EXSS 180 Unit 3 Study Guide

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Why is there a need for a NEW definition of Physical activity?

-More inclusive -PAG excludes categories of PA -Captures the PA that is interesting/critical to the therapeutic, medical side of EXSS such as: -Stroke victim -Child with cerebral palsy -Amputee

What are 3 important things about this new definition?

-No stipulations about energy requirements of the movements - The setting in which the physical activity takes place is irrelevant -Only intentional and voluntary movement

What are the three types of intentional gestures?

-emblems -illustrators -regulators

Skilled movement

-learning results in change of behavior -sport: competitive context

What are the two sub sections of skilled movement?

1) Sport 2) Developmental skill

What were the two biggest preventable causes of death in north carolina in 2007?

1) Tobacco use 2) Diet/physical inactivity

What are the 3 reasons people engage in exercise?

1) improve athletic, military or some other kind of physical performance 2) improve their health 3) regain performance that has been reduced as a result of injury or disease

The state board of education shall make available to each LEA (local education agency) a coordinated school health program model designed to address health issues of students and staff, SO WHAT 10 COMPONENTS MUST BE INVOLVED

1. Health Education 2. Physical education and physical activity 3. Nutrition environment and services 4. health services 5. counseling, psychological and social services 6. social and emotional climate 7. Physical Environment 8. employee wellness 9. family engagement 10. community involvement

What are the 3 subcategories of Exercise?

1. Training 2. Health-related 3. Therapy (like physical activity)

What are the 10 most commonly sited reasons for why people do not have a more physically active lifestyle according to the cdc?

1. don't have enough time to exercise 2.find it inconvenient to exercise 3.lack of self motivation 4.dont find it enjoyable 5. find exercise boring 6.lack confidence in their ability to be physically active (low self-efficacy) 7. fear being injured or have been injured recently 8.lack self management skills such as the ability to set personal goals. monitor progress or reward progress toward such goals 9. lack encouragement, support or companionship from family and friends 10. do not have parks, sidewalks, bike trails or safe/pleasant walking paths convent to their homes or offices

What factors influence our physical activity and health?

1.Envionmental 2. Societal/cultural 3. Personal/genetics 4. Policy

What is "healthful living education" according to the healthy active kid bill?

1/2 health class and 1/2 physical education

According to the healthy active kids bill how many minutes of quality physical education per week should elementary aged kids get?

150 minutes per week

How many days a week should muscle strengthen activities be done?

2 days a week

According to the healthy active kids bill how many minutes of healthful living education should middle school students get?

225 mintes per week

What percentage of adults are not active at all?


What is the 3,2,1 plan for fitness?

3 - Complete three activities for 10 consecutive minutes at a moderately intense rate OR 2 - Complete two activities for 15 consecutive minutes at a moderately intense rate OR 1 - Complete one activity for 30 consecutive minutes at a moderately intense rate

Schools are supposed to implement how many minutes daily of physical activity?

30 minutes

What percentage increase occurred from 2009 to 2010 for the incidence rate of musculoskeletal injuries due to overexertion?


How many young people aged 12-21 are not vigorously active on a regular basis?


How much physical activity should children and adolescents engage in each day according to the 2008 physical activity guidelines for americans?

60 minutes

What percentage of adults do not achieve the recommended amount of regular physical activity?

60 percent

According to CDC website on barriers what percentage of americans are not active at recommended levels?


What percentage of the US population found it difficult or impossible to walk a quarter of a mile in 2010?


What two categories are self sufficient physical activity divided into?



Activities of daily living -More personal behaviors such as grooming, using the toilet, dressing, eating or walking

Vigorous activités accoridng to the be active your way

Aerobic dance • Biking faster than 10 miles per hour • Fast dancing • Heavy gardening (digging, hoeing) • Hiking uphill • Jumping rope • Martial arts (such as karate) • Race walking, jogging, or running • Sports with a lot of running (basketball, hockey, soccer) • Swimming fast or swimming laps • Tennis (singles)

What is the CDC definition of physical activity?

Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level. physical activity is generally referring to the subject of health enhancing

2008 PAG for Americans definition of physical activity?

Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level. In these Guidelines, physical activity generally refers to the subset of physical activity that enhances health

Definition of movement

Any change in the position of your body parts relative to each other

What is the Be Active Your Way guidelines definition of physical activity?

Any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy

Moderate activites according to the Be Active Your way

Ballroom and line dancing • Biking on level ground or with few hills • Canoeing • General gardening (raking, trimming shrubs) • Sports where you catch and throw (baseball, softball, volleyball) • Tennis (doubles) • Using your manual wheelchair • Using hand cyclers—also called ergometers • Walking briskly • Water aerobics

Physical Education is...

Based on sequence of learning Opportunity to Learn Appropriate Instruction Meaningful Content It is curriculum and the environment teaches students skills, knowledge and concepts that enhance a physically active lifestyle. Basically it teaches us how to be physically active. Is NOT recess, intramurals, or recreational activities.

Health Enhancing (PAG definition)

Baseline Plus PA in PAG=health enhancing

What are the stats on obese children in NC?

Between 1995 and 2000, the number of overweight North Carolina children aged 5 to 11 years old increased 40 percent. More than one in five of 5 to 11 year-olds are overweight and one in four of 12 to 18 year-olds are overweight

What are regulators?

Body movements used guide the flow of conversation, such as shaking hands, waving, nodding. Could be used to signal to the other party that you are done talking. Shifting from one foot to another, or turning towards the door

What are emblems?

Body movements, usually hand movements that can be directly translated

How does "Be active your way" say you can add more physical activity to your life?

Building up over time -Start out by doing small amounts -Add walking and increase time and frequency

According to the surgeon general's report on physical activity and health, how can greater health benefits be achieved?

By increasing the amount, duration, frequency or intensity of physical activity

What is one of the most common types of cumulative trauma disorders?

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Define sport

Define sport Involves skilled movement that is organized in game contexts. -Players try to achieve a goal in a manner specified by rules, usually in competitive contexts

What are the two categories of Physical activity?

Exercise and Skilled movement

What is the PA Guidelines definition of exercise?

Exercise is a form of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and performed with the goal of improving health or fitness. So, although all exercise is physical activity, not all physical activity is exercise.

What is training?

Exercise performed for the express purpose of improving athletic, military, work related or recreation related performance

Amount of activity is a function of what?

FIT Frequency, intensity, duration(time)

Health related physical fitness

Health Related Cardiorespiratory Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Balance Body Composition

Health related physical fitness?

Health Related Cardiorespiratory Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Balance Body Composition

Expressive movements

Idiosyncratic movements that are not required for goal attainment but that express something about the individual

According to the PAG how much physical activity should elderly get?

If they cannot do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week because of chronic conditions, they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions allow

According to the PAG what is extensive health benefits?

Increase the amount of rigorousness of physical activity to extended the health benefits they provide -adults should increase their aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate intensity, or 150 minutes a week of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity


Instrumental activities of daily living. -Less personal activities of telephoning, shopping, cooking or doing laundry

What is the New Conceptualization of Physical Activity by EXSS and Karl Newell?

Intentional, voluntary movement directed toward achieving an identifiable goal. *A goal doesn't necessarily need to be sports oriented or crazy. Learning to shave again after a stroke is considered a goal.

What is a risk factor?

It is genetic, heritable and out of ones control. Example: breast cancer runs in my family, breast cancer is a risk factor for me, and there is nothing that I can do about it.

Baseline is considered (with the PAG definition)

Light intensity ADL (activities of daily living. doing dishes, showering) Only baseline=inactive

What are hypo kinetic diseases?

Low physical activity diseases

Does 30 minutes of PA replace physical education?

NO. physical education or PE is a component of a healthful living standard course of study

According to the new definition of physical activity, does simply moving your body constitute physical activity?

No, only movement that is intentional and voluntary and purposefully directed toward an identifiable goal meets the technical definition of physical activity that is used

Physical activity VS Physical fitness

PA Any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level. Physical fitness Definition: The ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies. Measurable; an outcome/product of exercise How to assess: Physical fitness includes a number of components consisting of cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic power), skeletal muscle endurance, skeletal muscle strength, skeletal muscle power, flexibility, balance, speed of movement, reaction time, and body composition.

