crops.

What is the starving time?

It was the time when food was very scarce in Jamestown and people were dying from lack of food.

The English Bill of Rights 1689.

It wrote out the rights guaranteed to all Englishmen.

This allowed election of representatives on local things.

Leaders for village meeting houses and church councils.

Who got to vote in the colonies?

Local white men that owned property.

Which colony was set up as a safe place for Catholics?


Which colonies made up the Southern Colonies?

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.

What natural geographic feature helps to make a city a good trade and market city?

Natural harbors that are deep enough to handle and protect big ships.

Which colonies made up the New England colonies?

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island.

Which colony was originally New Amsterdam

New York

Which colonies made up the Middle Colonies?

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

The core beliefs of the Quakers

Pacifists (they are against violence), Inner light (everyone has access to god, not just the church), Equality (everyone is equal), and against slavery.

How does religious freedom develop in the colonies?

People that aren't welcome in colonies like Massachusetts because of their religion move to new colonies that are more tolerant of them.

How does a diverse population encourage more tolerance?

People with different cultures and views that live together tend to be more open and understanding of differing views.

They had good natural harbors and rivers. These allowed trade inland as well as quick access to the oceans.

Places like New York, Boston, and Charleston.

Where did the Pilgrims start their colony?

Plymouth in 1620, which later becomes Massachusetts.

Which colony was the the first to establish true religious freedom among all members?

Rhode Island.

Who founded Rhode Island?

Roger Williams, a minister that dissented against the church in Massachusetts.

Anne Hutchinson

She was kicked out of Massachusetts for dissenting against the authority of the church and led people to Rhode Island for religious freedom.


Super large farms that grow cash crops and require large amounts of labor.

Which colonial region was nicknamed "the Breadbasket"

The Middle Colonies.

Which colonial region was based on religion?

The New England Colonies.

Which group settled in Pennsylvania?

The Quakers.

What is another name for the Pilgrims?

The Separatists because they wanted to separate from the Church of England.

Which colonial region centered around cash crops like Rice, Indigo, and Tobacco?

The Southern Colonies

Which region developed a reliance on slave labor?

The Southern Colonies.


The economic theory that the richer a country is the more powerful it becomes.

The House of Burgesses

The first representative government in the English colonies.

What is a representative government?

The people chose someone to represent their views in government.

Why is the New England area good for mills?

The rivers flow down hill with enough force to turn water wheels that turn machinery.

What was the middle passage?

The slaves being brought to the colonies. It was the most cruel passage or trade route.

Colonial Era

The time period when European countries explored the new world and established colonies to expand their empires.

Why might colonies not like mercantilism?

They can only trade with the host country using the host country's ships. This limits colonists freedom and profits.

What economic activity did New England focus on?

They did ship building, fishing, whaling, and the shipping trade.

How do colonies help mercantilism

They exist only to help the host country, by making it richer and more powerful.

What is the main reason for colonies?

They trade only with the host country providing raw materials and are a market for finished goods.

Why did the Pilgrims settle in America?

They wanted freedom to practice their religion.

The Puritans

They wanted to purify the Church of England.

The distance between England and the colonies (about 3000 miles).

This gave the colonies the ability to govern themselves to take care of immediate needs, a step towards self government.

The middle colonies

This region had a diverse population.

Who founded Connecticut offering more religious freedom?

Thomas Hooker, a minister.

Which crop saved Jamestown economically?


Triangular Trade Routes

Trade between the English colonies in the Americas with England, and Africa.

Which colony does Jamestown become?



Which colony had the House of Burgesses?

Their size requires large amounts of labor.

Why did the slave trade grow with the plantation system?

They grew mostly grains like corn and wheat, as well as raised livestock like cattle.

Why was the nickname "Breadbasket" given to a colonial region?

Who founded Pennsylvania?

William Penn

subsistence farming

barely growing just enough to live on.

cash crops

crops that can be grown in large quantities to sell for profit.

When did England set up the 13 colonies in North America?

during the Colonial Era

reasons for exploration

expand empire, more trade routes, religious conversion, and religious freedom.

Geographical traits of the Middle Colonies

good farmland for grains and livestock, and good harbors for ports.

the Southern colonies

had plantations and slave labor

Rhode Island

members could worship any religion and included non christians and people that did not go to church.

Diverse population

people from different backgrounds, cultures, and religions.

Ethnic group

people that share a common cultural background or descent.

What was traded between the colonies and England?

raw materials like rice, tobacco, indigo, sugar, and rum in exchange for cloth and manufactured goods.

more wealth, spread religion, fame, or a better life.

reasons for exploration

Which group did Not choose to immigrate to the English colonies?

slaves from Africa.

What did Africa trade to the English colonies in the Americas?

slaves, gold, and pepper.


to go against a belief or opinion.

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