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The superior vena cava is an example of a large vein that includes smooth muscle circularly and longitudinally arranged in the tunica media and externa, respectively.


This fluid delivers materials to the cells and removes its waste.


This is the physical force exerted by a liquid against a surface like a capillary wall.


This shift in fluid balance at the arterial end is referred to as hydrostatic pressure.


Typically, fluid filters out the arterial end of a capillary.


Which blood type is the Universal Recipient?



Allow gaseous exchange

Which part of the lung does gas exchange occur in?


Large artery that brings oxygen rich blood to the body


Name of this structure


Where does blood flow after entering the left ventricle


This valve leads to the Aorta



Are the smallest blood vessel

During exercise, the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nerves cause which of the following to occur?

Arterioles dilate in response to epinephrine and norepinephrine.

The green represents...

Atria Contracting

Which is a true statement?

Atria contract 0.1 sec before ventricles

Which substances leave the blood by diffusing directly through the plasma membrane of endothelial cells? Check all that apply.

Glucose Large proteins Glucose


Have elastic walls

Where is the first place oxygenated blood goes?


This valve leads to the pulmonary artery


Circulation that goes from the heart to the lungs is called?

Pulmonary Circulation

Vein that brings oxygen rich blood back from the lungs

Pulmonary Vein

The atria 'repolarize' (open) during the...

QRS Complex

The Red Portion of the red represents the ____ wave.


Edema may be caused by which of the following? Check all that apply.

Reduced capillary reabsorption Hyperproteinemia (increased levels of protein in the blood)

Which side of the heart has oxygen poor blood?


Which node would be considered the 'pace maker' of the heart?

SA node

Which node 'begins' the muscle contraction?

SA node Sinoatrial Node

Which type of muscle is found in blood vessels?


Circulation that goes from the heart to the body

Systemic Circulation

Where does blood go after entering the vena cava?

The Lungs

Circulation delivering nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into the bloodstream?

hepatic portal

lymph nodes are heavily concentrated in what area?


Which organ is mainly responsible for filtering blood before taking nutrients to tissue cells


Artery that brings oxygen poor blood to the lungs

pulmonary artery

where are the peyer patches found?

small intestine

what is the largest lymphatic organ?


Veins have semi lunar valves to maintain the flow of blood


When a person is still, blood accumulates in the limbs because venous pressure is not high enough to override the weight of the blood and drive it upward.


What prevents blood from going backwards/pooling in the heart?


Large vein that brings oxygen poor blood to heart

Vena Cava

The blue represents..

Ventricles relaxing

Diastolic pressure is the minimum arterial blood pressure occurring during which of the following?

Ventricular relaxation

Which of the following does not aid in venous return?

Venule suction

After exiting the capillary, venules contain no muscle and are the first vessel that blood enters on its way back to the heart.


Fluid will then osmotically reenter at the venous end


Just prior to entering capillary beds, arterioles have become extremely thin and present only a few layers of smooth muscle.


The aorta is the first vessel blood enters upon exiting the heart.


The large (elastic) arteries expand and recoil with every heart beat due to a histologically dominant network of elastic tissue in the tunica media.


The medium veins contain abundant but irregularly spaced smooth muscle with frequent valves present in the tunica interna.


The site of gaseous exchange, or capillaries, are characterized by extremely thin walls with only endothelium and basal lamina, which better suits diffusional requirements.


Approximately what percent of fluid that exits the capillaries at the arterial end reenters the capillaries at the venous end?


Which term refers to the feedback response to blood pressure changes?


This valve separates the left atrium and left ventricle


Where does oxygen go after it reaches the alveoli

Blood Capillaries

Which of the following is not detected by chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies?

Blood pressure

Why does exercise increase venous return?

Blood vessels of the skeletal muscles, lungs, and coronary circulation dilate, increasing flow.


Branch and lead to Capilleries

Blood vessels with a single cell walls are known as


What gas passes from the blood into the alveoli?

Carbon Dioxide

Where are baroreceptors found?

Carotid sinuses


Carry De-oxygenated blood


Carry blood away from the heart


Carry blood towards the heart

Choose the accurate statements regarding the effects of edema. Check all that apply.

Even severe edema does not cause blood volume and pressure to drop low enough to cause circulatory shock. As the tissues become congested with fluid, oxygen delivery and waste removal are improved.

Exchange of gases between the alveoli and the bloodstream

External Respiration

What two independent processes are involved in gas exchange?

External and Internal Respiration

Which of the following is not a process that is essential for the transfer of oxygen?

Facilitated Diffusion

Heart rate and stroke volume decrease with a decrease in parasympathetic stimulation.


Increased sympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation, bringing elevated blood pressure back to normal.


Which of the following will not increase the heart rate?

Increased blood pressure

The exchange of gases between capillaries and the body and body cells is...?

Internal Respiration

Which side of the heart has oxygen rich blood?


Which of the following contains chemoreceptors?

Medulla oblongata

Which of the following occur during a period of exercise? Check all that apply.

Metabolite accumulation in a tissue can stimulate local vasoconstriction. The parasympathetic nervous system can selectively reduce blood flow to the kidneys and digestive tract.

How is increased muscle perfusion during exercise accomplished? Check all that apply.

Muscular contraction compresses the blood vessels. Precapillary sphincters constrict in response to muscle metabolites such as lactic acid, CO2, and adenosine. Blood is diverted from other organs such as the digestive tract and kidneys to meet the needs of the working muscles.

Which blood type is the Universal Donor?


The Green peak represents...


The amount of pressure each gas creates is called...?

Partial Pressure

Capillaries have

Permeable walls

what cell produces antibodies?

Plasma Cells

which is not a cell mediated immunity?

Plasma Cells

Both internal and external respiration rely on the establishment of...?

Pressure Gradient

The left bundle needs two main branches because...

The left ventricle has more muscle to contract

Why do fluids leave the capillaries at the arterial end?

The net filtration pressure of the blood is higher at the arterial end than it is at the venous end.

Arteries have...

Thick muscular wall

Veins have

Thiner walls than arteries

What is(are) the physiological purposes of vasoreflexes?

To cause a generalized raising or lowering of blood pressure throughout the body and to selectively modify the perfusion of a particular organ by rerouting blood from one region of the body to another


Transport blood from the arteries to the vein

This valve separates the right atrium and right ventricle


Arterioles have thinner walls than arteries?


Increased sympathetic stimulation causes increased heart rate and stroke volume.


Pulmonary Vein is the ONLY vein that lets oxygenated blood flow back to the left atrium.


The Pulmonary Artery carries de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs?


Which of the following blood vessel has the thickest, strongest, most elastic walls?


When ________ that surround the veins contract, they "milk" or push the blood toward the heart.


getting the flu is an example of what immunity?

naturally acquired active immunity

Blood usually passes through one network of capillaries from the time it leaves the heart until the time it returns, but there are exceptions, notably the __________.

portal systems and anastomoses

which of the following helps with movement of the lymphatic system?

pressure gradient all of the above one way valves skeletal muscle and respiratory pump

Which of the following is the innermost layer of a blood vessel?

tunica intima

The venous system can pump blood back to the heart because of its one way _________


The three main types of blood vessels are arteries, capillaries, and _____.


what portion of the spleen acts as a filter to debris, and worn out blood cells?

white pulp

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