Performance related physical fitness

Performance Related PF Agility Coordination Speed Reaction Time Power

What is therapeutic exercise?

Performed to restore capacities previously acquired or developed that have been lost due to injury disease or behavioral patterns

Exercise is...

Planned Structured Repetitive Purposive

Physical education programs must have..

Qualified physical education specialist providing a developmentally appropriate program Adequate equipment and facilities Appropriate and meaningful content

Cumulative trauma disorders

Repetition injuries are those that result when workers repeat the same series of movements over long periods of time, often damage joints and muscles

Definition of Exercise according to the CDC

Repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more of the components of physical fitness—cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic fitness), muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition

Physical activity in sport is what?

Skilled. Which means that it is performed efficiently and effectively. Advantage belongs to competitors who have learned to move their bodies in skillful ways

Developmental skills

Skipping, walking, running, sliding, galloping, throwing, catching Non sport situations

What is Health related exercise?

Specifically developed or maintained a sound working body, free of disease and able to perform daily tasks and deal with emergencies.

What are the 2 subcategories of skilled movement?

Sport and developmental skill

True or False? Shooting a piece of paper into the wastebasket is also a form of physical activity


True or false? According to the new definition of physical activity, typing,handwriting,sewing and surgery are every bit as much as form of physical activity as is chopping wood


The Education Sphere's main objective is

That opportunities to learn or be taught a skill involving the conceptual definition of PA.

What is a risk behavior?

The choices that you make that can alter or effect things you're at risk for example: not getting annual mammograms, smoking, not exercising

What are instrumental movements?

The critical movements required to attain the goal of the activity

ergonomists/human factors engineers

The physical activity professionals who specialize in improving the efficiency, safety and well being of workers

What are illustrators?

They are gestures that we use to illustrate or complement what we are saying. when you talk to yourself you may point to yourself and when you talk about someone else you may point to them. They can also convey a particular tone in a verbal message

Is handwriting considered a goal oriented and reflective form of our thoughts emotions and feelings?


Who suffers from an estimated 63% of all work related repetitive motion injuries?


is carrying groceries from the car inside considered muscle strengthening for an elderly person?


How does the activity guidelines state that health enhancing activity should be

activity that, when added to baseline activity, produces health benefits. In this document, the term "physical activity" generally refers to health-enhancing physical activity. Brisk walking, jumping rope, dancing, lifting weights, climbing on playground equipment at recess, and doing yoga are all examples of physical activity.

whats included in the work sphere

all physical activity done in the workplace to meet the demands of employment

Physical activity is a

behavior that is being shaped and can be done anywhere

what activity is included for children but not for adults in the PAG?

bone strenthing exercises which should be done 3 days a week and is part of their 60 minutes of daily activity

face to face non contact activities

competitors interact by trying to maximize their own chances and decrease their opponents chances of wining. players deliberately attempt to thwart the efforts of their opponents and take advantage of their competitive weaknesses

Define spheres of physical activity

deminisions of everyday life in which physical activity plays an important and distinctive role

How much does "Be active your way" suggest for moderate activity per week?

do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes a week

The healthy active child bill's main goal is to...

implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child at the local level


movements of our hands, fingers, or other body parts used to communicate our intentions to others. used in place of or in conjunction with talking

side by side competition

no direct interaction between competitors

face to face contact activities

players thwart the efforts of opponents by direct physical manipulation

The primary audiences for the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans are


The Physical activity guidelines states that Baseline activity is what

refers to the light-intensity activities of daily life, such as standing, walking slowly, and lifting lightweight objects.

What is base line PA?

refers to the light-intensity activities of daily life, such as standing, walking slowly, and lifting lightweight objects. People vary in how much baseline activity they do. People who do only baseline activity are considered to be inactive according to PAG

Principal of overload

the physical stress placed on the body when physical activity is greater in amount or intensity than usual.

What are the qualifying amounts of time for -Inactive -low PA -Medium PA -High PA

—none beyond baseline -< than150 mins/week -150 to 300 mins/week ->300 mins/week

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