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3 muscles that attach to coracoid process

- Biceps Brachii - Coracobrachialis - Pectoralis minor

3 muscles that are involved in flexion of the ARM?

- Biceps Brachii - Deltoid - Coracobrachialis

Damage to the Coracobrachialis muscle would impair which motion of the forearm ?

- Extension - Flexion - Pronation - NONE ( this muscle is not located in the forearm)

List 3 muscles that are involved in extension of the arm?

- Medial head of triceps - Long head of triceps - lateral head of triceps

The pectoralis minor - inserts - innervation - organizes what?

- inserts on the Coracoid process of the scapula - Actual function in upper extremity innervation is generally unknown - organizes the contents of the Axilla

4 muscles that attach to the medial border of the scapula ?

- levator scapulae - serratus anterior - rhomboideus major - rhomboideus minor

rhomboid major - originates from - innervated by - inserts

- originates from the ligamentum nuchae & spinous processes of C7-T1 - Innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve - inserts on the medial border of the scapula inferior to the scapular spine

These 4 arteries may contribute to the anastomosis around the scapula ?

- subscapular - transverse cervical - suprascpular - intercostal

3 muscles that are arm adductors

- teres major - pectoralis major - latissimus dorsi

3 things that are associated with long thoracic nerve injury?

- winging of scapula - difficulty with maximum arm extension overhead. - difficulty performing a push up

The nerve most likely to be traumatized with a fracture to the surgical neck of the humerus is ?


Which nerve is probably damaged if a patient cannot abduct the arm beyond 25 degrees?


which nerve would most likely be injured by a traumatic dislocation of the humeral head?


match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Teres miner

Axillary nerve

match the nerve most likely to be injured with the problem Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus?

Axillary nerve

The superficial vein that runs up the ulnar side of the upper limb is the?


paralysis of the supinator muscle only slightly affects the ability to supinate due to the unimpaired action of the?

Biceps Brachii

with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees the majority of supination is performed by the ?

Biceps Brachii

in the cubital fossa, the median cubital vein is frequently used for veinipuncture. this vein is separated from underlying neurovascular structures by the?

Bicipital aponeurosis

When taking the blood pressure, the stethoscope is usually placed on which artery ?


At which location will occlusion of the identified artery result in significant impairment of arterial flow to the distal upper extremity

Brachial artery just proximal to the profunda brachii artery

Which muscle functions only to flex the forearm ?


what muscle may be innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve and the radial nerve


The lateral boundary of the cubital fossa is formed by the

Brachioradialis muscle

The levator scapula muscle is innervated by ?

C3 - C4 cervical nerves

The Dermatome of the thumb is innervated by various elements arising from which spinal cord segments?


the middle trunk of the brachial plexus is formed by anterior rami of which spinal cord segments?


A structure found in the deltopectoral groove is the ?

Cephalic vein

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Levator Scapulae

Dorsal Scapular nerve

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Rhomboids

Dorsal Scapular nerve

If you wanted to increase the muscle mass of the latissimus dorsi muscle, what actions would you be most likely to perform?

Extension of the arm

Damage to the Coracobrachialis muscle and its nerve supply would weaken which motion of the arm and forearm?


which muscle is innervated by both the ulnar and median nerves?

Flexor digitorum profundus

Two weeks after surgical repair of this injury (fracture of surgical neck of humerus) you should be least surprised to find?

Impaired arm abduction

What muscle is a lateral rotator of the arm?


What is a muscle that is involved in arm extension.

Latissimus dorsi

The Infraglenoid tubercle serves as an attachment for the?

Long head of the Triceps

The supraglenoid tubercle serves as an attachment for the ?

Long head of the biceps brachii

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. subscapularis

Lower Subscapular nerve

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Teres major

Lower subscapular nerve

The major function of the rotator cuff muscles is to ?

Maintain the humeral head in the glenoid fossa

The ulnar nerves is a branch of which cord of the brachial plexus ?


match the nerve most likely to be injured with the problem Anterior dislocation of the lunate?

Medial brachial cutaneous nerve

A humeral shaft fracture distal to the formation of the radial groove would result in weakness of ?

Medial head of Triceps

With an injury to the right upper trunk of the brachial plexus (Erb Duchenna Paralysis), the Patients right upper extremity would be?

Medially rotated

After a time, when a motor nerve to a muscle is sectioned, the muscle will atrophy. if you notice that the Thenar muscle are atrophied, which nerve would you suppose has been injured?


At the front of the elbow, which of the following lies superficial to the bicipital aponeurosis ?

Median cubital vein

Loss of pronation of the hand suggests a lesion of the ?

Median nerve

Numbness to the skin on the lateral half of the palm of the hand would be caused by a lesion to which nerve ?

Median nerve

What nerve sends branches to the muscle of the arm?


if the dorsal rootlets of T4 are cut (dorsal rhiszotomy) there will be a loss of sensation at the level of the ?


The distal attachment (insertion) of the triceps brachii muscle is ?

Olecranon Process of the Ulna

A large muscle that arises from two heads, flexes and medially rotates the arm. It is innervated by nerves arising from different cords of the brachial plexus. This is the ?

Pectoralis major

The muscle that forms the bulk of the anterior axillary fold is the?

Pectoralis major

If a tumor grows in the quadrangular space of the axillary region which structure would be in danger?

Posterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary nerve

Which artery accompanies the radial nerve to supply the posterior compartment of the arm?

Profunda Brachii

The artery that may be palpated deep in the "anatomical snuff box" is the ?


match the nerve most likely to be injured with the problem Mid-shaft humeral fracture?

Radial nerve

The observations that extension at the elbow appeared normal, but supination of the forearm weak, warrants localization of the nerve to the?

Radial nerve in the mid-forearm

Which carpal bone articulates with the radius ?

Scaphoid and Lunate

The medial wall of the axilla is formed by which muscle ?

Serratus anterior

which joint serves as the only bony attachment of the superior limb to the axial skeleton?


the clavicle is one of the most fractured bones. in the diagram, the clavicle has been fractured at about the junction of the middle and distal thirds. Notice that the proximal end has been pulled upward. which muscle is responsible for this?


The only rotator cuff muscle that does not contribute to rotation of the arm is the?


4 muscles that rotate the arm medially (or internally) ?

Subscapularis Latissimus Dorsi Pectoralis Major Anterior fibers of the Deltoid

the initiation of arm abduction requires an intact

Suprascapular nerve

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Supraspinatus

Suprascpular nerve

The uppermost part of the rotator cuff of the shoulder is the tendon of the?


The lateral cord of the brachial plexus innervates ?

The anterior compartment muscles or the arm

The posterior cord of the brachial plexus is formed by ?

The posterior divisions of the upper, middle, and lower trunks.

The long head of the biceps brachii muscle aries from the?

The supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

match the muscle with their appropriate innervation. Latissimus dorsi

Thoracodorsal nerve

Is you slide a piece of paper between a patients fingers and asked the patient to hold onto the paper when you try to pull if from the fingers, and the patient is unable to perform the action, which nerve is suspected to be nonfunctional ?

Ulnar nerve

The nerve most likely to be injured in fractures of the medial epicondyle is the ?

Ulnar nerve

match the nerve most likely to be injured with the problem Fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus ?

Ulnar nerve

On physical exam at the begging of rehab the most likely physical finding would be? (there was a picture of a humerus fracture that was completely healed)

Weakness of anconeus

A physical sign known as "wing scapula" suggest loss of function to which of the following muscles ?

serratus anterior

what is the most common site for breast cancer ?

upper outer quadrant

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